Bow and Arrow

Chapter 138: Chapter 137 — An Entire Region On The Hunt

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An Entire Region On The Hunt






With her scary appearance already 'out', Tongqiu didn't even needed to slightly mention nor order her what to do as she placed both her hands on the ground right after hearing his words.

Rosey, Myriad Thorny Roots!


A continuous and ceaseless sound of the underground being torn apart from everywhere heading towards a certain location in the entire large river of people.

At that moment, Rog's and Zynfyl's eyes went totally wide open as their ears tingled with the sensation that they were about to be grabbed at by the most terrifying of existences without a chance to even try escaping from it!

"AARGGH, cast dispel! Hurry up!"

"Save the boss, clerics, what the hell are you doing? AAAAAHH!"

"W-what the hell is this... skill?!" Even Zynfyl's voice came to be as he saw the players he so painstakingly brought forward to hunt a miserable amount of two players alone, become panicky and exasperated at the sudden AOE skill that came from nowhere yet still managed to trap the 37 people who survived the previous bombardment of Combustion and Failing Rain Arrows by jumping into an already dissipated dome from Combustion's explosions at the perfect time!

Essentially, only Rog who was carrying Zynfyl around since he had better movement out of battle, and a couple dozen others were capable enough of escaping this hellish of a bombardment that Zynfyl stupidly though he could just defend against it successfully by raising up their shields and facing them to the sky.

Meanwhile, some other thousands of people in the distance were finally out of their initial befuddled state as they began marching, or rather, charging up towards where their leader was with the intention of saving him and killing Tongqiu both at the same time!

These little players that managed to survive must at least be their elite players from their group, after all, this was the first time that Tongqiu saw someone survive his Combustion's bombardment along with Failing Rain Arrow. That also didn't mean these were their only 'elite' players though.

Just like that time where he had first shown to the world the destruction he could oh so easily brought about to be in the game, none of the players were ready for it and most if not all of them became little nothings under the domes of his Combustion skill being plastered all over a large terrain at once...

Tongqiu definitely caught off guard many 'experienced' such players before, after all they still weren't an association and their communication was truly detestable to say their least, even if they cooperated and acted accordingly, perfect, they would still face a lot of restrictions and limitations compared to an already existing association.

In the same way, there must be more of those such 'elite' players coming towards them at this moment, hoping to get the glory and a better position in their boss's eyes.

It was only that... Tongqiu welcomed them all this time, not just because of the sake of amassing such 'points' for the event that has just been triggered a few days ago, nor because of the mysterious task that his own 'hidden' Evil Saint class has granted him with.

Nope, it was more a kind of feeling, sensation... Desire; for taking out all these players by himself, or rather, to cause their levels to drop at least once.

To put them all down in their place.

"E-hey! Quickly, these... 'things' have HP! Cut them off, cut them off!" A sudden still panicky yet excited voice sounded out, clearly glad at the fine discovery just made.

"Everyone, take your weapons out, you can still move so kee-" Zynfyl's voice sounded out once again, yet it was only for a second or almost two, before it was yet again interrupted by the devilish and now excited voice of Tongqiu.

"Now, now. Let me take this slowly, those idiots back there are coming already. I just want to give them a little show, is that okay?"

Tilting his head and neck back and forth once to accentuate his entire front face and his expression that made all those trapped people become hopeless and gaze at the void without a single iota of fun; he then took out a Light-Absorbing Gladius with his right hand as a strong silvery glow happened before transforming into his so cherished one handed dual gladius once again.

Tongqiu closed in on the group of players, before brandishing it over and over at them as he kept on killing them without a single second of stopping, a new notification prompting into the views of both parties every second at least once!

-4,108, -4,099, -10,614, -4,212, -4,077, -4,999, -4,023, -4,009, -10,024, -4,178, -4,121, -5,708.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'DinoNido'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'The Dragon On My Eye'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'MilkersAreFree'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'ForThePowerOfLove'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'FlickClanNumber1Fan'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'Dragons Aren't Real'.

*PING* have successfully killed a player...

Like so, with the slow and casual swings of his right handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius, Tongqiu dispatched those little trapped flies in his net, at this moment.

Rosey's Dooming Bloom!

Whistle~~... KA-POBOOM!

-116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250, -116,250...

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'New Earht's Spirit'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'I Like Bananas'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'BananaBread'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'Blushing Maiden'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'KittyDestroyer'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player, 'Pizza Is Just Okay'.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player...

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player...

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player...

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a player...

Tongqiu: "..."

"Brrr! Brrr~!..."

"R-Rosey?" Tongqiu's stunned voice was heard right after the faces, backs and the entirety of their eyes turned to a light-pink color slightly as some of them gazed at the incredible, beautiful and exotic explosion up ahead of them, easily cleaning off a couple hundred of players with both; the initial explosion and the remains of it as well as the light pink colored flames that stayed around to create even more destruction, albeit slowly.

