Bow and Arrow

Chapter 178: Chapter 177 — Yun Yun, Yun Beishang (4—Last Part)

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Yun Yun, Yun Beishang (4—Last Part)




At that moment, a weird, vibrant sound resounded before...


...the dagger on the floor was suddenly ejected towards Yun Beishang!

With his left arm extended, Yun Beishang caught the knife and, at the moment he did so; he ran towards the clueless Yun Ao who was still salivating at the sight of Yun Yun about to be undressed by their own hands.

At the same moment that Yun Beishang started a dash towards the duo Yun Ao and Yun Xuantian; he noticed a hiding older young girl hidden in the closet behind the crimson blood-red haired teenager, the door was slightly open as if by being crashed against by an object.

Turning his head back to the unaware Yun Ao, Yun Beishang threw the left handed knife to behind Yun Ao's head, as it was then caught by his right hand.


Exactly at that moment, Yun Xuantian woke up from his stupor, he raised his right hand to catch Yun Beishang's right-handed wrist. But alas, it was too late.

With a turn of Yun Beishang's low elbow, he jumped in the air as his legs bent over with his feet reaching the height of where his back ended. Placing his left elbow on Yun Ao's left shoulder, made Yun Ao incline towards the left. As that happened, slowly; Yun Beishang then inserted the knife in his right hand inside Yun Ao's right side of his head.



Yun Beishang didn't stop there, as he twisted the knife's handle before taking it out while dragging it downwards to create an ever deeper gash on the right side of Yun Ao's head.

"Heeeupk- aaaggh! Die you fucking brat!!" First gasping in astonishment, Yun Xuantian proceeded to yell out somberly with a hoarse throat as he kicked Yun Beishang on the ribs before impulsing him backwards by sending another kick at Yun Beishang's chest.

Yun Yun was too exhausted and hurt to stand up, so she could only see her brother be sent away cruelly. As for Yun Ao's gruesome death? That wasn't cruel, her brother even seemed relieved of burdens, she felt glad instead for him!

Meanwhile, the teenager behind the bed and the on in the closet became weak as well. Both of them made little sounds as they fell to the ground while the one hidden in the closet almost fell out the closet itself. None of them cared for Yun Beishang's murdering of an older teenager.

"HU-AAAAAAAAAAGGGGHH!!!" Yun Xuantian, intending to tear apart the young teenager in front of him, stomped with his feet harshly against the ground while Yun Beishang was barely standing up. Yun Xuantian's eyes went wild, brutishly wild, and their perimeter turned bloody and veiny. Taking the knife on the blood with his son's blood, Yun Xuantian charged at Yun Beishang without a care for his acts!



Yun Xuantian arrived before Yun Beishang, but before he could even reach him with the knife in his right hand in a diagonally diving motion, the weird sounds of vibration came to being once again. It was at this moment that Yun Xuantian remembered how Yun Beishang brought the knife far away to his own hand, the fear and stunning state from before came back to his senses.

But this time, it didn't happened the same way as before; Yun Xuantian suddenly saw small droplets of liquid hovering in mid air all around him, they became more and more each time he moved his pupils to look at his surroundings!

When Yun Xuantian wanted to move his body out in fear, either to kill Yun Beishang or to escape, he realized he couldn't even move his eyes anymore. Instead, his pupils slowly moved to the front and below, right where Yun Beishang was calmly yet terrifyingly with that violet glow in his eyes, looking at him with a hidden ferociousness never seen before in this always calm and even timid-like kid.

"Bbbbbdaabbbbbbb!!" Intending to cry out for help, Yun Xuantian realized that he couldn't even move his tongue, his lips were even more static as he suddenly was overwhelmed by an even scarier terror!

Reason? His body was 'bending' over on its own. It wasn't that he was being forced, it was more like his surroundings were being warped and twisted in fury, ardor and hate!

With the weird motions of his body going for a tight 'U' form with the extreme of his head and the soles of his feet on each side, Yun Xuantian felt his spine snapping away from his lower body right before his lower back, that wasn't all; for as he then felt his eye sockets tremble, and the moment he did so, even more weird yet even more scary sounds thundered across the room.




It was at that moment that Yun Beishang reached out with his right hand towards Yun Xuantian's chest. After piercing into his body, Yun Beishang took a hold of the first thing he found, his spine! It was all wobbly and even viscous but Yun Beishang grabbed it tightly nonetheless as he then pulled it out from the insides of Yun Xuantian!

