Bow and Arrow

Chapter 275: Chapter 274 — Another Almost-Fallen, Sacred Beast Protector Perpetual Black Turtle (1)

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Another Almost-Fallen, Sacred Beast Protector Perpetual Black Turtle (1)




"How do you feel?"

"Excited! You can tell, I know! Stop teasing me..." Yao Yao responded to the closened pair of tempting lips which made her bit her own lower lips at the sight of them a few centimeters from her eyes as soon as she turned to look at Yun Beishang, her eyes shone but her cheeks blushed as she couldn't hold her gaze anymore and lowered her head while speaking those last 3 words in an overbearingly cutey shy manner. This prompted Yun Beishang to grin and to grasp her chin with his left hand to steal her lips and molest the insides of her mouth.

Yao Yao was seated to his right while Cyn and Xiao Ruo were to Yao Yao's right, they could choose any seat on the 'VIP' section since this one was reserved fully for just Yun Beishang, his maids and some more than a hundred Black Lotus members; assassins. Of course, the Black Lotus personnel were in the public and even 'private' section while Yun Beishang and his maids had all of the 'VIP' section for themselves. They could do anything they wanted and even fool around like crazy dogs, of course, they still had to hide from the innocent and pure eyes of Xiao Ruo who was also excitedly looking through the window of the aircraft that was already damn high up in the air while tugging at Cyn over and over again who was to her left.

Indeed, they were inside another Baby Mother Bird aircraft, but this time, they were moving towards the Free Living Region. But more specifically, towards even its capital the Crescent Soul City on the Central-North of New Earth. Coincidentally, he also was at the north of the Myriad Beasts Division, the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division, ah.

As of right now, they were already in the air and even the pilots for this aircraft were of the Crestfallen Industry itself, as they were the ones to send this aircraft their way for the Peaceful Rain Corporation themselves and out of nowhere at that. Yun Beishang was naturally thankful, Yona was naturally glad since there would be no cost upon boarding it, this 'little' detail was from part of the humongous Crestfallen Industry, so there wouldn't be a scam in the process. Besides, Yun Beishang himself had connections, alright?

Xiao Ruo seemingly noticed something, as her pitch-black eyes turned to see the 2 lovebirds eat each other's mouths deliciously and with tenderness, her mouth opened into a small egg in size as Cyn realized of this and smilingly covered her eyes, before turning the little Ruo's head back towards the window, saving her from the evil monster. Not that he would jump such a person, even Yao Yao was a lot of time for him to see himself that way 'onto' and into her when they've already had been going at each other's mouths for a while. Besides, it wasn't set in stone that Xiao Ruo would also blindingly fall into his trap, like Zi Fei whose nature towards him changed from a curious and respectful manner to that of a still curious and respectful but also girly manner. Ah, life changes, right?

While traveling fast in the Baby Mother Bird aircraft on New Earth, he was constantly searching for the entrance, portal or doorway, whatever it could be or even be called like; to the Perpetual Black Turtle or simple Black Turtle's Sacred Underground. With the help of Cinders's Nature Connection and Fire Core Elemental Resonance; from which both being Hidden stats and the only ones that she had, being also of the same amount, that of 1,331. Yes, Cinders actually had a total of 2,662 stats on Hidden Stats themselves. With each of them being of 1,331, it made it so that she had an easier time feeling the Elements around here thanks to the Nature Connection part. And thanks to the Fire Core Elemental Resonance part, she could move all particles of the same such Element to investigate, almost as good as the Mental Power was for Yun Beishang. Except, the way in which he used, even when it was lower, was many times more flexible and untraceable no matter who it was nor where was he using it. Unless it was either a place like The Core Elemental Throne or a NPC or mob that was already more than 50 levels above him.

Even then, along the two of them, there was still the angelical Little Zyv who was using her fantastical Ancestral Bloodline hidden stat of already that of 3,489; her Mental Power of 311 and her Nature Connection of 1,701. She was constantly sniffing while around the entire northern side of the still having a Main City- Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division. With the use of the Black Key, it was much easier to search for the damned entrance to the 'special' Dungeon, of course, only the holder of an incredibly vast amount of Mental Power such Yun Beishang would be able to make it easier.

Days went by like this, though Yun Beishang miserably missed his Miriam and Sash as well as Sammy; for a mysterious but good-feeling of a reason, he would constantly speak to them with his Insoma, which he never breaks unlike his cellphones, and update the happenings of their travel when in the real world. Naturally, he wouldn't tease them, too much, talking to them about the 'things' that he did with Yao Yao and the 'escapades' that he had of touching, molesting, grabbing, twisting and more than anything, kissing; with Cyn. Not too much, not too much.

While, in the game, he would message and converse with them with a few video calls every day while searching the fucking entrance. Time was spent, and the time for the fight would just slowly arrive.

