Bow and Arrow

Chapter 225: Chapter 224 — Stand Up With Me! And A Trip On A Small Boat

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Stand Up With Me! And A Trip On A Small Boat




With Yun Beishang standing up with the support of the people around him which he couldn't even see using his own perks, at the same time, the beating sounds of countless hearts moved to become one and merged to become Yun Beishang's.

As all of this was properly processed by Yun Beishang's very own mind, he finally opened his eyes to look at the walking towards him Fusi that was being enshrouded with murky dark-golden energy, coiling around him. At the same time as Yun Beishang understood more or less what just happened and the reason for Fusi's previous murky dark liquid changing into a dark-gold color, he also felt something weird as he then proceeded to look down at himself only to see the exact same thing coil around him. No, rather, the murky dark-gold liquid was actually coiling around because of Sammy who was still holding him tightly from behind; her arms were coming from behind his waist as her hands ended up being placed at his chest. That was the reason for why there was murky dark-gold energy coiling around him at that moment.


Sure enough, after a second of that energy coiling around him, Yun Beishang saw as it moved far behind him instead of simply adhering to his back like it did with Fusi's body. In fact, as soon as Yun Beishang turned his head slightly to the side, his eyes were greeted with the sight of sparkling, countless currents of murky dark-gold energy surrounding every single one of the individuals who were previously hiding adeptly in the shadows.

Turning his head to look at his back, now fully, Yun Beishang saw a murky yet more goldish than darkish pair of beautiful, sharp eyes that even had some kind of platinum stars all around not only the pupils or iris but also her entire sclera!

Tilting his head to the right a little while also pouting his lips ever so slightly, Yun Beishang inadvertently muttered in such a hushed tone: "...You are beautiful."

"..." Only being able to blink and parting open her lips, completely in silence, Sammy responded with a childish but sweet smile as her meaty dark-red lips tantalizingly exposed themselves to him with a little of wetness on them.

Yun Beishang tilted his head back towards its normal position yet that movement also made it so that he would infinitely grow closer to Sammy's face, as he silently delved himself deep inside her eyes, her gaze, her unnecessary words and the him appreciating her quietness.

"Hey, indeed but, I'm gonna need some clothes..." At that moment, the not timely at all voice of an annoying middle-aged man faded shortly after speaking, clear helplessness carried along his tone.

Blinking profusely, a whole lot of times, Yun Beishang made a few attempts to wryly smile only to fail them all as he then ended up not moving his head deeper into Sammy's face and instead turned around to gaze at his 'father-in-law'; oh boy.

"...Surely you'll want some explanation, ahem, it's alright. She can tell you that, I heard you were bringing her with you? Kekeke, I-I w-... I will finally, uhuh, separate from my little spring chicken, ow..." At first, Fusi seemed to be still quite helpless but he still provided Yun Beishang with some calm demeanor and a few 'get to earth'-kind of words. However, as he mentioned a few more unneeded words after cracking up a little joke -at least in Fusi's eyes-, he suddenly became bitter and totally uncontrollable in his tears pouring down endlessly.




Everyone, even the rest of the people surrounding Fusi, were slightly helpless instead now. But only for a few seconds as the rest of the people began nodding and pressing their lips together in deep understanding, after all, they all would also lose immediate casual contact with the most prestigious amongst themselves. That was sad alright.

"Ugh, anyways..."


Fusi suddenly knelt on the ground; previously, he was merely holding himself with his hands supporting his body by grabbing at his own thighs but now, he directly knelt on the floor with his head not being raised at all.

"...everyone... what are you waiting for? The time has come!"

"!!!" Everyone but Yun Beishang, at that instant, as if going through the most tumultuous change in their world; became shocked to the core as well as non-questionably venerating. For as they then... all kneeled at the same time with the sound of their bodies' weight flatly landing on the ground with their knees.



