Bow and Arrow

Chapter 289: Chapter 288 — Evil God’s Metamorphosis

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Evil God's Metamorphosis




Yun Beishang was required to move and achieve it on his own!

The Evil God class wasn't something that could be obtained simply, wasn't something that even appeared on the Leaderboards whatsoever even as his Order did so successfully, as well as Rosey's name. However, there was one really simple way to understand this phenomenon even better; his Essential weaponry! He has had Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star for so long, yet they never appeared on the Leaderboards! Yet, his Petals of Destruction Armor Set and those that came before did, just like Rosey did!

If that was the case, since he obtained his Essential weaponry the same moment he obtained the Evil Saint class, they were the most goddamn obvious correlation possible. As such, only one thing was for certain, the so-called Evil God was one that possessed those two Essential weapons, two Essential weapons that hold an irrefutable might of destruction. And as such, he couldn't neither enter his 'transformation' special state completely and without side effects nor send his specially enhanced arrows properly; that's why he would always have a huge mental toll on himself. Because the Evil Saint and the Evil Immortal class weren't supposed to have those skills at all in the first place!

That was why... once he finally achieved the Evil God class, he should be able use the real transformation meant for the Evil God to use. As for the enhanced arrows, maybe they were just meant to be used without a care, but Yun Beishang could only used them as an extremely important asset that would tire him big time with just the use of them. When in reality, he should've been able to shoot those arrows as if they were nothing, that was his Evil God path!

Maybe because of his incredible capabilities, his 'bloodline', was the reason for why Yun Beishang was able to do such an unthinkable thing. Even though it was a game, it was influenced by the person that was playing it, him being able to manipulate the very own rules and 'laws' of the game set by the system was unthinkable!

He knew of Zyv's real body synchronization within the game, she had an astounding strength in real life and even though her virtual body wasn't 'majored' in strength, it did had a pretty strong Movement Speed and Attack/Action Speed. Better yet, she could even have her own 'natural' weapons and deal the most damage possible without having the same varying damage dealt like other players.

Even then, however, Yun Beishang knew that the him right now, was barely a match for the Zyv in real life. In terms of raw strength, she was so powerful tat just two fists from her would make him lose his breath right now, when before, he would become slightly paralyzed by receiving just one of them.

If he were to 'fight' her once he achieved his Second Class Advancement into the Evil God class, would he... well, in any case. The reason why Zyv could endure so many rounds thorough the entire night without barely needing rest was because of that; in the game, she could even last more if it wasn't because the in-game virtual body of Yun Beishang was much more stronger than his real one which made her surrender to his violent violations at some point every time.

But there was no way to deny that it was thanks to the game, Rising Essence, that he was able to recuperate himself from his previous state of complete and utter weakness. With his growth in-game, his capabilities returned to himself, slowly but surely, and at the same time, he began growing more than he could ever think so. In truth, Yun Beishang knew that he wouldn't be able to go back to his old powers when he was a young kid, at that time which he remembered now clearly. With how his body felt all wasted, dying; it was beyond understandable that he was able to not die or become a cripple at the very last. Let alone that he could now gain them back, to that, Yun Beishang felt invigoratingly excited every single time.

Because even if Diana's training was any harsher or if his heart was healed up earlier, he would still be incapable of bringing back his old capabilities back like that; like now. Though from the many shapes that he was supposed to form by following Mr Crestfallen meditation methods, he was able to form one shape already, but could not do so for any form.

Of the many shapes, they can and will all form a formation, an image; a 'something'. And by the time that Yun Beishang could do that, he would be able to advance strongly in his 'bloodline' abilities. He won't just simply, recover every single iota of power from before; in fact, it wasn't about Yun Beishang getting back his power, but he himself forming his own. The method was just made by the extensively beyond amazing mind and knowledge as well as wisdom from Mr Crestfallen. But his path of growing himself was his alone!

Yun Beishang even managed to increase his in-game Mental Power with the simple training of this method, and that was even more to accentuate the correlation of one's real body with their in-game character. It was, in more than one ways, innovative, futuristic... magical!

On the fifth day in which Yun Beishang spent his days torturing the souls of countless mobs of LV89 to finally start with the batch of LV90 mobs. Yun Beishang had already understood most of the uses of the Gardener's Unusual Tool. It had a one-way only receiver at the back of its front body and had the shape of a bullet-like cauldron with a few added bottle-sized complements on its back and to its sides. At the front of the Gardener's Unusual Tool was the entrance where he could receive the 'soulish' beverage after successfully completing the conversion from a dead being's soul to a nutritious item. It would either end up becoming in the form of a circular, oval or even that of a rhombus while the material it was made was always a jelly-like substance. It had no flavor, but when one ate it, they would receive an extremely profound and deep scent right up to their nostrils. And after eating it completely without even leaving the remaining sauce or the like on their hands, they would receive the benefits from it.

Of course, it wasn't a one-time kind of thing. And as for the strange requirements of even eating the left overs was because of the low levelled mobs and because they were BOSSes. In the future, once he went around farming a whatnot and a large amount of BOSSes, not only would his 'beverages' give out the benefits at once unlike the normal mobs that needed from 50 to 10 servings before receiving something. But they would also not need to be 'fully' eaten out with leaving nothing else, in fact, Yun Beishang may even be able to give multiple portions from the same 'beverage' to a multitude of people and even repeat it!

