Bow and Arrow

Chapter 214: Chapter 213 — Do I Have To Be Like Everyone Else?

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Do I Have To Be Like Everyone Else?



[First Advancement Classes, All Revealed!]

Author: LikeItLikeIt | Posted 3 months and 12 days ago

"It's been some time since everyone began to rush up to LV60 to get their well-desired First Class Advancement done. Now, as many have already gone through that and have had time to get used to their advancement, I can now present to everyone a (more or less) detailed quick review on all First Advancement classes."

"NOTE: There is a god damn lot, the time I needed and the people I had to contact were a lot too, not just one per different class, but dozens! If you want to donate to supp..."

-After what seemed to be a quick 'give me money please, woof woof' notice, the OP then finally started giving out a clear enough explanation of the First Advancement classes.-

"Now, let me inform you all that; at first, I just wanted to use Crestfallen Industry's very own method to showcase the basic skills but. I just found out, as I kept on investigating these FA (First Advancement) classes that most of them change even though they remain as to what they were meant to be at first; melee, ranged or magic types alike. Yet, the changes are too powerful so, people! If you're looking for exact information and tips for choosing what best suits you, here it is!"

1.- Inner Martial Arts---> Body Tempering Cultivator: Power, attack, damage in this class is good enough; it's speed is extremely high and it is also quite the tanky class but not that extravagant in that matter, merely a lot of HP and a lot of Physical Defense. The combat capabilities that this class can boost you up with are amazing; that is to say, with the extremely high speed and an extremely good flexibility in combat, this class is to fear for any slow class in any of those two aspects. The complexity of this class isn't high at all, it does have some skills that are more or less reliant on WIS, INT and MP but not necessarily too much. It uses the same as before, from very light to very heavy clothing and any melee weapon, with only throwable items for distance.

1.- Inner Martial Arts---> Gosu of the Wind: It has both attack power and defense as weak but not that very weak, of course. Speed and combat capabilities are amazing and this one even has a good use for magical-like skills (INT, WIS and MP), mostly because it depends more on its passive skills that grow with different types of stats rather than just active skills. It has more CC than the Body Tempering Cultivator but an extremely higher attack speed instead, though this one is more susceptible to CC effects. It is also slightly more difficult than the Body Tempering Cultivator to master. Light clothing only.

1.- Inner Martial Arts---> Defender of Nature: Extremely high attack power and tank capabilities, but its speed and flexibility when battling are low, not too low; just low. Strangely, though a 'all brawn no brains', this class has an incredible great connection with nature and most of this class's skills and synergies goes along with Elements inside the game! Its Attack/Action Speed are deplorable, just as much as it has not enough tenacity for it to become a good tank, but good CC effects/skills; but its difficulty to master is alright. Any equipment, really.

2.- Spiritual Martial Arts Master---> Soul Cultivator: Attack power, speed and flexibility in battle as well as survival are either just null or low enough to be ignored, being a very squishy class compared to most others that are ordinary in that aspect. Its strength lies in magic and has both, good tenacity as well as good amount of good CC skills and its Action Speed is really nice too. But it is quite a difficult class to master. Very difficult. It similarly doesn't need any weapon and can use from very light to medium weight equipment.

2.- Spiritual Martial Arts Master---> Cultivator Against the Heavens: Extremely good attack power and tankiness, but average speed and flexibility when in battle. However, while it slow in many ways, it has both great attack and magic strengths as well as a good connection with the Elements. Naturally, it has extremely good tenacity and has beyond good- from the amount and quality of CC skills. Not that difficult to master, it's alright. Can use anything, but preferably not any weapon as itt doesn't add up anything.

2.- Spiritual Martial Arts Master---> Dao Comprehension: More or less like the Cultivator Against the Heavens, but this one has not good CC skills, though great capabilities of tanking. It's like a ranged, magical tank that can do more or less well at melee and do great at ranged magical abilities. However, its difficulty to master, is really high. The same as before, though it does help to use a two-handed heavy shield sometimes.

3.- Battlefrenzy---> Battlemaster: Now, this class only seems to have one possible option; 'Battlemaster'. And though it seems sad taking into consideration what kind and how many choices the previous two classes had, it's not the only one, some also only have one or two, not all the way up to three so, don't be discouraged. Besides, this class is a crazy, madness of a class. As a melee class, it's a pretty well balanced one with its attack power, tankiness and speed and flexibility being top-notch. It even has an extremely unbelievable great attack speed, and it has now some utility for magical stats. Mostly, however, for a few little extra damage passively here or there and for some CC inflicting skills; nothing more. Any weapon, except magical type ones; and any equipment. It's all one's decision and situational.

4.- Swordsman/woman---> Master of the Sword: Very good attack power, though it has average speed, its flexibility is great though it has low HP and Defenses. But it has great speed, some CC skills and an incredible, impossible Attack Speed. It's a completely useless class for magic though, even when it has great Elemental affinity. Mostly very light clothing, but can also use medium weight equipment.

