Bow and Arrow

Chapter 133: Chapter 132 — Entering A Private Dungeon For The First Time

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Entering A Private Dungeon For The First Time




"R-Rog- Rog?" Scared shitless and pale, the player who had previously orchestrated this crazy as fuck plan was now in the known that he was meeting his own embodied doom in person!

Without any other choice, the player took out his rapier from his bag before adopting a strange and hunched back position as he prepared himself for a duel to prove his worth, and remain in the hearts of these players! That way, there will be no other option for Zynfyl but to keep him inside his group, unless he wanted a mutiny to take place.

Ah, but though a man can dream, it isn't as if it'll become real.


Pak Tong Pak!

-1,553, -1,570, -1,730, -2,110, -1,550.

The player was easily skewered three times in a row as a couple of ephemeral flames encompassed Rog's spear, specially the spearhead. It first poked at his ribs, then at his neck before finally, poking once again at his ribs. This was done in a speed greater beyond any player's Attack Speed; it was of course, a skill. It was the LV30 skill that vanguards would get, a triple hit skill which would grant them a quick yet also powerful three attacks in a row dealing damage equal to 100% of their Physical Power at its late levels of the skill.

Rog then followed up by creating a few horizontal slashes with the spearhead grazing at the player's collar bone before making a sudden 'V' turn with it to this time slash the player's pelvis.

The guardian player was easily deleted in less than 3 seconds, being done so easily by 'Rog' with his seemingly dull and nimble-less appearance, there was no way any player would even take him seriously after this let alone treat him like a normal person.

The player recording all of this behind Rog was sweating a little, glad that he did not took that idiotic leader's side like many others. Well, would those other even be dealt with?

As if to answer this random's player little worries and reliefs, Zynfyl spoke at this moment: "Germpo, Kort, Llepa, Consela and Gu Kuena... Get. The. Fuck. Out. Here!!"

Zynfyl didn't mention only a few selected individuals, he stopped after mentioning around 70 people with the greatest precision and memory, not even hesitating nor stammering in his words even once. He grew tired after that number and merely mentioned some 'leader's' names and 'their little group', before finally shutting up in waiting.

After a few minutes were they all, those previously mentioned and hinted at, were finally in front of a little space made in purpose for their 'verdict'. It turned out to be rather close to a total of a thousand people lining up in front of Zynfyl and Rog, with them actually 802 people, players.


After another round of silent treatment, Zynfyl clapped his hands once before opening his mouth to speak: "Very good people, very good. Now, tell me. Should I deal with this, or should I ask your comrades around here on what to do with all of you, hm?"

Silence. As only quietness was present after Zynfyl finished speaking, with those 'guilty' players shamefully lowering their heads while some of them were 'defiantly' looking back at Zynfyl only to lower their heads in submission once again. None of them muttered even a single thing as time passed.

Finally, Zynfyl grew tired of this scene as he rolled his eyes before squinting them slightly, he said: "Alright! The few of you, against the two of us! Deal?!"

Shocked and surprise overwhelmed the guilty players before abrupt joy and disdain invaded them instead.

Nodding his head, Zynfyl spoke once again only to shatter their expectations: "Mn, good. Members of Lacerate 'Guild'! I want all of you to intercept and send back to the main city to all those who flee this confrontation! Understood?!"

"YES, SIR!" Everyone who weren't those few hundred guilty players yelled out in unison, their union and discipline top notch, at least casually in terms of quality.

"Let us begin." After his words left his mouth, the entirety of those few hundred players moved in to tackle them both, Zynfyl and Rog. As they were charging up towards them, Rog already had his spear out while Zynfyl slowly unsheathed his long sword.

Plack, tshn~!

After Zynfyl unsheathed his sword, he calmly held it in his right hand as he gazed at the 'few' players just a few meters before him. He then abruptly moved his left hand to his right one holding the long sword before actually 'breaking' it apart, with two identical blades coming into everyone's view instead.

Not saying anything, Zynfyl immediately after moved in with his body lowered as he charged straight at the tummy of a guardian that towered around 2 meters and more, he aimed both the extreme ends of his blades towards the guardian's stomach that was covered by heavy armor.

Tuk! Tuk! Fliwhshsh!

-21, -22, -7,811, -5,100.

As soon as both of his blades touched the guardian's armor, Zynfyl gyrated his body from impulsing it with his feet as they stomped on the ground, he easily penetrated the guardian's armor as he actually made many chunks of flesh fly around in response to his crude, rough and cruel method!

This was obviously two skills; one was the one with which Zynfyl could gain a special type of attack that would ignore mass or so, while the second one was that of a trigger condition where he could inflict bonus damage to a heavily injured enemy or an enemy with extremely low HP.

The guardian was easily taken care of, but it was only the beginning, Zynfyl's face was calm... And lusting.

Meanwhile, at his right, where his loyal servant was fighting to his side as he always had. 'Rog' was easily fending off and killing off several players in a question of a dozen seconds with extreme ease, or at least with extreme expertise. Even then, the system only qualified these two as 'Veteran' experts, not even making it into the top 10 Class Leaderboard. But oh well, this promoting video will grant them as much of the necessary advertising that they needed!

