Bow and Arrow

Chapter 176: Chapter 175 — Yun Yun, Yun Beishang (2)

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Yun Yun, Yun Beishang (2)




The Yun Clan had its precincts tightly locked ever since the birth of the two godly kids, completely ignoring the first, eldest son; from the current Clan Head. It was so strictly and abruptly implemented, that people who would normally visit the clan found themselves in a cruel and nonsensical almost fusillade from even trying to ask questions on why were they never again allowed entry.

With time, a few accidents happened, and a few innocent people became tons of them instead.

The Yun Clan was a Founding Clan, alright. But its absurd mannerisms attracted lots of attention from the rest of the Founding Clans, and though everything and everyone seemed calm in the surface, a narrowly imperceptible went about to a few individuals. Including those inside the Yun Clan territory itself.

The Yun Clan's Clan Head's spouse was an ordinary member from the Yun Clan even though he was the Clan Head's direct cousin. His parents had passed away a few months before Yun Beishang's birth, making it only possible for them to have ever met only one of their son's children. Even then, they did knew that Yun Beishang was on his way to be born. Yet, they passed most of their time with Yun Lei, their eldest grandson.

Yun Fei'er. The Clan Head of the Founding Clan, Yun Clan. Unlike her spouse, her father and mother were still alive though they refused to come out ever since things started to go 'down hill' hundreds of years ago. That's right, Yun Fei'er was from a much more 'capable' tree family, and though her spouse's parents did had a serum for extending their lifespan, it wasn't as long nor as great as those which Yun Fei'er's parents took.

Yun Xiao. Yun Clan's Clan Head's spouse. He was previously a timid and captivating young man, which attracted the full attention of the already-at-that-time Clan Head of the Yun Clan, whose age was only that of 16 years old, while the young Yun Xiao was of 18 years old. With a few pushes here and there all around and a couple of indiscriminate passion, the two young people married to each other not long after. As time passed, Yun Xiao noticed more and more how useless and pretty he was to the Yun Clan and, especially; to his wife.

There were many points in time where Yun Xiao wanted to ask whether or not his parents could receive and even greater serum to make sure their lives wouldn't be shorter than most of the 'retired' elders. Yet, for some reason he never asked; yet, for some reason his wife never brought it up. It wasn't a big deal, with them having only around 150-200 years of lifespan, there was still many decades until they would be seeing their final days. And as for the price, it wasn't anything detrimental to the Yun Clan. After all, every year, 15 or so newborn babies would be given a 150-200 serum, from the 300 or so that would be born in 1 or 2 years. After all, this was a Clan that valued power and results only.

Yun Gaotian and Yun Shi; Yun Beishang's grandfather and grandmother from her mother's side, respectively. Yun Gaotian was previously seen as the most merciless and effective general which could even command military troops to an amazing and incredulous results, low casualties and great results, always. Meanwhile, Yun Shi focused more on creating an untold balance among all of the Yun Clan and its Region, she was easily known as a goddess capable of extinguishing problems and hearts full of venom with her words, sincerity and determination alone. Thanks to her, many of the disputes that the Yun Clan has had, lately, have been quenched peacefully in one way or another.

But, as time went on, Yun Gaotian's methods derived from creating amazing feats as well as his targets changed to be rater... Weak.

Meanwhile, Yun Shi went from being an incredible person in both heart and capabilities, to lie to her own people.

Of course, these were all information that wasn't totally known to the open public and was, instead, merely speculated at best by them.

It wasn't until a few decades ago, even prior Yun Fei'er and Yun Xiao's meeting that, they disappeared from the Yun Clan's ranks as well as became as silent as a deader than dead corpse; out of nowhere.

Once Yun Fei'er and Yun Xiao met, decades went by and soon, more than 70 years went on like it was nothing! The Yun Clan, as always, prospering and getting up ahead any other Founding Clan. Becoming more and more indispensable for the people's heart, so much that, when the first son of the Yun Clan's direct -actual- bloodline was born, many civilians all around the world became lost in joy and hope!

Yet, the Yun Clan made no further display of their eldest son and, merely gave everyone the chance to see his face a little in social media; a little. Rumors were but one of humanity's best methods at being bored and using that boredom for whatever came, and many words went about of the eldest son being useless or even worst... Not being 'special'!

But soon! Another son was born!