4.- Swordsman/woman---> Blademaster: This class relies completely on its speed and flexibility in combat as well as in its extremely high attack speed. It's even somewhat tanky. The typical two or three CC skills, no Elemental affinity but it can also use (and very well) magical skills that scale mostly with magical stats but also with some little melee-related stats. It's very easy to master and, it is also somewhat good against CC effects; mostly. Light clothing only.

4.- Swordsman/woman---> Sword Dao: It has an average/good quality for any possible remarkable description as I've been doing with any other class. Except for Attack/Action Speed which is just sad and 0 CC skills. Similarly, such an almost perfectly balanced class at the middle of it all, is quite difficult to master. This class can actually use any equipment, suit yourself.

5.- Vanguard---> Spear Master: CC skills are the typical two-three of them, and while this class has non-existent magical capabilities; the melee stats of this class are just good and extremely solid. Between a Sword Dao and a Spear Master, the Spear Master only gets by against one because of its CC effects and the lower difficulty at mastering such a class. I've heard this one is super fun especially for women who don't want to use short spears! (NOTE: Pun not intended, sorry). Light to medium weight equipment.

5.- Vanguard---> Duelist Lord: Tenacity, speed and flexibility are this class's specialty. And as if it was too little, it has one of the most extremely powerful set of CC skills from all other FA classes; it's a more or less difficult class to master.

5.- Vanguard---> Spear Dao: Similarly as the Sword Dao, this class is almost extremely, and perfectly, balanced. With only the magical capabilities of this class being much more powerful than ever imaginably yet having no Elemental affinity whatsoever. It's impossible to tell which 'Dao' is strongest between the Sword and Spear. It's quite the difficult class to master. Any equipment can be used.

6.- Guardian---> Defender: Extremely high HP and Defenses as well as resistances, great tenacity and even quite the decent amount of Attack/Action Speed. A better than average CC skillset, nowhere near as close to that of the Duelist Lord tough. As the first main tank class we see in the list, it is also strangely; quite a bit difficult to master indeed. Medium to heavy equipment. Any one-handed weapon but can also go GOD MODE like God Raoundozia and God Baston (fangirl moment, I'm not sorry).

6.- Guardian---> Protector: At first sight, this class doesn't seem to be worthy. Anything at all. When I interviewed the players that choose this class, they all ended up telling me that this class was one that required one's heart to be fully put into the game. Because the role of a protector; is to protect. Though you can move like any other class, your skills are mostly about jumping, dashing and even pulling allies towards you or enemies away from your allies and pulling them towards you. The reason for this class to exist, is to be a like a shepherd whose sheep are getting lusted after. It's mediocre at everything except for a more or less decent speed and CC skillset; it's also very easy to master, VERY easy. Any equipment can be used, recommendation: use small shields as offensive weapons just as much as for defensive purposes.

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6.- Guardian---> Knight: This is the most venerated class of them all, reason? Not because the typical ancient interest from everywhere but, because of Raoundozia's previous exposing video where he almost soloed a Lord BOSS by himself! A real one, not a field one!! It's speed, flexibility and Attack/Action Speed isn't amazing, that for sure. But it does has some merits, like... wearing a special type of heavy-plated full set of armor which you can apply to a Main Divisional City, which can evolve to a Luxurious grade! You only have to pay up and give away precious, extremely rare materials, ow. Even then, more and more players in this profession; along with their long sword, heavy sword, great sword, long bastard sword and even claymore, being able to fend off alone against 1-3 Star Elite BOSSes. The Knight's skills and versatility are too much to explain in one single thread, here is a short video of 45 minut...

-Anyways, the rest continued shortly afterwards.-

7.- Assault Bountyhunter---> Mad Pyromaniac: Low in attack power, speed, tankiness and flexibility in battle. But has great Attack/Action Speed and besides a quite decent magical capability, it also has a great connection with one Element in particular. No CC skills but is rather easy to master, and very fun! Uses a shotgun, flamethrower, torch, small wand and even small staffs. But it can also be played without any weapon and it can use any equipment.

7.- Assault Bountyhunter---> Pirate: An all brawn no brain, but an all-fun focused class as well! It is a fairly good enough melee class, with the use of many swords that are mostly short, thin and painful looking as well as a firearm that has great attack power, but is also takes very long to reload. Wont' say anything else, just that this is really fun when battling someone face to face and that though it is average in terms of speed and flexibility and has no CC, there's no need to even think so as to master the class. You can just use anything item you want, even though your magical capabilities are almost non-existent with only some Water Core Element affinity.

7.- Assault Bountyhunter---> Crazy Cowboy: Like I said before, some classes change entirely. From a mercenary-like class, to a gunshooter that is crazy... for shooting... like a cowboy. Oh boy. This class is totally useless from what magical capabilities it refers to but Attack/Action Speed and a CC skillset makes this class somewhat good to look at even though it is below average in everything else. It may have not that extremely great Attack/Action Speed, but this class allows you to reload almost instantly as well as change between pistols, short shotguns and even grenades (from skills) like it's just breathing. Quite a fun concept. In short, this branch of melee classes are surely of the most fun to ever play in the game. Light clothing to very heavy equipment. This one, however, is rather difficult to master.

