Bow and Arrow

Chapter 185: Chapter 184 — Months Gone By

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Months Gone By




The next morning after that, little Diana woke up to being sandwiched by Natalia on her back and Tongqiu to her front on the right side of the bed, while an also naked Yona was blatantly hugging him from behind. After these few days, Yona had finally finished moving towards her new home. She didn't had time to go back to her old home once she was 'hired' by Tongqiu after all.

But then, she noticed that Tongqiu was grinning while looking down at her. Realization came to her as she realized of his meaning, she woke up late!

After a flurry of movements, ultimately waking up the rest of the incredible sleeping beauties, forming a grudge. Diana then dragged Tongqiu's grinning ass towards the gym area without allowing him to take any breakfast nor clothes... Only to return back to the nearby closet so that they could change into proper clothes, ahem, after being seen by a few 'innocent' and 'pure' maids on the hallway. Even then, her gym clothes were still ultra-attractive and a delicacy for Tongqiu in both; sight and touch.

Like that, Tongqiu and the rest of his people continued on a from morning to afternoon routine where even Naty and Yona took part for obvious purposes. Either to train with Diana, or to study with Diana, Natalia and Yona. Of course, not all maids and little maids needed this type of study and would instead keep training their forms whenever there wasn't any duty to do while the 'study session' was undergoing their 2-3 hours per day.

Meanwhile, Tongqiu would take some of his little free time in the morning to do a 'warming up' which consisted in basically calming his mind and preparing himself to get into a better even self-absorbed state when applying the method inside his mind. In the same manner, Tongqiu would enter an incredible painful, pressuring and unfair training by being beaten by his little darling -Diana- over and over again. Every day. A few times in a row without resting. Not using healing supplements nor treatment until their daily session was over. And also, with the fact that Diana was always looking increasingly charming. Every time she moved to attack him in completely unexpected manners, Tongqiu had a difficult time meeting the 'training' 's requirements of not moving, specially his lower hornydog-like part.

Natalia was unwilling at the need of taking further training in whatever Diana was making all the girls go through, but she wasn't an idiotic person so she acquiesced once she gave it a few more days of thought, eventually becoming the maids' and little maids' role model to follow whenever they saw and thought of how determined and headstrong their Master's fiancee looked whenever she trained with them

As for Yona, she struggled hard at first as she didn't even had a constitution as good as even the weakest of Tongqiu's first 14 maids. Only good point of herself that allowed her to endure an entire's day training every day for a week was that of her incredible endurance. She may not be well fit, but her experience in dealing with Tongqiu and his beast mode were showing!

Naturally, with time, those two young women became stronger and stronger; very flexible too, brownie points for Diana's insight!

As for Rising Essence; Tongqiu and Zyv kept on farming twice or once a day the Southern Wonder Region's Little Test without stopping. For days, this continued, for weeks; as well.

Eventually, with the amply amount of resources found; Zyv Chef sub-class reached the advanced grade. Unlocking the Sub-Class Leaderboard, Zyv became the 'perfect wife' that would wait at home for their husband to come back from work only to be met with a lot of delicious food and a wife to eat!

It went as follows...

*PING* Global System Announcement: 'Journeyer' Zyv has reached advanced grade with the Chef sub-class, effectively unlocking the Sub-Class Leaderboard at last. Rewards have been respectively given to 'Journeyer' Zyv as the first 'Journeyer' in reaching the advanced grade in the Chef sub-class. was pretty simple, mostly because such leaderboard should've already become available before but; with the endless requests from the players on their feedback with the release of Rising Essence, the Crestfallen Industry saw themselves no other choice but to spoil their players and now, such feature was finally available.



1.-Player: Tongqiu, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Gardener/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 3.
2.-Player: Historic Father, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Book Writer/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
3.-Player: Huel, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Smith/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
4.-Player: Lopp, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Blacksmith/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
5.-Player: Bebstuo, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Architect/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
6.-Player: Gong Fan, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Craftsman/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
7.-Player: Patro, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Tailor/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
8.-Player: Zyv, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Chef/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
9.-Player: Kay, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Caretaker/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.
10.-Player: Roasting Bacon, Affiliation: None, Highest Grade: Manager/Advanced, No. of Sub-Classes of the highest grade: 1.


And while Tongqiu and Zyv decided to remain at their current levelling and farming spot until bored to death with a cute little thing such as Rosey to accompany them all of the time, the rest of the players searched for the best source of either Experience, gold coins, SP, materials and items. Be it by crafting or... dropping from mobs and graded BOSSes.

Naturally, this became the most followed route, and the reason for all players across the world/planet of Main Kingdom to succumb to the temptation of profit came from the shadow-like portals that came out of nowhere not too long from then. Like cockroaches coming out of hiding at night, players all across Main Kingdom flocked towards those portals. As soon as a portal was seen, tens of thousands of players would go that way. Every day, for weeks, two portals were discovered at each Sub-Division of Main Kingdom. It lasted for weeks, sure, but by the time that the 'search' for portals 'ended', an even stranger peculiarity occurred...

