Bow and Arrow

Chapter 194: Chapter 193 — Hunting Chests Once Again And Surprise Visit

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Hunting Chests Once Again And Surprise Visit




After receiving Yunalesca's last message, Tongqiu went inside his own White Space after moving to a secluded area, he then began to start upgrading his Sub-Class's tools. For now, he could only do so with his Gardener, Blacksmith and Miner ones, so he left out the rest of the Tools Packages unopened and focused on the only ones he could work with.

For this entire few months, besides having advanced in Blacksmith and Gardener's grades, Tongqiu also ended up having read lots and lots of information about the Builder, Tailor and Craftsman Sub-Classes. His intention was obvious as he merely intended to get himself acclimated with 'how the things work' around even before he had the chance of reaching them, brownie points for Tongqiu!

On the other side, he also checked up to see whether Irllytia and the little Demon girl were having an 'okay' time, there just wasn't anything else for him to do and though it may be slightly 'inappropriate' for a heavy offender of the Demon Race such as himself, Tongqiu still decided to go towards the two of them and check them up.

While Irllytia didn't mind him helping, Tongqiu's presence was, though not so much as before, still capable of creating a wary reaction from her. Tongqiu may not be 'that' bad with kids when it came to make a quick connection, but, the Demon girl was bent on not caring for his intentions as she remained to the side while standing sharply straight up and her big pale-red eyes giving him the side-glance.

After a little hug with Tongqiu placing both his arms around Irllytia's powerful and sweet smelling waist as his face almost reached her neck taking in that scent, and Irllytia had her wings cutely and gently encompass Tongqiu's body, Tongqiu then went out his way after to make some more preparations to progress even further in his current and future Sub-Classes.

Once there were only 10 minutes left before the appointed time, Tongqiu closed the Forge and Create interface before coming out of the White Space after a quickly bidding a few farewell to Irllytia and Tonkia.



North of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's territory.


"Ah, Beishang." A clear and melodious, joyful greeting welcomed the tightly suited Tongqiu that has just arrived before her after making a few hops up and down from one large boulder covered in snow to another before finally making it to her front.

"Miriam." And not more words were needed. After the initial little greetings between the two warm-feeling lovebirds in this colder and colder environment, Tongqiu began to lift his right hand towards her when he saw her hesitate slightly with her right hand separating from the side of her body and trying to leave it to take Tongqiu's hand.

"Ah. Mm... hmhmhm." Little chuckles escaped Yunalesca's throat as her eyes narrowed painfully beautifully, her lips pressed against each other and her little nose somewhat rosy.

"Cold?" Asked Tongqiu as he did already knew that she couldn't possibly feel any cold at all.

"Mn. Cold~. Hold me." Ah, even when Tongqiu knew that this was a trap, he could not say no.

Crack-step, thud.

After a quick, powerful sound of Tongqiu's step on the cracking snow that was being teared apart by his stomp, came the enveloping, full sensation of being tightly held by his warm, strong arms once again into her senses right away without a single hint of hesitation instead.

"Oh~, mnnn. Yes, it feels good but. Ah, time is a little short, we have until tomorrow to complete the quest so. Let's hurry up first, okay? We can... we can catch up with one another as we go through these lands." Feeling unwilling to leave his embrace, Yunalesca nonetheless muttered out the necessary words for the occasion as this was a mission that was deeply imparted by her very own mentor herself.

"Mn, okay. Like before then, you lead, I follow. Go, go. I won't stop you." With a half-sly and half-innocent smiley face, Tongqiu looked at the pressured looking girl still in his embrace but slightly pulled apart with eyes that radiated his care for her.

"Oh gosh, alright then. Let's go."

Step, step-crack-step.

With that, Yunalesca led the big bad wolf Tongqiu around the snow. From one extreme to another, they began to 'search' to look for a couple of chests in the wild. Though players were infinitely growing closer to the max level of the current update, most of their traveling and working for NPCs' real problems began to be forgotten and uncared for. Leading to not only some little disasters being produced every day, but also the fact that most NPCs suffering for their own problems that weren't from nature itself, became hella depressed.

