Bow and Arrow

Chapter 159: Chapter 158 — Delicate Tear Of A Lady

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Delicate Tear Of A Lady




The first thing that Tongqiu could see from these mobs was possible to describe it in one single sentence, disgusting looking tentacle monster.

It had a light pale-blue color all over it, their bodies similar to that of an octopus except for the fact that their 'head' was their entire body and that it looked more like a crab's shell.

It had a large triangular purple eye with pus coming out of it that took 1/3 of its entire body, which was equal to a big ordinary octopus size, as well as some smaller eyes on its tentacles which were rather small for its size. Even then, they were capable enough to carry its body around without having to drag it at all.

[Abyss Scout]: Type: Monster, Level: 35, HP: 23,400. Hailing from the abyss, this excellent melee warrior is capable of absorbing an immense amount of information of all kinds that do not go too much beyond the scope of itself without a single possible failure.

They were as such, Tongqiu had some surprise show up on his face at the notion of these little ugly fucktards also be hailing from the abyss.

'Fuck, these are treated even worse than those 'babies' from before, shit. Even then... a LV35 scout, phew, this calls for a good event or storyline for sure.' Thinking of such, Tongqiu took the lead on the assault of these little fuckers, instead of being the ones being in the defense and being assaulted.

-4,212, -10,614, -4,212, -4,212, -6,503, -4,212, -13,102, -10,614, -10,614...

*PING*'ve successfully killed a monster 'Abyss Scout', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to your party member 'Zyv' and your pet 'Rosey respectively.

*PING*'ve successfully killed a monster 'Abyss Scout', 33% of the Experience...

*PING*...your party member 'Zyv' has successfully killed a monster 'Abyss Scout', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your pet 'Rosey' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a monster 'Abyss Scout', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

With nothing really changing from their cooperation in cleaning out the wave, another minute and a half later, the platform was once again left with two players and one pet alone.

*PING*'ve completely cleared out the second wave of this trial, because you've already reached LV50 you'll be granted the corresponding materials.

*PING*'ve received Coarse x100(5) Old Dragon Flood Skin.

x500 [Old Flood Dragon Skin]: Type: Material, Grade: Common, Properties: A hide that was taken straight up from a Flood Dragon, a long time ago. It has now deranged to a miserable material, with most its unique uses being washed off completely.

'Nice.' This type of materials weren't that incredible in grade sense, but their origin itself is already to talk about. Excluding the fact that dragons are always seen as the most powerful type of beast, some other times as that of one of monsters, dragons were already rumored to be one of the greatest future BOSSes or even NPCs players could see in Rising Essence just for the fact that there is a Sub-Division called Azure Dragon. Even at this moment there wasn't any visibly mob, monster type or beast type, that resembled that resembled any type of dragon. There were lizards and reptiles, but not true dragon-men nor one of Dragon Race sub-species per say.

"Wohoo! My Experience filled up lots! Let's continue, let's continue~~!" Zyv, flinging her arms up in the and hopping with one foot right after the other, made her way towards Tongqiu slowly; meanwhile, a curious Rosey was calmly mimicking her, appearing immensely curious and silly too.

"Brr-rrr~! Brrrr!"

"Hmph~, heheheh."

Tongqiu couldn't hold himself seeing that little Rosey be so dummy by herself, but she looked ever so cute too, there was just no way to look at her with the wrong eye. Snorting once again involuntarily through his nostrils, Tongqiu raised his arms to catch Zyv body while his right hand was embraced instead by Rosey's entire body while making even more 'brr' and 'brrr~' a few times.

*PING*...clear out the third wave of the trial to receive rewards and proceed to the next wave. Time left: 00:05:00.

This time, the number of mobs coming out from nowhere onto the platform numbered up to 230, while they were also LV40.

"Uh-oh! They are closely getting to my level... aiya! There may even be in your level later on, Big Bro! No matter, let's hurry up and level myself up, once I'm LV50 I'll be able to carry you so you don't have to grow anxious. Hurry, hurry!!" While saying that, she herself lead the charge into the next bout of mobs instead of Tongqiu, Rosey also similarly followed right after once she was done hesitating between creating mayhem or staying with Tongqiu. Once she realized she could be with him anytime she wished, she easily let go of him like he was worth nothing before finally following Little Zyv.