-1,761, -1,782, -1,801, -1,760, -1,221, -1,207, -1,221, -1,224, -2,593...

Taking out at least one player per second when he didn't had any AOE off cooldown, Rog would take care of his 'part of the job' while always maintaining a close eye on his 'employer'.

. . .


Time passed fast as hell, as always. But this time, it took a whole hour and 15 minutes for these two to take down 802 players all by themselves. Two normal classes, against hundreds of normal classes, and ended up victorious.

If this wasn't great advertisement, what was?!

"Huff, huff, huff... oh, thanks!" Zynfyl was breathing with difficulty, it was really tiresome 'physically' as he never really indulges himself in such extended and stressed battles so much on his own. He was rapidly given a towel to clean his face and neck by Rog, his loyal servant, who was then standing still in an imposing manner with his back straight and his gaze cold.

The players all around them did not make exaggerated cheers nor spoke out in loud voices, it wasn't the first time something like this happened. But it was the first time it happened in such a large scale. Normally, it was only around a few dozen -at most- individuals that had delusions of grandeur, not almost 1,000 of them!

They felt respect for their group leaders and even more so, for their future real Leader for their association. As their hearts became resolved to follow such a strong master and their eyes became fervent when looking at these two 'heroes', Zynfyl spoke in a loud tone towards everyone: "Were those two that Tongqiu who was just once again showcased by the system's alerts?"

"Ye-yes, Master Zynfyl. It seemed as if they weren't so before, only when that Tongqiu killed one of our own!" A random player responded, clear worship on his eyes.

"Mn, mm..." Zynfyl nodded slightly at him before putting on some kind of liquid on his hands, probably a ointment for having so harshly gripped on his blades for so long, he then inclined his head forwards while directing his right eye towards where the path they took before once again asking out loud: "Did they went that way? To the private dungeon, right?"

"Mhm, that too. W-wh-what are we gonna do, Master Zynfyl?" The same player answered again as this time, some other players finally gained the courage to speak as well.

"What are we gonna do, Master Zynfyl?"

"Yeah! Are we letting them off that easy?"

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"I don't think we should allow them to do what they want, besides... Those bonuses..."

At this moment, Zynfyl looked at everyone around him before exclaiming: "Hmph. Of course not! We're gonna hunt those little rats down, they messed with us AND took one of us down for no reason, let alone inflict so many loses in levels to our people. Of course we are hunting them down! Come on, follow me, they can't possibly even think of enter the private dungeon even once. We'll catch them on the way to the private dungeon, then we will all resume our grinding!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Hurrah, Master Zynfyl!"

"Hurrah, Master Zynfyl!"

"For the Lacerate 'Guild'!"

And so, that was how the march of a couple ten thousand players made their way towards the private dungeon they just discovered a few dozen hours ago, not even knowing the name of it as the requirements for entering it were those of exhibiting high level of battle experience, which was also how so many people were waiting for their Master Zynfyl to 'achieve' at least Expert level before they could try again entering into it.

They didn't attract much attention at first, mainly because of how many hours is it needed in a borrowed mount to reach the general zone where the private dungeon was more or less located at, but also because the zone where it was hidden was mob-less as well as incredible well hidden to boot!

For that same reason, they would constantly move in and out from the private dungeon's real zone that it was located; this time, however, they left the zone for a stupid reason. Unbeknownst to all involved parties, the tiger was indeed driven out of the mountain.

It was a shame though, as Tongqiu had already reached the 4-5 hours away private dungeon's entrance 2 minutes after he left the scene. Though Bloodline only last 50 seconds right now, it was enough to bring him all the way up to a place where he could already see the private dungeon's entrance, and with Little Zyv's help, he had easily moved around as he then entered said private dungeon. The 'test' needed to enter didn't even popped up, one because Zyv had already entered and two, because Tongqiu's Mental Power was too abundant.

Which even made him doubtful, he felt strange, could his Mental Power have improved already? Without 'consuming' essence nor levelling up, was it even possible?

The only reason he didn't try it was, that even if it was indeed the case, what could he do? Rosey was too little and naughty to directly teach him the way for the Mental Power stat, the brat.

. . .


Thorough his time battling the Lacerate group players, Tongqiu lowered the amount of his resources in a mild manner. He now had 279 Kindness Low-Potions from 311, 817 Benevolent Low-Potions from 901 and had only used 4 Falling Rain Arrows which left him with 2,047 remaining.

He of course wouldn't be able to survive that easily to players who were at most, 5 levels below his and at the very least, 15 levels below his as well. At least not without consuming a lot and great types of potions to either buff him or simply maintain his HP and resources like MP and Stamina in a rather acceptable margin.

Either way, he was now midway through the dungeon and he was already content with what he saw. Mobs were all LV50 to LV60! There were many of them too, as well as drop many items as well, now THIS was great.

The previous hidden lake may be a great resource for the future, but these gains from mining, harvesting special flora and even discovering large ores of great quality were more proper for the distant future!

