Bow and Arrow

Chapter 265: Chapter 264 — Carmesí Vermilion Bird, The Dispirited

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Carmesí Vermilion Bird, The Dispirited




Looking at the seemingly completely calm and even boring silhouette of Zyv in the midst of the dark of the night as she vacantly looked forth without focusing her faze, Yun Beishang didn't know if to whether go to her and embrace her shame away or to leave her to deal with her own demons, in any way, he changed his gaze to Cindy once he saw Rosey begin to comfort the suddenly foolish Zyv as Little Wolfy was swaying her fluffy tall on her owner's calves in an attempt to console her.

"How have you spent these few months, ah?"

"Eh..." Cindy bit her upper lip, not knowing what to do, she felt a bit shameless as she blushing spoke. "I... actually, I have been in the Crestfallen Industry all the time, studying and working in there nonstop... W-why?"

"Oh, nothing." Nah, it was not 'nothing', Cindy knew, Rosey knew, Little Wolfy knew and even Yun Beishang knew; as such, as Cindy feared the next development of their moment, no miracle happened as it finally came. "Just that, I have visited quite a few times, and even when I already searched around for a long time whenever I went there, I did not find you even once, strange huh? Oh, there was that time in which Naty received a good medicinal wine from Mr Crestfallen, remember it?"


"...You do, don't you?"


"...Where were you?!"


Yun Beishang: "..."

Cindy: 乁༼ ☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ


A light slap fell on the extremely gorgeous, thick bottoms of Cindy as the sighing voice of Yun Beishang traveled to her reddened ears. "Haish, forget it, I'll deal with you later. Take me to see this mentor's of yours, alright? I promise I won't be reckless, I'll respect your wishes, as I won't do it when I find you again."

Feeling warmth at his care for her and her very own care for pixels inside a game, Cindy was about to thank him cutely when she heard the second half of his words; she paled as she felt fear and a scare but even more of a hidden and more potent excitement and expectation. She turned her head towards the side, avoiding his sight  and, as she recognized that the direction was coincidentally their next trajectory, she spoke in a 'professional' tone. "Over there, further to the south, we will find a little house where my Mentor received me when I first entered the game. That's right, I appeared inside such a place instead of a Main City after reaching LV10, and it was instantly."

As Yun Beishang saw how the little Cindy tried to hide her giggling countenance, an eye-rolling Yun Beishang proceeded to ignore it as he also felt he previous non-denying emotions of her and simply said, almost like; as if he was commanding orders. "Alright, Zyv, ready? Com'ere into my arms. Cindy, please lead the way, I'll remain behind to keep your back safe, alright? Let's go!"

Cindy: ( p_q)

Zyv: (▰˘︹˘ ▰)



Southern territory, outside the territory of the Myriad Beasts Divisions were countless other factions have been formed all over the entire Bright Sunset Region, formed by NPCs.


As the trio walked deeper and deeper into the 'small' piece of desert, the incoming damage per second went from 1,000 to a total of 10,000! Luckily, however, as Cindy had now joined their party and even Association, she used one of her now visible spells towards the four of them; which made their damage taken from the Elemental Core of Fire be diminished to a puny -10 per second. Little Wolfy being the only one that was not a player who depended on Cindy's skill to survive.

The four of them had a coiling little crimson, orange flame that swiftly moved on nonstop around their bodies without touching them, for as that would create some sort of pain and probably -10,000 right away.

As for Cindy's Hidden Class? Obviously, that was the Little Phoenix Maiden! Which, finally, had reached the Ancestral stage, a coincidental title, or name, of a stage to that of Zyv's.

Yun Beishang took an instantaneous glance to her skills as he became self-absorbed at the simplicity but terrifyingly powerful, explosive and bursting type of class that his Little Cinders had. First of all, she also had, like Zyv, three stats that could be considered the most important in her Universal Hidden Class; she received WIS+5, INT+10 and DET+2 every level. She similarly received 13 AP per level and according to his instantaneous evaluations, she distributed them like this: INT+7, WIS+3, LCK+2 and DET+1.

