Bow and Arrow

Chapter 198: Chapter 197 — The Legendary Genius Of The Human Race, Harlofk (1)

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The Legendary Genius Of The Human Race, Harlofk (1)




'R-Rosey? Little thing, you... hah.' Tongqiu was visibly moved, this naughty and playful 'little sister' of his now suddenly turned selfless and even sacrificial; sacrificial... that was not good.

Yet, Tongqiu wasn't going to engage in an useless and unrealistic chat with Rosey while making a beautiful smile in the middle of a battle after such a tense and shocking taking of the initiative by Harlofk. As of right now, Tongqiu's was still feeling a little of cold sweat dry out from his back. His Great Petal Suit Thorax's back couldn't get actually wet nor dirty, but his skin could feel the dampness cool away ever so slightly.


Taking a slow and almost difficult to take in, saliva in his mouth, Tongqiu cast away all the sudden burst of chaotic train of thoughts and emotions to compose himself onto a fight. A very harsh one.

First, he could not use Mental Power and probably not even his brand new hidden stat, Intent. Second, damage taken and the damage dealt in this battle could only be called as advantageous for Tongqiu and no one else, that included Rosey. Not being a human, Rosey didn't got this kind of 'VIP'-like treatment and was instead risking taking bonus damage from Harlofk. Third, Unparalleled Manipulation was useless since his Intent stat was also useless, he might be able to half-execute the Unparalleled Manipulation skill but it would just not work out.


Exhaling out loud and moving forward to line up with Rosey, and as Rosey's eyes became crescent moons, Tongqiu took out his two old pals as he held them both tightly and a little angry; too.

T-shin, t-shin.

"Eh... okay Rose, act as support, okay? I'll be tanking this bastard's attention while you only sum up at certain times to deliver a quick flurry, besides that, spam Dooming Bloom every time you have it off-cooldown." Receiving a few boring 'ptrr, ptrr', Tongqiu lifted his head up to look at Harlofk whose visage was now simply terrifying and stern, his body was positioned like that of a predator who wasn't even trying to play mental games with their prey while his eyes radiated strong oppression towards the weak; towards Tongqiu.

"Name?" Harlofk asked with a neutral, almost vacant tone without humanity yet extremely humane.

"To-" As Tongqiu was about to ID'name himself out of for the sake of slighting Harlofk, he suddenly remembered Katia mentioning his real name at once in their encounter. Suddenly, his demeanor changed, no longer grumpy but still irritated as he almost respectfully said: "Yun Beishang..."

"Harlofk, forgotten son of-"

"That is alright, it doesn't matter. Don't have to tell me your life, bro." Tongqiu interrupted Harlofk right as he was about to monologue some shit from his programming, it wasn't Tongqiu being disrespectful -only-, but that he wished not to be repeated of the history lesson once more.

"We are just two people; two sides. Working against each other, and going to kill one another... There's, there is just nothing else to that. Mn." At the last of his words, Tongqiu made a quick pause before nodding with an added sound coming from his throat, then he aimed both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses thrusting forwards and to the ground. His intentions were clear; not personal, just two sides, going against each other and nothing else.

Harlofk serenely turned silent to look at Tongqiu's face for a long time, after that long ass time went by, his mouth finally twitched once before opening a wide grin to the left side of his face before lowering his head and his gaze as a white noise-scoff sounded out from his mouth.

Lifting his head to look at Tongqiu, Harlofk looked at him for another 3 seconds before opening his mouth to speak again: "Though you haven't actively killed even a single Demon, you nevertheless carry that sin, that heavy weight on your shoulders. Allow me, then, to break them apart and liberate you from your unceasing and uncontrollable lost path."

Harlofk had a strong and determined square shaped face with thick yet flexible eyebrows that had the volume of a drop of liquid being extended with their extremes closer to his glabella being the 'fattest' part of them. His nose was just as manly and imposing and even though it sounded absurd, it perfectly depicted his voice, gaze and points of view with that alone. There wasn't a need for him to speak, but he felt like talking since the security system of the throne room had been activated and, until one of them died, there would be no lifting of restrictions inside.