. . .


It had been a total of 4 days, Yun Beishang, Cindy and Zyv have been roasting meat around the endless desert while drinking a blood soup from a few selected few vict-mobs.

The Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division was mostly a desert, an enormous one that if it was to be placed second of all Main Kingdom in terrain and significance, no one would be first. It wasn't all just sand, hills, mountains and towers that reached beyond the sky consisting of only sand; there were but, it didn't consist of just that. There were also completely plain and flat sections of the entire Sub-Division that seemed as if as long as even an ant were to step on such terrain that had cracks as big as a small town, would instantly break the entire section in question. But in truth, those sections were unbelievably durable, and one would even feel the gravity pull become stronger, their bodies would slow down if they weren't either trained enough -STR and REC for 'Journeyers'- or if they didn't had a spell to counter the gravity of those sections.

Even then, it wasn't divided nor was it orderly distributed across the entire north of the Myriad Beasts Division, in other words; though the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division was mostly a desert and had those types of terrains, sections and so on, it was made so naturally. In one place, there might even be a combination of the different types of such terrains, while there wasn't an order nor a reason for the entire Sub-Division territory to be like that. It was all... as if it was somewhat random, but more like natural instead.

There was one last thing though, it wasn't all of the same, boring and headache-inducing sunish golden, yellow color. The deserts would also be of a sad mix between black, grey and even an obsidian colors. There would also be powerful orange colored deserts and there was even some times where the trio saw the deserts turn into a combination between burgundy and a deep pink color. It was breathtaking, and they even stopped to amaze themselves to the scenery; it was just beautiful.

Finally, as they were stepping onto what seemed to be an incredulously small and ordinary plate with three column-like structures that were arched as they were pointing at the sky towards the inside of the said plate. The plate was of a circular shape and was around 3 meters big. While the arched column-like structures that rose from it had their base and initial body, which was also the thickest part of each of them, 'grow' from the outside before ending up inside the perimeter of the circular plate. It was like a type of jail with the way it looked, its plate was of a silvery, worn out and even somewhat cracked. While the column-like structures that made the entire thing resemble a jail were of a brownish, rusty but also dark color.

"Well, here it is." Yun Beishang said while his left hand held the Black Key.

[Black Key]: Type: Unique Item, Grade: Formidable, Properties: It is unknown where it is supposed to fit. With your Mental Power you're able to feel a powerful but also dangerous attraction, there seems to be something wrong with the purpose of this key, something has changed overtime and it is seemingly nonredeemable. Things have changed.


"Mhm." Cindy was the last to nod and respond to his words, they both all knew that they couldn't help him, this was more important to him in the sense that he had to complete this quest himself. And seeing how the system was a damn bitch, he had to do the fight himself without the aid of anyone else. Well, maybe if he had the buffs of a healer like Naty, it would've been better. But right now, they were farming some materials for the sake of The Order and Honor Points. Especially the maids and little maids, they were the only ones who had the chance to ask the Lord to create them any kind of equipment with any stats that they wanted!

Not even the Unions were capable of this, let alone of the fact that this would be something made directly from the hands of their beloved Master! Even those who have not entered 'yet' into a relationship with him, on his bed, really; had began to feel their hearts flutter and their indecision to falter. As they vehemently became a scary mats-grinding force to reckon lately, with a few masked beauties leading the other masked beauties, oh well. They were calmly taking their time working for him and The Order's sake, naturally, he had planned to give them a great surprise. That should be passable since the Sacred Beast Protector would've already been finished without anyone's help, so it shouldn't be a problem that he made 'that' happen.

"Alright then, remember to calm down those of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division, just in case." Yun Beishang spoke to the two little cutey young girls with a relaxed smile before starting to use his Mental Power and closing his eyes, repeating what he once did back on the then peaceful Azure Dragon. Damn, if only those fuckers didn't made a move like that, he still hadn't taken real revenge on the other 'side' that he took a good little notice of that day. "See you~, here is 10 million gold coins, buy all you want but Cindy."

"Hm?" Cindy responded, her visage slightly lost as she suddenly heard her name come out from his lips, Yun Beishang went towards her still with his eyes closed as he didn't need them for her to feel his heart, and said. "Don't let Zyv use it all to buy ingredients, she is too naughty when I'm not with her, and only Naty and Cyn can placate her somewhat. So be careful, if she shows her fangs and claws, you're welcome to record her for me to 'take care of her' later, okay?"

Feeling his soft rubbing on her head and hair, Cindy closed her eyes obediently as she uttered a softest 'mn' with a barely noticeable nod of her head, meanwhile, Zyv began to ramble about crazily in hopes of defending her good image!

