Bow and Arrow

Chapter 204: Chapter 203 — Getting Things Straight

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Getting Things Straight




A week went by fast, with the first two days of the week being the first extra free days for the maids and little maids and the last day of the week similarly being also their last extra free day with another sleepover -this time without 'surprises'-; such came the day that everyone in the Peaceful Rain Villa would receive their brand new Gaming Tools.

And, as a surprise, the Villa received an extremely important and unexpected guest. Kleus Shark himself.

"Oh ho ho, Little Beishang haha! Little Yun, heh heh..." Indeed, Yun Beishang was speechlessly looking at one of the old farts that he had met before  some time ago, the entirety of this old fart inside his home has been of the same old shameless person that though as vulgar as Yun Beishang was back then; not as childish. Well, not completely at least. They were in the Dinning Room as the meal was long over and only a couple of maids appeared to serve them tea to which Kleus Shark smiled in thanks towards them, his eyes carried a bit of forlorn emotions as if he was imaging a future that he could never achieve.

"Mn, mn! Very good, young noble Yun. Truth be told, I never thought you would've invited-"

"You invited yourself."

"-accepted me into your home, haha! I must have made quite the impression have I not? Ahem..." Taking a handkerchief from his pockets, Kleus Shark then cleaned off some of his sweat while also lightly slapping some parts of his face to make some red acclimatize the hue of embarrassment from his cheeks. After a dozen seconds or so, Kleus Shark thought for a little with a smile forming at his lips before continuing: "That old sag of bones Hegwerd will be totally fuming out of envy once he learns that I took the time to come here, keheheheh."

"Speaking of all of this, do you know why I came here, young noble Yun?" Kleus Shark looked at Yun Beishang with his head slightly inwards and his eyes upwardly glancing at the young man in front of him. Yun Beishang, in return, looked back at the old Kleus Shark with his gaze slightly down at him as he spoke while slightly shaking his head: "No, of course not. Pray tell."

Seemingly extremely content with Yun Beishang's attitude, Kleus Shark nodded in silence before taking a sip of his tea with his eyes closed. A few seconds later, his eyes opened slowly to reveal unfathomable wisdom, sternness and seriousness as if it was lacking.

"These past few weeks there were 'abnormalities' around your Villa, young noble. It was Kamagichi, whose identity I believe you already discovered, who took the wheel to protect it from any prying eyes. There's been... quite the blood spilled. Counting that from the incident at the Care and Worry City, the total blood spilt with the recent 'incongruities' have already made more than one party; to feel ashamed and slightly angry."

After a dramatic, little pause, Kleus Shark continued: "Are you ready, boy? Have you studied all this while? How-how long have you gone?"

Not being given a single moment to answer even one of those questions, Yun Beishang inhaled slowly and stably in a few puffs of air before responding calmly: "I think it's still pretty mediocre, but I'm already there, I can almost create an entire pattern by myself in less than 10 seconds."

"GASP~! Te-t-te-ten seconds? Already?! Boy, you-you-you... sigh." Letting out a sigh full of frustration for the younger generation, Kleus Shark took three wild sips of his tea before he could start to calm down his old, tempered body with the vicissitudes of life. Kleus Shark then looked at the ceiling, before moving his gaze to the surroundings and spoke again after another long and frustrated but now, also understanding sigh: "Okay, alright. Haaah... Mm, this place, it's very nice indeed. It'll be a shame to see it go into ruins... Say, Yun boy, do you know architecture? Design? Know how to draw at the very least?"

Facing these perfunctory questions left Yun Beishang a bit stunned, what was it now? Was this an interrogation of Sub-Classes from Rising Essence?

Before Yun Beishang could open his mouth to probably speak, not to answer, Kleus Shark got ahead of him as he added; seemingly understanding where his expression came from: "I'm just thinking, it may be good to know what you would want for, as if, in the future you know. Agh, whatever whatever. Genius Yun, these are your new toys. Don't worry, unless you place your new GT gloves directly into a star, they won't break this time... Unless... Ah! Never mind, nevermind that, haha."