As such, although Harlofk knew that Tongqiu couldn't use those dangerous 'reasons' for which he had initially targeted Tongqiu with that strange and absurd 'special' attack, Harlofk was still cautious for as there were no absolutes in this world when it came to rules.


The moment Harlofk finished his words, his body turned a little to his left and to his right as if he was scrutinizing Tongqiu without the dangerous 'feeling' affecting his confidence anymore. Then, Harlofk stopped his body as he was about to turn towards the other side once again with his right foot, harshly and heavily against the floor as he dashed extremely powerfully toward Tongqiu!

With his knee already aiming at Tongqiu's adam's apple and his body already flying when half the distance was being covered, Tongqiu reacted calmly by conjoining both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses with their blades only 2 inches apart from each other, to directly perfectly parry off Harlofk's sudden attack.



The moment the Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses made contact with Harlofk's body, Tongqiu felt them instantly bloating at an almost impossible to believe diminute degree. After managing to fend off Harlofk's probationary attack, Tongqiu saw the incredible durability of both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses lower in '-2'. They still had a thousand and hundreds more of that durability so, it wasn't a problem of course but, for an animal who had an astronomical HP of 95,000,000; the necessary amount of individual attacks to even lower a little more than half of Harlofk's HP -and that was without including parries and blocks- wasn't enough for both his old pals to accompany him through the entire battle.

Naturally, as he had done so before, he'd have to interchange between attacking melee and ranged. With how fast, precise, experienced and formidable Harlofk was, his arrows would most likely than not- be completely deflected and parried so he'd have to use Combustion in every single one of his arrows let loose.

The only good part of this, was that Tongqiu could completely ignore Harlofk's Physical Defense and Magical Defense. The only problem that still remained was, that some 'MISS' would never stop appearing from here on after.

"Rosey, take the dagger and keep it for now!" Moving towards Harlofk to follow up with an attack from himself after giving Rosey a command, Tongqiu dashed to Harlofk who has had already landed on the floor and was expressionlessly looking at Tongqiu with the same stern aura as before.

Transient Divine Burst!

Tongqiu was arriving in front of Harlofk after his entire body grew a few centimeters in but a moment, moving both his hands to once again join together the handles of the pair of gladiuses against each other, Tongqiu got infinitely close to Harlofk's body before his left hand suddenly left the previously left-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius and it disappeared along with Tongqiu letting go of it.

Right afterwards, Tongqiu's left hand moved towards the right ribs of Harlofk in a extremely fierce gesture while his right-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius kept on moving in its previous trajectory aimed at Harlofk's hear.

His eyes shrinking at once, Harlofk moved his head upwards to his left as his heart was free of the targeting gladius while the right side of his torso avoided being directly held by Tongqiu's left hand.

Yet, at the same moment, Tongqiu deviously and abruptly tilted the blade's tip of his gladius in a way that aimed instead at the left shoulder of Harlofk while Tongqiu's left hand moved to pin down Harlofk's right elbow.

Pfruiyl! Thud.

-32,497, -32,497.

The chilling sound of a bone being cruelly grazed against resounded as the sound of flesh connecting with flesh in a brutal way followed right after. Once Tongqiu had his right-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius pin down and limit Harlofk's movements painfully, Tongqiu even more tightly gripped Harlofk's elbow as his right hand began to deliver punches one after the other at Harlofk's sternum at his chest. While at the same time, Rosey intelligently used Bloodline to facilitate her big brother barrage of attacks.

Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam! Pam!

MISS, MISS, -32,497, MISS, -32,497, -32,497, -32,497, -32,497, -32,497, MISS, -32,497, MISS, MISS, -32,498, -32,497, -32,497, MISS.

Tongqiu's Attack Speed was no joke fucking matter, and with Rosey's clever utilization of her self-buffing skill, they went even more absurd totaling for a whole 10 non-missed attacks. Harlofk's HP was now of [94,610,033].

Unfortunately, as Harlofk endured the barrage of punches from Tongqiu whom he believed to be a weak ant when being affected by the throne room's restraints, he finally deflected Tongqiu's right fist with his left elbow while ignoring the pain caused by the Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius on his left shoulder.