At the end of all of the Black Lotus people having already knelt down, a much softer but equally powerful and venerating sound of someone directly kneeling on the ground resounded right behind Yun Beishang, as such, when he turned around to look at the goddamn cute Sammy kneeling behind him with those incredible and spectacular eyes glancing upwards at him with that worshiping glint on them; Yun Beishang couldn't help but think of bad and ugly things at that moment but he repressed as she truly looked too cute and the current situation was a bit too serious.

"We kneel!" Suddenly, the synchronized yelling of thousands of people in his surroundings made Yun Beishang quickly become aware of their disposition; their venerating and subservient disposition towards him.

But after a little while, Yun Beishang didn't said anything, causing an uncomfortable silence to spread out thorough the entire area. It wasn't until Sammy raised her head albeit tremblingly that she found out that Yun Beishang simply did not know what to do, as such, she beckoned to the clueless boy with her gaze and only succeeding in garnering his attention after almost a full minute.

"Ah, what is it? Ah, okay..." Yun Beishang first spoke out loud but then he saw Sammy signaling him to close down on her so he did, once his ear was close to Sammy's mouth after kneeling along with her he finally heard her hushed yet anxious voice: "Your speech! Your supposed to take us in, and then we'll serve you! Forever! Because we now trust you, so you should show us your determination as you rope us in..."

'Ooh! So that was it...' A little embarrassed but still doable, Yun Beishang then stood once again back up and moved to stand between Sammy and her father as he then began to observe everyone around him, his face no longer carried any pretense of childishness nor had any single, tiny tinge of smiles.

Making two slow and inconsistent spins on the spot, Yun Beishang finally stopped looking at everyone altogether as he ended up with his body facing in Sammy's direction. He closed his eyes for a while and seemed to barely start breathing now, something that no one else realized before and became astounded at the sound of Yun Beishang's breathing. And then...

"You all probably have a reason and a purpose already, knowing more than I do, yet I don't. It doesn't matter to me as this night became... much more than I ever thought..." Yun Beishang's eyes were emotionless, were strangely not cold nor indifferent nor 'simply' emotionless, but they instilled deep impacts on each of the people present for seemingly no reason. The movement of his lips was casual yet unique in a manner that it seemed to tell everyone else that as he,Yun Beishang, spoke; no one could interrupt him.

"...That also doesn't matter, to me. I will probably be spoken about it a little afterwards, I suppose. Well, going back to the matter at hand..." Yun Beishang suddenly stopped his wording, not really know what to do anymore.

'What do I say... I accept you or join me? Agh.' But as much as Yun Beishang quickly thought, his brows ended up furrowing intensely as he shook his head in disgust and disapproval.

"Sigh!" Finally, with his mouth releasing a sigh and his brows slightly relaxing, he continued in the same manner as before: "Well, to be honest I just don't really care where you even come from; if anything, I only care for my people to be protected and for those who protect them to be... to serve me loyally. It just so happens that I'm short of personnel in that aspect, so I'll make do with all of you."

"So, now. Now... STAND UP!"

Clamor; as soon as Yun Beishang's words went out, instead of listening to him how they were supposedly to do -at least in Yun Beishang's heart-, they all became dumbfounded. After all, wasn't it only obvious that the dog should always be only lower than the master?

"Stand up, stand up with me!" Yun Beishang said nothing else, he simply closed his mouth fully as he slowly walked towards Sammy who, though hesitatingly, was the only one to be standing up.

"Ah..." Slightly befuddled, Sammy was fully woken up with the feeling of a strong pair of hands holding her forearms to help her spring to her feet. She directed her eyes up to see a sternly looking Yun Beishang looking directly, not down, at her. With a small gasp escaping her meaty dark-red lips, her sharp eyes finally brightened as she now stood on her feet with her back straight and her chest proudly threatening to perforate Yun Beishang's skin. After all, both of them were wearing either normal and now dragged clothes or incredibly tight clothes made with an unique material.

The next one to stand up was Fusi who was now clear on Yun Beishang's meaning. Shortly after, another Black Lotus assassin stood up to his feet, it didn't take even one moment for another few to do the same.

Swish! Swish! Swish!...