'...' Speechless even in his thoughts, Tongqiu then shook his head a little before joining in, this time using Transient Divine Burst. All while also taking a look to the new little monsters in front of them.

[Skeleton Knight]: Type: Monster, Level: 40, HP: 27,850. An innocent creature who had been put into a forced state of always hating whatever was not its comrades when any living and even other types of beings get close to it.

Skills: Tough Skeletal Body and Brainless.

[Tough Skeletal Body]: Physical Defense+40% and Magical Defense+20%.

[Brainless]: Cannot be affected with mind-related negative altered effects.

It had a height of 2.3 meters and was wielding a large claymore along with a small rectangle shield with its smaller side on top and below with his grip. There was barely any armor on its skeleton though, in any case, the sight of Tongqiu's Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses coming towards their skeletal remains looked as if he was doing so to relieve them of their 'undead' life form state.

Transient Divine Burst!

-28,371, -28,372, -28,371, -43,124...

Cosmo Omega Shot!

-142,998, -28,372, -43,125, -28,371, -28,372, -28,371...

Even Tongqiu jolted his head back from that Cosmo Omega Shot, being a Critical Hit and a Pierce Attack as well as having that extra 26% Critical Hit Damage; it surely made some damage! Of course, not to forget that these were mobs who were 10 levels lower than Tongqiu, as such, their defense was more than obsolete for the beast that Tongqiu was.

This time, not even a minute went by after Tongqiu activated Transient Divine Burst before he was able to exterminate most of them along with Rosey. This time, as Zyv couldn't use Endless Charge as soon as Rosey could use Bloodline, Zyv could only make use of Rosey fondness of her to remain alive on the battlefield. Well, there was still Tongqiu and his unused 5 dashes left from the King of Dueling bracelet to save his lady in distress.

*PING*'ve completely cleared out the third wave of this trial, because you've already reached LV50 you'll be granted the corresponding materials.

*PING*'ve received x100(2+50) Windfeeling Tree Bark.

x250 [Windfeeling Tree Bark]: Type: Material, Grade: Valuable, Properties: As a tree that had already perished but managed to hold some Wind element besides the Earth element that comes with its own race, this tree bark took directly from the perished tree has an incredible affinity with the Wind element.

Cheering sounds and motions were heard from Zyv as soon as she received her part of the 'job', probably growing closer to LV48, Rosey was instead slightly bored, even those skeletons did nothing to her even when she was attacking them. Whether because of her level being more than 10 higher than theirs and/or because of her talents; she was nonetheless, bored.

"Okay, prepare up, next wave is coming up. Rosey, once we get out, we'll have lots of time to have fun killing those LV80, okay? Don't worry." Receiving a few cute, small 'brr' in response, Tongqiu nodded his head before looking at his surroundings in waiting.

*PING*...clear out the fourth wave to receive rewards and proceed to the next wave. Time left: 00:05:00.

Then, at last, new sparring partners came into the trial's space platform; with a total of 560 of them as they started to surround the trio. As for their level, LV45!

'Phew, there is not a single graded mob, that's good.' Tongqiu could get rid of them without a problem, of course. The only problem, however, was of him making it before 5 minutes were up. He previously could deal with a disciplined large group of mobs at the same time, yet it would take Tongqiu quite some time to clean them all up. Now, although this amount of enemies wasn't near what he had faced previously, it could be that way or it could just be as bad as before in case all of the enemies are of at least 3 Star Elite grade.

...Anyways, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Tongqiu glanced at them for less than a second before ignoring them altogether, only focusing on taking them out as he made flashes out of his swings and slashes and whatnot towards them while thinking to himself: 'Man, how good would it be to have an AOE skill like Zyv's? Sigh, my luck is not 'that' great I guess.'