"Of course not! Cinders is such a good little sister, I will bring her to buy lots of clothes and food for everyone, yeah! I'm that good, so, don't worry and go ahead and let me have a chance to roast the meat of a Sacred Beast Protector, alright? I'll be good, Big Brother! For every time that you think I did wrong during this time, I... I will let you spank me for ten minutes straight! See? I'm being sincere here! Come, Little Cinders, let's go get some yummy thingies!" Seeing Zyv call her 'Little' so seriously and endearingly, a speechless Cindy took the role of the bigger person and allowed the same aged girl to bring her away from the big bad wolf.

Cindy then turned her head around to look at Yun Beishang, her eyes were meaning her heart out for him as Yun Beishang himself read her perfectly, not because of any of his Hidden Stats though.

'I'm okay, it's... it's just a game, after all.'

"Hmph~..." Involuntarily snorting through his nostrils, Yun Beishang relaxedly moved to the center of the plate, he placed both his feet on each of the extremes while the 3 column-like structures pointed to the northeast, northwest and south seemingly trembled for just an instant.

"..." Yun Beishang remained in that pose for about 10 seconds before the column-like structures now actually began to noiselessly move, dust and rustiness was completely cleaned off with just the slightest of their movements. Then, as the touched each other with the upper extremes exactly 7 inches above Yun Beishang's head.


They made a clear, bell-like sound and exactly at the same time as they did, a point of pure blackness appeared right in the middle of the touching extremes of the column-like structures. In a matter of 3 seconds, the initially a point of pure blackness became a soccer ball-shape and sized, that was fluctuating in clockwise motion as if it was a whirlpool.

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Yun Beishang's eyes were still closed as he took in a deep breath from his nostrils; then, he brought his left hand that was holding the Black Key to above his head and touched the increasingly growing whirlpool of pure blackness.


The moment he did so, his left hand along with the Black Key, were both suctioned into the whirlpool. A moment later, the whirlpool of pure blackness grew to the size of a young child, suctioning in Yun Beishang's whole body in out of nowhere!

Tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link, tri-link...

'Here we go...' Yun Beishang, instead of being excited, was already remodeling his Half-Divine Mind-Sensory Pseudo-Artifact for as he wasn't going to take another huge fucking unnecessary hit upon just arriving down there. Fuck no!

His body fully disappeared in a bizarre, strange blurred motion then, and everything surrounding the plate and the 3 column-like structures went back to normal.



Before completely breaking and being seemingly sent high up into the air, and before those small structures and plate could fall down all broken and made little pieces of each, they all disintegrated in one sole moment. Hundreds of pair of shadowy eyes also appeared to make sure that it happened like so.

"... ... ... ... ... ... ..." Silence; once again took over the entire lonely desert. Not even mobs were visible anymore, as if they suddenly chose to flee from the surroundings of where the plate and the 3 column-like structures was previously installed at.



The war at the Main City was still ongoing, but mot players disdained buying form settlements outside, such as villages, towns and other cities even. When in truth, the most natural and wonderful, handmade tools and clothing was made by their people. Such was the places were the two young girls traveled around as their man left them alone to their pets and their girly hearts. With Zyv transforming into Wolf Zyv, Cinders would ride her back, slowly, they became more accustomed to the other while spending a few hours together.

On the other hand, Yun Beishang was about to discover hell.

. . .


Supposedly at the Sacred Underground of the Sacred Beast Protector of the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division.





Yun Beishang could be seen suddenly flying away after a noiseless glow appeared in the middle of the air, the speed at which he appeared was instantaneous as his body could already be seen a few hundreds of meters away from where he initially teleported to. Both his hands held something, but it was too blurry and hence, impossible to discern at the moment.

Soon, however, he was going to reach something... something, and hit his head hard and directly against it.

'Now!' Yun Beishang's eyes remained closed for as he didn't wanted to suffer the same humiliation as before when he was teleported to the Azure Dragon's Sacred Underground, meanwhile, he was somewhat startled by the surroundings. They did not look at all like the Sacred Underground of a Sacred Protector should be. It was all barren and of a brown-greenish and yellow color.


-500, -500.


At last, Yun Beishang's body collided with that 'something'; but there were two different types of numbers that hovered on space at the same instant that he hit both his hands wearing the immense, bulky and thick pair of gauntlets resembling those of a boxer but of a mechanized version instead of those from the sport itself.

"!!!" Yun Beishang's eyes widened in shock, his heart already palpitating as he not only saw the +2,500 already happening, but he even read the description of that 'something'. And, what could anything else be inside of the Sacred Underground of a Sacred Beast Protector but the Sacred Beast Protector themselves?!




Let It Rain's Note: CLIFFHANGER! Are you ready for some shit? I do be ready, I do. Bweheheheheh~, ∋━━o(`∀ ´oメ)~→.

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