Then, the old fart changed the subject with an innocent expression: "Also, I'll let you know that your little corporation will be advertised by us, heh heh. Something so good that is given to the people almost freely, we would of course take it to a higher level! Or else, did you thought that those measly small families would be enough to reach all of the citizens of New Earth's hearts? Hmph! Oh yeah, another thing, the 15,000,000 credits are already transferred to your little 'Naty', and about the debt with the Yun Clan... Bgah! We've taken care of it, you should've seen the face of your mother when she saw who was the one taking charge of that matters, hahaheh-kgh- apologies, too far."

Kleus Shark and Yun Beishang stopped talking altogether as Yun Beishang himself gave this old man and the Crestfallen Industry his silent thanks, Kleus Shark then stood up, exactly at the same moment that the maids and little maids finished carrying the rest of the boxes full of GT devices into the Villa's main building, something that Yun Beishang found very coincidental.

Taking his coat from the chair, Kleus Shark looked at Yun Beishang with the proper eyes of an old man and spoke in an unquestionable voice: "When little Robert asks you of our meeting, tell him that we spent time together in a blast!"

Yun Beishang: "..."

Step, step, step...

Then, as Kleus Shark was about to leave the expressionless and baffled Yun Beishang in the Dinning Room, he spoke again but this time, in a more proper tone: "There's a few extra dozens of GTs from the same version, those are the only ones existing and it will be like that until this second update is replaced by the following expansion. Mn, have fun with hiring more personnel, ah~, so good to be young~. And also, Yun boy... you better start already."

With that last ambiguous small sentence, Kleus Shark left the Peaceful Rain Villa at once in silence, getting inside his extremely large yellow-look-at-me-now car on the back seat.

"..." In the Dinning Room, a pensive Yun Beishang was silently sitting still on his seat, only taking his leave after a good while with his right hand going into his pockets.

"Oh sweet darling, I'll be taking my leave for a while, don't wait for me to start the sleepover, alright?"


Delivering a little kiss on Natalia's face, Yun Beishang then left the main building as a pouting but understanding young wife sent her husband off with her eyes. A little Itnia pulled the young wife Natalia's wrists gently before dragging her Madam away from the door, her skin was now exuding a clearly healthy glow and her eyes sparkled with even the slightest of her movements, a beautiful small smile on her face as she kept on speaking to her Madam Natalia about many who knows what.

. . .


Arriving to an apartment building, Yun Beishang looked at the towering thing a few meters away from its entrance, his expression indiscernible.

Tilting his head to the left while also lowering his gaze towards a certain part in front of the apartment building, Yun Beishang's lips formed a smile as an extremely soft snort escaped from his nostrils involuntarily: "Hmph~."

Step, step.

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Moving towards the entrance and going through the crystal sliding doors, Yun Beishang quickly went up the stairs while ignoring the elevators entirely. A minute later, he could be seen gazing at a door that still held a letter that expressed the vacancy of the apartment in question.

Though expressionless, Yun Beishang's eyes flashed with pure desire and longing, he yearned; he has been doing so for months, many months. And now, there was still nothing that he could do.

"Hmph~." Smiling derisively, slightly, at himself while involuntarily snorting once more; Yun Beishang was about to leave the building when he saw a couple consisting of one emo-like young man and a beautiful woman dressed casually with red taking the letter from the door away before looking at each other and smiling purely out of love. Right after, the beautiful woman took a key out and lifted it to the door's knob, before opening the door and entering it with the emo-like young man.

'Ah, what a coincidence.' Yun Beishang despondently looked at the scene of the now letter-less door while remembering the scene from before, the eagerness of that beautiful 28-30 year old woman made Yun Beishang resemble Ellie's weird insistence in garnering his attention. Now that he thought about it, it was like he was just a little 12 years old boy while Ellie was an even younger child but with a real brain.