[Tribal Centaur]: Type: Beast, Level: 45, HP: 33,750. A centaur whose tribe has either been exiled or voluntarily separated from the Beast Race's tribe in Main Kingdom, they've degenerated from that time as they're barely intelligent in the sense of knowing how to expertly hunt and procreate. Their favorite victim and prey is those of the Human Race thanks to their sickening pride.

Skills: Skillful Charge and Quick-Change.

[Skillful Charge]: Starts running only to turn it into a dangerous charge towards its enemies, Movement Speed+150% for 3 seconds after the initial run is made.

[Quick-Change]: As a master of different types of weapons and tools, the centaur has also become an expert in the changing from one weapon or tool to another in 3 seconds.

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A centaur's anatomy needed not further explanation to be described properly, half-horse and half-human. Though this sub-species of what could be the main branch, was much more savage than what one could imagine; after all, centaurs are also known as a noble and honorable race, but not entirely. These had mostly an orange-black color to their skin and fur, specially from their top to their heads. While they even had claws instead of nails and hooves on their hands and feet. Hell, there was even a clear deformation on their teeth that seemed to be made just to gut and skin their victims and prey alive, either during feasting or forced, disgusting intercourse. It was truth that of which said how they became degenerates after separating, one way or another, from their main branch back at the Beast Race Tribe.

Now, this represented a little bit of trouble, but not really; though these were LV45, that alone couldn't even make Zyv careful from her actions as she could take them out easily even without the Endless Charge Skill. Hell, she even enjoyed putting them down altogether, they had after all something she really and dearly desired; crazy speed!

On the other hand, their Skillful Charge was barely faster than Tongqiu using his full speed while in combat, meaning, while also using his Overlord title which grants him raw Movement Speed+15%. Rosey, however, was bored.

. . .


*PING*'ve completely cleared out the third wave of this trial, because you've already reached LV50 you'll be granted the corresponding materials.

*PING*'ve received x100 'Medicinal Special Grass'.

x100 [Medicinal Special Grass]: Type: Herb, Grade: Powerful, Properties: Should one consume it directly, HP, MP and Stamina will be regenerated by 5 every second for 13 seconds. This herb's better use though, is to either make better quality of potions, antidotes or even special food.

Tongqiu and company exterminated the savage centaurs in 2 minutes and 37 seconds, nothing really amazing, but it made Tongqiu think that he may need to finally use his archery once again even though it was so fun to take their lives with his own hands up close. He also gave his sweet little immortal beauty half of the medicinal special grass, they weren't necessary for concocting higher grade of Kindness and Benevolent Low-Potions so he only took half for himself to create other types of potions for the sake of experimentation in the future.

'This one's interesting, hmm.' Tongqiu noticed something that he could not really say whether he was right or not, he was thinking on whether this trial gave one a random type of material for the first three waves, and whether or not he would be given materials that he needs. It could even probably happen again once Zyv reached LV50. Oh yeah, he was oh so much planning to stay in this place, it had small groups of LV80 mobs while also having this mine of gold, only an idiot would lose the opportunity in here!

Still, he was more concerned -unbeknownst to even himself- to spend quality time with Zyv, so he was also troubled on to what to do next. There were some inconveniences sure, but she was never doubting him and always following him with a nod and a little hug every now and then.

'Ah.' It was then that Tongqiu remembered Miriam, he also has to go with her sometime later on, haish.

Tongqiu shook his head to the though of being fickle once again, he should set his time better. Good thing that he now had Miss Yona with him, that way, he won't be the same ignorant fucker as always!

Besides, she would also very much like both, Zyv and Miriam. Especially if she is told how obedient they are with him, maybe she'll even want to be their teaching 'older sister', cough.

Tongqiu and company continued to wait for a little bit until the fifth wave came to them.

It wasn't more than half a minute before they received a notification from the system, maybe or maybe not, to allow the players to prepare for the next wave which was bound to be even more difficult than the last.

*PING*...clear out the fifth and last wave of this trial to receive rewards and to receive a chance to be rewarded extra rewards, because you've already reached LV50 you'll be granted the corresponding materials instead of extra Experience.

