Bow and Arrow

Chapter 241: Chapter 240 — Burn It Down To Ashes

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Burn It Down To Ashes




On some low-level hunting grounds outside the Azure Dragon Main City.


"How troublesome~! But we're almost there, just a tiny step~." A young girl that was surely enough about tor each womanhood said as she stretched her arms above her head, her beautiful armor set was looking spectacular as her small chest and rib cage showed gracefully.

However, the middle-aged looking man beside her was busily looking down at his Association interface as she created a splendid image, as he spoke. "Mhm, you've worked Sylda. Has anyone else made any more problems for you? I've heard from Kay that tons of strong, bulky and muscular guys have heard of your tastes and began courting you."

"A-ah... aaaah~! Father, please! No, no. I'm too young~..."

Chuckling to himself through his nostrils, Kalen then looked at his embarrassed young adopted daughter and softly caressed the left side of her face, "You'll find a good one, right? He'll have to give me the aura of a man that will take care of my new daughter!"

"... Father, why are you so corny with me? I've heard from Kay that although you do are caring and affectionate towards them, it isn't to the point of embarrassing them to death." With a deadpan face, Sylda 'angrily' berated Kalen as he stood up alongside her. Then, as Kalen looked at her in speechlessness, he said. "You... why would you speak of me like that, I'm only being good and doting towards you. Ah, you're becoming more and more spoiled, maybe yo do need a man after all. Oh-ah-ouch! St-stop!"

Before he could even finish his words, Kalen was suddenly assaulted by the kitten paw-punches of an annoyed Sylda who couldn't help but curse Kay in her head at having perfectly baited out her type of man, even though they both knew she was clueless in those matters; ah.

"Haah." After a little while, Kalen and Sylda sighed out at the same time, content with their current lifestyle and progress as a brand new family altogether. Though the twin siblings weren't close by, they at least showed up to all meetings of their Associations as well as to some monsters, beasts or bandits extermination little quests that they've been in for so many months.

Unlike most players, the Imperishable Guild and the Eviscerate League only attended at the initial stages of the shadow-like portals and left once the rewards for killing anything in there that wasn't a player went up. Around that of between the middle stage and late stages. Late stage being, as of right now with the current situation of the past week were an invasion occurred and as players vehemently looked for one another to kill and steal their equipment.

Thanks to such, though their Association players were below in terms of how fast those that went to the shadow-like portals levelled up and despite how long it took for their Association players to gear up and to level up or upgrade their skills to MAX, the two Associations still became incredibly powerful. Even more than those Associations that practically lived inside the shadow-like portals, because in a sense, the game suddenly turned into a dangerous PvP with PvE important targets to fill one's Association up with resources and manpower. Instead of how it intended to be since long ago, as a development that required for all players in a Sub-Division to cooperate and arm up altogether. It was genuinely sad when thought about it; profit, profit, profit.

Nevertheless, the Imperishable Guild and the Eviscerate League were all but real black horses of the not only Azure Dragon Sub-Division but also from all Region of Main Kingdom. It was to the point that their fanbase on the forums were growing slowly but stably every day, and to the point that the forum-branch extension for Associations was constantly recurred to. The system within the Associations was exactly the same when comparing the two, and rumors of them being a family Association were more than just known. Still, important facts like Sylda, one of the very few with a Hidden Class being Kalen's adopted daughter, one of the most amazing swordsman-branch class players of the entire game; were not known. Hell, people didn't even known that Kalen's youngest daughter was Kay and simply thought her to be a young girl roped in early on in the game, very, very sooner than anyone else could. Nor did they know of the complicated matter of his two oldest children's incestuous twist in life. For that matter though, it fortunately didn't come out as bad as ignorant people would've expected it to be and everyone in that family were rather glad to see both 'kids' so well with one another.

And as of right now, as the two leaders of Associations that are both in the top 20 of Associations in the entire game, they were naturally recognized and even respected to a certain extent. Nothing like before where Kalen had to simply step back and remain quiet, or when Sylda had to simply take a chair and listen to others, forever remaining as a doll that either nods or shakes their their head. Now, they were leaders and, their people weren't merely a few tens of thousands that the current level of their Association allowed them to accept in their ranks.

At this moment, however, Sylda suddenly received a system notification as she was stretching out her body once again in full relaxation due to the free time that she and her foster father were in.

*PING*...player 'Tongqiu' has sent you a friend request, would you like to accept?

"Eh?! Oh... ah." Sylda at first thought she was being pranked, then she thought someone used a tricky username to fool her into reading 'Tongqiu' instead of what it was really written. But, after checking for about three full minutes, she realized that this indeed wasn't a prank from Kay and that she was indeed approached by the muscular-looking and manly Tongqiu she's seen for so long on the forums! Hell! She even remembers that one post from Lotion Lost where he blatantly spoke of how her hero created an enormous destructive might on one of the extremely dangerous zones that their two Associations wanted to clear out but currently couldn't!

"Heeeee!" With her nostrils flaring up in excitement, the young Sylda was about to quickly accept his invitation.

