Bow and Arrow

Chapter 279: Chapter 278 — Flash Battle!

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Flash Battle!




Yun Beishang coldly commanded through his mind to the system as he gazed at the Black Turtle, seemingly also 'gazing' at the system, he was in a stressed but ephemeral tense sensation of understanding. But it was also quickly left over to the side as another few prompts appeared in front of his eyes.

*PING*'s newly attained Essence has been successfully named as 'Pure's'. Host's Pure's Essence is able to allow the host's attacks to ignore all Defense, Resistance, Mitigation and Block; hence, giving the host a special Pierce Attack Rate.

'In your honor...' While not becoming abstrusely astounded to the new and perfectly timely effects of his newly attained Essence, Yun Beishang gazed upon the words of 'Pure's' as it was named honorarily to the being that was willing to just let itself die and become nothing, with none of its Essence remaining and even giving it all to its child and its apprentice and even him, a complete stranger. Just for the sake of what the future entails.


A mortified and creepy roar 'woke up' Yun Beishang, when in truth he obviously did not need anyone's intervention as he was simply thinking himself gone crazy after being so 'moved' by a plethora of pixels, created by some incredibly talented, intelligent and capable people in unison long ago. It was truly somewhat of a devaluation, but it was also the truth. But throwing those strange thoughts away, Yun Beishang managed to easily go back to his actual, and infuriating fight against the Black Turtle; and do exactly what he wasn't willing to do before.

'I have been carrying you along for a while, and now you're mine... Let me give you a good welcoming gesture, just like I did with Hawkeye.' Yun Beishang thought, as a smug but also hateful smile hung loosely on his lips.

His Mind-Sensory now changed, taking even less time, that of 6 solid seconds to transform completely in a long bow. Already effectuating a plethora of skills, the only witness around that could gloat on this abrupt and uprising change was Little Rosey! With her 4-5 year old body, she could barely end up raising her arms cheerily to almost touch Yun Beishang's cheeks as his Mind-Sensory Long Bow aimed at the overall body of the Black Turtle and as 3 arrows were already nocked to its bowstring.

With his index, middle, ringer and little finger were all conjoined as if to send out a knuckle attack forward, but instead of simply holding an ordinary pose as such, Yun Beishang had the grip on the 3 arrows made with his thumb facing downwards. Similarly, the long bow in his left hand was diagonally pointing downwards to his left as his left wrist was twisted with his bulging veins on it bulging extensively from his elbow to even the tips of each of his left fingers. On the other hand, his right handed fingers had a brutal and aggressive temperament, deserving of when Yun Beishang enters into his 'transformation' state.

Total Combustion!

Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot!

Tongqiu's Rain Destruction!

And finally... Supreme Last Stand!!

Easily losing more than 20,000 of his resources each, Yun Beishang unhesitatingly sent loose his arrows, enormous, colossal and imperious shadows of 3 arrows appear to his surroundings and, at the moment he sent loose his very own 3 arrows in a wideshot, those shadows around him were also sent out; signaling also the incoming plethora of the very same colossal arrows in 3 by 3 for each shadow that was meant to be only 100 of them initially, as they became 300 in total.

"AAARRGGGHH-AAAAAAAHH!!" Yun Beishang felt some kind of intense burden accompanied by the pain of his virtual body using a 3-arrowed Tongqiu's Rain Destruction



-281,600, -281,600, -281,600.

+8,448, +8,448, +8,448.

-215,423,616, -160,713,453.

+6,462,708, +4,821,404.


Yun Beishang's face burned intensely with momentum while his body began to slowly fall back down; an endless amount of regular-cruise-sized arrows fell down onto the Black Turtle's whole body. Its neck, shell, limbs, tail and its very own damned head became to be engulfed into a genuine rain of intoxicatingly destructive arrows as they made no sound whatsoever as they traveled the short distance of just more than 2 hundred meters downwards; which forced some of them to materialized farther behind Yun Beishang and to his sides. There were huge, colossal shadows of arrows upon arrows of several different colors; there was blue, there was orange, there was red, there was dark, there was light and there was a strikingly, most beautiful and purer than the purest of all whites. With these 6 different types of colors, the damage made to the surroundings was ever more catastrophic, and be it as it may, even Yun Beishang found himself flying away hundreds of meters away from the area of impact at a speed he could not believe at all, it was way beyond that of Rosey's!