And this time, it wasn't a simple announcement of the Yun Clan's fertility and prosperity, nope. This time, the Yun Clan even made public the information about Yun Beishang's completely astounding potential! Learning to run as fast as a teenager at the age of 2 and learning to command military orders from the age of 3, this prodigal kid became the wonder of the entirety of the New Earth in but a few years!

But, it wasn't until many years later that there was a 'leak', informing to the prying eyes that, a young daughter was born not that far off from Yun Beishang's birth, with only two years separating each other's age.

By the time such news came out, the Yun Clan was already prostrating their youngest daughter as the next leader of New Earth, with her only being 5 years old. They were silly and provocative comments. Mostly made as to challenge the other Founding Clan's pride, but there was also another meaning, it was that of 'warning' the Crestfallen Industry and as of then, the Yun Clan refused to allow the Crestfallen Industry to evaluate the youngest daughter of the Yun Clan.

Naturally, the Crestfallen Industry wouldn't force someone to allow their children to be 'tested' by them. Yet, the Yun Clan's attitude was nowhere for what the word 'authentic' could be called about. Previously, they allowed the dirt Crestfallen Industry's dark claws to gnash at their second son and his potential was known, even when they, the Yun Clan; already knew of his potential even if not at a great detail of it.

It seemed like this time, they wanted to keep the youngest daughter of the clan for themselves, with no hopes of taking a 'look' at the future of New Earth, as they so much preached about unceasingly for the following couple of years after the 'leak' of their youngest daughter.

This made many people think, unlike Yun Yun, was Yun Beishang replaceable now?

. . .


"Buwahahaha, I knew you'd like it, Big Brooo~~!" Hugging her beloved Big Brother, the 5 year old Yun Yun felt out the thick jacket that she made not too long ago for her big brother only!

The jacket was one that would be commonly seen in winter, where everyone would want to wear the best of the 'anti-cold' fashion while also picking up something that was comfy. Nevertheless, only every few years was it winter in the Cloud Gates Region; and instead, it was mostly hot and sweaty all year long for those few years until winter arrived.

Thick, grey colored and very nice to the touch, the jacket could be explained that easily. And as of right now, instead of wearing an uncomfortable expression on his face, the 8 years old Yun Beishang was lovingly grinning and glancing at his foolish little sister.

Pushing her backwards a little as well as crouching down slightly, Yun Beishang then spoke tenderly towards his little sister: "Okay Yun Yun, you have to calm down, okay?"

"Mn? Oh-ah! Sure, whatever~." Yun Yun pouted at being pulled apart, but she 'obediently' listened to her big brother nonetheless.

"I'll be going then, when I come back, let's have a nice meal of yours." Yun Beishang stopped talking up to here 'meaningfully' as his head then jolted for a second before turning to look towards another side, one where walls were the only thing available, for the naked eye; before continuing with a pair of playful eyes: "You wouldn't want the 'thing' to be burnt, right? Hehe, I'm leaving~."

"Mn, take care Big Brother, lov- EAH?!" While Yun Yun was dreamily saying goodbye to her big brother when suddenly, her little nose sniffed something different... something wrong... the oven!


Right after seeing her big brother go with an anxious stance, Yun Yun hurried to run away from the door entrance to the kitchen made specifically for a 5 year old to move around without problems, some screams could easily be heard out every now and then as she made her way towards the dozens of meters far away from her initial position.

"Aaaaaaaah- gotta move, gotta move!"

"Big.Brother. Won't. Be. SAAAAAAD!!" As she thought to herself that her big brother would once again feel bad for her, should she exhibit the slightest of saddened faces, Yun Yun wiped the tears streaming down from her beautiful eyes at the corner of each to adopt a more matured and calm appearance instead; as she kept on running...

. . .


On another day, in the same year. At the Yun Clan's residence of Yun Beishang.


After having walked around for almost 200 meters after entering the Yun Clan's second son's residence, an old man with a slim yet solid type of body and dressed in a plain and ordinary uniform finally reached the Yun Clan's second son's bedroom.

After knocking on the door a few times and being received by an 8 year old, the old man seemed completely unfazed by the particularity that it was a young kid he was being properly welcomed by giving him a seat on a normal-sized small square table, with tea and some pastries to drink and eat.

After some minutes of silence and enjoying the drinks and food, the old man finally spoke.

"You can call me Wolf Fang. Young-... Yun Beishang, I've been sent here by the Crestfallen Industry, or more specifically, the Crestfallen Clan." The old man spoke, he really looked old, but Yun Beishang didn't see the same as before from when he looked at his depressed grandfather and grandmother. Instead, he instantly knew and 'felt' that the old man was even older than any man or woman he's ever known before, including those 600 year old or more old fogeys from the other Founding Clans. And what's best, or more distinct, is that he seemed to achieve such an age without any external help.