"Do you mind to at least tell me you wanted to do that? It scared me! Sigh, forget it, you go and play with Zyv. Show her how to move and all that, be nice!" With that, Tongqiu turned around as he finally gazed at the few remaining players still futilely trying to take down those roots which easily had 79,500 total HP!

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It will take a while before any of them could actually free themselves from them, as there was from one to 5 different roots coiling around the player's bodies. At the sight of the befuddlement on the eyes of all of these players, Tongqiu made a 'polite' smile, before speaking clearly: "Ahem, sorry 'bout that. She's just so playful, sorry, let me continue."

Lacerate Players: "..."

The swings of Tongqiu's source of terror of a sword was inching closer and closer to Rog, Zynfyl was still doing his best to move his body about as his blades were trying over and over again to hit the roots but because of the uncomfortable pose and situation he was in, he wasn't used to doing that so he failed a lot of his attacks to the roots tightly embracing his body.

"Fuck, fuck! Almost there, almost..." Rog's eyes were slightly trembling as he looked at the shadow in front of him already finishing off the last couple of players that were right before them, the two of them and Rog and Zynfyl were the last standing, once those two were dead...

"Zynfyl, he-he's coming toward us, save-save yourself!" Rog's words made the already dazed Zynfyl from weirdly moving about trying to find a better way to hit those things effectively was even more confused by Rog before becoming sober up in but an instant as he felt the blood in his virtual body awaken his consciousness to the fullest, he spoke: "W-what do you mean? No! Wait, if we do it together, we have a chance... I got it, let's help each other, you hit those roots on my body and I'll hit yours, come on!"

Little did they know, Tongqiu was 'dueling' one of the last players that also had -surprisingly- a gladius in his hand as he watched over the other two delusional fools over there, doing their utmost in desperation of his own arrival.

Clink, clink, clink...

There was no suspense, as the player with the gladius in his hand was basically just using it as if he were trying to swat to death a mosquito, while Tongqiu didn't even had to see nor 'see' the 'duel', his natural reactions and reflexes were enough to deal with this 'elite' player.

'Heh heh, finally!' After some time, Rog and Zynfyl were finally free of the Myriad Thorny Roots, Tongqiu gave the gladius-wielder a emotionless glance which prompted the player to halt his movements as his face turned stiff and beads of sweat began streaming down the sides of his face.

"Piss off, you're too fucking useless."

-4,212, -10,117.

*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'HoldingMySteel'.

With his dignity being crushed and his honor stomped on, the player 'HoldingMySteel' died with his eyes wide open at the sudden two strikes that looked to be as fast as lightning in his eyes!

Shaking his head, Tongqiu watched the player try to hold the blade of his Light-Absorbing Gladius that was now inserted in the middle of his chest before falling down onto the ground for a second or two before disappearing in a small white glow that enveloped his body, the blood didn't disappear though.

Still shaking his head at not knowing how to take this player's naming sense, Tongqiu glanced towards the now free and getting-prepared Zynfyl and Rog with his right-handed gladius shining over the sun that was slowly starting to hide from sight.

They had a foolish small for a second before changing their expressions into a serious one and starting to take some potions of all kinds and taking out their weapons.

Tongqiu's voice came to their ears at this moment, their every fiber of their being stiffening before relaxing in preparation for the incoming, harsh battle ahead of themselves!

"Eh, guys. You ready or what? Are you still gonna crack yourselves up or what..."

Almost drowning on his own potion, Zynfyl was planning on berating Tongqiu to death, but he then took another sight at the little doll's work in the distance of how one single skill of hers killed almost a thousand of his players in but mere moments... His eyes trembled for a few solid seconds before going back to look at Tongqiu, a glint of hope coming across them.

"T-Tongqiu! If you're a man, fight us alone! Or else, you'll forever be the trash garbage of Rising Essence, and of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division!" Zynfyl's finger pointing at Tongqiu's nose, he kept on yelling like a nagging old fart as Rog took his side while nodding continuously at every word Zynfyl uttered out.

Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, Tongqiu only responded unwillingly after almost ten seconds went up: "As if nobody can see that Rog-whatever having the recorder on. Even then, so what if I'm called trash? When I can do what I want..."

At the finishing of his words, Tongqiu gazed at the two of them directly in the eye, one by one. The glow of his Great Petal Suit Helmet becoming stronger and invasive, making their eyes overall hurt a little.

After harshly rubbing his eyes for a good while, Zynfyl composed himself, his body taking deep breathes in and relaxing completely as he then said to Tongqiu: "Then you better duel us, do you dare or not?!"

Zynfyl raised his long sword up in the air with both his hands, his head following his hands as he abruptly separated them with a blade in each of his hands!

