Bow and Arrow

Chapter 239: Chapter 238 — Finale Resonance, Fate Of The Azure Dragon’s Lineage

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Finale Resonance, Fate Of The Azure Dragon's Lineage










As an enormous explosion went off due to the light pale-rosy beam bursting off a large chunk of the Azure Dragon's neck at the same time that it sent out its Divine Dragon's Light, the entire Sacred Underground didn't even quaked this time but it instead became all debris and ashes in the surrounding few kilometers around the epicenter of the two explosions. Even though the light azure beam wasn't exploded thanks to Yun Beishang parrying it off, it didn't simply disappear as this was not a feature nor skill to mitigate damage, as all of the explosive force in that light azure beam was instead propelled backwards into the Azure Dragon's head in an even more impossible speed that it was shot before. It was thanks to that that the Destroying Dooming Bloom of Rosey generated much more destruction than expected and that made the three of them to be blasted away in all directions while the area and the wave of the massive explosion didn't subsided until a few dozens of seconds. Giving a hell of a raise to new dust and ashes as whatever air was left in that area was directly ignited.



The Azure Dragon's body, as it was the utmost largest and heaviest of them both, was the first to collide to what could possibly be considered to be one of the walls of the Sacred Underground. Extremely far away from even Yun Beishang and Rosey's sight, while, on the other hand; Rosey teleported towards Yun Beishang in order to save him the trouble of probably instantly dying as she, with but all of her strength, hugged his back with her little arms as much as she could and began pulling his body. Only managing to stop his body and dissipating the force from the explosion with her manipulation of all Core Elements before crashing down against the floor; as he was in midair and the direction that he was sent was an incredible diminute angle which would've ended up sending him straight into a few dozens of meters deep tomb.

"Ah-ah... Rosey? Urggh, thanks little girl." Opening his eyes while feeling only as if his head was rotating nonstop, Yun Beishang slowly opened his eyes to look at the tired, long face of Rosey before inadvertently smiling up a little tiny bit in response to such a rare sight.

"Agh... let me down, we must hurry up. And take it down, Rosey, I don't think nor it nor Tornyllia can hold much longer." Cupping the left side of Rosey's head, Yun Beishang spoke somewhat tiredly with his nose touching hers. Rosey only closed her eyes and scrunched her nose momentarily before relaxing the expression of her face and slowly nodding at her big brother while deeply looking into his broken black-grey eyes.

"Okay, let's mov-" But, before Yun Beishang, that was already standing up and using Unparalleled Manipulation to find out where in the fuck his Mind-Sensory was, could finish speaking; it happened...


'Ah, fuck.' Ah fuck, indeed, for as that wasn't a simple roar or scream of agony; but the feared Howling Azure Dragon instead. 'Welp, time to hop around while parrying, I guess.'


At that moment, Yun Beishang lifted his right arm in the air fully to his shoulder height as his hand opened up fully. Right after he did so, a bright white with a little of bright red colored blurred shadow made its way into his grasp as dust noiselessly flew up and air extended out in a forced motion. Yun Beishang's body didn't even flinched a single millimeter as he caught the true body of the Half-Divine Mind-Sensory Pseudo-Artifact while a bright-eyed Rosey adoringly witnessed such a cool scene!

"Okay, let's go." Now for real, Yun Beishang didn't spurted out more words as he didn't even really needed to, before springing into a full sprint towards the Azure Dragon. As soon as his footsteps began to resound over the still brightly lit but now catastrophic Sacred Underground, they both saw small balls from all angles as they immediately after began to suck in the air around themselves.

Yun Beishang jumped high and avoided a few dozens of Sonic Booms while still having to parry some others as his midair trajectory was congested by many others. His Mind-Sensory rapidly began working as soon as his little head thought just once, he then turned his head towards Rosey who was cutely and adoringly looking at the back of his head with bright eyes, he couldn't help but blink softly a few times while perfectly parrying off the Sonic Booms before finally commanding to her via Mental Power.

Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~---Pkan-Ling~Pkan-Ling~Pkan-Ling~...

'Rosey...' Though slightly unwilling, Rosey waved her hands a little before countless roots began emerging all around the Azure Dragon's body in the distance, from the wall, the floor or the ceiling, it was deeply jailed by Rosey's Myriad Kingdom's Roots without a chance to struggle. It was obvious considering what kind of damage the Azure Dragon had now suffered ever since the two of them disrespectfully entered its lair.

