Bow and Arrow

Chapter 209: Chapter 208 — Once Again At The Obsidian Mountain

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Once Again At The Obsidian Mountain




'So, my character has unknown talents, talent ability and even skills... 'able to use properly? Is it talking about my 'abnormal' state?-Ugh...' Just at the mere mention of his 'abnormal' state gave Yun Beishang a rapid headache, the way he used Tongqiu's Rain Showdown was... damn too fucking much, he still has a bit of psychological trauma on it.

"Aghh~..." As such, merely opening the interface to look at his skills windows, Yun Beishang quickly focused on what he was about to read to let go of the feeling from just now.

First, he went to take a look at his two evolved skills and one self-created skill as he had a genuinely care for these skills of his that were not from a class that has had brought harm and headaches for him.

[Tongqiu's Rain Destruction]: Type: AOE Active , MAX LV: 10, LV: 1, SP needed for the next LV: 250. Cooldown: 15 seconds, Cost: 4,000 MP and 4,000 Stamina. Range: 0-60 meters. Creates 60 shadows of any equipment or item possible in use that will appear behind and or above you when activating this skill. Of 60 shadows, 5 of them will be able to carry on any effect from a skill or item successfully. Damage is equal to that of 220% of both Physical Power and Magical Power for each created shadow.

[Transcended Divine Burst]: Type: Active/Self-Buff skill, MAX LV: 5, LV: 1, SP needed for the next LV: 500. Cooldown: 10 seconds, Cost: 14% of your total HP every 11 seconds. All your basic attacks, without any other buffing effect on you, deal damage equal to 270% of both Physical and Magical Power. Grants your basic attacks Stun Rate+65%, Critical Hit Rate+25% and Knockback Rate+100%. All source of damage are reduced by 50% and boosts your Physical Defense and Magical Defense by 50%.

[Supreme Last Stand]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 5, LV: 1, Sp needed for the next LV: 10,000. Cooldown: 5 minutes, Requirements for use: Total HP is of 5% or less. As a being who has stood up against several enemies that were genuinely impossible to defeat, you've self-created a skill that'll allow you to plant fear into even more stronger enemies than before. Activating this skill will grant any of your next attack a colossal effect of energy surrounding you and your weapon/ammunition of choice, allowing them to affect an area of 150 x 150 meters independently on the type of attack being made. It can carry on with one's buff and effects from any item and skill, and deals an extra damage for a total of Physical Power+400% and Magical Power+400%.

Transient Divine Burst was already pretty powerful on its own, its evolved version only added a knockback effect while also reducing the HP taken from Yun Beishang. Meanwhile, the cooldown has gone from a huge -compared to now- 35 seconds to 10 seconds. Yun Beishang could shamelessly activated and deactivate the skill every 10 seconds to not suffer any self-harming effects!

Even then, the Critical Hit Rate and Stun effect only worked best against either mobs of lower or equal levels or players. But, even now, players would be hard for Yun Beishang to stun since they were more than 20 levels above him, when mentioning the top of the cream right now. He really needed to level up fast, even before going on to investigate the matter with the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's sacred beast protector.

On the other hand, Tongqiu's Rain Destruction was now becoming what he always wanted, for it to carry on with either Combustion or Transient Divine Burst effects. Just imagining about it made Yun Beishang want to try it fully upgraded. Every time he used Tongqiu's Rain Destruction with Transient Divine Burst, even if he couldn't kill them all, some would be stunned at the very least. And get knockback even! The cooldown was nerfed though, as well as the damage that went from 225% to 220%. But that was just fitting, since it was, sooner or later, about to become even more scary that him using Combustion alone; without using Combustion.

Then, the Supreme Last Stand skill; that was one hell of a though provoker one. As long as he didn't die and remained within 5% HP, he could deal an enormous attack that had no qualms for limitations. Truly a skill fitting of being created by not only 3 different hidden stats with one of them being insanely high, but also by him, Yun Beishang.

'Phew...' Letting out a soft, imaginary exclamation; Yun Beishang then scrolled towards his class-related skills. Itching to know what changed very much.