...and that is, NPCs actually became subjected to the hearing of those voices!

At first, such NPCs were simply some ordinary citizens but with time, it spread out -slowly and scarcely- towards the people that were close to the important officials of each Main City for each Sub-Division. Guiding Voices resurfaced once again, and though they were as commanding and as cold as before, they were no longer unfriendly and even sadistic if anything. Still, they were nowhere near what a 'friendly' feature would the players call.

That's not all of it, as those NPCs' families began to grow terrorized by this phenomenon, their powerful husbands and wives took the matter to their hands. As such, the entirety of all the Sub-Division of each Division in Main Kingdom experienced the sudden outburst of their officials and people in power having a strong need of knowing of Main Kingdom's history.

And after a couple of weeks, travel routs as well as a fee entrance began to appear towards and at, the shadow-like portals. With the endless influx of around 100,000 'Journeyers' coming in, the Sub-Divisions became rich in just a few days, very... very, very damn rich.

Naturally, fortune doesn't often come alone. When the Divisions, the royal families of each Region, became aware of this discrepancy; they began sending investigators towards each of their Sub-Divisions while a 'small' army followed their backs. For the Sub-Divisional leaders, the City Lords, understanding their big daddies' intentions was of the simplest of tasks. And a 'portion', which consisted of 70% of the portals' gains, of that money went directly to the royal family soon after those portals became a new sensation of the planet of Main Kingdom.

Civilians no longer feared the weird coming and staying terrifying amount of 'otherworldly' people all around their homes, specially those in the main cities. From the previously peaceful and warm silence of their main city to the suddenly bustling daily activity, all the conservative 'neighborhoods' became cautious and distrustful.

Yet, woe was them as the merchants and sellers of any kind of 'stuff' in the main cities became instantly joyful and gratifying instead. The demand for their resources was enormous, catastrophic and that was the only way for the city lord of their main city to finally accept in giving them more resources; one way or another.

And with the appearance of the portals at the Regional borders, their merchandise became not only even more asked for, but their employers gave them even more advanced items to sell! Business was good, blooming and growing, expanding and becoming the city lord's 'hidden' income to the eyes of their daddies.

On another occasion, after the take over from the exaggerated tax from the Divisions; the royal families of each Region presented with an even more 'great idea'. To force these 'Journeyers' to pay another fee when coming out of the unknown, strange dimension. They were worried that only 'Journeyers' would be able to enter that place but, with a few 'valiant' and 'brave' peasants' sacrifices, they found out that it was of no danger. Sweet hardwork!

After all, if they wanted to make those 'Journeyers' pay a fee to come out, they wouldn't know if the 'Journeyers' would grow annoyed and rebel against them at once!

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Like this, they could not only threa-convince the players to cooperate for the 'nation' that was giving them food and shelter, but they could even dispatch troops to truly take the portals to themselves. Without wasting anything, of course, not even a single basic weapon for training.

As such, after the royal families each gave their orders, the Sub-Divisions each sent a few hundred thousand army troops to each of their portals, taking in that juicy amount of gold to their pockets. Unfortunately for the NPCs, they couldn't know of 'Journeyers' taking a huge invest on SP, Experience and item drops inside the strange, unknown zone or dimension; they were truly clueless. Besides, the initial fee for entrance and exit of the 'new' zone was of 150 gold, which later on grew to a total of 1,500 gold. Even then, the NPCs were truly greedy; as they wanted to keep pushing it, with their city lords backing them but, when they saw the 'Journeyers' they scammed become stronger and stronger... most city lords opted to leave it at 1,500 gold. It was like all 'Journeyers' had come to an agreement to revolt if they went higher than that, even then though, such 'Journeyers' didn't care. After all, those zones were really fucking great and marvelous.

Some city lords stupidly gave the order to kill those who opposed them and their orders, only to send an apologizing 'letter' to all 'Journeyers' of their Sub-Division. It was only after they truly remembered the 'immortality' of these monsters that they finally gave up their delusions of grandeur.

And lastly, what players were becoming more and more aware of, was the absurdly vast amount of terrain that one could go on and on without a stop. When a player went through a portal and after getting inside the zone, they tried to move out from another portal that was already confirmed that had come from the same Sub-Division from which they came from, they were rejected backwards with a notification prompt that basically told them not to; as it was futile.

But, slowly; very, very slowly... Players began meeting those from other Sub-Divisions, later on, those players from the same Sub-Division who became an 'unified' -in the most lacking of manners- force after getting bored from mindless murdering between each other, began to see those from different Divisions. Who were, obviously, from another Region.

Though it was confirmed that people couldn't exit from the portal they didn't come through inside, some players still tried to travel Regions like Tongqiu did, only to be brutally murdered in large numbers when they were finally rejected by the portal that they so much worked hard and long for. It was a fun sight to behold that made it to the forums increasingly well, very god damn well. Tongqiu's mystery of having traveled through Regions was still unknown, and no one really thought that the little immortal fairy was capable of it, even though she was obviously in the Universal Hidden Class Leaderboard.