-32,497, -32,947, -32,947.

After deflecting Tongqiu's fist, Harlofk's right arm struggled against Tongqiu's grip furiously, successfully getting free after a few mere movements.

"Hrwaaagh!" Growling without restraint, Harlofk delivered an extremely quick punch with his right while his left arm moved to steal Tongqiu's weapon.



Tongqiu was sent flying backwards 3 meters while the handle from his gladius was about to be taken by Harlofk.


Suddenly, the entire Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius disappeared in a quick and brief white glow, allowing Harlofk to grasp air, dust and blood instead of that exquisite and unique handle that he just so happened to grow fond of. Looking back at the Tongqiu who had just finished a small hop midair and was looking back at him in silent disdain as the same Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius as before appeared once again at his right hand.

'What?! How can he employ such power? That can't be!' Harlofk was growing restless, reminding his feeling of danger approaching him as soon as Tongqiu took the first step outside the throne room. And as Tongqiu's Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius now had an orange, silver and black-violet 'aura', Harlofk took out a hatchet from his back and who knows where before throwing it at Tongqiu.

Pheew! Clank.

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Ducking his head, baffled, Tongqiu looked back at Harlofk making a weird face and a strange furrowing of his brows while seriously looking directly at the hatched that was now laying on the door without a sign of life.


Tiling~, tiling~.

As Tongqiu was silently unbelieving of the situation, his old pals made two types of sounds; one, a mocking type of sound and two, a type of sound that could be described as feeling pity for another of its kind...

Shaking his head and making a helpless grin with the corner of his lips, Tongqiu dashed directly towards Harlofk once again and at this time, he had Rosey's Bloodline, he very much early and much more strongly arrived before Harlofk.



Harlofk tried to block it with both his arms but, the moment his right-handed gladius struck against them, direct damage went out above his head directly as Harlofk himself felt clear pain from the attack instead of having it reduced.

Following right after; with his free left hand, Tongqiu summoned his left-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius to strike down directly at Harlofk's face along with his right-handed gladius as Harlofk's arms were still pulled apart from the previous strike.

Pof, pof!

Yet, his pair of Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses were not only deflected but Tongqiu could also feel that bloating sensation on them as he tried to redirect them to once again attack Harlofk.

Pof, pof!

Yet, he was once again deflected as another '-2' went out around his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses. Harlofk was only using two of his fingers to fend off Tongqiu's incredibly speedy and accurate attacks on him.

Pof-pof-pof-pof, pof pof!

Be it a slashing motions, swinging or hacking down with his pair of gladiuses, Tongqiu was being deflected over and over again that he grew exasperated to this stupid op move of Harlofk. Was he like this? Did all those mobs and even Rosey felt this annoyed when fighting against such a little squirmy rat like him?

Thankfully, however, it didn't last long as the feeling of Harlofk's entire body being surrounded by a strange sensation rapidly went off after several series of attacks from Tongqiu. Either by duration or a certain amount of attacks, Harlofk should only be able to use that 'All-Out Implosion' skill every once in a while and not whenever the annoying fucker wished to. One simple reason to deduce that is, by checking again the 'rare' usage rate of this skill of his.

And, indeed, as soon as Tongqiu saw this he immediately after rushed at Harlofk once again!

Seeing this, Harlofk's breath was taken away in surprise for a moment before some colorful, extremely diminute green colored specks of light-like appearance began to concentrate and move towards Harlofk himself at once; slowly.

Frowning at this change, Tongqiu actually stopped himself from charging over to Harlofk and instead studied his movements. This was, obviously, the 'Materialization of Particles' skill. Towards such a wildcard-type of skill, even if Tongqiu had to lose a good moment to attack, better to study for the rest of the battle than to give and take an absurd and unthinkable amount of damage.

As Tongqiu kept watching, Harlofk finally converged all of the particle Elements in his near surroundings that have gone inside his being, to the center between both his hands as he gestured them below his pelvis and in front of himself. Quickly after, a rather thicker than larger green rectangle was the first thing that Tongqiu could witness and, right after, it was the length of a 1.25 m long sword that was directly pointing at the ground.