[Total Combustion]: Type: Active/Deactivate, MAX LV: 5, LV: 1, SP needed for next LV: 3,500. Cooldown: 0.049 seconds, Cost: 700 MP and 700 Stamina. Range: As long as you can shoot. All attacks can explode at will, which will all have the same effect depending on your type of Essences. In the same manner, for each Core Elemental affinity that you have, your Total Combustion attacks will be seen affected by them depending on which one they are and to what degree of affinity/resonance. Each total attack has a 15 x 15 square meters AOE and this skill can be activated and deactivated in any moment, only attacks consume MP and Stamina. Damage of each attack is equal to 301% of both Physical Power and Magical Power.

[Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 5, LV: 1, SP needed for next LV: 5,000. Cost: 5,700 MP and 5,700 Stamina, 10 Particles. Every Critical Hit Attack, Pierce Attack, successful Dodge, Block or Parry against an enemy grants you 1 Particle while a Critical Hit Attack and a Pierce Attack will grant you 5 Particles. It is now affected by the Core Elemental affinity that you have, depending on the type of Core Element that you have and their quality. Use 10 of such Particles to activate this skill, dealing 100% extra total damage of your next attack and ignoring Defense. Particles are no longer drifting away from your body after a while, and will remain adhered to your being thanks to your ultimately strong Mental Power stat and Intent stat.

"Sigh~..." Yun Beishang finally started relaxing after giving his entire system's logs a good luck. Leaning his back on the spotless white floor of the White Space, Yun Beishang relaxed his neck that was about to ache -not really since he has almost a perfectly balanced 1,000 overall stat growth- while letting out all of his worries at once.

"Hm?" As he opened his eyes after closing them for a while, the layed down Yun Beishang saw a big bellied Tonkia and Demon form Irllytia nakedly make their way towards him. His eyes brightened and the thirst that was placed to a side just now went to shit, as he hoarsely added: "Are you two hungry too? Okay, since you both are so charmingly dutiful as my wives, I'll gently feed you both..."

"Hm~, is that so~, our little husba-KYAAAAH!!" A 'totally' unprepared and taken by surprise Tonkia was dragged towards an evil Yun Beishang as she was then carried away towards their bed while Irllytia's neck was grabbed by the same evil monster, and as little Irllytia was being grabbed like so, tears of joy and a loose tongue went out to playfully tease at his hands. Both, -well, Tonkia, Zyv and even Sash and Tornyllia really- knew that when Irllytia was in her Demon form, even taking quite some strong slaps to her bum and continuous, hard squeezing to Yun Beishang's satisfaction, were going to be witnessed without a doubt. Similarly, in her Human form, Irllytia was bound to be Yun Beishang's little princess, treated more fairly than even a frail baby yet still going as harsh and 'lovingly' as a husband and wife as well as being commanded by Tonkia and Yun Beishang. Aaaahh, life is good.

. . .


Azure Dragon Sub-Division, Main City; at the governor's place.


"Hmm." The fatso city lord was calmly looking at his own desk from the front, with a glass of something on his left hand, lifted at his head's height. These past few weeks have been pretty complicated for everyone that was a city lord from everywhere and even the royals from each Region. But it was especially so for the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's Main City as he was the only city lord to both; have any sort of communication and to ever have a misgiving with the source of the complications. Tongqiu.

They were all previously in full spirits and energy going about everywhere! So much that some more maidens disappeared from everywhere and the officials of each Main City were similarly in full of energy!

Nonetheless, to address the matter of a filthy, scum 'Journeyer' that could deal with a Mythical being... was of utter importance. Some of the 'disappeared' maidens returned only to either die slowly in their homes, become a wooden statue or to simply have mysteriously their entire family and everything that they owned; burnt by powerful flames that disappeared only after 3 or so days.

How was this prevented from letting the citizens of Main Kingdom be alarmed, scared and at a severe degree of anxiousness and terror every day? Simple; 'Journeyers' did this, 'Journeyers' did that, and problem resolved. Of course, it was only necessary to say that those criminal 'Journeyers' were already apprehended and taken away from their beloved Main Kingdom so as to truly calm down the masses but, no matter what, it was rapidly forgotten... except for those who either survived or had already died.

So, what about now? How come everyone in the Azure Dragon Main City was trembling yet also hostile towards Tongqiu? How was it that they could endure and not fall off directly or simply kneeling in front of Tongqiu to implore for forgiveness?

Communication. As of right now, the city lord has had already been 'informed' by a certain few that had given treasures away with the intention to have a talk with him. To make matters even more ironic, it was once again all about 'Journeyers' trying to garner his attention. Left with only schadenfreude and cold uncaring, the city lord simply brushed it off every time they came while also confiscating each of the gold coins and treasures they would brought forth.

