Bow and Arrow

Chapter 201: Chapter 200 — Rising, Essence Attainment, First Class Advancement!

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Rising, Essence Attainment, First Class Advancement!




'Uh oh.' Uh-fucking-oh indeed, Tongqiu saw the pale-pink disappear as the image of Harlofk appeared instead.

With both his hands clutching at the sides of his face, Harlofk was being surrounded by a fiery red and light orange aura 3 meters away from where his body was while, his hair and stature grew by a few inches each. Especially his body which gained a lot of volume with his muscles growing, his organs probably accompanied that growth for as small as their growth in itself was. Even Harlofk's eyes, nails and teeth grew along with him, his entire being now was also radiating something similar, like a pulse in which Tongqiu felt deep and strong suffocation from his chest to his brain, it was utterly suppressing but he could deal with it. Rosey didn't even seem to be affected in the slightest, but her eyes turned calmer and somewhat strange as well.

"GROHOOOOWWW!" As a growl finally escaped Harlofk's throat, the light orange and fiery red colored aura around him exploded outwards, toppling backwards everything it touched, including Tongqiu and company.

Plosh! POOM!

Dust swayed and even the flooring was dented a few centimeters, everything felt minuscule and incompetent at the prospect of such being, overlord and god-like figure!







With both Tongqiu and Rosey flying backwards horrendously powerfully at the sudden outburst coming from Harlofk directly and colliding against the walls, then falling to the ground with Tongqiu in a Stunned state that went from 7 seconds to 1 second with Rosey only producing cute and pitiful 'brrs', both of them were clearly incapacitated for a while. Harlofk, naturally, took advantage of this and when he recovered his mentality, he charged forwards directly at them!

Tongqiu wasn't slow though and, after the initial second of Stun, he woke up to the summoning of his left-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius with his right-handed gladius sword being slowly lifted to point at the incoming Harlofk whose eyes were brutally covered by berserkness and thirst of his, Tongqiu's, own blood.

Harlofk's HP: [13,965,000/95,000,000].

Tongqiu's Rain Showdown!



And Rosey, being in an even better spot than Tongqiu, only chose to act the moment her big brother did so as to combine both their attacks!

Rosey, Dooming Bloom!


'Shit.' Shit indeed, when Harlofk advanced into the Mythical grade, at that same moment, Tongqiu already knew his MISS rate would increase and sure it god damn did.

Harlofk's HP: [13,370,416/95,000,000].

As for Harlofk himself? He was only forced to take half a step back before his running at Tongqiu continued as if he only suffered of the legendary, never before seen in thousands of years; lag!

After that miserable pause came the steps of Harlofk's body that made everything in the throne room resonate through and rumble about over and over again.

"PTRRR!" A furious, reckless and powerful Little Rosey made her way to stop Harlofk on his track...




Ptrr-... CRASH!

...only to be swatted away with the back of Harlofk's left hand. Sent into the far away wall in the distance as a smallish and even more pitiful sound came out her little mouth before her little body finally horrendously crashed against the wall, making a slight crack on it.

"ROSEEEEY!!!" Hoarse and dedicated to murder, Tongqiu's voice changed abruptly with his previous sense of having your mission difficulty just unfairly been brought up, to a heartrending murderous need to kill!


Yet, at this moment, Tongqiu heard and saw Harlofk make an all powerful stomp on the floor that made the entire throne room wobble about as if it was made of jelly; right before dashing forth at Tongqiu to grab his neck and lock him tight with his fingers threatening to crush his neck into mush.

"Gghl-kuhgl...GRRRRRRR!!!" Tongqiu at first wanted to speak to the shit in front of him but couldn't, so after trying one last time, he emitted a bestial snarl for as his eyebrows went extremely ugly and fierce to contort his face with his nose flaring up in total anger.

"GGGGGRRR-KJHAAAAAAAAAAGGH!!!!" However, Harlofk ignored the pitiful ant's screaming and squeakiness as he looked down at Tongqiu with his enlarged face a few inches above Tongqiu's, Harlofk's eyes looked tenebrous and murky as he opened his mouth while a condescending glint formed in his eyes in return: "You are a pitiful nobody, that can grow so much, but can only float in a small pond."


His bones cracking already, Tongqiu's eyes threatened to bulge out and explode but, he held it in like it was nothing and as if it was something he was used to. Glaring back at the enlarged Harlofk with those scary eyes of his, Tongqiu turned mocking with a single meaning not-hidden-at-all within his eyes.


*PING*'ve entered a heavily injured state by not receiving damage but having a vital point of your body critically damaged.


After receiving the beautiful mechanical, robotic voice to his ears, Tongqiu felt his body fly through and endless amount of distance before finally being thrown towards another part of the throne room; after Harlofk decided to let him go after spinning around dozens of times in just a few seconds.