"Mn? What is it, Sylda?" But then, she went cold on her back as she turned around and spoke to her foster father, "Uhm, Father?"

"Yes?" Somewhat speechless, Kalen's eyes darted left and right before focusing once again on her, still speechless and waiting for her to speak like a normal person.

"Tongqiu just sent me an invitation! Should I accept?"

"..." Meanwhile, as the anxious-eyed Sylda but whose eyes also had a tremendous brightness to themselves looked wide-eyed at him, Kalen's head was bent on another thought. 'Is what Kay mumbled the other day true? Oh lord, I-I don't even know what to do anymore!'

"Eh-i-i-eh... it's fine, yeah. Why you ask?" Deciding not to embarrass his now even cuter-than-before foster father, Sylda simply smiled thinly, narrowed her eyes and responded patiently. "Oh, it's nothing. He just sent me an invi, I'll accept it, hehe-oh, ahem! Just in case."

"Mn, alright." Nodding once and pressing his lips together, Kalen couldn't help but think to himself that though he wished for her adoptive daughter to be taken by a good and powerful man, he didn't want Tongqiu who is so well known for being lawless to take her instead. Still, at least this way, she would have to learn to choose better, right?

As soon as Sylda accepted Tongqiu's 'invi', she received a few messages from them. In return, Sylda became even more excited and all high up in tha cloudz as she furtively read through them. Her eyebrows, however, from being lifted and expectant; turned too relaxed and low as she looked to her foster father back up and asked in an unknown tone.

"Father, did you receive the same messages as me?"

Frowning and with his eyes on the interface window, Kalen slowly nodded as he spoke in a stern voice, "Yeah, but... I don't get it?"

Tongqiu: "Pick up your people. Vacate the city of civilians. Civilians only."

Tongqiu: "If I see anyone helping others that aren't civilians, I'll kill. So just help me vacate the civs, okay?"

Kalen: "..."

Sylda: "..."

"W-what should we do? Is it important perhaps? Due to the earthquakes or something...?"

"I don't know, Sylda, uhm... But, it does seem hurried, should we do it?"

"..." Sylda didn't know how to respond. She is a 17 year old young girl indeed, and even though her behavior when meeting Kalen to having become her adoptive daughter were totally that of a little girl being pampered. And her behavior towards Tongqiu was at first that of simply disgust and aversion from their awful first meeting that was ever so random; to the actual times where her heart couldn't help but shake when she saw his figure dance through the countless heads of players as he reaped the HP out of all of them either as fast as the wind or as explosively as a disaster, to the point that her heart was already his. The Sylda that could lead tens of thousands of players on her own after 'just' some little of experiencing, trial and error and finally; failure and success. Was now completely debating on to whether go along with Tongqiu's words or simply ignore it and behave abnormally... naturally, such a person like her wouldn't act wrongly nor mistakenly out of the blue.

"Yes... yes! Father, even if Tongqiu is trying to harm our reputation, which he wouldn't! Because he isn't a person who even if he needs to, he just simply wouldn't be so sneaky and cowardly. Even then! I believe that getting those NPCs to safety is more important than our image if it turns out to be a false alarm. At most, what? We would lose face, reputation and Fame; but that can be gained back with a couple of days of extensive questing. Don't they need lots of reparations, donations and well being assurance? We can provide that without a problem! So let's do it!"

Kalen became moved as Sylda flapped out words from her mouth with a brave aura around her, even though she still looked so adorable and young as well as delicate, so youthful that she could make even the grumpiest of grandpas or grandmas want her to call them grandpa or grandma! She, nonetheless, made Kalen very proud of her. And as he felt his chest fill up with emotions, he nodded towards the young girl before giving her command of his Eviscerate League via Association Ally system features.

And as Sylda saw her foster father's look of pride and love, she unhesitatingly began giving orders on his Association global communication while also giving out little giggles towards her foster father that was then standing on guard as if to listen to his boss; her.

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"Attention to all Eviscerate League players. Sylda, Founder of the Imperishable Guild is on the speaker. Now, I want every single one of you to immediately go back towards the Main City! Gather your squads and raid team leaders, an abrupt mission awaits you all."

"First, buffers and supportive classes, move to a full party for each raid and move along with them to convince the NPCs to follow you. Each raid must also have a high raid team leader and a elite squad."

"I want all ranged classes to prepare a line so that NPCs can come out as soon as possible."

"All melee players that have at least a build tank will move to intercept the guards that come your way, doesn't matter if you have to kill, protect the civilians!"

"I want to see all AOE magic players supporting the melee tank players, make sure that no one from our side falls. If they do, guards will be able to reach the civilians and may even get to hurt or kill them, we must NOT let that happen."

"Also, magic classes should all be in one raid consisting of magic classes only with a Life-Taking Eye class players to command them. Phew~..." As Sylda reached this point, she simply took a 2 seconds breath as players on both Associations quickly moved back to the Main City and inside it like crazed ants, she then continued with her equally brave tone as before.

"Lastly, ranged classes are only to shoot guards if they send an immense force towards your raids. As soon as ranged classes start shooting inside a city, the elite variety of guards will come out, so don't underestimate them!"