Tongqiu could no longer have the perfect and oh so cheat of an use for his Mental Power but, his natural senses and instincts averted him to simply just get out of the fucking way, no, rather- to escape the ground!


And Tongqiu did indeed as he though, right after he lightly tapped on the floor with his right finger while his left knee soared to above his waist height with his left leg bending in midair, the ground under him began to tumble and distort as if it was water being boiled. This ultimately strange and unthinkable scene remained Tongqiu of the use of Earth Core Element from other mobs, it wasn't anything like what he was seeing now and, Tongqiu even had the slight indication that this was a much more real and much more 'attained' version of them all.

'Attainment.' While still in midair and out of instinct, Tongqiu tapped a couple more time on the nothing as his body was slightly hopped upwards each time he did; Tongqiu was, indeed, also lost in this sudden almost epiphany of his. At the same moment though, the brand new materialized thick sword from the Earth Core Element in Harlofk's hands was buried on the ground yet the floor of the throne room seemed to not be truly damaged in the slightest.

This realization struck Tongqiu out of his previous stupefied state, jolting him awake to the sight of Rosey lazily avoiding this attack by levitating with the dagger on her arms still being firmly and tightly held against her chest.

Tongqiu's eyes, once again fell into a pondering fashion as his body began to fall downwards to the ground that was now stabilizing from its previous -in Tongqiu's point of view- perfect manipulation of the Earth Core Element.

Tap, tap.

His feet gently landing on the ground and his head turning towards Harlofk, Tongqiu stored both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses while also deactivating Transient Divine Burst. He did all of this slowly as he even 'patiently' nocked an arrow to his Short Azure Wind Bow. Tongqiu did this, not only with the intention to irk at, annoy, slight and to infuriate Harlofk, but also to show him that, that Tongqiu wasn't feeling pressured in the slightest by the so-called 'Legendary Genius' of the Human Race.


With only a silent countenance to answer to Tongqiu, Harlofk saw the ever so skillful and powerful and imposing looking Tongqiu aim at his head without the slightest hint of emotion. It wasn't like his own where he was expressionless and cruel because of his lost and pain; Tongqiu's indifference was directly from his very own existence and not something that was 'forged' or worst yet, 'molded' into.


With the sound of the arrow being let loose after the bowstring was powerfully pulled to a full moon, Harlofk easily swatted away the arrow that was about to reach his face in the most impactful of ways, he did so as if Harlofk was merely getting rid of a fly that dared to fly directly and slowly; at his own face.


Swish, swish!

Yet, he never imagined that as soon as he got rid of that ridiculous arrow, the sound of more projectiles and on a faster ground at that, were coming right after the first one!

'Hmph. To think that this simple child's play would be used against me.' Harlofk said with his hands already moving to not slap away but instead, to stop those two arrows at the same time by slamming them with both his palms.


-36,108, 36,108.

Yet, as soon as Harlofk 'successfully' caught those two incoming arrows, he found out that one of them had changed its course and went instead for his right shoulder, impaling itself against his very own bones. Before exploding into two out-of-this-world sounds; Harlofk knew something was wrong the moment he caught that one arrow, but by that time it was already too late.

Remaining on the spot and with his clothes not even moving, Harlofk remained in the same positioned with his knees shaking at an invisible-to-the-naked eye motion. Tongqiu didn't had Mental Power to 'see' this but, from his experience and battle awareness, he was more than clear to Harlofk's situation. It wasn't fear, it wasn't shock nor because of the unexpected; Harlofk was genuinely injured with his knees starting to threaten to give up without even being hit by the explosion as the true epicenter of the dome.

Strangely, there was no reaction on the surroundings and not even a single scratch was seen could be seen from such close-together explosions from Combustion, something very new indeed.

Yet, Harlofk had no time at all to ponder on another strategy of a better use of his only available moves as the white noise of dozens of figures moving towards him were detected by his own senses.

Tongqiu's Rain Showdown!

Show was over, and there was no need to take into consideration the need to limit himself. Time to kill!!





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