As for her skills, oh boy, Yun Beishang watered from his mouth profusely. If only he could have her as a pet... eh? That's not right, it sounds weird! Oh well, in any case, they were simple and small in quantity, but too powerful and meaningful.

[Fire Core Elemental Manipulation(Ancestral)]: Type: Passive/Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 3, SP needed for next LV: MAX. As the carrier of the power of the Flaming Ashes and the Sacred Bestial Flame, you are able to become invulnerable to all damages from and haling from the Fire Core Element. In the same manner, you can manipulate all flames in any way you want to, as long as your Nature Connection hidden stat and your comprehension of this skill has reached high enough levels.

[Flaming Ashes - Sacred Bestial Flame]: Type: Passive/Activation, MAX LV: 30, LV: 30, SP needed for next LV: MAX. Choose the flame of your preference to attack your enemies, create structures, weapons and even assimilate clones to your advantage. Different specialties vary depending on the type of innate flame that you are using but the damage is the same. Each attack is equal to 350% of your Magical Power; DoT effects of the Flaming Ashes is of 15% of your Magical Power and they can be stacked, while the Sacred Bestial Flame's DoT effects deal 250% of your Magical Power every 10 seconds.

[Ancestral Nova of the Phoenix]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 3, Requirement for next LV: MAX-???. Instantly summon the Fire Core Elemental particles surrounding you in 500km to pulverize your target, whatever it is, it would cease to exist after it gets hit by this skill. Deals 3,000% of your Magical Power in an area of 150m x 150m with a depth of 300m; flames of both your Flaming Ashes and Sacred Bestial Flame will linger in the area of explosion and extend up to a limited area of 500 x 500 square meters for 10 minutes straight (the use of another Ancestral Nova of the Phoenix would add up another 500 x 500 square meters area to the already existent one). Cost: 10,000 MP, 8,000 Stamina and 10% of your total HP. Cooldown: 9 minutes.

[Bloodline Incineration]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 3, Requirement for next LV: MAX-???. With the burning of the Bloodline you posses, receive a majestic increase in Attack/Action Speed+400% and a raw increase of the same for +20%, Movement Speed+150% and a raw increase of +15% and finally, Fire Core Elemental Damage extra+500%. Afterwards, all of your stats and resources will be reduced in 33% for 3 hours. Cooldown: None(Cannot be used again it once it has already been used thrice). Duration: 15 seconds.

"Wow, you're amazing, girl." Yun Beishang's voice awoke Cindy as she was slightly anxiously looking far up ahead, towards a little something that even he couldn't see with his extremely vast Mental Power. She looked up and turned her head to look at him and gave him an amicable, lovable thin smile with her lips entering slightly more into her mouth. Like this, they remained looking at each other for a long time. Ignoring, of course, the little wolf cub actually sleeping on Yun Beishang's back whose saliva was coating his Petals of Destruction Suit Aegis back.

"Puchi... hehehehe-hahaha!"

"Hahaha..." Yun Beishang couldn't contain his laugh when she suddenly opened her mouth to laugh aloud for seemingly no reason, his heart hopped around numerous times as he accompanied her to such silly act of lovebirds of a pair of teenagers, as silly as it could sound.

"What... are the two of you... laughing on about?" A clear, imposing and definitely extremely dignified voice reached their ears amidst guffawing, causing Yun Beishang to remember a slight trauma of his and for Cindy to become flustered and panicky. Without noticing it at all, the trio had already reached the front of a shabby dark-brownish colored wooden house, standing exactly 10 meters before it. At the same moment, a strange, barely visible image of a reddish silhouette appeared above the house and to its front, seemingly facing towards Yun Beishang and the rest. But, for some reason, Yun Beishang felt as if 'its' gaze was directed at Cindy beside him.

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"May I... ugh, no- actually... I think I know who you might be...?" To Yun Beishang's words, the barely visible reddish silhouette turned towards him and, at that moment; he became a complete mute.