To her front, was a Kalen who was continuously nodding fully in satisfaction while, at her back, was a cute Kay holding her beautiful long bow in her right hand which looked really damn heavy. Similarly, she was looking at Sylda with endearing eyes.

On the far north of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division's territory, a couple of lovebirds were gearing back up to full after their lovey dovey session. They were on a halved hill from what could have been previously a mountain, they had to go through a lot of stairs before reaching that seemingly hidden place from the world, in which they then fucked like rabbits to that realization soon right after.

Currently, however, they were half-seriously and half-blushingly looking at each other's bodies and faces tenderly as they prepared themselves before crunching a scroll, returning to the Main City at once.



Azure Dragon Main City, in front of the city lord's territory at the utmost center of the Main City, where it suddenly opened up to all players; to see.


Some time has passed by since Yun Beishang came back from the Sacred Underground, lair of the Azure Dragon. Initially, when Yun Beishang came out from the Sacred Underground, he received a plethora or new messages that numbered up to a bit more than just a couple hundred of them. All of them, were telling him of the happenings while he was down there.

Many NPCs were taken away by the guards; MANY. They didn't know what was going on until a few guards actually asked them if they've seen a couple of them with a portrait that they showed them a few dozen different NPCs at once. Among them, were the two young women from the bread shop that they've had just had a meeting with.

With but a flurry retreat, the girls went back to where they met with the NPC young women and thanks to the heavens, they were still at the point of meeting. Later on they brought them out of the city while thinking whether or not this had something to do with a new event and Yun Beishang got in the middle of it or not. Either way, they decided to help them up no matter what, which would be reckless considering how Itnia would've acted as one of the second in command of The Order.

However, the main reason why it happened like so was basically because they were already filed up to be Yun Beishang's maids, even if in-game. He wouldn't just randomly select people to follow him, at most, he'd gain a little maid after consideration with the 'Queen'. Trust in his judgement and belief in him were what impulsed them to be so reckless. Even though they were seen with them, they successfully managed to evacuate the two of them outside the Main City and waited for the fool, damnable Yun Beishang to pop out of wherever the fuck he was hiding at. No messages, nor any other kind of communication even such as from outside the game were capable of letting others contact with him.

By the time he came back... it was already so late.

"Woaha, are you serious? This looks like those weird countries from the ancient Earth where they used to use people like this to induce fear. How creepy~."


"Bro, look at that, doesn't that... fuck, oh my god! Those are kids!"

"Holy crap..."

"Oh my fucking god! I thought those two women were just fat but... urghl, fuck! I think I saw a part of a fetus coming out from her belly, grrrhl!!"

Among an insanely large multitude of players and NPCs, a cloaked figure with casual clothes had just barely made their way towards the row of players to the utmost front of them all. With an expressionless face, the not-really-that handsome face of a man appeared and an unusually attractive jaw was what made everyone nearby to notice him quite at once, before turning their attention back o the skewered bodies- no, corpses of NPCs on large spears that go as tall as 20 meters into the air. NPC corpses that, were surrounded by a very well controlled small river of flames, with only the feet of some children up there and some taller NPCs having the soles of their feet burned off already.

"Haha, look at that one, that one looks pretty old but his face is really stern. Like he is looking at me with a weird glint on his eyes, cool!"

As Yun Beishang quickly consumed the need to plummet everyone around him into mush, NPC or player alike, he followed the direction in which the owner of that voice was speaking towards to.

"!" Yun Beishang's lips parted in surprise, but more than anything, forlorn.

'Irllytia's old man...' While thinking that to himself, Yun Beishang felt the chaotic body of Irllytia slowly turn scary inside his White Space, which only managed to be calmed once Yun Beishang's heartfelt words reached her.

"Irllytia, I'll wipe this place clean, I assure you. Then, you will be able to say goodbye to them... I-I'm... sorry."

Irllytia's body was then slowly enveloped by three different slender hands, two long pairs around her shoulders and neck while her torso was taken by the small arms of Rasa. They slowly embraced the weeping Demon Irllytia and teared along with her.

Meanwhile, as 5 different people were quietly grieving the lost of so much innocence to the unnecessary; a bunch of players, numbering from 4,000 to 5,000, entered from behind the large multitude of players and NPCs and began to take away all the NPCs in sight. They were first forcibly dragging them away from the crowd before explaining to them, almost all of them were convinced to leave with a few younger NPCs refusing and even staying still on the spot; defiantly.

At the same time, Sylda happened to pass by from the other side of the crowd. She caught the side of that cloaked figure with his hands and the expression on his face totally expressionless, but she somehow felt that his heart was feeling really too cold.

'Eh? This person, um... hmm...' Sylda couldn't describe her feelings nor her thoughts, but she was having them and she didn't dislike it, she even wanted to extend her hand out and take a hold of this cloaked figure's presence. But her duty was important and since such a thing like the cloaked figure was merely someone else and not even someone she knew, she quickly minded her own way out from the crowd along with the rest of the Imperishable Guild and Eviscerate League players and the convinced multitude of NPCs.




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