Looking at the battle logs, Yun Beishang realized that the amount of damage taken by the Azure Dragon when slamming against the wall on the other extreme of the Sacred Underground, was truly terrifying as it was a total of 22,500,000 damage! He couldn't help but mentally gulp and sweat it off as he once again looked back at Rosey with eyes full of care and affection. He wouldn't have died, but he would've forced Rosey to use another one of her Fallen Teary Rose Petal's Heart and, honestly; that would've been really shameful to say the least.

Transcended Divine Burst!

'Mn, okay. My turn now.' Yun Beishang softly spoke towards her as he activated Transcended Divine Burst and lightly signaled her to damage him a little.

At the same time, on the other side, the Azure Dragon swiftly bit, clawed and stomped hard on the countless, thick and huge roots that were all entangling its body. It took it almost 20 seconds to get rid of the damned things after having woken up from the previous harsh hit against the wall. Hell, even the Azure Dragon itself in his 'becoming a Fallen' was completely shocked to see itself from one extreme to the other in just a matter of seconds! If it had a real consciousness, it would think 'that little thing... what exactly is it?!'. A pity it was just a putrid vessel with no hope nor fate for the future.

However, as soon as the Azure Dragon lifted its head heavily and slowly as it had been long severely injured already, its pale pupils became even more like those of a Fallen as they expanded into almost covering its whole eye with pale blue color, seemingly overtaking its entire eye and even becoming less and less like those of neither a living being nor and undead being.

And what the almost-a-Fallen saw, was that of countless arrows 'okay-sized' -compared to its own body- heading its way. With no hope for escaping in time as it was already so exhausted, severely injured and even about to 'fall' off, it could only 'gaze' at the arrows come his way.

Indeed, the Azure Dragon took a long time to snap out of it only to realize that its body was already tightly entangled by many of those annoying and durable roots. From the time it 'woke up' and the time that it took to free its own body from Rosey's Myriad Kingdom's Roots, more than 40 seconds had already gone off. More than enough for Yun Beishang to first use Total Combustion and his Mind-Sensory to turn into a long bow after the Sonic Booms went off. More than enough for him to prepares his three hidden stats and manipulate them at the same fucking time to also operate his Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot and right after, the Supreme Last Stand that was now available thanks to the flesh-tearing bites of Rosey on the back of his shoulder.

All that, was enough, along with the the aid of Rosey's Myriad Kingdom's Roots skill... to send no longer a couple hundred of shadows towards it, but 300 shadows instead, as indeed, Yun Beishang this time used a three-arrowed wideshot instead of a double-arrowed one!

At this point in time, the Azure Dragon seemingly breathed out another sigh. But this time, as short as a human's and... in relief?!




In the distance, as Yun Beishang and Rosey's attention was fully garnered by the 150 sound of explosions that were seemingly out-of-this world; and their expansive domes of orange, Dark and Light colors with all of them sharing the 'territory' of colors inside that dome since the Total Combustion's explosions default color is that of a darkest universe with some violet-like energy fluctuating around. Another 150 of such shadow arrows simply penetrated into the Azure Dragon's body as they were completely unaffected by Total Combustion's utter destruction. As it all happened, beautiful numbers appeared once again in Yun Beishang's battle logs as he felt liquid trickling down his nostrils, lacrimals, ears and even some pores of the skin of his head.

-174,080,340, -3,819,690.

'Dead... it's dead!' Sacred Protector ended up being such an incredible skill, before when he used Transcended Divine Burst, his all-out attack consisting of different skills being used at the same time were reduced by around 80% in damage. But now, when using it at this moment along with Total Combustion, it seemed as if Sacred Protector passive skill from the Azure Dragon didn't activate and was instead ignored fully!

And even though Sacred Protector had a low chance, taking into consideration that it was at the very least, 50 levels above both Yun Beishang and Rosey; its truth % rate of activating should be rather higher than just 'low'. Yet, Yun Beishang had enough damn Luck stat for that previous full-fledged attack to not be mostly mitigated by such an overpowered passive skill. What. Fucking. Luck.

