Bow and Arrow

Chapter 273: Chapter 272 — The Black Key

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The Black Key




"Aahhh, yup. Ready?"




"Woof woof!"

"Chirp chirp~~!"

As the squad made its salute towards Yun Beishang, him being the Lord of The Order and the two other 'Journeyers' being part of The Order itself, a helmet-less Yun Beishang wearing his Petals of Destruction Armor Set had his fists on his waist as he glanced at everyone. His eyes were peaceful and it seemed as if he was content, it was daytime already so they shined thanks to the light of the sun coming down on them. They have been travelling for an hour and around thirty minutes, utilizing any scroll when needed and continuing to walk when it was best to do so.

Soon enough, they reached the utmost north of the Main City-less Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Division. Yun Beishang then nodded at their collective response, he grinned smugly as he received the notification from a matter that his cute little Cindy advised him with. A very clever and astute thing that Yun Beishang himself had been contemplating for a long time as a matter of fact already.

*PING*'ve received a message from your friend 'Little Yao Yao Yao'.

Little Yao Yao Yao: Of course, Master. When do we leave~? I've learned a little bit about it, Madam Natalia and Diana have trained me well and I won't disappoint you!

Tongqiu: Tomorrow morning, I've already told Yona so she will stay behind but we can bring Cyn and Xiao Ruo, is it okay for you?

Little Yao Yao Yao: YUP, I missed that little girl as well and I like traveling with Eldest Sis.

Tongqiu: You're just as little though.

Little Yao Yao Yao: ^(`ω´ )^ψ

"Heh heh... eheheh heh heh~..."

"..." Zyv and company were speechless looking at the suddenly distracted Yun Beishang who was foolishly grinning and chuckling out with his brain seemingly taken out of his head or discomposed, they looked at each other as Little Wolfy and Yun Huo unknowingly blinked at the scenario. Finally, it was turn of dear angelic Zyv to interrupt the silliness of her man. "A-ewa-ahem! Big Brother... are you cheating on us?"

Cindy: "..."

Yun Beishang: ( p_q)

Yun Beishang noiselessly coughed once as he then responded quite honestly, "Of course not! I'm just... eh, talking with my little monkey. That's all, I'm doing a trip to the South tomorrow so I was confirming something, ah."

"Pu." Zyv made quite a big pout with her cheeks inflating to no end, her arms crossed as her pure white, immortal-like skin became slightly rosy, obviously discontented with someone else being Yun Beishang's little 'something'. The culprit for such heart stopping, heart stroke of a scene naturally took this quite rapidly as he grinned badly at his little wolf cub and went over to sway her moodiness by grabbing her strikingly well shaped but not that chiseled waist with both his hands as he whispered to her ear while ignoring the now also pouty little Cindy. "My Little Sister Zyv can always reach me though, even if not on New Earth, she can always come to me whenever she wants in this virtual world, is it not so?"

"...Mmmm." Bratty, Zyv refused to acquiesce to the charms of her man as she turned her head with her ear getting more exposed but also evading his then direct words from his slightly rubbing lips against it. But this couldn't deter the devil Yun Beishang, he grinned even wildly and under Cinders's shocked and envious gaze, he took her helix into his mouth just enough so that his teeth would be able to play with it. After Zyv unwisely thought that she could endure it, soft, sobbing moans squealed out of her little beautiful pale-rose lips as she then finally felt him stop, unfortunately, as he spoke in a clear but still so attractive voice into the very same ear.

"I will take you on a date next time we see each other, how about it? We can... also do whatever you want, mwah, my little wolf cub. Hm?"

"...Okay~." Obedient Zyv came back into life the moment such tender approach became the rule for her lately, in the same manner, she also began to think that him having so many women was quite fitting of such an alpha for that matter. "Then... it's a promise! Also... since it is 'if I want to'... then... can you take my Sister too?"