A few hundred meters after having made that initial fast as fuck of a starting speed, his 'flying' speed decreased exponentially before coming to a stop thousands of meters far away from where the entire Tongqiu's Rain Destruction combo was aimed at. Only one thing did it truly made it to the now extremely calm and extremely fierce eyes of the culprit for such destruction!

Black Turtle's HP: 220,918,131/1,150,000,000.

Not needing to even think of using a Kindness Intermediate-Potion, Yun Beishang fearlessly moved right back into the immensely quaking and spasming of the ground, walls and ceiling as even most of the epicenter from up above where the Black Turtle was exactly at that moment before fully plummeted down onto its body without restraint; as if it could all come falling down at any point and time of this newly elevated battle.


Tri-link... tri-link... ...tri-link.

Almost being completely drowned by the incessant rumbling noises of the everything of the Sacred Underground becoming chaotic, the sounds of Yun Beishang's Mind-Sensory true body worked itself to become a pair of huge gladiuses to its master's personal taste. Becoming what it was supposed to do, before the calmest but terrifying voice of Yun Beishang reached the happily but silly-looking Rosey as she was still deadly slowed, but not as much as before. With that discovery, he sent some of his Mental Power, though he was hurting after he did so, towards the inside of Rosey and helped her complete the Destroyer - Bloodline skill at once.

"BRR~RR~R~R~R~RR!!!" With her arms being brought high up by Yun Beishang's hands after having activated her skill with his help, and as a slightly pale-light rosy and potent red colored energy-like aura on both their bodies; Yun Beishang similarly activated his Corporeal Ignition skill without any qualms, and dashed at the Black Turtle for dear time!

Without using his Mental Power, he could just become nothing with the speed of 914 Movement Speed!

As such, not before wrapping his and Rosey's body -not that she actually needed it- with his incredibly vast Mental Power, did Yun Beishang really made the dash towards the beautiful 6-unique colored paradise of destruction in the distance in front of himself. From having a beautiful reflection across his eyes of the blue, red, light, dark, orange and white colors in a miniature yet still somehow majestically enormous; to an ever so enlarged and immense image on his eyes of those 6 colors taking precedence on his own.

However, right after, with only his already transformed into the Mind-Sensory Dual Gladiuses; Yun Beishang waved both of them from an extended outwards to the sides position to a cross in front of his body as he passed way beyond where, shockingly, the entire colossal body of the Black Turtle was seemingly airborne by the countless explosions of Total Combustion and the ultimate destruction brought about by the mere use of Supreme Last Stand itself.

Because Yun Beishang wanted to use this Corporeal Ignition skill to its maximum potential, he didn't stopped to attack the defenseless and clueless Black Turtle but instead went from side to side of the Black Turtle to infinitely and insanely hurt it the most by carving open a path on its body several times with just the passing of his body and the swings, hackings, thrusts and slashes of both his old pals!

-134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095...

Every time Yun Beishang penetrated the Black Turtle's body from one side to the other, his body coming out from any other left uninjured 'path' to make with both his huge dual gladiuses, several dozen of such '-134,095' numbers would appear all around him to be left in the dust by his still ongoing godly Movement Speed boost.

Unfortunately, however, Yun Beishang could only employ such a vicious and godly 'technique' about 7 times only, with the HP of the Black Turtle already gone below the 20% mark, it was more than obvious that it would start to crazily employ more of its skills; even if they were of the rare usage. Even then, Yun Beishang still managed to put the motherfucking Black Turtle down another notch with the simple Total Combustion'ed basic attacks of his old pals.

Black Turtle's HP: 205,899,491/1,150,000,000.

...Stomp! ...Stomp! ...Stomp! ...Stomp!

However, towards this sight of the uninterruptible Earthly Stomp of the Black Turtle, Yun Beishang made a crazy action towards it unlike any other.

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Whoosh, tap. SWISH! BANG BANG!