For an example, when Tongqiu was the only one who went to that mountain region filled with bandits that in truth, were overtaken by a strange omnipotent kind of brainwashing. And how there were many other places all around any Novice Village that was ultimately left unattended and caused great disasters all around the Novice Villages and in within some as well.

The same, was yet again, happening.

At this moment, Yunalesca turned back as she asked Tongqiu in a voice that was half-taken away by the chilly wind of the cold: "Right, what did you received from the game? You know, after all those months out in the wild? What was it, tell me~."

Rolling his eyes in a good natured manner, Tongqiu took out a few items from his bag as the palm of his right hand consistently flashed with his hand raised into the air to show her what it held.

There were 3 pieces that consisted of the same hexagonal design with an unknown, undefined symbol in the middle of the 'medallion'-like thingy, on the center of each of those pieces was a square that was fully colored in black-carbon color.

Concentrating for a few seconds on the items on Tongqiu's hands while her own hands gently supported his right hand, she read through the items' contents.

x3 [Honorable Lord Upgrade]: Type: Special Item, Requirements: Only the leader of an Association can make use of this item, Effects: Use this item to upgrade your Association to the next level.

"Oh-woooooh! Hehe, congratulations, my Beishang~. Mwah!" After throwing herself towards Tongqiu and planting a sweet smooch at his forehead, Yunalesca then scampered away to resume her guiding through the north of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's territory.

. . .


Their first stop was where a 4 x 4 small pool of lava that was very well hidden from the snow and even 7 meters below the ground level. There was a silvery chest that had many tough and hardy spots that were of a lower tone in silver color.

It was a Reinforced Silver chest.

Tongqiu opened it at his first try after clumsily failing, ignoring Yunalesca's strange and playful gaze, he then opened it to check the items inside.

x4 [Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine]: Type: Food, Grade: Luxurious(Gold), Properties: When eating this two delicacies at the same time, grants HP+250, MP+200 and Stamina+200 permanently. Can only be used to effect once.

The other loot from the chest was a huge fang from an unknown animal, Tongqiu casually added it to his own White Space like it was boring to even do so.

Sitting down to the side of the small pool of lava, Tongqiu took out two Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine from his bag with one on his lap and the other being extended by his left arm towards the quickly and hungrily approaching Yunalesca: "Okay, let's eat!"

"Mn! But, nomnomnom, don't forget to also give the rest to Tarn Diana and Tarn Natalia, nomnom; gulp okay?" Sitting besides him and taking the Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine with her hands, Miriam muttered as she began wolfing down the delicacy in within her hands.

"Yup, yup. Don't worry, I will. I'll also let Little Zyv have a look at this, see if she can recreate it, nomnomnom." Hearing him talk of another woman, Miriam didn't act weird at all and instead smiled a couple of times while taking in a hot as hell mouthful of food into her mouth. She then said: "Mn, that's good. Maybe she can create more and more of these that, nomnomnom! Can work really well for anyone, oh, delicious!"

Every now and then, even though it was already really hot, Tongqiu and Yunalesca would still hover their plates with the Golden Kimchi in it above the lava pool. Even thought it was not only really small but also really far away from the ground, after a few seconds, the Golden Kimchi would go back to being 'right after finishing preparing it all and placing it on the plate'-type of temperature, it was just great.

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After a little while, both hungry wolves finished their Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine and received their well-deserved notification from the system.

*PING*'ve consumed a Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine, as a result, HP+250, MP+200 and Stamina+200 permanently.

"Haaah, good. Really, really good. Okay, what's next?" Now, with a clear anticipation for the incoming new and exotic rewarding items to find, Tongqiu sprung to his feet before nicely asking.

"Aaaah, alright alright. I'm coming~!" A bit lazily, Yunalesca slowly stood up before bringing Tongqiu around.

After the Golden Kimchi with Golden Wine, there were no further encounters with such items, as the next few items were from simple Silver and Gold Chests; most items were simply materials with a couple of shields and a few guns coming out from them all.