From having lost 5,000 HP to recuperating 4,696 after the Lifesteal effect worked its wonders to a total of 11,488 only to be stolen of his HP once again with the even more powerful throw of his body towards another wall yet again by a whopping 8,137! All the way down to the miserable-looking number of 3,351.

*PING*'ve been inflicted the negative altered effect, Stun, for 10 seconds. Total duration has been lowered down to 1.3 seconds long.

'...Ugh...' Tongqiu was tired, of being flung around and of crashing against everywhere he was sent.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...' He was so tired that the feeling of dying in-game resulted in not caring a damn hell, but...


...Rosey, once again hurt and even almost killed by his incompetence. Even after already being humiliated like that before right after Yunalesca was also almost killed by a single move of his, yet it happened again. Such a disgrace of a man.

'Mmggghh-...' He felt his head itch, so itchy he wanted to cut it off or better yet, squash it into jam with a few of his punches!

'GWAAAAAHAAA-WAAAGAWAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!' While behaving like a little stupid and pathetic child inside his mind, pulling his hair like there was not a single nothing else to do besides that... As the towering Harlofk made his way to Tongqiu with light steps that yet managed to make the entire throne room to jump with all of its dust creating two layers above the ground and the little stones broke from their just then previous taking and giving of a beating, Tongqiu's eyes weren't even closed as he felt even more INUNDATING RAGE when he did, did not had anything special as they were just as Tongqiu was currently; pathetic.

Step... step... step... step... step, step, step, step, step.

"Oh, boy. How disgraceful are you now. Aren't you satisfied yet?" Harlofk's voice traveled down, bent on bending Tongqiu's mind with words alone yet he was already standing a couple of steps before Tongqiu as he did so, tilting his head to the left, Harlofk then made one step forwards while bending his very own back to speak in an even more despicable, hushed tone: "Worthless."


"Heh heh- ah? What is- hm?!" In the middle of his cracking, crazed laughter, Harlofk suddenly stopped when his even further sharpened senses detected a life-consuming type of sound at the mere ending of his own words. Yet, when he was about to question himself first before studying this, the 'Journeyer' 's body to ask a second time; when he was suddenly astonished at the little thing in front of him that suddenly appeared and had not even made any sound nor presence.

'This... that teleportation!...' Becoming aware of the fact that this was Rosey prepared to send yet another immense attack at him, and with that crazy coexisting skill between that thing and this 'Journeyer', Harlofk's eyes then went round as bigger-than-saucers while the tried to move away from them!

But it was, too late.

Rosey, Dooming Bloom!

Rosey, Myriad Thorny Roots!

"PTRRRRRRR!" With a completely maddened howl, Rosey launched all of her current available destroying techniques one after another, her tying Harlofk still yet as perfectly as before right after sending him flying away with some more of her HP disappearing at the extensive use and at the shortening of the cooldown for Dooming Bloom. She didn't dare to do the same with Bloodline as, she would not even be able to survive to execute the skill that she was looking for.



"HUH?! Guwahaa, goddammit! Why are these things still so hard?!" Battling to get rid of the things after being blasted by the initial close-proximity Dooming Bloom from Rosey, Harlofk struggled with all his hard to get the fuck back up again and finish this fight! He could sense the low vitality running through the little thing's body while Tongqiu was still non-responsive to the happenings around him.

"Brr?" Utterly worried and out of the deepest care, Rosey placed her right palm on Tongqiu's left shoulder who was still kneeling in an almost fetal position as the pulling of his hair was finally stopped yet his fingers did not let go of his hair.

"Brr, brrr~, brr? Brr... brrr... Ptrr, ptrr, ptrr, ptrrr!" Turning from soft and relieved at seeing Tongqiu, Rosey then became more and more aggressive before her eyes' iris turned to a clearly visible clear, pure and pale violet!

"PTRR... PTRRR-R-R-R..." Her little body began to float, her three petals, even counting the one who hadn't even been born and was barely more than just a seed, began to also be enshrouded in a pale and pure violet energy, aura... Essence!

"PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" More enraged and more decisive, Rosey's body started to emanate a type of projection from her body which  was of a clear, light violet color.

"PTRR!!!!!" Rosey's face turned horrendous, her nose and mouth so twisted and contorted in brave, pure and boundless fury that she no longer appeared to be even the previously Heavenly BOSS Rosey from before, her entire being emanated pure destruction!

'R-Rosey?' As if it was too much pathetic, Tongqiu lifted his head to the sight of seeing a Rosey about to take off while a crimson flame began to move towards the top of her head, moving from where her heart and dantian location where at, towards the top of her head!