Not even 10 seconds later, everyone around Yun Beishang, no, their Leader; finally stood up. No longer kneeling, they found themselves and their eyebrows relaxing as their murky dark-gold eyes glinted ferociously once.

"We..." A small, lone and solitary voice sounded out at the same time that the owner of this voice took out her mask from her head. She then looked up at Yun Beishang in the distance, as she was around 1.65 meters tall and had curly hair; she couldn't be described as an incomparable beauty but she was an incredible woman with just her appearance alone. And though she spoke out of breath and seemingly without much conviction, she elicited the many other of her brothers and sisters to take off their masks off as well and though they didn't repeated the same lone and solitary word as she did, they were definitely going to keep on speaking along with her; together!"

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"Stand! For! With! Our fated Leader!!!" In unison, just the same as Yun Beishang's beating heart and that of others thumping off right after his' did, the thousands of Black Lotus assassins let go of their teachings and made an insanely loud ruckus that destroyed the image of a real assassin.

Yun Beishang grinned cheekily slightly, his eyes narrowing to a half as he then looked towards Sammy that was right in front of him, ignoring the actual highest-in-command of the Black Lotus. Both of them softly smiled at each other, albeit Yun Beishang's smile was much smaller, it was nonetheless divine in the eyes of Sammy.

. . .


Yun Beishang was tiredly rubbing his forehead as it wrinkled up as he was hearing out Fusi who was right in front of himself; after the awkward ceremony, they have surprisingly made a quick and cheap but huge bonfire with only dried dirt, rocks and some strange method. Afterwards, every single one of the assassins were looking at Yun Beishang, waiting for a certain, unique and important request from him. Only after Yun Beishang used his own capabilities to read their wants, did he then ordered them to get some uncooked, raw meat and beer.

Not even 20 minutes later, everything was ready, which was impossible considering that the nearest store was at least 40 minutes away on car, let alone on foot.

Either way, after everyone brought up some stuff and the huge bonfire was lit, they all started to celebrate after Yun Beishang gave everyone a speechless nod. He wasn't used at all to directly commanding  a few forces of his own, fortunately however, he had Sammy there to bring him back to earth and show him what was the most obvious things to do in the most obvious scenarios.

Which, to every single other member; seeing the dear lotus from their 'small' family be so close and taken right away after their first real-life meeting, though slightly unbecoming, still managed to inspire them all into a prosperous future. As such, a long-ass 'party' of 4 hours went by in a blast as Sammy began to introduce everyone's name and status while pointing at them. Similarly, she spoke of the current, actual manpower of the Black Lotus to which Yun Beishang felt glad; not only for the information but also the fact that there were plenty.

In short, the complete number of people that he was now in command of, amounted to that of a few full Brigade-sized of people. All who could be -easily- considered the most inhumane, advanced assassins; experts in taking and protecting lives from even several dozens of Specialists like it was a training field mission. Easy peasy.

Left contented and at a relief, Yun Beishang relaxed up most of the entirety of the celebration, welcoming; whatever the fuck. Yet, these kinds of things were still not of his liking so he quickly grew tired of it. Only Sammy's presence allowed for Yun Beishang to endure through this entire 'ordeal'.

And now, as everyone was cleaning the entire area consisting of abandoned buildings as well as the 'round 2' of Fusi and Yun Beishang's battle; in fact, it was cleaned to the point that if Yun Beishang didn't really concentrate on examining the place, he actually wouldn't be able to discern a single thing. Good shit.

"Ah, okay. Just leave these matters to me, I'll bring everyone out to surround the few dozens of kilometers around your Villa. Tell me, are you not going to move out? Anywhere else? We no longer have any other place in which we can reside you in, especially more than one person when you have more than thirty in your Villa right now so. Hm, anyways, have fun and... take care of her." Finished saying that, Fusi looked at Yun Beishang silently for a moment before nodding off and walking away, he was already feeling heavy at the prospect of her daughter leaving his side but, since they wouldn't be that far away from each other... well, it couldn't be that bad. They would only meet and talk less, but somehow, that alone made him grow lonely.