Zyv herself was glad of seeing Tongqiu be in great moods and joyfully plunder everything that he saw, even the normal dirt and rocks all around that were actually capable of becoming 'usable' items. He would carefully use his tools to check if there was any more, other ores all around the place -even in the roof- so as to not miss any possible material at all after the first time he discovered a large ore by coincidence from having checked out in the Forge and Create sub-class branch many, many 'articles'.

If that wasn't enough, after being told of how the materials are reset after entering once again into the private dungeon and that although they'd have to wait five minutes to get in again after coming out, that none of the spots for all collectible items would be changed. If anything, the possibility of a rarer mob or BOSS appearing would be the only variable for a private dungeon.

Tongqiu was glad he had such an all-knowing Little Zyv, if he didn't, he would have been so clueless...

As for the type of private dungeon they came in, well, it was simple.

First of all, it was called the 'Light Exposing Minimal Cave'. Second, it had multiple types of different beings, ranging from meat and flesh monsters and beasts to beings like golems and moving statues. The only congruence between them all was that of the Light element, it was a kind of 'rule' here for every single mob to pertain to the Light element which is probably one of the elements that players won't be getting into touch directly unless one was either a Light focused hidden class or a cleric, shaman and even bard, at least not at the current stage of the game that is.

The most remarkable mobs around were those LV60 and they varied on races as well as peculiarities.

[Brightless Molten Slug]: Type: Monster, Level: 60, HP: 50,350. A really disgusting looking animal that is rather close to actually being an insect thanks to the deranged forms of living inside this cave, it has tremendous powerful attack power in any way but their defense is null as well as their intelligence being poor.

Skills: Body of Light, Blast of Light, Scintillating Rain and Furious Mind.

[Body of Light]: As it has given up on maintaining its own sanity, its body followed up to be made of Light. The Brightless Molten Slug is susceptible to Darkness element damage, receiving 80% more damage from them. But also being 80% more effective against either Darkness element based beings.

[Blast of Light]: The Brightless Molten Slug uses it only tentacle to point it at a certain direction to deal a great Magical Power damage.

[Scintillating Rain]: Summons specks of Light element to create a small healing AOE area that'll heal all Light based being 1% per second for a total of 6 seconds.

[Furious Mind]: Still bearing a grudge towards its own despondent form of life, the Brightless Molten Slug releases a Mind Power stat value attack into the target's mind. Generates the Chaos effect into its target's mind, depending on the target's Mind Power.

These slugs had only one tentacle that looked to be rather a thick, fat and short always moving worm with a scary mouth consisting of pointy teeth in a circular fashion, while its body was of 1.30 meters long and 1 meters wide, of a somber disgusting white color and no eyes but with a circular mouth that seemed to be melted into only half of that previously 'circular' mouth. It had its body decompose at all moments, so it looked like it was melting nonstop with only its core body maintaining the ugly monster alive.

-19,584, -19,584, -19,584, -19,584, MISS, -19,584, -19,584.

*PING*'ve killed a monster 'Brightless Molten Slug'.

*PING*'ve killed a monster 'Brightless Molten Slug'.

Towards these little ugly disgusting shits from the Light Exposing Minimal Cave, Tongqiu only needed to attack them thrice with his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses to take one of them down, let alone to the few hundreds of them that were all over a certain area which he decided to avoid for the sake of not getting dirty all over himself, he would naturally come back and kill off all those ugly slugs on his own once he was done with the final BOSS from the private dungeon.

Though mobs inside private dungeons were supposed to be more tough, these slugs were not only weak as hell towards the Darkness element which granted Tongqiu a total of bonus 100% damage thanks to the special property of both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius. But he could also attack them without a care as their defense was completely gone, he didn't care if it was because of the decomposing property of the ugliness of itself or because it has never evolved or so, he was glad at the quickly filling up that his Experience bar was 'experiencing'.

[Severe Bias Executor]: Type: Monster, Level: 60, HP: 52,500. A statue that is brought to life once movement is detected, with its only mission being that of eliminating the cause of any signs of movements around it whether it is done while it sleeps or when awake.

Skills: Cruel Bastard, Adjudicating Blow, Shield of Light and Lightless Eyes.

[Cruel Bastard]: This statue was formed by materials which contained strong Light element, but with time it was corrupted by the irresponsible manufacturing of its creation and has become an easy target against Darkness element damage, increasing Darkness element damage it receives by it for a total of 80%.

[Adjudicating Blow]: Strikes down an enemy with its huge stone-made greatsword, dealing both 100% Physical and Magical Damage.

[Shield of Light]: Creates a shield around its body which grants invincibility for the next three basic attacks, it also becomes impenetrable against Darkness element damage.

[Lightless Eyes]: The Severe Bias Executor looks into the eyes of a living being to cause them to go mad and hopeless, it will inflict any random negative altered effect which will depend on the target's Mental Power.




Author's Note: I'm so sleepy as I wrote this chapter, woah, I can't help it. I just started a 'heartwarming' slow paced novel and is really nice, if you're reading this close to your bedtime, goodnight~.

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