"BRR! BRR!" On his back, Rosey was joyfully lifting her arms in the air to form a 'V' shape with them, her little feet kicked Yun Beishang's back of his ribs as he ignored it from the shock he was feeling right now.

'Tornyllia! Tornyllia... will be fine.' Being hit with such a realization, Yun Beishang was about to either enter the White Space or take Tornyllia out for the sake of saving her from such a Fallen fate. When suddenly...

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The Azure Dragon's ethereal, painful moan reached Yun Beishang's and Rosey's ears. It came to them not as a reaction for 'almost' being killed or something, but rather, the fact that it was no longer the same mindless roaring nor bellowing from before when it was more than obvious that it wasn't in its sane mind. Instead, it felt as if the Azure Dragon... was no longer feeling oppressed like before as it was fighting them?


Sure enough, as soon as the Total Combustion colorful domes slowly dissipated, an enormous yet magnificent and elegant but ethereal image of a large head and a small proportion of the neck of the Azure Dragon; appeared in the distance.

'What is...?-' Yun Beishang's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he felt Rosey forcefully tugging at his Petals of Destruction Suit Aegis. Looking down at her, she saw anxiousness appear in her eyes as she motioned with her little left hand towards the Azure Dragon and with her little right hand towards above Yun Beishang's head.

'Eh...? Ah!' After his initial bewilderment, Yun Beishang understood her meaning as he quickly took Tornyllia out of his White Space, his clumsy movements making it more than obvious the fact that he did not know what to do.

"Tornyllia? Wake up! It's here, ah, wake up!" Left with really no other choice, Yun Beishang looked back at the completely silent, magnificent and elegant head of the Azure Dragon before springing to a rush towards it with Rosey following right behind him. The paler than pale skin of Tornyllia incensed him with anxiety as her lips were fully covered in black blood, not liquid; blood.


Yun Beishang went towards the Azure Dragon's ethereal image as soon as he could while the dust in the distance settled down to reveal the still putrid but also slowly disintegrating colossal body of the Azure Dragon. However, his pace was too slow and if his calculations were right, even with Rosey's speed, they wouldn't make it before the Azure Dragon's putrid body disintegrated entirely. And somehow, Yun Beishang felt like he was supposed to do exactly that.

'Crap! Crap, crap, crap... fucking goddammit! You ugly shit, why don't you help me?!' Yun Beishang wanted to burn off his own legs to arrive in time but obviously couldn't, Rosey was now pushing his body from behind as best as she could as their speed went even slightly above that or Rosey's max speed. Yet, that still wasn't enough, but their use of Rosey's Destroyer - Bloodline still needed around 20 minutes before being able to be used again.

At this time, as if sensing the little human's worries, the tranquil humongous eyes of the Azure Dragon closed down peacefully once before slowly opening. The azure, blinding light of its pupils amazing Yun Beishang, so much to the point that he didn't noticed a pair of extremely small wings behind his back. Not even Rosey realized of such an obvious fact right away as she only felt her big brother's back disappear from her grasp.

"Brr?" Confused, she opened her large eyes only to look at a quickly advancing Yun Beishang zooming in the distance without a care for the world. "BRRR?!"


Rosey's body disappeared from the spot while being fully dazed as she then reappeared right beside Yun Beishang. However, he was going at such a speed while still not having figured out the change of his speed as he dumbly gazed at the Azure Dragon's blinding pupils. Meanwhile, an exasperated and hustling Rosey was constantly teleporting back to his side over and over again while making cute screeches with her broken throat, trying to wake up this damned fool of a big brother that she had.

"Eh- What?!" Finally awoken, the damned fool big brother of Rosey became even more astounded as he looked at his legs idiotically. Since he was now flying at such speeds, why was he unconsciously flagging them around like it was necessary? He then grabbed the exasperated Rosey to his side that teleported back to him for the umpteenth time and placed her on Tornyllia's abdomen before proceeding to look at her current condition.

Tornyllia's eyes were tightly shut before but now, they were ever so slightly opened up, and Yun Beishang was now able to discern a pure, light and dark azure light coming from them!

Reaching out with his mouth to her forehead, Yun Beishang reassuringly and softly uttered out. "Tornyllia, it's almost done. Hold on just a bit longer and then... then you'll be fine."