"Rosey! Rosey?!" Scrunching his face in almost horror, Tongqiu finally saw Rosey's face as she turned to look at him with a few crystal clear rosy-red teardrops falling from her lacrimals and a look of pain and sorrow going through her. Which elicited a thought into Tongqiu's mind: 'This... isn't the look that one would give when just helping somebody, this!-... She's sacrificing herself?'.

Dear horror held onto Tongqiu as Tongqiu himself almost fell to his thoughts, he felt the same light sensation on his head occur again but this time, he resisted any urge and merely watched Rosey turn her head back to the Harlofk who was about to free himself from the roots around his body.


Like a missile, Rosey's body was sent forwards with no hopes of a heavily injured -state- Tongqiu being able to catch up to.

'No...' Tongqiu's heart shrunk, his throat dried and his eyes bulging, he could only shout: "ROSEY, NO! STOP! ROSEY!!"

Rosey, Teary Pet-



The clear sound of a bell seemed to resonate through everyone's bodies, being and existence as Rosey's body halted midair with her two fully grown petals atop her head being only a few centimeters from being reached, touched and set ablaze by that crimson flame which barely reached above her nose-level. On the other hand, Harlofk wore a stupid expression as his entire body emanated bafflement to the sight of Tongqiu's ear, nose, eyes, under his nails and on a few pores of his body; streaming down a scary and impossible amount of blood at the speed of lightning before jolting to a stop ever so abruptly.

"EEEE... yiyi-yaya..." Rosey made tender sounds with her dear little throat for as her mouth was seemingly locked in space in some way and reason. Not only was her mouth, face, limbs and the entirety of her body totally stopped, but even the tears that were streaming down and the tears that were about to completely come out from her lacrimals stopped altogether with their body of water not being destroyed by Rosey's skin. The same was with Rosey's crimson little flame, it was stagnated as if it was only the image of a flame and not a real one.

"UGMMH!" With a pull of his not-even-capable-of-feeling-them arms, Tongqiu actually forced Rosey's body to be teleported right beside him, where it was safe and where she could not execute that Teary Petal, oh so terrifying, skill.

Right now, after being weirdly 'caught', Rosey resembled more a little girl caught red-handed when attempting mischief rather than a being born at the apex, no sight of the massive-destruction perpetrator could be seen anywhere on her body.

"Hmph~." Bending over to a half-kneeling position, Tongqiu patted Rosey's back before petting her head, lovingly. After Rosey made a few more tender 'brr' and 'brr', Tongqiu stood up and spoke to her with a soft smile and an equally soft tone: "Wait for me here, alright? Just watch me and do not do anything dumb and silly again. I'll be right back."

"Brrr!" The moment Tongqiu turned towards Harlofk who was now waking up from his stupor, Rosey's anguished and broken sound made him turn his head back, soothing the little sister who no longer wanted to see her big brother be beaten up so badly. As he summoned both his old pals for each hand, Tongqiu gently shook his head at Rosey.

While Harlofk took this moment thinking that Tongqiu was still stupidly giving him even more time to prepare and compose himself, he didn't notice the hurling shadow of swords coming his way.

"Eh?-" 'Eh' was the only thing heard from Harlofk before being drowned by the several dozen pair of gladius sword shadows.



Gulp, gulp.

+1,769, +150, +150, +150...

With another -already- typical Kindness Low-Potion between his lips, Tongqiu marched towards Harlofk without giving a single hint of his previous muddled mental state.

Indeed, Tongqiu's reason for bleeding was that he forced the Mental Power hidden within himself outside, to this throne room that restrained the powers that allowed for one to do more than possible. Along with his Mental Power, Tongqiu also used at last, his newly unearthed hidden stat; Intention.Yet it was not the time for excitement and celebration. A long time has already passed. All parties were exhausted.

It was time for killing.

"Huu, huu... Hah!"


Transient Divine Burst!

Tongqiu dashed forwards, his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius swords taking the lead with Tongqiu's body following right after into a dive!


Tongqiu made it so that the blades would attack Harlofk in a double 'L' trajectory with one of the gladius doing a reversed 'L' instead.

-32,497, -32,497.

Right after, Tongqiu stored his right-handed Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius before taking out a little potion with black contents inside of it; at the same time, Tongqiu's neck was furiously grabbed at by Harlofk's enlarged hand and arm. Looking at the little potion in his right hand, Harlofk followed Tongqiu's gaze to see a never before seen potion, Harlofk's eyebrows furrowed to a frown when he noticed that Tongqiu was had already unequipped his left-handed sword and what replaced it was a slightly larger and fatter bottle. This time, Harlofk recognized it, it as an antidote potion!


