Bow and Arrow

Chapter 257: Chapter 256 — True Wish Relic’s Test

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True Wish Relic's Test




As soon as Yun Beishang entered the test of his True Wish Relic, he already knew that it wasn't going to be anything like a quest he has done or even similar to what Rising Essence is.

It was a sensation that could be described as the flow of time heaving on your temples, as it did with Yun Beishang when he set foot on the seemingly endless plains when first arriving at the test. But even Yun Beishang couldn't figure that out, he wasn't a game developer nor from the crazy Crestfallen Industry or Clan, he could only try to ignore that annoying, irking and irritating feeling. Concentrating himself on stealing the technology from this world, and adhering himself to resist Flor's invitations to her home or to a hotel, Yun Beishang peacefully, well almost, spent his following 2 days inside the test world while studying the every little shit of existence inside of it. From its creations, of the civilization, to the people and their lives themselves.

Indeed, counting the first day in which Yun Beishang arrived; he had spent a total of three days inside this world. As for the matter of the time flow, it was truly complicated for even Yun Beishang, who was the one dealing with it and experiencing it directly, to even have a thought of it himself.

Simple, Yun Beishang felt his existence in this game world as well just like in Rising Essence's Main Kingdom, but he couldn't tell how much time had passed even after he perfectly and undeniably count the seconds, minutes, hours and days. Complicatedly, Yun Beishang felt muddleheaded everytime he tried to figure out how in the fucks given was he 3 days long inside, gaming, while his physical body was seemingly perfect. Because of course Yun Beishang could still feel his physical body outside the game and, it was simply perfect, healthy, nothing wrong nor strange with it! Almost as if time truly did not went by at all!

He didn't try logging off, only because he did not feel any abnormalities in or on his body, nor around it. He also didn't try to going crazy inside this test or to limit test it all around for the sake of Tornyllia's fate and because he wasn't that much of a crazy animal, nor bored, nor that much of a cowardly asshole. But he also did not try to engage too much with Flor, merely remaining polite, sometimes respectful, as he pondered over whether or not would Tornyllia appear before him just like Irllytia and Tonkia did; respectively.

On the other hand, instead of worrying over this world and its ultimate fate, Yun Beishang's studies on this world became his only activity, which was also how he spent all of his time while waiting for the 'last day' of the world. Namely, the fourth day.

In this manner, Yun Beishang found out that there wasn't only humans around. In this world, just like in his real world, humans were the most ordinarily-looking and common look that a human could ever have; with just a few shining bright with one or a couple or more of differences in their appearances. Be it an aura that emits glory and sacredness, humans with claw-like nails that could either extend or change shape at will or with a little sacrifice of their blood, flesh, vitality; whatever. To even humans with translucent wings, capable of summoning them and not something like winged-races of the fantastical stories of New Earth, let alone 'angels'. There were also, obviously, the mixed race of humans and any other race. Including those non-humanoid, or that are simply anthropomorphic. Normal human body except a tail, a head, limbs, a sexual organ; and so on, where the such mixed races of the Human Race. But there were also some others who were seemingly perfectly normal, but that was only on the outside, as their insides were easily seen through by Yun Beishang and his incredible, beyond belief of a manipulation of the combination of his three Hidden Stats.

As for the rest of the Races around, in this strange, but powerful planet. There were races of all posible colors, even those with skin, flesh, bones, organs and even microorganisms of a completely transparent color; though others could see through them, they weren't invisible. The only thing they could see behind such individuals, was a blurry image of anything that was on the other side of such individuals, more like a censorship kind of visual.

So, most Races in this planet were also all of those which the Main Kingdom planet has. Including the Demon Race and, no, they weren't being hunted, ostracized or discriminated against. Well, not more than the usual and typical discrimination that is seen every day in every reality, that is. There were other types of Races too, golem-like people, which could go roll-vehicle mode and then suddenly go back into their humanoid form. They had to wear clothes, especial clothes, as they weren't just rocks all over their bodies. Well, they were, but they also had a weird-looking kind of rocky-fleshy substance on certain spots of their bodies, which would've allowed Yun Beishang a nasty sight; as he had already used his senses to peek at their bodies out of curiosity.