At the second half of his words, Yun Beishang looked up to the no longer blinding but still as powerful as before, pupils of the Azure Dragon while utterly knowing that the Azure Dragon never really cared about his well-being. And that the only reason it didn't directly attacked Yun Beishang outside the Sacred Underground, in the cave outside of it, was because of the timely appearance of Tornyllia back then. Yet still, he was about to completely kill off another relative of a person he knew, which caused him to snort self-derisively and laugh out slightly in dismay.

'Man... what is it with these turns and twists? It's already getting so tiring.' Indeed, Yun Beishang has been lately 'taking care' of relatives of other people that either follow him or are with him lately, this couldn't be much more of a laughable matter than it already is.


At this point in time, the ethereal image of the Azure Dragon's head and a small portion of its neck moved forth, quickly catching up to the lost in thought Yun Beishang and even bringing him straight forth at its putrid, almost-a-Fallen carcass.


With Yun Beishang landing beside what could be considered the center of the impossible to tell, large Azure Dragon's carcass, Tornyllia's state seemingly became stable and even her hands regained some of their warmth. Yun Beishang made sure that was the case with a few grips on them over and over again, which elicited both Rosey and the Azure Dragon's displeasure.

"Ahem, sorry... now what? I have no fucking clue on to how to deal with... someone becoming a Fallen. What the hell do I even have to do?" Yun Beishang responded to their gazes, but he was still conflicted on the current situation. He had already promised Tornyllia some time ago but he was still clueless, now what?

Without speaking a word, the Azure Dragon glanced at his body for a long while before opening its ethereal jaws while turning in the direction of its putrid carcass.


Its ethereal jaws and its true, putrid and almost-a-Fallen carcass began to slowly dissipate. However, unlike before, its carcass was no longer simply disappearing into nothing as its ethereal and physical form both converged in-between each other and in midair, forming a strange ball of... Essence?!

With light-blue energy being seemingly extracted from both sides, the watery, fluctuating small ball of Essence slowly became a bigger and bigger ball of Essence. At the same time, Yun Beishang was no longer worried about the race against time for as he felt Tornyllia wake up at last. There were some light pulses coming from her veins and, as soon as Yun Beishang heard them, he slowly knelt on the ground as he placed her upper back on his knee and his left hand was cupping her head while his right hand sent his most beautiful, purest of whites essence into her body from her abdomen.

"A-ah... what is this?" Speaking with a dry throat, Yun Beishang breathed in sharply as soon as she heard her ever so weakened and trembling voice. "Rest, you'll be fine."

Turning her head slightly to look at him, Tornyllia then frowned as she felt clear pain inside her head. "Ah, ah! Tongqiu-no... Beishang, was it? Uh-wh-what is going to happen to me?"

Seeing her become flustered and even nervous, just like a person that felt the urge to vomit, Yun Beishang softened his gaze along the act of throwing out a hushed but cheerful snort through his nostrils before responding with his head tilted. "Relax, aye. Your 'medicine' is being prepared. Uhm, this... Torny, did you knew that you are actually... a Dragon?"

This was an incredibly important and critical moment as well as that of an equally vital question; however, the Tornyllia that just seconds and even a few minutes before was critically ill, suddenly became flustered even more as she blushed slightly. Her head tumbled over as his words were being endlessly repeated in her mind as her dazed eyes darted around.







Let It Rain's Note: Phew, battling the Azure Dragon took much more time -and chapters- than what I ever expected, and this tiny arc is not even over yet. Holy cow, also; as of right now, I'm moving in a few days and don't know when I'll be having internet in the new house so, ah-uh-eh-aaaa... yup. I'll see what's up, don't worry about that. -At this point, I don't know if I'm talking to you or to myself~-.

Also, for those who want to know. Yun Beishang's normal damage against the Azure Dragon was that of 80% reduced damage. Then, with Cosmo ignoring Defense, his damage is obviously ignored by half of the arrows from Tongqiu's Rain Destruction, but Sacred Protector managed to reduce the damage of the previous super-duped barrage of skills so the damage was obviously much lesser in comparison. Transcended Divine Burst, Cosmo, Tongqiu's Rain and Supreme normal damage is of around 50 million damage points. Yup.

V3: #2 8/10

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