Yun Beishang didn't look at the spine in his right hand before reacting strongly to his own actions: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!"

With a beyond-ferocious, extreme expression on his face; Yun Beishang grabbed the skull of Yun Xuantian by his eye sockets, palate -as his thumb strongly penetrated it- and by his cheekbones, Yun Beishang then cruelly pulled it apart!


It wasn't difficult, without being connected to the spine, Yun Xuantian's body could be finished off even by a normal 1 year old. Hence, his head was pulled away from its body, with only the sounds of his neck muscles being torn apart by an unknown mystical and mysterious force as it drilled around Yun Xuantian's neck to make it easier for Yun Beishang to rip Yun Xuantian's head off!

Bvreee-Vwlsht! Splash~~!

Finally, Yun Beishang took out the head from the body, and started to heave strongly. From the moment Yun Xuantian's body started hovering in midair to the moment his neck muscles were teared apart slowly, only 10 seconds went by. Yet, for the rest of the world, including those 1 km in the surroundings, hours went by instead of those 10 seconds.


Numerous heavy steps resounded, each moving towards where Yun Beishang was; and as they came closer, he gave everyone in the room a glance before turning away and heading out to meet the close-by guards who were attracted and alarmed at the vibrating sounds coming from around them.



Breathing in deeply before letting it out strongly, the guards finally appeared in his field of vision as he closed the door to Yun Yun's bedroom.

With his right hand holding a human's spine, his left hand holding an almost skinless skulls without eyes and teeth. Yun Beishang felt himself in a way he never did before!

He could see them, he could see everything about them. Their hearts beating, their breathing going in and out, their veins throbbing and even the particles around them; as they made their ways towards Yun Beishang. These guards were armored heavily with an armor that looked as if they were trying to disarm a bomb, when they saw Yun Beishang, they hurriedly made their way towards him; not kindly.

"Where?! WHERE ARE THE YOUNG MASTER AO AND HIS FATER? Speak, you crappy vermin!!"


The guard didn't had the chance to speak any more bullshit as Yun Beishang lazily and slowly waved his bent left hand to his left. The guard was rapidly turned into mushed flesh and powdered bones with his organs blasting at once.



Yun Beishang was astounded, he only felt that he wanted to push the guard away but instead ended up making human paste of him out of nowhere. If anything, he felt that he could at most only be able to push the guard harshly against the wall without even breaking it but... this...

'Oooh-haha-... THIS FEELS GOOD.'

The guards behind their now nonexistent leader were similarly shocked and petrified. Not even the long dead Asami Mind Specialist expert was capable of even moving a person with their armor farther away than 15 meters, let alone destroying one and turning into nothing!

Then, Yun Beishang lowered his head at them after silently laughing out loud with a crazed and craving expression.


They all felt as if the gates for the living were closed by then.




Inside Yun Yun's bedroom, the teenagers and the young girl came out of their hiding spots to treat little Yun Yun when they suddenly heard the many gunshots after that weird sound came from the corridor.

Terrorized in silence, it wasn't only after half a minute that the shooting and pungent screams ended.

At the same time, they saw the old man on the floor stand up before looking back at Yun Yun. He stared in silence before weakly saying, his lips already akin to that of a corpse: "Little Yun, don't ever think of yourself as gone. Wait for your big brother, alright? This old servant will take his leave now, just..."

Then, old man Wolf Fang moved to touch Yun Yun's forehead with his right palm, and before long, he slowly retracted it.

Yun Yun felt weary and heavy, her blurred sight forced her to sleep and the last she heard and saw was the blurry image of her grandpa Fang say: "This servant, who is a servant from someone who... is also a servant, is more than glad from having to serve you."

. . .


At the Yun Clan's residence entrance.


After silently following a trail of only blood, flesh and blasted organs tissues, the old man Fang would close his eyes in pain with the thought of that little boy having to go through all of this. He made his way all the way towards the Yun Clan territory's entrance, where Yun Beishang could be seen having killed off even more people, this time they were clothed normally and seemed to be the elders and some other youngster from the Yun Clan.

Yun Beishang's head was wobbling left, right, forwards and backwards nonstop, the sheen of his eyes gone as not even the violet glow on them gave them any sign of life.