Dashing forwards one last time, exactly at the last fraction of a moment from his Corporeal Ignition skill, Yun Beishang ended up dashing forth and upwards more than 70 meters before finally coming down as fast as he could with the still somewhat heavy burden of carrying the not-that-slow Rosey on his embrace. As this happened, only up to the second stomp of the Black Turtle's Earthly Stomp was heard then. But by the moment Yun Beishang was going to reach the floor with both his Mind-Sensory Gladiuses, the fourth stomp was also just about to reach the floor.

Feeling his old pals begin to glow an ever so godly glow from his Essences; as purest of whites colored Pure's Essence moved to jump from his right left handed gladius while his orange colored Hawkeye Essence remained attached onto the handles of both gladiuses and his hands while the perfect center of his eyes also glowed orange and the right side of his upper back on his shoulder blade glowed a striking white and even forming the small shape of the skeleton of a wing. As it happened, and as he held his two old pals pointing directly at the ground with his legs already positioned in a half-kneeling position, his head almost rested upon his own collarbone as it was lowered that much; it happened.

Both Mind-Sensory gladiuses landed perfectly, beautifully on the floor while they penetrated it profoundly without obstruction, as if it was meant to be. Just about the same perfect time, the fourth leg of the Black Turtle stomped against the ground, successfully activating its Earthly Stomp; when suddenly...




Though the Black Turtle healed up an astounding number of 100,000 HP from the direct and utmost perfect parry made even at an unreasonable and nonsensical manner by none other than Yun Beishang alone, it did ended up being blasted away by the mere impact of it. After all, for a 1,000 meters scope of affected area that would be endlessly quaking until 25 seconds went on and on and on; even a colossal being such as the Black Turtle would be easily blown away by such might if it was perfectly parried and hence, returned to its source in the very same aggressive manner all at once.

Vwong! Whooooosh~, whooooosh~!

With Destroyer - Bloodline still active, Yun Beishang 'became nothing' and used his Unparalleled Manipulation to both; move his damn ass at the most powerful speed he could and to actually use another Tongqiu's Rain Destruction and Total Combustion! Though he no longer had any Particles to use his Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot and time was still short for another Supreme Last Standing, his fight against the Black Turtle had to be faster than possible to avoid any other misfortune; who knew if it would once again use that damned shit to slow oneself to a complete halt as if time was stopped for themselves? And on him even!

As such, though he was no longer directly controlling the pair of gladiuses with his own hands, using Unparalleled Manipulation was enough. With the seamless use and combination of all his 3 Hidden Stats; Mental Power, Intent and Heart Connection, Yun Beishang ruthlessly pulled the trigger against the already falling onto the ground body of the Black Turtle whose immensely large neck was crazily and disgustingly flapping around nonstop.

Tongqiu's Rain Destruction!


-13,409,500, -10,003,950.

Black Turtle's HP: 197,504,681/1,150,000,000.

'Just some more...' Yun Beishang was clear to see to be tired, his eyes were slightly dragging around as they did the simplest of movements while his arms still tirelessly moved to catch his gladiuses while he went back into his physical, virtual body. In a way, even his speed and control of the feature from 'becoming nothing' into a gush of wind and this time, it had a more present white color to it besides its ashy, grey color.

Swish! Twang~...

Now as Yun Beishang was standing firmly against the floor and had his arms placed to his sides in a manner that both his gladiuses were pointing at the floor, an incoming almost unnoticeable sound came towards him. In response to that, Yun Beishang only reacted when the attack was about  to reach his right side, his right-handed Mind-Sensory Gladius went from being glued to the right side of his waist and right thigh to suddenly appearing to block the incoming disgusting tail of the Black Turtle, there was perfect accuracy and not a single damn ounce of hesitation on such a 'blind' movement.


But Yun Beishang wasn't able to redirect that sneaky attack back at the Black Turtle, or rather, he didn't wanted to. With some just about 22 seconds still remaining before Destroyer - Bloodline ends, he dashed forth with his left-handed Mind-Sensory Gladius placed behind his back and slightly up from his shoulder-height with his left arm extended backwards; while his right-handed gladius was placed to the front of his face below his chin with the blade cutting the air that was going through towards the left from where his head was at while he rushed at his max 414% Movement Speed.