There were also races like an extremely long-legged bird with an extremely short, stout and small body; yet, it could fly even faster than a Baby Mother Bird Aircraft. A jellyfish-headed race with tentacles levitating straight down from their heads, with a squishy, watery aura of energy of light-blue and milky blue below them. There was even a humanoid with no hair but with glowing, murky yellow skin and warts all over their skin; the worst-looking part, however, was that their around 3/4 of their entire faces were replaced by 1 cm thick and 35 cm long tentacle-feelers were crazily squirming, dancing and twisting nonstop. But, not only was it so on their faces, it was also on their crotches and behinds... Even their faces were caved in, they had no mouth, nose, and only had a half-general-sized pair of eyes and some only had one half-an-eye. As for ears, nah uh, none at all.

In any case, that was some of the most shocking information that the Races on this planet could offer to Yun Beishang. Which made him feel now truly stranger, why would the game put such races in-game like this? He would've understood it if it was a promotional video for the upcoming expansion or a simple advertising video. But to directly and actually create them inside the game and to allow the players to witness this, because that's right, Yun Beishang recorded each race as he investigated without bothering anybody. Or sometimes he indeed talked with some, though they were beyond respectful and stern at the sight of not only their goddess spiritual leader but to that of their Leader himself!

Naturally, none of these NPCs had any power, not even like those that are indeed powerful like a chief guard of a village, town, small city and so on. Everyone seemed ordinary, even those mixed humans that had a similar but not the same of a bloodline-kind of capabilities like the real Yun Beishang actually has. In short, all of the people in this game world, were ordinary.

Everyone except, Flor. Yun Beishang looked to his left, Flor's shoulders were beautiful, striking to blind him right away just from the way they just 'glared' back at him. Moans, screaming and flesh against flesh; this plethora of sounds, resounded back again within his self from the previous night.

"Huuhaa... Flor?" Yun Beishang breathed in and out slightly, ever so slightly, as if he was totally aware that his mere breath could bother her; he was being foolish indeed. As Flor heard his words and his inquisitive but polite and also... begging, tone. She turned her head around, looking at Yun Beishang with 5 parts troll and 5 parts a smiling of a face, easily stunning the silly, damned boy on the spot.

"Oh, Leader. Yes?"

But Yun Beishang did not answered her blatantly fake question, his eyes instead went towards the left and right of her face; her lips, her cheeks, the line between her skin and where her beautiful blond hair grows out from, her thick but elegant and soft eyebrows, her very well defined nose and her zygomatic bones that simply ached and irked at him to caress them.

"Oh, nothing." At last, the damned boy responded, disappointment inflated Flor's mouth with her cheeks no longer giving out a smile and her eyes becoming taken aback.

Swoosh~ rustle~.

But before Flor could ever begin to feel down as she turned around to face where everyone else was looking at, high up in the sky, she felt the now ever so familiar pair of strong, naked arms encircle her from behind. The right arm quickly took her tummy, the fingertips of his hand seducing her as every softest graze it would shock Flor's body to oblivion. The left one didn't directly encircled her, firstly taking its time to trace from the left side of her torso to her hips and then thighs, before coming back up and holding her dearly right above the right arm.

Right after, she felt her backside be taken by the pelvis and hips that she had roundly struck back and forth just last night. Face blushing, fingers biting, Flor's back accidentally produced the same motions from that hot, passionate night. But by the time she recovered her senses, her small -for her size- mouth gasped adoringly in a hushed manner, and the evil that is Yun Beishang had his hot breath taking away her reasoning on her right ear.


"Thank you, I've had a lot to do these past few days." His magnetic voice, his more than ever-familiar lips and cheeks against her skin, the very same adoration and care that she became acquainted with; were now once again taking her and melting her thoroughly.

