Bow and Arrow

Chapter 129: Chapter 128 — Endure It For Them

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Endure It For Them




Waking up both from Rising Essence and to the real world, Tongqiu first saw a Natalia to his left and Diana to his right that were playing with his still not-that-formed abs with the tips of their fingers while their thumbs would rub in a crescent fashion. Looking up to see their faces, they both had a big smile and half-lidded seductive eyes, looking directly at his'.

"Eh... ladies, is there anyt-"


He was hit by a pillow as his vision became that of full darkness before he felt the weight on the bed become rather disorderly before an abrupt void was all that was left. They left him alone, for some reason.

'Were they planning to rape me?! Oh my god!' Thinking that he may have corrupted them too much without even noticing, Tongqiu stood up slowly before walking out naked towards the adjacent closet room to get some long shorts and loose long-sleeved t-shirt, the typical attire of the Villa's Master of course.

Tongqiu only had 1 hour and a half, 90 sole minutes to get all woken up and breakfast before finally starting his 'training' this time, a real one.

. . .


After having breakfast in the dinning room with everyone before going back to his room to rest and digest it all, he then headed towards the Peaceful Rain Villa's gym that was soon to become a really advanced one. But for now, he would start with some little stuff, like getting into one of those gravitational 'chambers' or cubicles where he'd be put into heavy pressure for the every movement of his body that was made.

Once in the gym already, Tongqiu saw a 'sexily' dressed Diana with incredible high-end gym clothes on. Consisting of tight pants that seemed to be incredible soft yet hella thin at the same time, they also had a 'ragged' decoration above her knees still keeping those knees hidden from his hungry eyes; they were black colored entirely except for the 'ragged' decoration that was instead 'tarnished' by the slightly bronze-like skin that had a rather golden touch given to her white skin.

Looking incredible tantalizing, she had a light blue tank top covering her small chest with her black hair tied to a ponytail, just like her Big Sister likes to do; she was putting on a pair of black-colored gloves that seemed to be made from the same material as her pants. It was too much for Tongqiu to take.

At this moment, she turned around as she was already aware of his presence, turning her eyes to look up and down at his body, she scrutinized every little part of his body as Tongqiu 'understandingly' did a spin for her checking him up before speaking towards Tongqiu in a firm yet soft manner: "Alright, sit down here and get comfortable as well as relaxed. I'll inject you with something to put you into even greater pressure, okay?"

With that, she left for the side of the gym as Tongqiu went towards a nearby bench that was a few dozen meters away from one of the dozens of gravitational areas.

As for what the entirety of the gym in the Peaceful Rain Villa consisted of, well; it was extremely big, true, but it was densely packed with many gym equipment and free space to do just about anything. None of these were risky as they were merely to strengthen one's body and stabilize one's body.

None of them, Tongqiu, Diana nor Natalia were looking forwards to creating a little elite squad in any case, so having some other special equipment, tools and even 'consumables' wasn't added to their list with Diana only making a petition for 'such' equipment and tools and the like for Tongqiu's harsh training.

At least for now, of course.

After having sat down for what seemed 15 minutes or so, he finally sensed Diana walk up to him from behind as she spoke in an almost inaudible, soft and careful voice: "What you're about to experience is the delay of your brain by 40 seconds."

If that alone wasn't enough to give him a scare, surprise and shock, then her next words were efficient at making him feel totally helpless.

"Since you have a strong awareness, I've decided to use the strongest one available outside of the Crestfallen Industry's limits. Don't worry, unless it is used in a newborn infant, it won't affect you in any way after it is over. Ah, it'll last for about 45 minutes too. It would naturally be best to use a 'basic' injection instead, but since your awareness is really even impossible for me to discern, then I can only bring forth the most scary instruments to the table."

"Now relax, this will crush your jugular if even a slight tremor or speed up of your blood happens, so, concentrate in my touch." Diana put her left hand on his left shoulder before hugging his neck from behind gently right after she finished speaking, then, she placed a cool object against his neck on his right.