Step, step, step step step stepstepstep!


Before the dumbfuck of the Black Turtle could annoy him anymore with its unnecessary, monologued anguished cries, Yun Beishang was already kicking it down with even his right foot alone being enough to shut it the fuck up, even activating Total Combustion without the use of any of his Hidden Stats at all. Of course, he also didn't forget to drown himself in Benevolent Intermediate-Potions.

GULP, gulp.

+43,780, +43,835 +398, +398.


While starting to traverse the entire horrifyingly ugly, extremely long neck of the Black Turtle, and as its head tried to chase him all the way with his much more terrifying Movement Speed; Yun Beishang began running along it with his head low and his back bent. As he ran in this more than uncomfortable position, his left and right handed Mind-Sensory Gladiuses continuously slashed in half-vertical and half-horizontal slashes without a stop, having also reached the Attack/Action Speed of 414%, Yun Beishang could totally seamlessly attack left and right unobstructed no more by the durable and heavy skin of the Black Turtle while running; not having any of his speeds hindered by these 'reckless' acts.

-134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095, -134,095...

With a total of 6 attacks being made per second, of course, for each of the two gladiuses. And with only 19 seconds of those being effectively used to land hits onto the 10km long neck of the Black Turtle, a total of 228 attacks were made. If it wasn't because of the Skin of the Black Turtle and Shell of the Black Turtle skills, he would've landed so many Critical Hits that it would simply be crazy, already been able to use another definitive, ultimate move with all of his active skills. Dealing a total damage for 30,573,660 with just his basic attacks.

But of course, Yun Beishang didn't just used his attacks as he still had a 12.5 seconds cooldown monster-like skill, which he used only once before the ongoing Destroyer - Bloodline could come off at last.

Tongqiu's Rain Destruction!

-13,409,500, -10,003,950.

Using both his old pals to effectuate with the Total Combustion skill of his, Yun Beishang reduced its HP by another 23,413,450 points. While its total damage reduced with the addition of his frenzied barrage of attacks at it, it summed up to 53,987,110. Right now, it was as such; Black Turtle's HP: 120,104,121/1,150,000,000.

'Just a little more.' Were his thoughts, who wouldn't be tired after extensively using their skills and extremely unique and special Hidden Stats nonstop in a matter of just a tiny bit more than a couple of minutes? By this time, the cooldown of Tongqiu's Rain Destruction was also gone, and he could once again utilize it, but Rosey's Destroyer - Bloodline was now; similarly gone.

With 239% for Movement Speed -without counting the +25% from No Gods or Kings title- and Attack/Action Speed, Yun Beishang was filled with the sense of a new feeling of weakness. After mixing both his Corporeal Ignition and Rosey's Destroyer - Bloodline, Yun Beishang felt as if he was beyond slow, but this did not take the fight out of his mind.

With a feint, Yun Beishang deliberately made the Almost-Fallen Black Turtle believe that he was out of power as his body abruptly stopped once. But right after a few seconds when the gargantuan head was about to ruthlessly attack to his back with a cruel bite off to halve his body in two, Yun Beishang lowered even further his entire body as his hips made all of the movement and effort to dodge the incoming gargantuan head by passing below its right and then furiously jumping up from its neck with both his legs kicking to the utmost of his strength.

As he already had his Mind-Sensory Long Bow in his left hand, Yun Beishang saw a few system prompts appear before him while his Tongqiu's Rain Destruction was once again utilized after drinking another Benevolent Intermediate-Potion. Yet, only the contents of the system prompts were the only thing that his eyes were instantly glued to.

*PING*'ve been directly inflicted and passed on the Slow negative altered effect of 85% to you from your pet 'Rosey', you've also been passed on the debuff of Physical Defense-20% and Magical Defense-20% from your pet 'Rosey' to you.

*PING*'ve been directly inflicted and passed on the Slow negative altered effect of 85% to you from your pet 'Rosey', you've also been passed on the debuff of Physical Defense-20% and Magical Defense-20% from your pet 'Rosey' to you.



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