Meanwhile, the ethereal image of the body of Tornyllia; was calmly seating in front of the two cozy, snuggly fuckers, a serene gaze directed at the two of them. Pride was actually apparent in-between her eyes; what the hell, if it wasn't for her, Flor wouldn't have gotten any of Yun Beishang for herself and, given that it was a goodbye forever, an angry Tornyllia quickly set him up by having his hand touch her forbidden, unripened and unexplored cave garden.

"Haah, only once and you Husband, are already all over her? Seriously? Sigh, what am I gonna do with you...?" Hearing Tornyllia's small voice in his head, Yun Beishang wavered, his hips losing strength and hence, no longer supporting fully Flor's buttocks.

"Ah? Hm... hm!" But fear not, little Dragon, for mommy Flor had all the strength and willingness in the world to put herself in shame and stick her bottom backwards, taking Yun Beishang and his Dragon by surprise, but there was not real, intended lust in their playful foolishness.

As for how and what did Yun Beishang study on about, and the type of events that occurred between him and Flor,  there were too many to say, it was to the point where Yun Beishang could no longer treat Flor like a stranger and even went as far as to speak to her one or two words without her even giving Yun Beishang a glance! True, indescribable and amazing progress!

Naturally, the test's inclination to let the player -whoever it was- to become not only familiar but also to research the this world's technology and systems that were so much well polished and practically the best; basically, to become. Even if it was not meant to pay off right away, and just in the future, or in the longer future even. And Yun Beishang, of course, was truly grateful towards Flor for guiding him. Even if he was the Leader, he was not a true person of this world, nothing could ever change that and just to think about it would give one a headache over how unnecessary it is; and cringe.

Glancing at the ethereal image of Tornyllia sitting on the ground all alone, Yun Beishang then looked at Flor's side of her face and then kissed her nape before asking. "Well then, let's take our last few minutes like this, hm? How about it."

Flor allowed her neck to be please and the blond strands of her hair to be dragged away from her skin by Yun Beishang's moistened lips before nodding slightly with a slight hum, "...mnhm."

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Then, without truly asking and only giving her a hint by poking at her right side with his left hand, Yun Beishang carried her over to beside Tornyllia's spot. Just like he did with her when they went back to the corridor-plaza. In the same manner, he walked slowly there so as to enjoy their silly moment furthermore, just as he did with her and the one hour long travel instead of keeping on the fast-as-fuck speed that they had been going at back then.

Quickly sitting to the left of the Tornyllia who was now gazing forth and at the sky with the top of her face covered by a sun light-like ray of red and orange, Yun Beishang placed the tall Goddess on his lap like a good little kitten while his right hand naughtily took Tornyllia's left hand, eliciting a quiet giggle from her and for her gaze to turn from one of apprehension to that of adoring tenderness as she changed her target to that of her husband.

Meanwhile, the 'little' kitten Flor was comfortingly wriggling her butt, hips and lower back on Yun Beishang as even her thighs produced 'great' sensations there, ending up with most of her back leaned on Yun Beishang's chest; more than half of the left side of her back was completely reliant on Yun Beishang's support and he could sweetly hear out the ongoing harsh and quick heartbeats by just their touch.

"Hmph~" Involuntarily snorting once, Yun Beishang only looked at Flor for a little while before using his left arm to embrace her lower belly, no words asked nor unnecessarily spoken. Giving but only one sole second to the immense silence, Yun Beishang closed his eyes, his Mental Power traveling all the way down behind them to see the each and every face of the people that were about to die, for a, and with a; meaning.

Kids, teens; adults, even babies and grandpas and grandmas. Male and female, all races involved, and with every single one of those who were previously living peacefully in their paradise; not a single one having 'escaped' or even just forgotten. It was not because of the strict and tyrannic 'orders from above', but due to the impossible and still unbelievable -for Yun Beishang- cooperation, collective martyr and sacrificial duty and purpose of each of them.