As the terrible sound of his neck's skin being roughly pierced sounded, the sound of the injector sending its contents into his own body were heard and worked only to make him feel sick and to have his neck about to explode. He, however, remained calm and even indifferent at the success of these events. Effectively doing both, surprising and shocking Diana to her core as she was already prepared to hit him unconscious should she hear his blood speed up at the slightest.

"Exhale, give it some more room for movement to go around your entire body. Don't worry about your surroundings, you'll be able to think and understand everything perfectly as if you were in your own normal state. It's just that your body won't take the same response as your thoughts, mind or even surge of emotions. I'll bring you to a gravitational cubicle, I'll put you in a medium level for pressure, okay? If I put you into a low-levelled one it may not be as efficient for you and a higher levelled one may bring forth some unnecessary damage to your body, delaying our continuous training days so endure it, baby." As she spoke, she guided Tongqiu's already becoming 'sleepy' body towards the gravitational area and helped him step into a 1.25 x 1.25 meters cubicle that was surrounded by an almost invisible-like crystal-like walls. Only leaving his side to stand on his own once she felt his body adapt to the idea of standing still inside it, her heart beating up so badly that she started feeling discomfort in her left chest, it was merely emotional but she could very well grow sick should Tongqiu fail in his training.

"Okay. I'll start now, I'm sorry I can't allow your body until it responds to your thoughts, this is the training."


After saying those words, Diana harshly bit at the tip of her right index finger before placing her entire hand on one of the crystal walls that was in front of Tongqiu as a clearly 'something is about to happen' sound came to be. Her eyes had an obvious worry within themselves as her mouth remained slightly opened, Tongqiu could even 'see' her chest raising up and down continuously. She was obviously prepared to help him up at the slightest of danger, she thought he didn't see it but, he 'saw' her left hand hidden behind her butt hold a small and squared shaped, fat injector with a bubbly, sticky green liquid inside it.

If she was going to be this dedicated and thorough with training him alone, how could he coward away from this, or allow himself to fail? For her... for them, he would endure.


His body was hammered down in an instant, his body was then brutally meeting the ground flat, his head rumbled for a good 3 solid seconds before his consciousness came back to himself. He lost three seconds of action from having been in a daze, so he could only start to have the thought of raising to his feet from now on.

The problem was not the pain to be felt, which he already was excruciatingly 'enjoying', the problem was that the sensation of not acting when you're already telling your body to act was too much stimuli as he felt sensations and changes in his body he never felt before, Tongqiu was lost in those sensations for a good while when his body finally started moving with the intention to stand up albeit ever so slowly and stupidly.


Suddenly, however, as he was in the middle of finally raising to his feet entirely, his body crumbled once more as if his entire body actually became lifeless before once again meeting the ground ever so passionately.

'Fuck! I get it, I get it...' Of course, Tongqiu fell once again due to the enormous and stupid deviation of thoughts that he had even before his body started to move up. Diana did not told him of this, this was a training session not an educative experience.

So while he was standing up once again after a minute or so, Diana bit harshly on her lower lips as her eyes denounced a clear excited and hopeful glint to them.

'Grrergrghhh...' Tongqiu could only growl inside his head for his mouth would remain deadly closed and tight of movements. It was one of the side effects to prevent one from killing oneself by accident when having this kind of 'serum' injected into themselves, after all, if it wasn't the case, Tongqiu would've probably died already from his previous two greetings with the ground.

His tongue was like a rock that peeked out of the soil while being, in truth, part of an immense and colossal indestructible rock, unmoving and ageless. His teeth were coated by a whitish membrane-like substance which would protect them from deforming or being broken at any collision that didn't exceed that of one's own actions.

"T-T- Beishang! I'll, I'll stay here. Listen, once you're able to bring your own hand to my own on this wall, it'll count as a finished first day. Go ahead, do it!!" Yelling out at him with but all of her care and devotion, Diana successfully attracted all possible attention from Tongqiu at her and her words as his goal was now clear.