Not saying anything in return besides a light nod, Yun Beishang then looked into the nothing before turning around, to look at the Sammy who was still in her black tight robes but now had her sharp, platinum eyes back.



"Cough, so. I want to go back home, it is already too late as well..."

"Oh sure."

"..." Speechless, Yun Beishang decided to simply tell her the reason of why he really had to get home as soon as possible: "Naty would like to meet you, also, you'll have to learn to listen to her, alright?"

"Yup, no problem~!" Sammy responded genuinely, but also as if it was a simple matter. Yun Beishang pondered as he moved his eyes around for a while before adding: "What was that from before? The matter of... you hearing my thoughts."

Sammy's eyes widened slightly at this weird mention, she furrowed her brows slightly and tilted her head to her left but could only come with a vague response, yet reassuring Yun Beishang himself at the same time: "Oh... I'm not really sure, it wasn't like you were commanding me mentally or something, hahaha. Though you're indeed, for some reason, capable of speaking to me in... 'that' weird way, it's not like you are suddenly my master and I'm your puppet. Nothing like that."

"If that is so, then why did you obeyed me at that time?"

"..." With a long face, Sammy turned around and flung her right hand above her right shoulder to signal him to follow her, clearly avoiding to have to answer to that one damned question.

. . .


"Hey! You're not sleeping, are you? Oh come one, it was just a little bit of partying..." A young woman's voice resounded out as the incredible large moon in the sky furiously dawned light upon them as if it was as powerful as the setting sun itself.

"Of course not. I'm... this is really nice." A relaxed, calm and still slightly comical voice went out after the young woman's did.

It was normal, considering that Sammy 'forced' him into taking a boat while her father took Kamagichi's car, it was a kind of 'sorry for killing you' gift, more or less.

In any case, after going through an unnecessary battle which already got him mentally annoyed, then going into a sudden celebration that went on and on crazily and for hours; Yun Beishang was more than glad and like a fish in the water on the boat that was slowly making its way back towards where he came from.



"Come here and lie down on me, I'll show you something." Yun Beishang's words always made her eyes glint strongly whenever she mentioned her cutesy name, so when she was asked to lie down on the body of the man she longed for after numerous stalker-predatory-like investigations on him after having met him in the virtual world of Rising Essence; she only did not immediately right after threw herself at him out of enchantment as she instead asked with a slight hum of her throat.

"Don't you wanna see all the moons? Just come here."

"Agh, alright but... isn't one supposed to only be able to see them when standing exactly above the Crestfallen Industry HQ's? Why would we be able to see them now? Uk." Sammy said softly but a bit obediently as she faked unwillingness to share body warmth, her well but slender back slowly falling onto Yun Beishang's torso, the sensation of her skin deeply imprinting itself in his heart.


"Yes, I know that too but..." As Yun Beishang spoke, he placed both his index fingers on each of Sammy's temples as she gazed directly t the sky with her head resting on the right side of his collarbone.

"!" Suddenly, Sammy felt her vision be invaded by a mild and harmless violet color, it consisted of seeing a light violet colored smog from the corner of her eyes that drifted towards the center of her vision; but soon after, it disappeared and as it did so, a few gigantic, of different shapes, colors and conjoined moons appeared altogether in her field of vision instead of the one she was simply boringly looking at a few seconds before.

"Woooow... Beibei this is so incredible." As Sammy spoke, Yun Beishang looked at her head from the side as his eyes glinted dangerously craftily. He then slowly removed his index finger softly pressing onto Sammy's left temple as his head took its place instead.

"It is." A magnetic, drawing voice slowly melted Sammy's eyes as they went from overexcited and adoring to tender and vulnerable.

"Beibei, I... would you-would you like to know more?" Hearing Sammy speak with such a small voice, Yun Beishang felt it to be incredulous as he slowly nudged with his nose at the side of her head. Breathing in that natural and indiscernible aroma of her body and hair, an intoxicated Yun Beishang caringly said: "Yes."



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