The type of mobs to come out now were... Humans! More detailed to explain, they were all wearing the same type of uniform while also looking vulgar, ruthless, experienced, skillful and powerful as well as hella shrewd for some of them.

[Low-ranked Mercenary]: Type: Human, Level: 50, HP: 39,000. A person whose only thought is to make lots of money, fuck lots of women in one way or another and to not know when to die, yet knowing he or she will ultimately do so at any point of their lives.

Skills: Duelist, Agile and Money Sight.

[Duelist]: When battling an enemy 1v1 and alone, all stats+5%.

[Agile]: When in battle, nimbleness and train of thought is vastly upgraded, especially if moving together in a group.

[Money Sight]: Can discern whether or not an enemy holds valuables inside their bags, as long as it is not of a too much of a high grade bag.

It was a nice surprise to see that there would be a new type of reward besides those set before which he was used to by now, a bit of a pity that he could not get Experience from it though, seeing Zyv's lustful expression while looking at him made Tongqiu believe that the Experience must be way too good.

After all, they did spent a hell of a time doing quests while also barely filling up that Experience bar. Especially for him, but he didn't say anything as he tapped Zyv's head and said: "You, lust immortal, stop looking at me like that or you'll distract me and you'll lose a level instead of gaining one."

"Weeeeeaaah?! Nooo! Grr, grr! See? I'm now very scary, don't look at me anymoooore..." Zyv immediately reacted by cutely separating her body from Tongqiu's to no avail before she then decided to take her 'claws' out and tenderly scratch his face.

Rolling his eyes in cheering helplessness, Tongqiu tapped her bum lightly before sending her towards a side of the platform as monsters started pouring out of nowhere from space, then he said in a commanding yet tender voice: "Rosey! Go catch that little wolf and protect her! That's your mission, see this flower? I have a bunch from collecting them in the towns and villages and from buying them as well, a whole stack will be yours if you-"

Rosey, Bloodline!


Nope, he hadn't had even the chance to entice her totally before she actually used Bloodline and ran towards 'that little wolf that needs her protection' and nothing else mattered, fuck, Tongqiu even heard thunderous 'PTRRR-TRR...PTRRRRRR!!' all over as he saw many notifications from the system pop out without a stop.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary'...

Rosey, Dooming Bloom!

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has successfully killed a 'Low-ranked Mercenary', 33% of the Experience given has been distributed to you and your party member 'Zyv' respectively.

'...Oh. Well. I think I worried too much... Yup, my little Rosey is after all, mine.' Tongqiu remained speechless for a few tens of seconds, his silence was a doting one where his gaze never left Rosey's body, except from when she went crazy and decided to make a large dash towards the other side of the platform where she used all of her Movement Speed... Sigh, she was a little child after all, well... with a mentality of one.

Just as expected, tens of seconds later, the system's congratulatory notification ringed out again to everyone's ears.

*PING* and his party has completely cleared out the fifth wave of the 'Southern Wonder Region's Little Test', successfully obtaining the recognition from an unknown being and has now the accessibility of entering into an unknown space at any time, as long as the host close to the Ruined Temple area at the South of the Wonder Region in general.

*PING* has already reached LV50 so host will be granted instead with the opportunity of receiving Magical, Formidable, Luxurious and even Resplendent grade materials. 10, 5, 2 and 2 materials in total; respectively.

*PING*'ve received x10 'Pearls of Thought' and x2 'Delicate Tear of a Lady'.

x10 [Pearls of Thought]: Type: Valuable Item, Grade: Magical, Properties: A small pearl the size of half an adult's tip of a finger, pale-blue white color that denominates a feeling of pondering and melancholy.

x2 [Delicate Tear of a Lady]: Type: Precious Item, Grade: Resplendent(Black Gold), Properties: Tear from an unknown existence who has already left this universe for who knows how long, the passage of time has made the tear in question grow thinner and thinner as well as less and less durable, already being on its lasts. If conserved well, can be used to create the most beautiful and graceful kinds of light clothing, though to a lower grade than it should originally amount to.



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