With his nostrils taking in a sharp amount of air, Tongqiu crushed the little potion in his right hand while also ostentatiously moving the left antidote potion towards his mouth. The moment the little potion broke, a plethora of smoke formed all around the two of them. At the same time, Harlofk moved the hand in which he used to hold Tongqiu's neck to steal the antidote potion since it was closer to Tongqiu's mouth than his other free hand which was previously in the midst of preparing to punch Tongqiu to death in one sole hit.

After witnessing this through the rapidly enclosing smoke that was threatening to blind their eyes, Tongqiu grinned as his hands once again summoned both his old pals to continue barraging Harlofk's body.

Thud, thud.

But the only thing they did was to create soft sounds while his old pals bloated even more strongly than before. Harlofk's voice went out as soon as his arms felt Tongqiu's blade try to pierce through them: "Got you! Grunt, do you think something so novice can actually give you a chance? I can see you even if I close MY EYES!!"


Yet, he was responded by feeling the blades of Tongqiu's swords separate from his arms before once again making another hacking down at his shoulders. This time, he did not stop it, but he also failed to remind himself that Tongqiu has more than one empowering skill.

"Heh, catching your useless crap will-" The moment Harlofk felt the two swords accurately pinpoint his shoulder's location and hit them with raw strength rather that actually using them as swords, Harlofk felt the need to ridicule Tongqiu before kicking his sorry ass out of the throne room but...

Gulp, gulp.

+1,768, +150, +150, +150.


-36,108, -36,108.

'WHAT?!' Harlofk was shocked silly, wasn't he only able to use that when in range? How come he could do however he wished?! He was tricked!

Staggering backwards and to the sides a little from such remissness, after all, the Legendary Genius of the Human Race was so easily tricked like a little kid. Wasn't that wonderful? With his eyes wide in shock, Harlofk looked at the incoming pair of gladius swords like the terror and bane of his life have come for him.

"Nooo!" But yes instead, fucker!

-36,108, -36,108, -36,108, -36,108, -36,108, -36,108...

+361, +361, +361, +361, +361, +361.


Though Harlofk couldn't feel the pain from the blades nor from the explosion, they still made him feel weakness and the vitality of his body leaving it each time he was propelled slightly to the side from the expansive shockwave. And because he was being constantly attacked by two different weapons at the same time, he ended up being sandwiched in the middle, allowing Tongqiu to no longer force out his Mental Power for as his eyes already only saw red.




Suddenly, Tongqiu felt both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius swords bloat once again but this time, he felt that it was no longer just the sensation but that of their entire bodies bloating. His eyes widening, Tongqiu forcefully sent Mental Power to his arms before quickly arriving at the swords' handle.


Tongqiu's pupils constricted with his jaw becoming wider as well, both his Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius swords became little pieces as well as ashes!

Meanwhile, Harlofk had both his arms extended with his hands still clenching on something that no longer was there. His pose remained even after the black smoke dissipated.



Tongqiu felt a bit overwhelmed on seeing his long-life -inside the game- companions break apart completely, even though they were at the Formidable grade! Right as he was stunlocked, a fist punched towards his face while intending to blast him away 10 meters or more at once. Barely dodging the attack with his left cheek almost grazing against it, Tongqiu took out his Short Azure Wind Bow, ducked to avoid the next incoming punch as well as rolled on the ground to his left which surprised Harlofk. Before letting loose a wideshot less than half a meter away from Harlofk who was already twisting his body to face Tongqiu.


-36,108, MISS.



+1,768, +150, +150, +150, +150.

MP+5,474, Stamina+5,509, +200+200, +200+200, +200+200, +200+200.

Taking advantage that Harlofk was staggering backwards, Tongqiu moved to drink a Benevolent and Kindness Low-Potion before leaving another two from one each between his lips as well as to store the leftovers from his two old pals whose color has gone extinct as for what Tongqiu's eyes could tell.


Pulling the Short Azure Wind Bow to a full moon in but half a second, Tongqiu let loose another wide shot but this time, he was taken by the suicidal of a charging Harlofk with Tongqiu's chest being slammed by Harlofk's palm.



"Ugh! Gulp!" While being sent away, Tongqiu began drinking the 'extra' Kindness Low-Potion. Suddenly, as he was still not finish drinking the potion and as he was still in midair, Tongqiu saw Harlofk already about to kick him down with his left calve to the ground.

Tongqiu's Rain Showdown!

+1,768, +150.



+4,696, +150.

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

'Holy fuck!' Sweating a cold, Tongqiu watched his HP bar go from 11,792 to 2,972 before being raised up to 4,890 thanks to the potion, barely enough to keep him alive after the second hit with 49 HP. Then, as the Tongqiu's Rain Showdown crashed against Harlofk; amidst the endless MISS, he healed back up to 4,895.