8.-Assassin---> Slayer: A very easy way to describe this FA, is that it goes from being an Assassin to a reckless, suicidal and expert warrior at survival in a direct confrontation. Though it loses some mobility, it isn't fully so as its Attack Speed stays as great, almost as good as an Assassin's of this level. Has 0 magical capabilities but has very strong short AOE attacks with low CD and they similarly don't consume much resources. It's like having a quick suicidal but expert survivor fighting for you, it somehow gives a meaning or purpose of sacrificing oneself in battle for others. It's a class that is as important as Protector is. Can use any double-handed weapon in a manner of going dual wielding without losing anything in return, one only needs to have enough necessary stats to fully wield them perfectly. As if it had some kind of weight system. It's not that difficult to master but it is difficult indeed.

8.-Assassin---> Blade Dancer: It has below average in everything except speed, flexibility and Attack/Action Speed. Unlike the Slayer, the Blade Dancer has not much affinity with a direct confrontation and, in a wide open terrain; a Blade Dancer better be moving without stop if they won't want to die in a matter of seconds. Almost nothing for as what CC skills goes for, but it is rather easy to master.

8.-Assassin---> Shadow Master: Not powerful enough, except for a little in the magical side, but extremely fast. Also extremely elusive and pretty hard to find out where an attack would com from as they can make shadow shapes of anything remain in one place before sending them off to kill you. Up to a few dozen of such shadows, it's really great; a solid great qualification. All assassins can use any equipment, which is interesting considering their specific abilities. This class is pretty damn hard to master though.

9.- Drunkard---> Drunk Taoist: Mediocre in everything except for a little bit of power and a great CC skillset. It has deplorable Attack/Action Speed but, each of this class's skill is also dealing a whole lot of damage, including the CC skills! It has ZERO difficulty to be mastered, and it can be a lot of fun when taking other players unprepared. Light clothing mostly.

9.- Drunkard---> Profound Dreamer: If Drunk Taoist was slow, this one is stopped in time then. An incredible amazing CC skillset and tankiness be it HP, Defenses, Damage Reduction and even resources. That's it, anything else, this class is useless. One even has to sleep in the game to play the class well... have fun with that...(?). It's difficulty, however as strange and absurd as it is, is pretty hard, almost impossible to master. You can even wear nothing, just get a blanket to cover your body please...

10.- Grim Challenger---> Scythe Master: It is a very, very good melee-based class with really good attacking power and speed. It has a little bit of magic and a little bit of CC but is very squishy; even then, it is quite easy to master as a class. This class, however, now counts with quite a lot of lifesteal passives and skills and has a lot of dashes to move around, it is a crazy one. Any equipment can be equipped.

10.- Grim Challenger---> Walking Death: Completely different to the Scythe Master, this class is outstanding with magical capabilities and even Elemental affinity. It not only has good HP and Defenses but also has a fairly good CC skillset and it's completely easy to master as a FA class. Note: Each hit gives a bit of CC effects, even DOT effects, so be careful if you're against one.

11.- Skullcrusher---> Bestial: Its melee-capabilities are good enough to almost become a DPS tank, as its tenacity is equally as good as a tank-focused class. It even has a little bit of magic, a lot of Elemental affinity. It has, however, not a single CC skill so it may be difficult to play alone or to fight off other players. Meanwhile, its difficulty to master is nonexistent. It's a 'me destroy, me like' class that is very fun to play no matter what. It uses claw-type gloves and artifacts, which can be very nice-looking and edgy and heavy equipment.

11.- Skullcrusher---> Ragemaster: This is a pure physical class, with an extremely high Attack Speed and incredible tenacity even though it has not great attacking power. Speed is great, but flexibility in battle isn't and the difficulty of master this class is fairly easy with a decent CC skillset but its completely useless in the magical department.

-Next, what appeared was finally the previously known as the 'ranged' type of classes. Before, the ranged classes were the most ignored ones with them being quite lower in popularity among the 7 initial billion players of Rising Essence. But, after Tongqiu and after another few players came out to light and started showcasing the differences between a 'real-life' and a in-game archer, everyone became astounded after being initially in denial. And, as the game's population grew and grew, the initial 7 billion of players became almost 10 billion in less than a whole fucking year!-

-At the same time, more and more attracted players became full of news about the incredible freedom at playing the game, being capable of going melee-tank even as a Sorcerer or specializing with throwable items when being a full fledged main tank in a party that works perfectly well... Just about whatever you wanted, it could be done. With enough hardwork and creativity. Not a great quantity nor quality, just enough. This was the way that the Crestfallen Industry; that Rising Essence, allowed anyone to choose... their own path.-

-At this moment, before scrolling down to see the cousin classes of his own; Yun Beishang's eyes stopped to look at the horizon with the light of the world almost going away. After his silent demeanor, came his resume of reading the thread; this time Yun Beishang brought Rosey to his side to read along with him while his thoughts drifted to the past. There when he first landed his feet on the soil of Main Kingdom.-




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