Besides the simple type of chests, they 'discovered' 3 Reinforced Gold Chests, a few more Reinforced Silver Chests and innumerable Reinforced Iron and Reinforced Copper Chests, adding more and more items, materials and ingredients that he so very much actually needed. Though he encountered those Reinforced Gold Chests, Tongqiu only looted materials and ingredients only, not a single damned equipment. Let alone an accessory.

Even though the items that he needed the most for the next 'Medium' type of potions were of a low grade as well, their rarity was worst than a Magical grade one, some were even worse than that of a Formidable grade item. Even then, Tongqiu didn't suspiciously began to unnecessarily think of the ways that once again, Miriam had brought him directly to the chests and items that he needed the most. Really, most of the items were -as previously mentioned- those that he really needed, but the fact that Tongqiu was getting only those items and in large amounts would made anyone else stunned and distrustful; from overthinking.

But one thing to do take notice of was that; they did 'managed' to find one chest that had an even higher grade than any of those before, a Platinum Chest.

In it, Yunalesca finally did ask for one item herself instead of letting greedy Tongqiu take it all. It was of a shiny pale-white glowing object, it looked like a medallion but also seemed to be a kind of seal.

[Full-Protection Lamentable Amulet]: Type: Unique Item, Grade: Luxurious(Gold), Effect: Can be used as a necklace, but one slot from there will be taken. Protects the user from all restraining auras and skills, breaks when receiving a fatal blow, which this item will protect its user from dying when wearing it for the next 15 minutes after being broken.

Similarly, without questioning like his life depends on it, Tongqiu only gave it a perfunctory glance once before ignoring it altogether. This action made Yunalesca want to tell him, but she only mentioned to him that it would be the most important little thing on their quest whose timeline was nearing down by the minute already.

After a few hours of mindlessly farming Reinforced Chests of low grade, mostly; and of catching up with each other's deary lives -which Tongqiu was unwilling and as such, wholly embarrassed and shameful to depict to Miriam-, Tongqiu and Yunalesca were about to leave for the day and meet each other once again before entering the well-desired quest.

Holding his right shoulder with her hands, Yunalesca then turned Tongqiu around as he was beginning to log out. She said to him in a girly voice: "Beishang, could you please upgrade my little dagger to Formidable? With your advanced grade, I'm pretty sure you should already be capable!"

Seeing the glint on her eyes, Tongqiu shook his head helplessly before saying in a comforting tone: "Of course I can, and I will, why even ask? Tsk, silly girl..."

"Hehe, mwah mwah, thank you." She said after giving Tongqiu a few light kisses on the back of his head, tenderly, after jumping on his back in a tight lock with her legs from his back.

"Oh right, I'll show you my skills so that you can prepare beforehand and scheme one of those great plan of yours. Here." Getting down from the giant Tongqiu, Yunalesca then cluelessly showed her skills to the 'unaware' Tongqiu, her lips making a bright and impossible to forget smile.

"Hmph~, let me see." Following on in the act, Tongqiu involuntarily snorter in a cheerful manner before sticking their sides of their bodies to each other and began reading her skill's window.

(Previously known as Ambiguous Tough Will) [Toughen Foresightedness]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX, Duration: 60 seconds, Cooldown: 30 seconds, Cost: 1,500 MP. Grants upon yourself or your selected ally target an over-the-limit type of aura that has correlation with the amount of Heart Connection that you posses; the more you have, the greater the animation effect. Physical Defense+60%, Magical Defense+50% and Damage Reduction+10%.

(Previously known as Single Heal) [Enlightened Heal]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 15, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: 11,000, Cooldown: 4.5 seconds, Cost: 750 MP and 200 Stamina. Heal yourself and your target by Magical Power 125% + total WIS x3 and an extra boost of .3% every 10 Heart Connection stat points, with an additional 1% of your and your target's total HP.

(Previously known as Single Spear of Light) [Illuminated Light Spear]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX, Cooldown: 0.5 seconds, Cost: 500 MP and 1% of your total MP. Summons a spear with the quality corresponding to your actual Heart Connection stat, damage of the spear is equal to 150% of your Magical Power + INT x5 and 1% of your total MP as Magical Power every second for 10 seconds (this effect can stack).