Tap, step.

Standing up quickly, Tongqiu gulped hard with his drying throat as he took out his Short Azure Wind Bow to do the best he can to fend off Harlofk, this time he took his time to concentrate on him while his Short Azure Wind Bow bloated more and more for each hit it resisted.

[Harlofk, the Hopeful]: Type: Human, Grade: Mythical, Level: 86, HP: 11,807,958/990,000,000. Harlofk was the young child of the acting chief commander of the Main Kingdom's Regional Forces, this organization at the planetary-level whose genuine chief-commander had disappeared a few years ago since the moment of the arrival of the 'Journeyers' to Main Kingdom. The promising lad whose power exceeded that of even the person recognized as the most powerful human in Main Kingdom at the age of 10, becoming the first Heavenly being born from the human race since time immemorial. And the first Mythical of the Human Race in history.

'Hm. The first Mythical being, huh? Heh, and I'll be the one to kill it.' Tongqiu thought so, but his Short Azure Wind Bow was already bloated until nothing else remained. Yet, Tongqiu's eyes were unfocused yet concentrated fully at the same time. His self was perfectly responsive yet slumbering in a way.


A fist made its way up to Tongqiu's face, a moment before it could hit Tongqiu squarely on, the Short Azure Wind Bow was lifted by Tongqiu's own hands to protect himself yet his  face appeared completely ignorant of that fact.


Once again, Tongqiu's remaining main weapon was broken to little pieces with each part of the bow bloating impossibly before becoming either ashes or little pieces of it.

"Hmph." Snorting victoriously, Harlofk made a slight pause before engaging into the fight once again. Tongqiu was still and unmoving but his awareness was still somewhat there. Feeling smug and omnipotent, to the point that he believed to be the strongest being in Main Kingdom. Harlofk did nothing to suppress the gloating sensation from power belong to him, and him alone, he was itching to conquer all of Main Kingdom already once he was over with this pathetic human being.

Retracting his arm and send his fist at Tongqiu's chest; Harlofk felt his fist punch nothing as the air all around and after his arm exploded outwards for a few inches. Trying it again, Harlofk used Myriad Involvement in the Universe with the Wind Core Element yet failed again as he even felt part of that wind be stolen by the movements that Tongqiu did, easily dodging that attack.

"Huh?!" Looking at Tongqiu he realized that some orange spores moved all around Tongqiu, especially towards his wrists. These 'spores' seemingly came from nowhere and became so worked up all together that they made it even possible for a partially blind person to be able to easily spot them.

'No... no way. That, that cannot be!' Then, to his horror, Harlofk saw another two such energies swirl around Tongqiu's body. On his right, behind Tongqiu, an unclear painting colored of the most beautiful, purest white. On his right, behind Tongqiu, another unclear painting colored by a grey-platinum, bright metallic. What was worst, they were almost as 'material' as the orange spores were.

That, was Harlofk's point of view. For as Tongqiu, Tongqiu saw many, many globes of all different colors. When he opened his eyes once again, he now felt a sense of belonging when it came to the orange colored globes. Tongqiu began to feel hungry.

Wheesh! Wheesh! Wheesh! Wheesh!

While the purest white and the grey-platinum essences moved around in their still ethereal, immaterial form. The orange globes began to merge with Tongqiu, the transparent black globes inside his body became even bigger and, while his body didn't enlarge nor bloated, more and more of those transparent black globes began appearing. It was as if Tongqiu's body was now a world of his own, where he could grow those and many more of such globes infinitely!

After what seemed an eternity from having the previous number tripled and at an even greater size, Tongqiu stopped hungrily devouring those orange colored globes. For as he no longer needed them.

*PING*'ve Attained your own Essence!

*PING* has attained his first Essence, as a reward main stat+100 and HP+6,000.

*PING* must name his Essence.

At that moment, Tongqiu was indifferently gazing downwards with even his lips extended outwards a little, after 2 seconds of pondering over the naming of this new Essence of his while trying to 'feel it out' did Tongqiu answered: '...Hawkeye.'

*PING*'s naming has been successful. Essence Hawkeye allows you to never fail an attack or hit, ignoring the enemy's buffs and stats and debuffs on oneself. It also allows you to use abilities while ignoring all CC effects.


Tongqiu suddenly felt rejuvenated, his HP rose to a full, his resources, however, remained a bit low from his earlier Combustion barrage of attacks. Yet, his MP and Stamina did end restoring a little after just a few seconds that he's been entranced.

Transient Divine Burst!

"Haah, haaah... It's time. Come up, so-called Mythical shit." Taunted, Harlofk wasn't going to say no to a challenge and from an even weaker ant at that!