"Hmpf~ hahah, sigh... What is it, Kamagichi." But Yun Beishang's abrupt unrestrained laughter was suddenly impeded by himself as he then sighed to a stop, before calling out the sneaky peeper behind him.

'W-what?!' Kamagichi, whose body just became visible after a thought, with light finally coloring his entire body, came out from where Yun Beishang came from with an astounded and incredulous face. Was this boy bluffing or is he actually capable of finding such a legendary existence of New Earth so easily whenever he wished to?!

"Ah, this..." Kamagichi wanted to speak up in both greeting and embarrassed apologies but ended up closing his mouth instead before moving forwards to line up one step behind Yun Beishang.



"Would Mr Yun like for those two to be inv-"

"Ah, that's not necessary." Interrupting Kamagichi with a slow blink of his eyes, soft voice and slight shaking of his head, Yun Beishang then added: "Then, about your boys. Eh, what about them?"

"What a...? Hm." Falling into ponder, Kamagichi wasn't trying to decide whether to tell Yun Beishang the truth or to lie to him conveniently; rather, Kamagichi was simply preparing himself for whatever this incongruous young man would decide to do after knowing what was happening with his students.

"Sigh, it's like this... Actually, I wasn't the one that brought them here..." Finally, after another moment of silence, Kamagichi broke it by recounting Yun Beishang of all the reasons for why there were those four back and how they came to stay.

Richard was being pursued by the Yun Clan after a couple of months from leaving Yun Beishang's side; his targets to either protect, scare off or assassinate were being manipulated along with Richard's plans and work. After some time, the passive approach against this 'deserter' of the Yun Clan became an aggressive and direct confrontation with all his employers being ruled out shortly after he accepted working for them, his targets were all warned and armed to the teeth which costed Richard much of his blood and caused him a lot of pain for endless weeks to come. It was only after reuniting with Filnn that Richard could have some room to breathe, but even then, new parties summed up to the hunt and began hunting the two miserable fucks with the perfect excuse of them both being deserters and traitors to more than one Founding Clan. In the shadows, many people from said parties that were hunting Filnn and Richard down were having fun, while Kamagichi's eyes were either patiently waiting for the inevitable outcome or the imminent disappearance of two of his students.

After a little while, Kamagichi also started to find out that there were more and more people walking in front of the Peaceful Rain Villa's road and that numerous 'new' animals began showing up more and more frequently during the night. After this happened for more than a few days, naturally, Kamagichi went into hunting himself; intending to blow off the steam from having two of his students chased around on those that were similarly employed around the Villa by the same people hunting them down. What more perfect plan than to indirectly take revenge on his two students' enemies?

At some point, there seemed to be some recognition from the Founding Clans involved in this, yet still clueless. With time, the amount of occurring animals showing up around the Peaceful Rain Villa grew by dozens every day. Yet, they were all either scared off -a couple of them for each night- or taken care of in almost an instant.

This seemed fine but, the problem was that, Kamagichi just couldn't be everywhere all the time everyday. And when Kamagichi began to worry about the sake of those inside the Peaceful Rain Villa, his two oldest students showed up to ask Yun Beishang for forgiveness. Unlike Richard, they weren't chased around nor were they messed with, but they still felt empty and hopeless whenever they received a job that was -for them- as simple as taking a dog for a walk or rescuing a cat from the top of a tree.

Klent went back to visit his wife and daughter for a few days before reuniting with the always solitary, slim and elegant Tomsk before moving back to Nascent Herb City. Their plan, simple enough, was for them to reduce themselves as the dogs they were fooled as and to kneel with their dignity thrown away, to ask the new promising youth of New Earth to allow them to follow him. From what they heard of from their Master. Then, after forming a much more stable footing in Yun Beishang's eyes and with their trust fully in the two junior apprentice brothers of theirs, they would implore Yun Beishang to save that pair of Filnn and Richard. By the time their stand in Yun Beishang's side was stable enough for that step, Yun Beishang and the Peaceful Rain Corporation would have already gained enough influence, recognition and veracity. A few words from this growing giant of New Earth would be enough to put all those 'sneaky' and weak attacks to a stop.