'Ptoooey!' As Yun Beishang spat blood from his mouth inside his head, the smug smile on his face froze and became stiff right after, hearing her words made him go back to when Yao Yao was ruthlessly pimping out her 'dearest' Eldest Sister Cyn to him months ago, ayayayay. It was okay to be like this, not denying joy to any wholeheartedly willing party, but he wasn't a walking brothel, alright?!

Nevertheless, could Yun Beishang say no? Nope.

"Okay, alright. I'll bring her too if you want, but only if that is really what you want ah."

"Tehehe, yes it is. That would make me really glad and content????."

"Oh, that's right. Does your 'sister' has any knowledge of me? Does she know you slept with a more than 8 years older man than you long ago? In his own house, on his own bed, filled with beauties and other similarly young women that were also his at that?"


Yun Beishang: "..."

At this moment, out of the predicament of awkwardness having descended onto them only to stay, Cindy chose to speak with a clear and shy voice. "Ahem... guys? Shouldn't we leave right now? I can see on the forums that people are going crazy, ayyy. There is also our fan club armies already at work on the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division, we must-we must hurry..."

Yun Beishang smiled bitterly as he turned to gaze to his left at Cindy, he hit his left temple on Zyv's nose as she was still elevated by his strong hands alone; not that she complained. And then nodded towards Cindy as he said, "Mn, we should go. This fight could be very well last a long time so I'll need your help, girls."


"Okay, Big Brother, whatever you want. Even if you ask me to tight up Little Cinders here so that you can r-"


"...Okay, anything for you, dearest, beloved, sexiest and best smelling Big Brother Wolfy????, angh, en."

Cindy: ❐ ‿ ❑

It was Cindy's turn to become speechless. As she requested for Yun Beishang to hold her the same way inside her heart and as she didn't notice the strange gaze that he gave her at that moment, Zyv had already transformed in but an instant into that 21 meters long, 10 meters tall  with a 10 meters long, flexible beautiful and gracious tail; after having snatched Little Wolfy out of the ground and jumping into the air like a ravenous wolf, that is.

Cindy reacted as strongly as anyone would when she saw Zyv turn into a beautiful, magnificent huge wolf in an instant, but she wasn't able to see Zyv's body before it turned into Wolf Zyv unlike Yun Beishang who saw her everything before the transformation. Blushing mentally, as he was a bit too shameless, Yun Beishang then carried Cindy with her having her little chicken on her embrace onto Wolf Zyv's back. A few seconds later, Zyv's Wolf body blurred intensely as if being erased from this world, followed by the deafening sound going as far as 10 km around their previous spot.

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Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division, at the Perpetual Black Turtle Main City.


Clank, clink, clink clankclankclank!

Fwooogh... BOOM!

Whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~!

Tuk, tuk tuk tuk tuk!

Bang bang bang...! BANG!

Battle noises resounded out of nowhere, there was a sudden charge of a suspicious group of players marching at a regular pace across the streets of the City. Civilians were slowly being dispersed from all sides outside the central areas of the City while the marching groups were evident all over the entire premises of it. At the uttermost center of the City was a large statue of a turtle shell, it went for about a few kilometers long while it was only just slightly more than 100 meters tall. This was the headquarters of the Perpetual Black Turtle Main City.

At some point not long from where the current large-scale battlefield that is all of City, from the nearest by tallest buildings to the gigantic turtle shell, flashes of all colors went out from the before rising up into the air. Before long all those spell skills cast up into the air merged with one another, creating a sudden rain of explosive Core Elements and simple magic onto the turtle shell's back.

At the same time that it happened, the more or less vacant streets of the City were suddenly met with the furious stomps of players as they furiously charged at the NPC guards and troops around them. Because of the recent tragedies of their Myriad Beasts Division, troops were no longer at the shadowy-portal as they instead were all called back into their own homeland to protect it. Even if these type of 'City Lords' were disgusting, they were still the city lord for a reason.