"Hmph." Snorting once in response, Harlofk shook his shoulders before charging at Tongqiu. Similarly, Tongqiu choose to charge back at him as well!


The crashed against each other which made Harlofk feel incredulous at not seeing Tongqiu fall back like a cannonball, in fact, he couldn't even see Tongqiu at all!

Whoosh, whoosh!

A gush of wind went by, taking the entire surrounding aerial area like its backyard. Harlofk limited himself to only looking at it since Tongqiu had just disappeared from his senses even, not trying to attack the gush of wind that was on midair above him when suddenly...

Pam! Punch! Pam! Pum!

-1,381,131- endless amount of fists went his way. Unfortunately however, there were only 51 of those shadows since Tongqiu couldn't use a weapon for various obvious reasons.

"What?! Impossible! You just attained an Essence, didn't you?!" While deep on the ground, Harlofk saw the rapidly incoming Tongqiu bearing his elbow straight at down at his chest. Not being being able to move before from 51 attacks landing on him all at once, Harlofk finally started standing up when he suddenly noticed the endless amounts of mercury-like mars all over his skin.

"What the-"



With every single one of the previous hits igniting one after the other, Harlofk found himself exploding backwards right before Tongqiu could even tackle him down himself!

'Huh? Seriously? Oh well, it's okay.' Landing on his feet, Tongqiu felt slightly dumb but quickly let it be before moving to intercept the dazed Harlofk.


Becoming 'nothing' once again as a gush of wind consisting of purest of white and grey-platinum colored ashes-like energy appeared on his stead, Tongqiu arrived before Harlofk even before Harlofk could even arrive at his very own landing spot from being explosively blasted away.

Pum! Thud! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Delivering a strong knee and elbow at the same time like an ancient muay thai freak, Tongqiu destroyed a few of Harlofk's bones once he went back into being... 'Tongqiu' again. Right after that initial assault, Tongqiu took out his a pair of pole arms; one staff and one halberd. Mimicking stabbing wound, Tongqiu moved to bend his knees to kneel on the ground with all the heavy weight that he could pull.


But both pole arms were instantly destroyed as soon as they went into touch with Harlofk's body. It had to be said, now that Harlofk was a Mythical graded BOSS, and not having enough time to pull all of his Mental Power to review his upgraded or evolved skills; Harlofk must have it easier since it has been more than a minute ever since Rosey was put into a 'pause' with all of his usable Mental Power.

Yet, as Tongqiu's knees fell on Harlofk, Harlofk found himself surrounded by 51 different knees with every single one of them aiming at him. As both, Tongqiu and Harlofk, thought to themselves that the situation was terribly awful, the 51 shadows of... knees were shot straight down at Harlofk!

"HUU!" Converging all of the possible Earth element to his hands, Harlofk effectively guarded himself from the shadows and from Tongqiu's 'real' knees- no, rather, Tongqiu became 'nothing' again as a gush of wind before proceeding to attack him from another side.

Harlofk stood up in a flash and by the time that he looked back at Tongqiu with some white-yellow energy around his fist and feet, Tongqiu was already sending another Tongqiu's Rain Showdown without a care for the black blood coming down his left nostril. He even sniffed hard once out of annoyance.

Harlofk moved with his feet enhanced by the Wind element, he was sure that as long as he kept on moving, at least half of those new fist shadows would be dodged easily. Unfortunately for him, Harlofk still hadn't grasped Tongqiu's new and first attained Essence's unique effect.





"Uh-cough cough, bwleeergh!" Tongqiu felt his head be torn in unimaginable ways, as if different dimension were working together to pull his brain and twist it in many different ways. Coughing up blood more than just twice and vomiting some black liquid which Tongqiu couldn't really identify whether it was blood or not.


In any case, Harlofk's body was sent flying away at an even greater speed than that of Tongqiu's being sent flying away by Harlofk. To this comical scene, Tongqiu ignored as pain filled his face, his body feeling week.

"FUUUCK!" Letting go of his initial thought on continuing on this journey, Tongqiu relaxed both his arms down.


With his left arm raising and his right arm bending over his chest; both arms were being slowly covered by a gloomy verdant color and a grey-metallic, pitch-black dark-like abyss color on his left and right arm respectively. Tongqiu's arms adopted a familiar sensation, pain still apparent and not going away on his expression as he made the motion to materialize his own essential weaponry.

"HHGKK-KGGHH..." Yet, after his teeth started cracking and several -1, -1, -1 and -2 appeared above his head, Tongqiu could still not manage to materialize them.