When suddenly, that same little group mentioned a word that sounded like a crispy bell thundering inside his head as his, the city lord's, eyes went fully open and slightly bloodied. 'Tongqiu'.

'We have vital information about the criminal, and traitor, Tongqiu.' They said... and they finally succeeded.

As of right now, while the city lord has already confirmed his doubts and resolved his heart to go against this monster, having already contacted the rest of the Myriad Beast's Sub-Divisions; he was also waiting for that spokesperson of this group of 'Journeyers'/so-called 'players' to come and give him a full, detailed and subserviently doing so- report of Tongqiu's doings as well as evidence.

Waiting, waiting and waiting... When suddenly, the sound of his huge doors of his office/studio were activated before starting to slowly and gruesomely open.


At a certain point, like months before, the 'guest' that had come to see the city lord helped the couple of guards that were trying to open the gates to his office before finally entering it. Though the 'Journeyer' was simply arrogant and clear with such behavior, as soon as he stepped on the city lord's office, his entire demeanor wholly changed to a subservient one the moment he saw the 'City Lord' 's back.

"My lord, I've-"

"Oh. Don't call me 'your' lord, I'm the 'City Lord', understand?"

"...Yes, 'City Lord'." After acquiescing for a second time, the 'Journeyer that was covered in a martial arts hoodie and with a slim built lowered his head slightly while also bending forwards slightly as well. At the same time, he exuded an aura-like skill that easily demonstrated his prowess and capabilities.

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"Hooh~." Impressed, the city lord exclaimed as he slowly turned around to face this filthy, scummy 'Journeyer'.

"Indeed, as the city lord can see. Tongqiu isn't the only one with great expectations from our own people and the people of Main Kingdom. Oh, also; we have reasons to believe that Tongqiu's matter was fully conventional. None of what happened that day was made and achieved thanks to his own 'abilities' and 'power'. City lord must know about these occurrences already?" The player then made a nod to ultimately lift his head up and directly look at the city lord's face in askance, once the player saw the city lord's head nodding in according to letting him proceed, the player 'dutifully' continued: "City lord must know that there are some being who have not yet managed to grow as powerful as others, right? We've estimated that to be just exactly what happened before! With some unique means and conditions, was it that this Tongqiu managed to create such a trick and eliminate a 'Mythical' being, am I right?"

At the end of the player's words, the city lord was unknowingly already nodding to himself and the player's words. Himself because of the way that the player's words and speech were given and orchestrated like; it all made the city lord feel pleased, satisfied and relieved with himself, egocentrically, for some reason.

And, indeed! The player and the people behind him, had already devised and planned for an entire month, waiting exactly for Tongqiu to reappear and; at the very same Azure Dragon Sub-Division's city at that! With the aim of igniting the city lord's abstruse, greedy, lustful and childish behavior to elaborate even more unearthed confidence in dealing against Tongqiu. Naturally, there was more than one reason to which these people behind the player were trying to fool the city lord all over from the Myriad Beasts Division.

Tongqiu's weapons, Tongqiu's equipment and Tongqiu's knowledge on how to obtain his hidden class. In the end, it all resumed in one way: 'Tongqiu's Items'.

The city lord, now with his head cleared up and his breathing more at ease, easily nodded and reaffirmed to the 'Journeyer' in front of himself before speaking: "Ah-then... about the evidence, how is it possible for you to come up with it? And what is it even about? Him killing a heavily injured enemy or raping some people? Heh, what could you even take out when there's nothing that the others of you 'Journeyers' have had already told me yet, hmm?"

Instead of responding, the player wickedly smiled in a very somber and languid large grin; the city lord became confused and cowardly glanced at the two guard behind the player. Just as the guards were to take their third step, the player took out something with a common white flash. It instantly alarmed the guards but, they first saw the thing on the 'Journeyer's' palm before seeing their precious, venerated city lord's hand lifted to signal them to stop.

After this little event, the 'Journeyer' in front of him didn't show any sign of not wanting trouble nor trembling in fear, merely looking directly at him; the city lord.

"This-well, what is it?!" The city lord almost burst out in that moment, he was getting all riled up and altered from before so it was more than forthcoming for him to start screaming.

"It is this, take a look at this. Please, city lord." It was weird, at the mention of the 'city lord' words, the player showed strong thirst and greed, as if he couldn't wait to take some of power for himself...