However, their information was null. Not only because they didn't had 'Journeyers' to aid them with that, quests were already sent out for any source of information, it was just that... Who would dare to go against the two goddesses assailing the Sub-Divisions right now? Even if they were suddenly imperious and conquering right now and out of nowhere, people still followed them like it was the will of the heavens! It is or even was quite a sad sight to behold, for as these poor pixels of civilians NPCs could be involved. It was also just that; the first thing that their goddesses wanted, was the evacuation and safety of the 'innocently ignorant' civilians, so it was difficult to critique the 2 'Warmonger Goddesses' who suddenly 'went crazy'-ah, that's not right, ahem. That suddenly wanted to change the world for the better.

And worst of all, it was easy to notice if someone took and completed the quest of delivering vital or just any information to the city lord, for as the reward was LV+3 and a title for inside the Main City which would allow them to command for respect and certain opportunities from the NPCs and guards. So, who would now dare to even set foot on the uttermost center of the City? Dead players, dead asses.

As of right now, with the previous '2' assaults against the Azure Dragon Sub-Division and the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Division, the two goddesses gained popularity and were now renown thorough the entire playerbase of Rising Essence. It was even so, for the casual and uncaring players of the every day who player at most between 2-5 hours a day; if playing daily at all. From having hundreds of thousands of players that venerated them, it became a few dozens of millions instead! Even those pertaining from Associations either convinced their leaders or simply showed them what kind of goddess they worshiped before the entire Association joined the fray.

Like this, like this, like this and like this; the current situation of the millions of players battling the NPC troops and guards to a perfectly balanced stalemate came out to be. With some hundreds of thousands completely focused in evacuating the still remaining civilians even by force, there was the least amount of accidental casualties for both parties, even as the city lord gave the order to kill anyone who wasn't in the army or at his guards' division.

But war was scary, and this was simple to see as just in a few hours; around that of 6-9. Players that were not used to these kinds of images and scenes, especially as they illustrated them themselves instead of seeing them in a blurry state like in the prologue when entering the game or when studying; went offline to vomit their hearts out. There was one thing that was clear though, the players were fast enough to protect the already expectant but also terrified and panicky city lord of the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Divisional Main City, as the main revival point was destroyed, the system prompt for the device having just been destroyed once they started charging to the death of the enemy NPCs shocked them all, it also even acted as a wake up call for the members of both fan clubs of the awaiting and itchy to war players of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division.

Across the rest of the Main Divisions, the players that were previously crazily, madly farming at the shadowy-portal zones were hesitating on whether or not to do the same. However, they lacked something utterly important, a Tongqiu to save them from the Sacred Protector.

As for the culprit, the true hand behind all of this?! He was calmly walking amongst the warring groups as he had already activated his Masked Instrumental Body skill and was touring through the City's streets without a care for the passing arrows, javelins, daggers, bullets, bombs and even AOE spells. He especially took notice of one class, a Dark Mage and the Devil Constitution classes. One was the male and the other was the female class of seemingly the same class, he didn't really know from which class branch they hailed, but they seemed so much potent than most of the other 'basic' classes. Well, more like ordinary, but even these 'ordinary' classes were flamboyantly powerful besides being showy, flashy and edgy.

This gave Yun Beishang a desire to look for the next post talking about all the Second Class Advancement, he never really had a chance to see it for himself as he had been doing extraordinary things himself. So when he found out about them and experimented them, he would feel an even more astonishing impact since he was more familiar with the first ordinary classes, not even with the First Advanced Classes that much.

In any case, it was no longer important as in less than half an hour of traversing the entire Main City by 'becoming nothingness' thanks to his still not attained most beautiful, purest of whites essence and grey-platinum, bright-metallic essence. As of right now, he was only walking out of boredom for as he was already capable of seeing the enormous top of a turtle shell behind the buildings of at least 50 to 70 meters tall.

"Huu... hm, I think I've arrived. Well then." Without saying anything much, and feeling smug to the fact that he was able to talk out loud even as he touched the right arm of a high-end NPC soldier that was about to instantly kill 3 players, allowing those three to stunlock the fucker and then kill it right after a few minutes from there. Then, Yun Beishang grinned as he had already located the sturdy and tall, towering and mighty city lord that was giving out orders in an exasperated, panicky and desperate manner.