Yet, things suddenly changed as they actually witnessed 4 military companies consisting of almost 3,000 man moving towards the Peaceful Rain Villa. With nothing but shock to themselves, the two newcomers to the 'party' went full sadistic-mass-assassination murder and, along with their respected and feared Master, they managed to put them all down in a minute without alerting anyone inside the Peaceful Rain Villa. Well, everyone except for, a worryingly gazing at the dark surroundings Diana that was on the window of Yun Beishang's bedroom.

With such a well-needed help, Kamagichi couldn't find his heart steel-willed enough to chase them away or to tell them that Yun Beishang would probably not accept them, even after he woke up and knew of their service. Hence, there were now 3 total of 'protectors' around the Peaceful Rain Villa and, whenever someone needed to go out for typical, main resources of a household as well as some special materials for different purposes, the two oldest students will move in the shadows to protect said someone while Kamagichi would monitor the outside of the Villa on his own as he was more than enough for such a 'small' terrain.

After all, inside the Peaceful Rain Villa, there was the still non-exposed terror; Diana. Before, not a single thing could escape her senses as long as she put effort into ti herself. And after Yun Beishang's 'teachings', Diana had it even easier to employ her senses in a wider range, it was a pity that she had not the potential to become an Specialist indeed.

As for how did Richard and Filnn made it back towards them at some point? For those two to have become the students of the terribly unknown yet still deeply feared Master Kamagichi, could they be simple at all? No! And it was like that that the two of them, after months of deliberation, finished their scheming against their pursuers which now amounted to a full Regiment of 10,000 man. In a sole night, that 10,000-man Regiment was swiped out of existence by two simple young men, the parties behind their pursuers actually gave up on them in the spot when they learnt of the result.

What they did not know was that, a dozen of that Regiment were abducted by the two of them, and that from them; after weeks and weeks of torture, they learned of the few Founding Clans intentions on taking the 'young master's' head and stealing the 'key' product. That plan was scheduled to be more or less held months after, but the last time those soldiers they captured were contacted by the higher ups was, similarly, months ago. With their hearts raising and their feet growing heated from the pace at which they ran from one City to another until arriving at the Nascent Herb City, the two disheveled youngest students showed up before a couple of relaxing Tombsk and Klent as well as an indifferent Kamagichi.

After receiving a beating from the three of them -mostly from Kamagichi- the two youngest students summed up to the defense of the Peaceful Rain Villa!

"So, that's it?" Yun Beishang's indifferent voice made it directly to Kamagichi's heart, a bitter and thin smile forming at his lips. He was about to mention that Yun Beishang should forget about it if he willed it, but was then stopped into a stiffing of his entire body by Yun Beishang's next words: "I am grateful. Okay, tell them that I agree, and that I'm grateful too."

With that, Yun Beishang made his way back from where he came from, his face still indifferent and not really appearing to be in any mood, let alone 'grateful'.

'That's it? Nothing else, no conditions, no obligations and no punishment? Ah, this...' Experienced like no other human in New Earth as he may be, Kamagichi's went round without a single imperfection to the new change of Yun Beishang. Was he always pretending? Nah, one can't pretend to be a horrendous being... Ah, don't tell me, was it love?

If Yun Beishang were to know of Kamagichi's thoughts, he would puke on the spot, good thing that even though he was a one-of-a-kind Specialist, he couldn't read minds...

Also, he was itching to see Tonkia and Irllytia, their bellies must be very large and already growing; respectively. And Rosey too, he had left her in the pet space for far too long. Miriam was fine since she went out to level to LV85 after the second update came up but he still also wanted to hug her so badly; virtually and physically.

'Ah, so many things to do, what can I do~.' As Yun Beishang suffered from 'having too many good women' in silence, a growing increasingly respectful of him -Kamagichi- began to follow him in the shadows.



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