"Ah, gulp, le-le-let me see." Taking the sphere item on top of the 'Journeyer's' palm with both his hands, the city lord then saw images appear right before his own eyes; both in the air between his own eyes and the sphere and in the sphere itself, though the images in the sphere and cloudy, not being able to see them quite as well as the images layed right in front of his eyes.

After stupidly trying this rare, new item; the city lord finally concentrated on the images coming from the sphere while hiding his marveling at a new discovery. The images reset when the city lord concentrated on them, as if working according to his wishes.

Before long, the city lord saw the tightly suited Tongqiu that he so very well remembers; kiss and hold dearly a large female Demon all for himself... for Tongqiu, only! Deep envy, hatred and thirst, desire and jealousy from seeing such a exotic and surely 'tasty' THING being held by not him, the city lord, himself!!

That female Demon had fearful-looking armor on, but the city lord was already drooling and becoming silly from just looking at her. Even its wings made the city lord intrigued. Meanwhile, he finally caught up the sight of the little girl, that other Demon.

In front of the city lord, the calmer and calmer yet trembling uncontrollably excitedly inside- player; had a strong grin form at his lips at the sight of the fish hooking.

After a little bit of time, the city lord finished witnessing the events from right then, his eyelids lowering in disappointment and his lower body feeling left out.



The city lord threw away the sphere that was now cracking, he did so because he realized that he wouldn't be able to re-watch it as much as he wanted, nor to plagiarize it. Becoming little broken shards on the ground before becoming liquid from what remained, in very low and small quantities, and spreading through the office's floor; the city lord then mumbled to himself before coming closer to the benefactor 'Journeyer'.

"I need more, I need it, I NEED THEM ALL, fuck!" Finally arriving before the 'Journeyer', the city lord spoke: "Good, once he comes back from bringing me a treasure, the trap will be more than ready, you be there if you want, hmph. Now get out!"

"Not so soon, dear city lord." The player intercepted at such vital moment.

"Hm? What is it! Hah?!" Almost fuming, and already thinking on to which little girl to grab today, the city lord almost slapped the 'Journeyer' that was still in his office, forgetting how infinitely stronger that even his guards- the 'Journeyer' was.

"We want only three things, for Tongqiu's weapons and armor to go to us. We also require for you to imprison him for us so that we can get information for us, 'Journeyers'. You should know some things only work with us, right? That's all we want." The city lord started contemplating to the 'Journeyer's' words. If it was truth, then it must be better than taking the treasure that he asked Tongqiu before, that treasure is helpful for anyone so...

"Alright! But! You'll have to give those two for me, only me!! If I ever hear or see any of you plan the contrary, you're all dead! Dead!!!" The already screeching city lord left the player flabbergasted. Not wanting anything more and feeling his patience run out, the player finally left after some courtesy words, not noticing the floor-licking city lord as he kept murmuring sweet nothings to himself.

"...Ah, don't worry. Soon you'll be mine, you'll all be mine, hm hm haaaaah... yes, yes, so little ah-..." The guards outside, for some reason, had no expression at all to their beloved city lord's completely inhumane activities. Almost as if they weren't worried nor surprised or shaken at all.



An hour later, Yun Beishang could be seen in an unknown territory.


The entire place was completely and fully alone, not a single life on sight. For those that weren't Yun Beishang, of course. As, underneath the ground, there were already hundreds of thousands of little things... slumbering before the hunt began.

Indeed, it was the Obsidian Mountain from before where the Abysmal Race was found before, by Yun Beishang. But, it was no longer between those baby, cannon fodder LV45 to LV50. Nope, it was now from LV60 to LV75, this place, has successfully become a complete, utter threat for the Azure Dragon, and the rest of Myriad Beasts Main Division's citizens. Ignored by not only all players, but also all NPCs.

Yun Beishang had gained a Main Quest for 'Liberation of the People, Cleaning of an Imminent Disaster'. It was supposed to be a rather simpler-than Main Quest level; a Special Quest but, the unnecessary ignorance has, once again, brought unnecessary trouble and chaos once again. And similarly, thanks to the uncaring attitude from the players and now even NPCs alike.




Let It Rain's Note: After this little thing is done with, Leaderboards (a little) and forums will be right next. Showing off what is now known for all players and for Yun Beishang to learn. Also, Tonkia has been pregnant for so long already! :___O .

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