"Come... on... kgh...!" He couldn't, he couldn't do it but forced himself to do it. From experience, Tongqiu knew that, if he were to let go of this idea and go back to the previous one, he would be expelled from the game due to too much stimulation, mental fatigue and possibly even mental damage; that truly wasn't off the charts.

"...Kgh-cough, kkgghhh...! COME ON...!" Tongqiu yelled again with Harlofk's body and state already in a heavily injured one but far away from a extremely critical state.

Harlofk's HP: [6,283,434/990,000,000].





As the damage above Tongqiu increased and increased, not stopping to ask Tongqiu if he wanted to continue or die terribly at this critical conjuncture, yet the image of Tongqiu's old essential weaponry became visible. His eyes shined! How could Tongqiu leave it at that?! He gave not a single care and went for the kill, all or nothing!

Yet, the damage was too much.


'Do I die before even, uck, completing it? I don't even know if I'm capable of oneshoting Harlofk, heh...'

"PTRRRRR! BRRR~! BRRRR!!" At this moment, seeing the clear state that Tongqiu was about to die in, Rosey behaved maddened, in a frenzy and in a destructible manner, for both sides! As the jail made of her big brother's Mental Power was being incinerated by Rosey's body, who in turn was also being incinerated, Rosey kept on making this exchange even though er body was infinitely smaller than even 1/4 of the jail made from Tongqiu's Mental Power.

Yet, she did not stop. Just like Tongqiu, she would never back down and leave him to die alone. So what if she could revive another two times? So what if she had to suffer irreversible damages for him in order to use Teary Petal, and save him?! It was much less painful than seeing her big brother's kind heart be tortured like this!

"PTRRRRRR!" As such, Rosey concentrated every fiber of her body into one place from inside the Mental Power jail, after but a second; half her body had already disappeared. Yet, her little claw-like hand finally came out.

"PTRRRRRRRRR~~!!!" And on her last breath before her HP fell to 0, she once again saved Tongqiu's life wit her own.

Rosey, Life/Essence Steal!




*PING*...your pet 'Rosey' has died, now LV57.

'Rosey... thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you.' Tearing blood, Tongqiu closed his eyes to the sight of Rosey's body disintegration before directly placing her on her own pet space. With his fully violet eyes flashing but for less than an instant's fraction, Tongqiu's essential weaponry materialized at last!

With their appearance, there was no silence but there was also no sound. It did not exist in this world anymore as long as these two mass-galaxy destroyer weapons were shown.

Colors lost their names at the sight of this gloomy, verdant bow. And this metallic-grey, pitch-black and dark-like abyss featherless arrow.

But, this time, the arrow wasn't featherless. As a violet glow emerged from the arrow's other extreme opposite to the arrowhead, enveloping that extreme of the arrow tenderly and with utter care before turning into a beautiful pair of that arrow's sized-wings.

One arrow became too. And as Tongqiu's eyes flashed, blood gushed from them extensively as two arrows between his right-handed fingers became 102 shadows of arrows all around him; above, behind, in front. 102 arrows of 1.33 m long and 6 inches thick appeared as if a spatial flagship, ready to annihilate the enemy at Tongqiu's call.

"Hu-huu-huu-uuu..." With a trembling of his breaths, Tongqiu closed his eyes to which now were too heavy to even move his own eyeballs. His mouth murmured softly and inaudibly as his entire body fell backwards in slow motion, his Great Petal Armor Set broke at this instant, bearing him naked inside the throne room as he fell with his hair messily yet strikingly grazing all over his face.

"Take my sorrows...away."



-333,666, -333,666.


. . .


Rising Essence, a few minutes after the initial global announcement where the warning of a Mythical graded being was exposed to the entire gaming community and even world of Main Kingdom.


"Holy fuck, what now? Do we gotta fight it if the NPCs can't?"

"Huh? That'd be awesome! Imagine, fight-"

"Dream on, even elite players struggle with a true Enlightened BOSS, let alone a Heavenly. There's still Legendary and then, finally Mythical. Yet, only Heavenly BOSSes have had been slaughtered while those in dungeons and private dungeons are still being planned upon."

"Oh, even if-"

But, at that moment where many other players were busy reveling with each other upon the new 'update' on things to do or at the very least, a tease. An even greater shock of an announcement went on all around Rising Essence.



*PING* Global System Announcement: 'Journeyers' of Main Kingdom, the first player to kill a Mythical grade being alone has appeared! Journeyer 'Tongqiu' has successfully claimed first on achieving this feat and will be rewarded accordingly! Bright Sunset Region players gain LV+10 immediately as well as an extra SP+10,000 and a box containing real lore of the game. All players, for being present in this version and day of Rising Essence; all players on Main Kingdom right now and those who connect the next 3 days, receive a boost of gained Experience+200%, drop rate+150% and gold coins drop rate+250% for a week. Thank you for playing, we encourage for 'Journeyers' to continue on saving the people from Main Kingdom and to collaborate to achieve greater feats!