Remaining silent, Yun Beishang simply looked at -the obviously code name- 'Wolf Fang' before, while and after he spoke his next words: "I've been sent, and I'm here now, to serve; to serve you and those who you, Yun Beishang and Yun Yun, seem worthy of your care."



After a good long while, the still indifferent and even seemingly disdainful Yun Beishang finally set his eyes on the old man Wolf Fang, as he said in an extremely calm tone: "Okay, do protect my little sister."


With that, the introduction of Wolf Fang into the Yun Clan was that of an old person who saved Yun Beishang's life. Due to Yun Beishang's explanation implicating that he already knew he, the second son of the Yun Clan was no longer being protected, the Yun Clan authoritative upper echelons decided to let the matter be. Nobody cared, but if the kid got protection then, why not?

Alas, they soon understood that the old man would become more seen around Yun Yun than Yun Beishang, this made a slight discomfort and anxiousness on most of the Yun Clan's upper echelon. Namely, everyone except Yun Beishang's maternal grandfather and grandmother.

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. . .


"Hehe, look Grandpa Fang! I can now make two completely different ones at the same time..." Yun Yun was excitedly showing the party hat-wearing yet expressionless Wolf Fang the many types of bakery she could do at the same time, just as she said. And it was a truth, she was moving crazily on one side while the other moved slightly without anyone touching it...

Step, step.

At this point, Yun Yun heard the noise of footsteps approaching but, since she didn't saw her grandpa Fang respond in signals, she knew it was surely her cherished big brother.


As the door opened, an incredibly handsome, striking and extremely dazzling teenager was seen through the door.


Receiving the little body of her little sister, the 10 year old Yun Beishang who looked like a 16-17 year old if it wasn't because of his 'short' stature being obviously lower than those at that age; reciprocated the wonderful feeling of her safe and sound little sister's body on his'.

Before long, Yun Yun separated herself from their bodies first, but it was to put her beautiful face right in front of her brother's. With her big smile as her small tender pale-rosy lips enlarged to an enchanting smile with dimples appearing at each of her cheeks. Her skin had, once again, a translucent glow on top of her skin, as if acting as a layer on top of her body. Meanwhile, her starry grey eyes with an always moving universe in them were looking at him in utter adoration, their movement going from slightly to the left to slightly to the right a few times in less than a second.


She booped her little nose into her big bro's not that 'cute' one, before giving him an eskimo kiss. It was cute and warming to see, as their lips were moving closer nor trembling in some sort of fear nor strange allure. Simply skinship between siblings, her eyes full of worship never closing to take in her brother's sight even more, while her smile never faded nor retracted for even the slightest amount.

"Hehe, brother."

"Hmph~, sister..." Snorting involuntarily, without realizing and in a charming manner, Yun Beishang then booped his forehead with his little sister's before caressing her arms slightly before looking behind her to see the wonders of the world's that were about to be made!

"Ooh, more, eh~?"

To her brother's words, Yun Yun smiled cheekily before naughtily saying: "Hmm, ehh- are you going to give them to that beautiful Big Sister of yours? Ah, that's not right, it should be 'Sister', right? Or are you actually older? Aish, I don't know anymore~~."

Yun Beishang couldn't take it anymore as he gently smiled at this little sister of his, before saying in a low voice: "Jealous?"

"Mm, nop! I'm so glad my Brother is so nice to other girls, that way-"

"It will burn if you let it be for another 3.5 seconds, Little Yun..." At this point, Wolf Fang interrupted the little girl who in response sighed in relief before moving towards the oven. Indeed, once she took a look at them, she immediately after took them out seeing that they were about to burn a little.

"Wohoo, Grandpa, you're so good at this. Have you learnt from me simply talking to you? Wooo! Not bad, not bad. Almost as good as my Big Brother..." Gazing into the distance in dejection, a little, the old Wolf Fang then proceeded to close his eyes in rest.

"Oh! That's right, Brother, why don't you invite that little girlfriend of yours, eh? I'd like to meet her~." With Yun Yun speaking as she prepared the last of her steps, Yun Beishang rolled his eyes a little before responding: "You don't have to, it's fine, isn't it?"

"But I want to!"

"Do you really wanna?..."


"Heegh, okay, I'll ask her."