Was it difficult to believe? Well, it should. Such clemency out of nowhere and sudden sense of responsibility for a world that has previously seen ugliness to the utter, deeper end -just like any other-; were but a laughing, berating and chortling joke!

Nobody would ever believe that a Race, a civilization and even those from which there are no humans in them, to be ever so cooperative and helpful when such a thing as it is the total destruction of a world, would be the trigger of compassion and benevolence. These people were not benevolent, and they surely don't carry any benevolence in within any of themselves. That would be insulting, denigrating to say. Just like calling narcissists a considerate kind.

As for why there was a few minutes left to this world? The exact timing has had been already sparsed thorough the entire civilization, a few dozens of dozens of billions of civilians were well aware of their timed death. And the dozens of billions of military personnel were similarly in the known of such a 'plain' common 'last trend' available of their world.

Watching the endless amount of faces; sensing their emotions and feeling their hopes and worries. Yun Beishang didn't felt overwhelmed as he enveloped everyone with his senses, not in a protective or defensive way, but simply for the reason of 'seeing' them all. A tiny something.

But then, he retracted all of his Mental Power, opened his eyes and looked up above for as there was not a need to use it since the colossal comet that was previously barely seen, and was now larger than the world he was stepping on itself. Its immense size and its scorching temperature made it all too possible for anyone to see with the naked eyed and without the use of technology. Even the dogs and worms on the other side of the planet were also looking at the gigantic comet from their side.


Suddenly, a small sound that was supposedly not existent, sounded out as everyone behind Yun Beishang became brightly illuminated by the comet. They weren't scorching, and their eyes weren't going blind even when it was already quite a few times more powerful than any ordinary sun in this world.

Tug, tug.

At this point, as ragged and heavy breathing were emitted from Yun Beishang's mouth, a slender and long pair of hands slowly tugged at the collar of Yun Beishang's top. Urged to look at her, Yun Beishang glanced at her and noticed that the same illumination that came down to even himself except for the ethereal Tornyllia, wasn't making any effect on her.

"Test is passed..." At the mention of these words of hers, Tornyllia's ethereal image of her body turned her head to the left, only to smile slightly yet to still grant Yun Beishang a radiant, resplendent feeling from her. Right after, her ethereal image became glowing sparkles in but an instant, and just 1 second after it happened, Flor continued. "Thank you, for letting me see. It has been a while..."

She paused for a little, meanwhile, the lands all around them were beginning to show signs of total collision seemingly for no reason.


Squirming on his embrace, on his lap, Flor spoke to him almost for last time. "Don't look at me like that, I am also confused and incredulous at... 'life'. Heh. You've shown me all but greatness, not as a Leader, nor as a sentient and considerate being, but as a minuscule existence in this laughable world of ours. Thank you, Yun Beishang, now please. Would you grant me my wish?"

Nonplussed, Yun Beishang heard the sounds of the comet falling onto the world, its size was easily tens of times bigger than that of the planet's, but the people behind him simply looked with fervor towards it; and towards the two of them. He then robotically responded, with a question of his instead, "what wish?"


A smile formed at Flor's lips, she dotingly told him and spoke to him for the last time. "You'll know when you need to. When you know more, you'll know why I wish. Break the cage."

Then, Yun Beishang's body abruptly glowed intensely, there was no longer any sight of the end of the comet that is coming their way, and only a huge rock of a crimson and golden glow was visible; almost more like just a wall. As it then happened...


Deafening, even mortal; a sound ringed across the world with Yun Beishang disappearing after becoming glowing sparkles. In the same occasion that Irllytia, Tonkia and Tornyllia went away, too.

"..." Smiling even more impossibly beautifully, Flor gazed at where Yun Beishang was previously at, before turning her gaze towards the comet instead. Her smile didn't recede, but she opened her lips to speak out, only for no words to exist outside of her almost a being.

And you are still gazing from afar, following your heart for 'His' whereabouts, why are you so pitiful?




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