But to all of this, nor Tongqiu nor Zyv cared about, let alone Tonkia, Irllytia or Rosey.

Slowly, yet so slowly. Players continued to go crazy at levelling and improving, their skills and gear, inside those zones like crazy.

After the first month and a half since the first update, the most true pro players were itching ever closer towards LV50. And as soon as a month and a half later passed by, they began hitting LV60. Of course, with the exception of Little Zyv, who managed to reach LV60 an entire month before at the beginning of the second month since the first update.

First of all, Zyv had already finished maxing all of her skills prior to her, reaching LV60.

[Rise of the Ancestral Race]: Type: Transformation, MAX LV: 3, LV: 1, Requirement for next LV: Mature. Transforms back into your Ancestral Race's form, giving you the chance to reaching beyond the boundaries set by any Kingdom from within. Cannot cross through Kingdoms nor small pocket dimensions. Cost: 50% of your total MP and Stamina. Cooldown: None.

[Howling Royal Wolf]: Type: Passive, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX. Your attacks are extended by an unthinkable sudden burst of power, giving you the ability to target enemies all around you. Grants all of your attacks a 13 meters expansive surge of power that is equal to 150% of your Physical Power. Cooldown: None.

[Endless Charge]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX. Howl for an instant, afterwards, Movement Speed+50% and all of your attacks become instantaneous as well as becoming impossible to parry. Should your attacks be blocked, true damage will be dealt instead, ignoring all defenses and protective skills. Duration: 110 seconds. Cost: 1,000 MP, 10,000 Stamina and 10% of your total HP. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

[Coldblooded Stare] Type: Active, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX. Stare into your enemy for just a moment to induce them all types of mind-related altered negative effects. Each effect lasts for at least 27 seconds but only 9 targets can be selected. Cost: 1,400 MP and 900 Stamina. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

But when she hit LV60, she had to undergo transformation in which, she would be wrapped in a cocoon of beautiful scintillating pale-yellow light. Which lasted about two weeks, two boring and solitary week. Fortunately, Tongqiu had two beauties to spend some time to talk to, and while Zyv couldn't play the game properly for those two horrendous weeks, Tongqiu protected her in his White Space while he focused himself in creating endless more resources, specially normal stone arrows this time. To use when he just simple wanted to bombard his enemies directly and had no wish to use a large AOE attack as it was a single and simple enemy or when he didn't wanted to use Combustion.

As for Tongqiu levelling up to LV60 himself... eh, ah. He couldn't do it.

When he reached LV59 with max Experience possible, a notification, that was oh so familiar, slammed against his face; figuratively.

*PING*... - ... - ... - ... - ... Wait a moment please, unknown data required... - ... - ... - ... - ...

Indeed, Tongqiu was also speechless. What was with the game? First, he loses Zyv's body-, no, no, no, no. He loses his bonding special time with Zyv for two weeks, and now, he can't even level up?! The fuck!

Worst of all, since it wasn't max cap level, Tongqiu couldn't get extra Mind Power stat which he dearly started liking oh so very much lately.

As such, Tongqiu could concentrate on advancing his own two 'active' sub-classes, for there wasn't almost any visible mineral around him to mine, so he could only work on his Blacksmith and Gardener sub-classes.

After those two weeks went by, Tongqiu finally saw Zyv's little cocoon disappear and, in her stead; a youngish majestic beautiful wolf of a smaller size appeared than that of the previous one that Tongqiu had seen. It had now a less silvery color and had more a 'whiteish' fur. As Wolf Zyv looked at Tongqiu she seemingly acted haughty as she walked towards him, slowly, before suddenly springing to action and ramming her head against Tongqiu's abdomen!


However, it only managed to let his casual clothes to be flushed away by the 'strong' impacts of her head crashing against his tummy.

While reminding his little wolf cub Zyv that the white space was his world and that he was the one to rule, Tongqiu employed the tactical to tame rabid dogs the best, scratching under their ears and their necks in a fast motion!

Not being able to endure the crazy behavior from one of her legs acting all stupid as if trying to reach behind her ears to scratch it herself, Zyv returned back to her human form with a begrudging and embarrassed, rare shy expression. Before lunging at him with all her strength and biting his forearms to no end!

As a result of the most cutest scenery from these acts, Rosey entered into the play and began biting Zyv back on her calves which made Tongqiu's Little Zyv giggle uncontrollably with the soft yet 'sharp' teeth from Rosey's bites.

Once Rosey had total control over the little wolf cub, she lunged to bite off her big brother's neck from his head! Only to end up licking more than anything else, for a strange reason, Rosey found his big bro's body very likable to her own. As if she couldn't resist basking on the flavor of power, -especially- destruction and of similarity.

As for Tongqiu's advances in his sub-classes. He reached advanced-intermediate grade on his Gardener sub-class; advanced-basic grade on his Blacksmith sub-class while his miner sub-class remained at advanced grade only.



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