It was no longer to resist the gravitational pull, it was now about meeting her and her expectations, and it was about him reaching out to her.

. . .


"Yes... yes... come on..." Diana's hopeful, almost crying words came out from her mouth as Tongqiu was only a few inches apart from touching the same crystal/glass-like wall that Diana was placing her hand against to.

Tongqiu had his eyes closed as his fingers inched forwards in slight motions, almost close to that of a snail every few seconds. Like this, he has managed to successfully move and become used to the density of his situation; his body, this gravitational pull and his disadvantaged delay.


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After a little while, his hand gently landed on the wall, there shouldn't be any sound but by how amazingly incredible these 'walls' were, they emitted that sound as soon as someone touched upon them. Making it clear to anyone inside and outside of the cubicle to alert anyone of a possible incoming disaster and the like; if this was an ordinary gym, experts would've come to his side already but Tongqiu didn't need them. His eyelids, unlike what should've had happened, opened up right at the instant he wanted as she gazed at Diana's sweaty and teary face.

It was the first time seeing her teary and this time, though in the same manner that it was caused by him and she was hurt, it was not because of confusion and deception but of joy and warmth.


A strange sound was heard as the gravitational pull was lifted and the crystal-like walls were finally accessible. Diana still with her hand on the 'wall', she opened it to take Tongqiu out of there while administrating the injector in her left hand to his left wrist directly. It was from the hand he also used to 'touch' Diana's palm through the wall, which she in return grabbed as soon as she could get a hold of him, turned and pierced it with the injector, successfully relieving him of the 40 seconds delay.

It has been 33 minutes, and though her initial surprise of him being able to 'ignore' those effects at that time that was quite sooner than its actual duration has been replaced by worry, she still had it on her mind all the same.


As she did so, however, her balance was sent to the other extreme of the New Earth as they both stumbled down. Diana hit the ground on her bum while Tongqiu had his upper body be saved this time by her amazing abdomen, strong yet soft thighs and deary embrace on the back of his head by her pair of slim yet strong arms as well that seemed to be the greatest source of comfort for Tongqiu as of right now.

As he was now resting his head on her lap, he extended his right hand -as his left wrist was being rubbed and even massaged by her right hand-, before speaking in a teasing manner: "Why are you the one sweating like a pig, eh? Shouldn't I be the one making a bath out of the gym's floor? Aiyo, maybe I'll have to bath you after I can stand up."

"Pfft- ehehehe. No~, stop... Baby..." Her face visibly relaxed before her eyes turned crescent in wonder, relief and laughter as she then spoke tenderly towards his stupid, handsome and dirtied face.

"You called me Beishang..." Diana's thighs trembled for a little, afraid that it bothered him before becoming calm and jelly right after, seeing this made Tongqiu feel comfortable and glad as he then added: "I liked you calling me, by my name, hm... It's okay to do it outside the game, what do you think?"

Diana smiled ever so brightly and beautifully, but instead of answering him, she lowered her head to kiss his dusted and bruised face. Since he was kinda dirty, he wanted to clean himself off first but then he threw caution to the wind as he met Diana's lips with his own, tenderly caressing each other's flexible meat over and over again.

After pecking a little, Diana continued helped him up before talking to him.

"Okay, since it has ended, it is now time for reflection. Ah, what did you felt, how long was it before..." Then, a series of endless questioning, thought pondering realizations and thoughtful happenings were explained, teached, guided and presented before Tongqiu.

Tongqiu may be a beast in the game, but Diana's extreme knowledge was that which he lacked after all. Fundamental practice and arts, he wasn't teached much today, but he has already become more 'experienced' and itching for more 'experience' that will become his foundations and mark his progress once he had mastered it, understood it completely.

"Thoughts alone aren't enough, actions are useless if not thought out..."