Sitting right outside the Yun Clan's gates, where anyone could see blood splattered all over from the sentry posts, Yun Beishang wasn't even breathing as he waited for the old man to stand before him.


After minutes of silence, the old man Wolf finally spoke towards Yun Beishang, his tone warm and subservient: "I'm sorry, my lord. I have to go."


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Yun Beishang finally opened his mouth after a good while: "No... what about Yun Yun?"

"Oh, my lord-cough... I have made preparations already. She will be safe."




Yun Beishang then spoke: "I guess, we can now mutually... die together, no?"


But Yun Beishang then felt the old man Wolf's hand on his right shoulder, he couldn't lift his head up in case the gash below his neck made his head finally give in and rotate endlessly on the ground. But he felt it was his, and that it was telling him...



At this moment, Tongqiu saw Miriam arrive in a beautiful flowery dress with orange color pertaining the entire dress as its main color. He stood up abruptly but, by the time he did so, Miriam was already rushing farther and farther away to the distance. Far away from the Yun Clan's territory.

"Fucking... shit!" Yun Beishang was about to tear a bit when suddenly, he saw a shadow go from the sides of the road towards where Miriam went. With his enhanced being, he could even hear the beatings of people in the farthest away Nascent Herb City, let alone to notice the intentions of that shadow.


He moved, his hands even had other people's meat, blood and organ tissue on his nails and even on his ears, eyes and mouth but he didn't care. There was no way he was letting the matter be.

. . .


"Aggh. What the-" The shadow suddenly felt a migraine, the shadow felt it was a misconception but when he suddenly spoke out, black blood came out from his mouth as he spoke with his male voice.




Yun Beishang first used his right hand to form a claw before impaling the man with his left arm to he right side of the roof on the building they were currently on, before finally cracking open his head and taking out the little bits of brains that remained after the initial collision with his claw-like right hand broke into his skull.

"Huff, huff..."

Finally, Yun Beishang saw Miriam run away in safety, no enemy in the surrounding 50 km. As for enemy, it wasn't only those of the Yun Clan but even the people he saw that didn't have a malignant existence nor that would suddenly turn evil as if a switch was turned rather than just having hidden it before.

It sounded overwhelming, but Yun Beishang felt completely easy to understand it wholly. After all, those were as if he was always that way and only repressed it thanks to imitating the lives of normal human beings.


He then fell on the ground, collapsed and without a single breathing puff of air.

Frr-crack, crack, crack.


An engine sounding off and the sound of tires heavily pushing against the ground sounded out. At the same time, the sound of  door opening resounded as a beautiful middle-aged-looking woman with red crimson-black long hair came out from the car.


Rapidly moving towards the seemingly dead teenager who was bathed in blood and had a disgusting raw smell, the middle-aged beautiful woman too the child into her arms, as she then sobbingly said: "Yun! Yun Beishang, Yun Beishang, Yun Beishang!!!"

"Miss Nora, bring the child in, quick! If I may, Miss Nora, you should bring him to your home if you wish to treat him. For... he does not only need to heal up physically, but also mentally... Please! I know Miss Nora knows of this as well, let's not allow the Yun Clan to track-"

The servant driving the car was speaking subserviently while also speaking out his words in fear, when he was suddenly interrupted by the no longer tantalizing nor tempting and seductive Nora Béart as it was a hoarse, grotesque and terrifying voice instead: "IF THEY DARE TO COME I'LL FLAT THE ENTIRE REGION OFF!!!"

"..." Almost dying from his stopped heart and shaken brain, the young servant pathetically moved his hands as if in dear catatonic shock. He was planning to move away to not die and let his miss calm down but.

"Don't. I still need you to drive towards my home while I treat Beishang."

'Eh-Beishang? So close, but what... I hope I didn't fuck anything up.' Thought the old servant before opening the passenger seats at the back of the car before returning to his driver seat.

"Come, Beishang. Come on! Just wait a little, I'll bring you home, just wait a little more." While grazing her nails on Yun Beishang's cheeks at the same time in different patterns and motions thorough all the time while bringing him into the car; Yun Beishang's eyes and eyelids were seemingly still alive as they fluttered still, letting Nora Béart feel like she still had a chance.


. . .


"Miss, we've arrived, we've arrived... Let's go, ah, let me help you!" The male servant driver opened the door to his driver seat before opening the passenger doors of the car from outside. He tried to pick up Yun Beishang's body to help, but Nora rejected strongly to his reaching hands.