"Hehee, Brother is always the best."

'You're always the most silly when it comes to me being involved. As long as I'm close, you become so vulnerable.' Yun Beishang thought, as he looked at his highly spirited little sister who was now serving three portions on the small table.

Soon after, the three of them began eating together. Even after finishing eating, Yun Yun brought some cups of tea; and then so on, 2 hours went by in harmony.

. . .


This year, Yun Beishang was 11 years old. Yun Yun was 9 years old, while the long forgotten Yun Lei was already 17 years old. At this point in time, there was a celebration, the two best friends pair of cousins were having their 14th birthday celebrated all over the Yun Clan territory. There wasn't even a need as everyone will go to such a celebration.

Yun Ao and Yun Lao were having a blast as they were surrounded by many uncles, aunties, grandpas and grandmas all over; as well as pretty female cousins and elegant male cousins. As they all chatted between each other, Yun Ao and Yun Lao were cheerily conversing with one another.

Yun Lao had his right arm around Yun Ao's neck as they were both bent over a little from their 'fight'; and while smiling and grinning as well as laughing it out, Yun Ao would constantly look around in the search of something.

At some point, he found what he wanted to find. He could see Yun Yun being tightly close towards Yun Beishang, hiding behind him and glancing in a strange manner around everywhere, except when looking at her big brother. She even seemed to glow and became a fairy, his eyes burned, burned cruelly.

Yun Lao noticed this and, after taking a look as well, his eyes were arrogantly indifferent as he moved his mouth closer to Yun Ao's left ear. Moving his lips, Yun Ao visibly stiffened for a good few solid seconds before red emanated on his face.

Yun Ao looked back up at where Yun Yun was, only to see a pair of completely black-grey eyes with a minuscule violet sheen on them, look down at him with an undesirable murder intent.

At the same moment Yun Ao realized those eyes were from Yun Beishang, Yun Lao seemingly became quiet and even looked far away from Yun Beishang's eyes to the left and to the ground.

Meanwhile, Yun Yun looked extremely cold as she had her hands held by her big brother from behind his body, hidden from Yun Ao and Yun Lao. A few seconds later, Yun Beishang move the two of them out of the party area, back to their residence which was in truth, known as the old man Wolf Fang's residence. It was a cottage of old wood, much more smaller than any of Yun Yun's and Yun Beishang's, but they would always go there instead of their own.

At the same time, Wolf Fang, who was hidden among the crowd, was finally seen as he moved closer with the two pair of kids. Making the onlooking young beautiful woman to flinch in terror, where the fuck was he? How could he not be seen before?!

After those initial thoughts, the young beautiful Yun Fei'er looked back to where she was looking before. Seeing a tent on Yun Ao's trousers flinch every now and then caused a bright glimmer to manifest on the center of her pupils. Not for desire, but for anticipation. She managed to let her be seen, at last!

Meanwhile, in another part of the party, where there was a meeting of the old generation from the Yun Clan with the Crestfallen Industry. A beautiful middle-aged woman with red crimson-black hair that reached all the way down to half of her plump inverted buttocks shaped in a 'V'; was looking at this scenario unfold from the moment Yun Ao and Yun Lao brotherly fighting to the hiding Wolf Fang appear at last to dutifully accompany the two small kiddish siblings out.

She took a small breathe, her dark-red colored pupils turning severe and hateful as she glanced at the middle-aged man besides her as she whispered to him even as he spoke to the Yun Clan's 'retired' elders: "Old Wolf Fang, he... wasn't he 5 years until his demise?"

The middle-aged man stopped talking with the Yun Clan's 'retired' elders as he turned back to his left to speak to the beautiful red crimson-black long haired woman: "Yes, I know and, yes I did."

"But, why, isn't at that time..." The beautiful middle-aged-looking woman spoke in doubt and uncertainty, her eyebrows furrowed specially tantalizingly to a deep dive down to her template as she stopped talking, slightly in indignation to the middle-aged man's 'unreasonable' words; impossible to agree with.

Meanwhile, a spiritless old as fuck man also looked at the scene between Yun Ao, Yun Lao and Yun Beishang and Yun Yun. At the end of her dead-looking eyes, she looked at her daughter who was, right now, feeling the winner of the world. A bloody teary dropped from his right-eyed lacrimals.


A soft palm caressed his right shoulder, as he recognized it to be her wife's, he placed his own left hand over her hand on his right shoulder. Her hand was shivering, and cold.




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