"When one receives a kick after failing to punch their enemy, even a slight paralysis can make the fight be decided right after..."

"Weapons are not for the coward as one's own broken hands can even be used as one, this is an extreme and torturous method whose path is one that nobody can come back from so don't try..."

"Mmm, give me kisses and I may want to say more..."

"Oh, yes, your bones in here are specially 'sharp' but unless you have taken in some harsh 'bone-tempering' training, they'll be as useful as a bottle of beer..."

. . .


Peaceful Rain Villa, hallway of the residential area, close to Tongqiu's bedroom.


With Diana laying in his arms princess-style and a yellow, large towel enveloping her exquisite and marvelous 'tainted by the water' body, Tongqiu moved back to their bedroom, oh so ready to put her in bed and watch her kittenish self be all tired and satisfied from his skillful 'ways' that he implied along her bathing.

To put her in his arms as her 'bone-less' body and warmth invaded his every part of his body, granting him sensations that he craves for every day...

As Tongqiu was day-almost night already-dreaming and walking, he found a lightly, gently smiling Natalia in a cute nightgown waiting for them at the entrance of their bedroom.

Upon reaching a distance that was close as hell even with the little satisfied kitten in his arms, Tongqiu and Diana heard Natalia speak: "Oh, is it day of everyone sleeping naked now, or what? Hehehe, okay!"

Then, she took her nightgown off and threw in on the bedroom's floor as she sensually moved onto the bed. Though Tongqiu wasn't naked right now, he could already feel his Sleeping Dragon become a Penetrating-Clothes Dragon wake up at her little walk.

Thud, thud!

"Kyaaa!! Uh, tonight we- uh!! Agnhh..."

After Natalia finally layed her back on the bed, she then heard two thuds on the bed as a pair of bodies landed directly on it, she then felt some hands go for her neck and breasts, tenderly grazing her body all over while a Furious Dragon was already midway through her flowery garden. It hurt a little by the lack of enough heavenly water, but it was also a great nurture for increasing the secretion for a 'bright near future' of passion.

After 2 little hours, the time of meeting up with Zyv was closened by as only 33 minutes remained until the appointed time.



Rising Essence, to the far away south from Hidden White Shadow Main City on the outskirts of the 'known' lands where it was no longer a territory known by the inhabitants of cities and towns such as NPCs all were. Though it was the same for every Region, as there seemed to be two to three times the same amount of land outside the Division and Sub-Division's territories for an also unknown reason.


A sudden, ephemeral glow came to be as Tongqiu appeared on the spot, right where he logged off the 'day' prior.

'Hmm, she hasn't arrived.' It wasn't just after looking around, he properly scanned everywhere, lest he was ambushed by a hidden wolf!

'Okay, I can do some fishing I guess.' After thinking that, Tongqiu moved towards the riverbank of the lake as he allowed his feet to be slightly touched by it, there were nearby Water Cats that looked at him with some unknown hate and aversion. But since they didn't know why it was so and were solely confused because of that, they let it be and ignored him.

Tongqiu gazed at them, observing their every move, expression, body language as well as socialization as he tilted his head left, right, forwards and backwards for better take in on their 'information' from his observations alone. If he could, he would rather take some of them to raise them but he wasn't a caretaker and Zyv had 'chef' as her only sub-class. It was a little bit of a pity to kill them, but they were the only LV60 mobs he's ever seen while others that Zyv saw were in a private dungeon and those in private dungeons are much more hard to kill, let alone grind so...

He even saw one of them turn into a 'night-patterned' purple-blue snake of medium length as it came out of the water and climbed up the slope, 30 meters or so away from Tongqiu. There was also this other Water Cat that made a sudden light and strange hop before turning into an orange feathered bird with red on the tip of its feathers. It had a combination between a duck's body and an eagle's head but a swan's peak.

"Hmph~!" Loudly snorting in a cheerful manner, Tongqiu's lips formed a grin at the sight of this marvel, he was now wondering what they tasted like.



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