"Stay here. I'll come out for something." Said Nora Béart towards the male servant who was now trembling while sitting his buttocks against the car's bonnet.

Afterwards, Nora Béart moved inside a plain-looking building of a orange-brownish color with a design that aligned lots pattern-like 'pillars' on the walls. Not long after, with the same blood and raw smell coming from her body that also 'decorated' her formal red-colored dress to a 'real' red color, Nora Béart came out from the building.

This time, her expression was at ease and her calmness inundated her entire being. She was clearly no longer terrified of possibly outcomes as she closed in on the male servant's position.

"Oh, oh ah! Haha, Miss-Miss Nora. Is it-is it everything alright? Heh heh..." As the male servant fidgeted with the phone in his hands which he has been clutching tightly ever since going out from the Crestfallen Industry's branch in the precincts Cloud Gates Region, he didn't notice how Nora Béart was looking at him with an expressionless demeanor and her lips hanging without 'life' on them.

"Oh? Aha. See... This day, has been unusually charged with last minute errands and meetings that were 'seemingly' called upon at the last minute. You see? What I see?-..." As the male servant heard Nora Béart's words, he became pale, stiff and hopeless.

"Miss-m-m, mi-mi-mi-m-m-miss Nora... ah, I--"


The male servant's submental space right below his mouth, was pierced by an oval shaped, sharp navy blue colored object that seemed to imitate the claw of a lion.

With her canines showing, Nora Béart slowly pierced upwards, deeper and deeper her strange 'weapon' into the male servant's skull before nodding slowly and heavily once.

"I was thinking to fire you, as a mortal full of desire and lack of balls standing besides me would be repugnant and irritating, as well as offensive towards me. I assure you, you nor your family will have a nice parting party. Weren't you afraid of the Yuns? Now be afraid, be afraid of even your slightest thoughts against a pair of Yuns. They will be the last of your merry existences, rat without a tail, you will be the reason why many dozens of people will disappear from those recommended by the Founding Clans. Feel free to be honored." Nora's eyes weren't fully opened as she muttered out loud at the dying male servant, his eyes went crazy up and down, unknown of whether it was because of the inadvertent reactions of his body and his organs or because of the contents of her words.


Taking out the weapon from the corpse and filth-smelling rat without a tail, Nora Béart then waved with her hand. As she turned around, the car, the body and the blood from the previous scene were nowhere to be seen. The weapon from before was also nowhere to be seen on Nora Béart.

Step, step, step.

. . .


After entering back into the building, Nora Béart moved straight towards Yun Beishang. Once she was once again in the same room as him, her entire being turned soft and sorrowful, Yun Beishang was on a small bed big enough to at least allow to people to lay down on it. He had different clothes this time and his entire body was pale, yet he was breathing. Though his breathing was short, cut off and painful even to hear, he was still alive at the very least.

Step, step, step...


Stepping towards the bed and then kneeling on it, Nora Béart worriedly looked at the young Yun Beishang whose body shrunk from the 'deceased' state that he was previously almost fully in.

"Oh..." Letting out a grief-stricken sound from her mouth, Nora Béart's body flashed with a hologram on top of her skin, her body turning into a devastating young girl whose body should be impossible to exist. As she then grazed the skin on the sides of Yun Beishang's head with the back of her hands and fingers as well.

"You... You'll be fine, you'll grow older and, sniff, live your life. Live it perfectly alive, sniff. You... we'll be fine..." Nora Béart's exquisite little head and temptress-devilish face teared a lot as she then contemplatively gazed down at the slowly healing Yun Beishang.

"Le-..." She stopped her words, shame converging at the core of her being. But after a few moments of indecision, she spoke out.

"Let me lay down with you."

Stripping naked, she buried her body under the blankets as Yun Beishang's body was also slowly and with the care of the universe; stripped naked under the blankets. After fully pressing her body against Tongqiu's, Nora Béart fell asleep in both sorrow and glee.

Meanwhile, at the Crestfallen Industry's Central HQ in the Nascent Herb City where the city itself was so majestic that thanks to the Crestfallen Industry that they decided not to 'place' a Region over it, a sound thundered out softly on the sleeping ears of the residents of New Earth all while the simultaneously lighting on and off suns around the majestic and grandiose planet.





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