"... ... ... ... ... ..." After what seemed a long time, with Cindy bashfully lowering her head and remaining silent, Yun Beishang felt the suffocation of inside his chest start to disappear and as he did so, he once again heard the clearly-a-female's of a voice out in the open. "Indeed, this is the Evil God inheritance, you..."

Suddenly, the reddish silhouette turned clearer and clearer, until the silhouette's eyes appeared and then notably intensely shook for a long time before its eyes swiftly disappeared, followed by the entire barely visible reddish silhouette.

"Ah! This? Uh..." Yun Beishang was taken aback as he couldn't possibly imagine what had just went through the reddish silhouette's head, but it simply just disappeared and then there was nothing else to be said? What?! Yun Beishang turned to look down towards Cindy as he asked in almost exasperation, "Cindy, little girl, what was all that about? I do can confirm that it definitely is not a a Fallen but... what the fuck?"

Blushing out of embarrassment and a bit shy as well, Cindy lowered her head from looking at him just so slightly that he could still see her face as she cutely shook her head in panic to his questioning. But then, as if she noticed something, Cindy spread out her arms and while ignoring the strong THING she felt on Yun Beishang's strange 'stomach', she made everyone step backwards continuously until they were separated by the shabby dark-brownish wooden house by a total of 72 meters. "Oh, I got it! Hurry up, move back, my Mentor is coming to see you guys!"

Being 5 parts excited, 3 parts nervous and 2 parts expectant; Cindy brought them backwards until more than 100 meters separated them from the shabby wooden house. Seeing the distance, she thought to herself that it was enough and, just as everyone stopped stepping back to line up together with Zyv still sleeping on Yun Beishang's back. It occurred.



The ground that they were just then stepping on a few seconds before began to deform upside down, as if there was a secret compartment that made the floor rotate once to allow the entrance or exit to someone or something. But in reality, to the surprise of everyone except for Little Cindy and Little Rosey, it was the body of a humongous being coming out of their hiding spot.


"Mentor! Over here! Reduce your size to the smallest possible!" At that moment, Cindy's words attracted everyone's attention and almost Yun Beishang's as he did heard them but payed them not that much heed, for as he saw a colossal being's peak that was unearthing itself from the underground! Not a sacred underground but the nearest 1km to 3km long underground!

Before, Yun Beishang couldn't tell how far away from the surface he was when he was at the Azure Dragon's Sacred Underground, he could only confirm within his own abilities that it was far beyond what New Earth could even reach. As such, he didn't even plan to go back, taking out of the picture the fact that that Sacred Underground has had already become completely destroyed.

But now, as he saw a much wider-wise being in size than the Azure Dragon suddenly start coming out of the underground at the same time that Yun Beishang could finally presence it, he became shocked to the actual fact that before his extremely powerful Mental Power could study the entire span of its wings and the distance from its head to the end of its tail, Cindy's words had made it turn smaller and before anything else could happen and as the earth was being overturned; he barely managed to see a pair of wings which were each that of 30km long and a tail whose unique loneliness evoked a strange sense of decadence on Yun Beishang as he could only see one of the supposedly many more, which he also deduced that they used to exist before, his senses only catching up 50km of itself before it retracted fully at the speed of light.

"..." Yun Beishang's eyes were lost, were emptied by the grandeur of such a being and, as it so happened that only he could see it while Cindy could just sense her mentor, only he was utterly touched by the sight. While Rosey was only making a slight pout as she gazed deep into the night sky.

"How beautiful..."



The earth finally settled down, and the powerful but weak looking legs of the immense figure shrouded in darkness descended onto it, creating a sound so loud that it threatened to create a spatial crack just from its waves alone. A female's voice was heard as Yun Beishang's words finished amidst the earth-shaking noises capable enough of deterring space itself. "Why, thank you young New God. It is quite the compliment considering... hm... I assume you've met- uh... is she... sigh, forget it."