[Master Volume]: Type: Passive, MAX LV: 3, LV: 2, Requirements for next LV: Creator. As the Light Builder, your STR points will always be 0 and all previous and new allocated points either by free AP or items in STR will be converted in x2 to INT and WIS. All your Physical Power will be converted into Magical Power. Your attacks have vampirism that steals 15% of your enemy's MP and Stamina for each melee, ranged or skills made against them.

[Remodeling of Light]: Type: Trigger/Passive, MAX LV: 30, LV: 20, Requirements for next LV: 21,000 SP and Creator Volume, Duration: Infinite, Cooldown: None, Cost: 5% of your total MP and 10% of your total Stamina. From your Illuminated Light Spear, mold it to a form or shape whichever you desire. Its power, speed and effect will be changed accordingly with the type of change that it has gone through.

(Previously known as Enhanced Light) [Enhanced Construction of Light]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 5, LV: 5, SP needed for next LV: MAX, Duration: Infinite, Cooldown: 5 minute, Cost: 10,000 MP and 5,000 Stamina. From your already created Light form, enhance it with your heart to increase its size, destruction and efficiency against all living and undead beings in this universe. Damage equals to 1% of your Magical Power for each 1 point in Heart Connection stat + INT x5 and WIS x5.

"Indeed, you're very, very scary to a certain degree." Tongqiu nod his head speechlessly, not for the 'reread' of Yunalesca's skills but mostly because of the huge amount of total Heat connection, this new hidden stat for him, that she had.

Yet, he had not even the need to contemplate the kind of destruction that she could employ with just that skill alone when he heard her excitingly add on: "Yeah yup! And look, see this Enhanced Construction of Light? Look at my Heart Connection stats!"

Indeed, right afterwards, Tongqiu could see the number of '1,171' stand out the most among her even then, really incredible INT and WIS stats.

As for her class 'natural' stats, she received INT+10 and DEX+5 every level while each level, she would gain 14 AP instead of 13 AP like Zyv! Which she allocated to 3 different stats altogether; namely, DEX+5, REC+2 and STR+7.

Since all of the point allocated to STR will be converted into x2 towards each of INT and WIS stats, it was just dumb to allocate any free AP of hers directly to INT or WIS. Think smarter, not harder.

"Nehe-teeheheh! Let me go, aiyo~..." Having her nose taken by a hook made from two fingers of the evil Tongqiu, Yunalesca played along with Tongqiu in joy for half an hour before both of them had to leave at last. After another little kiss, long and sweet ones, here and there; they both logged off the game and went back to their deary real life homes.



Time passed that day as Tongqiu and the maids and little maids had already finished their daily routine and had been having their free time in relaxation and in warm moments with Tongqiu. As Tongqiu had a maid with her bum on his lap while he rested on a 4-seater sofa, watching the TV while eating some of the popcorn that was already half-way through the maid's mouth, his body suddenly flinched and his eyes expanded while his heart throbbed harshly twice.

"Excuse me, little Pira." Tongqiu pulled the maid slightly away as she quickly helped herself up while shaking her head in a relaxed manner with her eyes dearly closed. Nodding and giving her a little grin in thanks, Tongqiu then hurriedly moved towards the main entrance as soon yet normal-human speed as he could.

Ding, dong~.

The bell on the door resounded just as he was a few seconds before the door as Tongqiu's heart jolted once again, with a hard push against the door with his feet, he dashed towards the door and opened it as fast as he could, only to find one and not two of the people he previously 'saw'.

"Haah, haah, haah... Sash, h-hey..."

Smiling kindly, something utterly rare and new on this world -for her-, Sash then said in a soft and low voice: "Yun Beishang, she had to go just now. Yes, it was Nora Béart, b-but... Don't worry! Very soon, you'll be able to see her! She is really, really busy and-and caring, you know?"




Let It Rain's Note: Today I received my first review. It was disappointing and sad to see that it felt like a man in his 40's having just dressed up for the occasion to speak to me like an elder while his words were contradictory and there were some 'big' words here and there that could confuse anyone that wasn't paying attention, ayayay. Even then, I'll take what I think (?) was helpful and press myself on that matter.

V2: #6 3/10

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