At this time, their conversation was fun to hear and so did Yun Beishang heard them out while he made his way toward them...


"City Lord, pleas-ple-pl-ple-please calm down..." the NPC to the right of the city lord who was furiously slamming on the table of operations felt his legs go beyond weak as he seemed to smell the blood and brain juice among other even dirtier stuff that has already been cleaned off, his hands pathetically clung to the city lord's right arm as he implored. "City Lord please, GULP, send the Loyal Protector Team to hold off the rest of the 'Journeyers'. They are only fighting to kill us all, we can take advantage of th-"


The city lord waved his right arm as fast as he could with but all of his strength, his long braided black hair swung lightly as the NPC to his right flew 2 meters away from the city lord. Another dead ass.

Step, step, step, step.

Right after, another assistant arrived, this time it was a nice redheaded sweetheart with a tight but serious grey uniform on and a small cap, she had some freckles on her cheeks and her eyes were of a strong blue. Her feminine voice stimulated the city lord's body as his muscles all over his body jolted twice in bestial joy at the hearing of it, "My 'City Lord', I'm here to serve you. What are your orders?"

Hearing her respectful tone and her serious, stern and dutiful expression; the city lord grinned wildly and largely as he placed the very same right hand that he used to slap the now dead ass NPC to cup her left chin and said in a brusque tone. "Oh yeah, got something for you. Here you see? Kneel and place it deep in your throat!"

The female NPC suddenly felt her left shoulder in pain as her knees were forcefully bent, she then saw the brown skinned large thing of her precious 'City Lord', it was already going to kiss her lips by the time the hope in her eyes went off as her mouth was also about to just open up with vacant thoughts filling her head.

"Oh, so hot. But, 'City Lord'~, isn't this a bit too fast for a development? I at least seduce them first, tsk tsk tsk, this reminds me of slavery." Just as the redheaded, strong blue-eyed female NPC felt the head and pungent smell from the obscenity and as her lips were just this tiny bit of reach her slightly opened lips, an ever so mocking voice traveled to everyone's ears inside the control room of the city lord's headquarters.

But after the initial shock was the humiliation and sense of shame, suicidal notions invaded the redheaded woman as she reached down for the strong pistol-shotgun on her belt, when she suddenly realized that a soft breeze of fresh wind swatted away the pungent odor and its heat off her face. Looking back to where the city lord was previously standing, she saw the attractively muscular but still slender and incredibly fit body under that tight brown suit, looking to where the previously disappointing thing was at before, she instead saw a bulge that was all so eye-catching.

But instead of smelling it, she took in with her nostrils the invasive scent of blood and all kinds of bodily matter having fully come out, she knew what they were as she was an experienced woman in the job of either cleaning the fuck ups of the high officials of the Main City or 'taking care of them' herself. Brains, shit, organs' tissue, bones and so on; she could easily discern each of them. Looking around her, she saw the entire room flooding with blood while most of the flesh of now surely corpses, was plastered on the walls as if she suddenly was in an abstract painting room.

At the same time...

*PING*'ve successfully killed the City Lord of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Division...

But then, his voice ringed out again.

"Hey beauty, I know this is all traumatic and all... but I wanna test a theory. Maybe, and I'm just saying 'maybe', you will feel better if I cleanse you in the same way that you were almost defiled? Let's try it! Let me grab your knee, ah, like this and now, oh! You're still wearing clothes, never mind, let's just do some little foreplay first, okay?" Suddenly, the woman felt ridiculous and incredulous; some sort of craziness ringed nonstop inside her head as she, for some strange reason, began to obediently follow his instructions... She was then brought into the White Space after being shown heaven and pulled back only to be sent back into heaven over and over again. The only words she could remember were, 'Is it possible for you to consider being my maid?' and that amazingly, disturbingly charming smile on the not-so-attractive face with an unusually attractive as hell jaw of a man; now her man.



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