An echoing, as if in the middle of a completely empty, vacant cave; voice resonated through everyone's ears. And as everyone were relishing upon the excellency of such a majestic voice, the sand-like footsteps of Cindy resounded instead as it went on, firmly moving towards one of the sick-looking, chicken-like legs of the enormous figure in front of themselves.

Step, step, step, step, step, step...

It had a body of almost 500 meters long, wings that spanned for over more than 2,000 meters and a single tail that reached an amazing length of 10,000 meters. Yun Beishang's thoughts cleared up, partly thanks to the ongoing sounds of Cindy's footsteps as he though to himself, comically. 'Is this the 'smallest' size possible for... her? Heheh, I do believe it though. Wow, so... beautiful, and tragic.'

Step, step... step step.

As he thought so, Cinders arrived before one of her mentor's legs and as she did, she took a moment to clearly and slowly examine her mentor's state of her legs before abruptly and cutely lunging herself at one of them with her arms wide open.

"Mentor, I'm glad you're well... I've brought someone with me, but, do you know of him?" Said Cindy as she softly and very slowly rubbed the right side of her face onto the chicken-like with still some feathers, but sickly and dark, murky ones on it; while her left hand rubbed the spot in front of her face with care. Her right arm was holding herself to the leg as much as she could while her mentor painfully closed her eyes to the sensation of pure warmth coming from her. Her voice finally came out as she opened her eyes, painfully as well, and looked towards Yun Beishang with stern and seriousness as much as there could it ever possible be.

"Indeed, and If... I'm not mistaken, he's here for... for me?" Not even opening her peak to speak, the mentor of Cindy's information appeared before Yun Beishang's eyes as he took less than an instant to read through them.

[Dispirited Carmesí Vermilion Bird]: Type: Beast(Sacred), Grade: Legendary, Level: 135, HP: 500,000,000/950,000,000. A Sacred Beast Protector who has fought to the bitter end and finalized their own fight against the Fallen Fate by destroying all of her powers and degrading once into the still a mortal grade of Legendary. The once known Carmesí Vermilion Bird as 'Pure' by its own civilization had now lost its shine and its only reason d'etre could be considered to find the last of her hope in her Race.

Skills: Sacred Protector, Sparse of Flames.

[Sacred Protector]: Counts with unbelievable potential and regenerative powers. Heals HP+2,500 per second when in battle and also has a low chance of exponentially reducing incoming damage from most skills of those who are lower levelled than the Carmesí Vermilion Bird itself by a vast amount.

[Sparse of Flames]: Left with no other choice, a last move is all it is needed to allow itself to become nothing and, should the requirements be met, the legacy would continue; as well as the weight of power shall fall upon the selected individual's shoulders to bring the imminent disaster to a rising era!

"So... you are... the Beast, Sacred Beast Protector of this Sub-Division. You're a Carmesí Vermilion Bird, and... Pure? Is that your name or-" Yun Beishang was peacefully speaking out from his heart as he saw the light of Pure's eyes be like those of a life abandoned by opportunity and nature. And not those pertaining to a Fallen-becoming individual, putrid and stolen of their life.

The Carmesí Vermilion Bird's, 'Pure's', voice interrupted Yun Beishang's as she spoke in a snarling an self-deprecatingly tone. "Hm, worried of my eyes following the same path as that- FOOLISH, STUBBORN... pitiful Azure Dragon? The same, ah... that you have had gotten rid of? I... I'm not, don't worry about; that. I even destroyed my precious sanctuary in order to escape it, this forced fate. That, is not Fallen Fate, it is just pain. But nonetheless, aimed to force us into a Fallen, a 'Failure'."

Pure was glancing at Yun Beishang, but as she spoke she moved her long neck and beautiful no more head toward the sky, her sobbing, choking words stopping momentarily to gain composure before following with more words, only to start sobbing again. It even seemed, as if a deep longing sorrow inundated her when speaking of the Azure Dragon's ultimate fate, and it even seemed as if he blamed Yun Beishang but thanked him just the same with but all of her heart.

Similarly tearing down, Cinders parted her no-longer puffy, salivated lips as they instead became dry while she kept tearing from her eyes.



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