"No. Fucking. WAY! Wait, look! He was still LV59 a minute ago, I checked his leaderboard since I was his secret die-hard fan!!"


"Holy shit, it's true, he just went up to LV61!! Did he advance? Wasn't it only hidden classes that could get one free level after their class advancement?"

Yet, as not only players but even some settlements -especially in the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Wonder Region- were drunk in glee, Tongqiu himself wasn't even able to feel anything after just receiving a few system's prompts.

. . .


*PING* has completed his requirement for his First Advancement Class, the hidden class 'Evil Saint' has become 'Evil Immortal'.

*PING* has advanced on his class... according to host's class, LV61 is obtained as a compensation.

*PING* Evil Immortal hidden class passive skill has evolved to...

. . .


In a prairie illuminated beautifully and warmly by the everlasting moonlight.


"Tongqiu... Yun Beishang, my love... Little Husband... Fucking sleepy head, wake up and meet your darling Katia..." A soft voice went into Tongqiu's ears, his chest was heaving up and down while his hands were clenching through Katia's very own hands into his own, drawing deep-red blood from the both people's hands.

Yet, what Katia did to respond was to only lovingly gaze at Tongqiu's face on her lap as she bent both her knees and had both her legs together under her bum and to the side. No sign of the pain one must cry in horror about for, nor the reproach from someone who's hurting them in such a terrific manner.

"Fooo..." Blowing some air into his face helped Tongqiu's chest to slow down slightly and for his fingers to no longer excavate his own bones. Yet Katia still had a worried expression on her face along with a little tear dropping on Tongqiu's glabella.

"Hold on, little husband. Hold on." Her voice wasn't broken by tears nor pain, but it did had a sorrowful tone to it as she planted a tender kiss with her cherry dark-red lips on his forehead while her lithe, cute fingers played with his hair.



New Earth, outskirts of the Nascent Herb City.


At the same time that Tongqiu was on his bed while Itnia went to take a shower to clean herself so as to not dirty the bed and her Master.

A blurry, humongous and mystical figure could be seen passing from the long, long unknown distance, all the way towards the center of the human territory on New Earth.

Though even the Baby Mother Bird would take from 5 to 10 days in traveling between the Nascent Herb City and a Region that was in the outer ring of the human territory on New Earth. This figure, along with a little and extremely diminute shadow in comparison on top of the blurred figure, only took a bit more than 3 minutes to do so.

As it passed through the protective energy-shield-walls like they were shit, the blurry figure and the diminute shadow on top of it continued to move towards a certain, specific direction.

. . .


Peaceful Rain Villa, Itnia's bedroom.


Tongqiu's body could be seen painfully moving, moving in the sense of an extremely terrifying to even to look at kind of seizure, it was so unrealistic and fear inducing that Tongqiu's body was being moved without appearing to be made by his own body; exactly as if he was being possessed in one of those exaggerated movies. His body boiled, for real, bubbles, gurgles and lava-like black liquid went out his pores every now and then, not burning the bed he was on merely because it didn't even seem to be worthy enough for that liquid to set ablaze...

Tongqiu's nose started to bleed out that same lava-like black liquid while his mouth started to dry at a scary pace, his mouth, murmuring in delusion.

"Take my... sorr...ows...away."


At the same moment, Tongqiu's glabella moistened out of nowhere, his body no longer boiling and his seizure becoming 'light'. Similarly at the same moment, an incredibly fair, angelical creamy skin colored hand landed on Tongqiu's glabella after seeing the moisture on his skin. As the hand grew closer and closer, the skin of that hand began to glow translucently. It was breathtaking and a cruel heart stopper.

Nonetheless, Tongqiu's body finally fully calmed down. As the fair, angelical hand left his body, unwillingly, the rest of the black liquid and the damage done to the bed suddenly disappeared. While Tongqiu, however, was still slightly affected in a 'aftermath' of sorts and even had his black gloves broken apart with crystal-clear cracks on the surface.

The humongous figure of a pale-white furred wolf gazing at the two siblings on the same room with the demeanor of a cute little guard, even though the wolf's size was 2.5 times bigger than the villa's biggest building, and that was with four of the legs on the ground.

After a little while, with the 'extra' person standing still in the room, gazing at Tongqiu. The humongous figure and the shadow atop of it finally left, unwillingly and... sorrowfully.




Let It Rain's Note: End of Volume 2 - Second Metamorphosis

I've brought up for a total of 7,133 words (11,774 words for today, almost 12k :o). Okay. I HAD to finish it here, my apologies.

V2: #6 10/10

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