His head also changed directions as Zynfyl was now looking at Tongqiu directly in the eye too, ignoring the little pain from his entire pair of eyes.

"Okay." Tongqiu felt ridiculous, he could have had ended that idiot in his little 'demonstration' already, but he didn't bother to do it. He simply let Rog have a good angle at the spectacle, once Zynfyl finished his preparations, Tongqiu responded casually with his right arm aiming straight up at his right with his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius taking in the last few strands of direct light from the hiding sun.

"Here I come, NOW!"

Zynfyl's voice sounded tranquil and composed, but when his next, last word sounded out, he instead turned venomous and irritatingly sneaky as both him and Rog dashed towards Tongqiu who wasn't even more than 4 meters away from their position!

Remaining in his same position, Tongqiu's body didn't even flinched a single centimeter as he kept his arm straight pointing towards his east.

3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter...

Zynfyl and Rog came closer and closer to him in a strange fashion, as if their cooperation alone was enough to compare to a simple charge skill, without the use of one of course.

With his spear aiming 65 degrees from his hips, Rog continued his short yet as fast as possible dash towards Tongqiu with Zynfyl on his right, he was also positioned in a slightly higher ground that was around half a step higher than the one Zynfyl was standing on. On the other hand, with his two blades gripped tightly in his hands, Zynfyl moved with Rog to his left, both his arms were to the sides and in front of himself with his back hunched a little and his neck somewhat arched; the small amount of grey in his eyes were dead set on Tongqiu's neck as he didn't slowed nor fastened his speed in the slightest, still advancing in a greatly skilled manner.

Half a meter... breakpoint!


Tongqiu moved, not brandished or swung, moved his right arm into a vertical form close to his body as the blade of his cherished gladius was softly grazing at his left cheek and making contact with his left eye socket, he turned his body so that his back would be facing the incoming Zynfyl and Rog that were moving at a slightly faster than normal's player speed.

Dumbfounded by this action, they both tried to maneuver to make a crossed attack against Tongqiu, Rog's spear aimed to land on Tongqiu's waist with its shaft while Zynfyl's extreme edge of the blades aimed towards Tongqiu's neck and cerebellum!

But then, Tongqiu once again turned, no, twisted his body as his head turned to look at Zynfyl who was almost flying in the air with the intention of slicing his head from the back and penetrate his nape in a free of risk manner. The moment Tongqiu turned around with his waist ever so impossibly twisting a certain amount in not only great speed but also precision to not hurt himself and inflict himself a 'sever injure' status; Zynfyl's blades only caressed the tips of Tongqiu's thorns behind his suit helmet and Tongqiu's side of his neck.

Meanwhile, Rog's shaft of the spear successfully landed on Tongqiu's waist, but at this moment, with his waist twisted and his back leaning backwards slightly; Tongqiu wasn't hurt by much as his body began to float as his feet separated from the ground instead...

'NO! The sword, where is his sword- the left hand! Ah- no... Just whe-' At this point of their assault, Zynfyl suddenly realized that Tongqiu's sword was suddenly missing, he did no longer see it and thought it to have gone to his left hand. With the possibility of his brother in arms to have his neck cut as his attacks were merely used by Tongqiu as a distraction came to his head as he turned his eyes to look at his left, only too see not only Rog being completely alright and free of any incoming attacks, but there was even Tongqiu's left hand that was 'meaninglessly' suspended in the air a few inches below Rog's collarbone in a casual and lazy manner.

That was when he knew, when Zynfyl realized... It was not a distraction...

With his eyes abruptly and even almost going out from their sockets, Zynfyl felt the cold feeling that he most wanted to not ever experience again to surge indefinitely on his stomach as it then traveled all the way up his neck!

As Zynfyl glanced back at his own 'half' of the battle, he could swear to see Tongqiu have a slight grin form from his lips, he couldn't see it but the thought made Zynfyl look at Tongqiu as if he was a devil coming to take and reap his life like he was on his own house.

Tongqiu, was indeed grinning, but whether it was in a devilish way or simply mockingly or even with the hidden meaning of 'I got you' imprinted on them, it was for no one besides Tongqiu to know.

Zynfyl's cold sensation of something moving from his stomach all the way up to his neck didn't stop there, as only one second has gone by, he had already been in three different types of mood. He couldn't take it, as he now felt the blade inside his body -partially- be ejected from his own body as his collarbone was destroyed with the ejection of Tongqiu's blade and arm!

He finally, Zynfyl finally understood his pathetic delusions as he saw the bloody and sticky blade of Tongqiu's sword then be raised up in the air while aiming at his face... only to descend and be buried between his eyebrows.



*PING*...your Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius has penetrated through player 'Zynfyl's' armor and body, as a result, you have successfully inflicted a sever injury state on him.


*PING* have successfully killed a player, 'Zynfyl'.



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