The potential for such a 'planned' gift from the Azure Dragon and the rest of the Sacred Beast Protectors was immense, too powerful. It was definitely meant to be abused of in the future, not a far future though.

With another 3 days of practice, Yun Beishang ended up taking 8 days to fully become 'experienced' in the use of the Gardener's Unusual Tool.

When he did felt himself becoming an expert of the use of such a strange tool, his Gardener Sub-Class flared up to the Peak-Peak grade! At once, he became a monster that could already create the most amazing types of all potions, poisons, farming, growing floras of all kinds and even in the making of some really specific types of food.

At the same moment, as if intended; the Forge and Create Sub-Class branch 'opened' up to him and revealed the countless things that one could do and should know when using and preparing to 'create' from stealing with the Gardener's Unusual Tool. All, very too much convenient indeed. But Yun Beishang no longer had the necessity of question small things, his only focus was to study and comprehend more of the Gardener's Unusual Tool from the Forge and Create branch.

For example, with the Forge and Create branch he now knew of all the types of BOSSes and their Races, as well as now knew what was the utmost limit of each Race's when considering their strongest BOSSes graded beings. Like this, he wouldn't have to wait a long time until he successfully discovered most of the game before he was 'confident' to use a 'soulish' beverage to strengthen his people. Though currently, his people could only be his maids and his women and not really soldiers or even players. Of course, he could change that, but as of right now, only his achievement of the Evil God class was important to Yun Beishang; in Rising Essence.

There was that line that the Righteous Celestial White Tiger did say after all, that for him to meet the 'Overlord' and be accepted by 'him', he must at least be the Evil God that Yun Beishang himself is meant to be. Even then though, he may still be weak compared to the Overlord himself, according to the Celestial White Tiger's words.

. . .


It was late into the night of Rising Essence's Main Kingdom, while it was already 10 am in the real world, New Earth.


At this point, in the 8th day from studying all of these processes and implementing them better than 'just' perfection. Yun Beishang found himself gazing at the four presences inside his 'being' that had adhered to himself previously whenever he killed or claimed the kill of all the 4 Sacred Beast Protectors of the Myriad Beasts Division.

For this struggle of his into a much more greater power; he overturned the entire Azure Dragon Sub-Divisional Main City. Exploding it into dear nothingness with some collateral damage being present even now, almost 3 months after the 'incident'. Yun Beishang also ended up having the entirety of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Divisional Main City turned into ashes from even below its foundations to an extended territory beyond that of the Main City itself. The Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Divisional Main City was then swallowed by the earth, with all of it disappearing and becoming diminute debris and little pieces that will forever remain buried in the endless chasm that was located exactly where the Main City was previously at. While, the worst outcomes of all Sub-Divisions of the Bright Sunset Region; the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division, had the most fatal ending of them all. With nothing remaining, only an extensively, far-reaching void remained between what was previously the borders of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division and the rest of the ownerless Bright Sunset Region territory surrounding the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division.

He caused so much pain, destruction and unnecessary hatred for no reason. The Royal family of the Myriad Beasts Division would surely place bounties to place him to the 'LV0' and to be delivered to their doors. In the future, they knew that 'Journeyers' would become that strong and that they would -not 'could', but would- entirely depend on them for the progression of Main Kingdom. But for now, they would have to wait in deep fear and hope that no 'Journeyer' 'Tongqiu' would head their way, sitting on their fat asses and warm chairs while they begin to turn docile to the immeasurable less in number 'Journeyers'.

If only their every single one of them didn't had the endless potential for growth and power, they wouldn't be so afraid and scared by them. Unfortunately, even a child from their part could become as strong as a Royal Guard in a matter of months, let alone those who seem to have strange powers that not even they have ever seen nor heard or read about before. The-no, these 'Journeyers', they were monstrous.

'Thank you. I didn't know that I'd needed these... offerings. All this trouble, as well. For all these sacrifices, I'm sorry.' While feeling clearly uncomfortable, Yun Beishang delivered his thoughts straight from his heart to the already deceased pixels of the 4 Sacred Beast Protectors. This wasn't the influence of Natalia on him about saving these innocent 'people' ´-NPCs- from a cruel type of ending and instead aiding them. But him frowning because of the unbelievable amount of sacrificial acts made by the very so important Sacred Protectors of the Myriad Beasts Division's Sub-Divisions.

Looking down at the palms of his hands, Yun Beishang saw a blue vein that went thorough his entire body but only showed itself on his left wrist before turning into an intense blue colored scale-like shape object that was seemingly imprinted into his own palm, taking the left side of his palm. In the same way, an intense red colored feather took the right side of his left palm as the bones of his left wrist all radiated an incandescent orange and ordinary but bright red.

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Turning to look at his right hand with an expressionless face; he saw a turtle shell imprinted on the entirety of his right palm, it had some spots that connected each portion of the entire turtle shell without color which made his right palm look like it had a bunch of symmetrical diamond shaped figures. While on the tip of his fingers and in-between the five of them from his right hand, electricity sparkled with a bright white color. While the every move of his right hand, wrist and arm cut through air and stopped it from flowing with even the sound turning deaf wherever his right arm passed.

'...Alright, showtime.' Thought Yun Beishang, as he sent forth his Mental Power first to cover the entirety of his body and not just both his arms. Enshrouding his body of a colorless but with now a slightly light, pale violet glow on it repeatedly showing off a few times every now and then; his Intent followed up by encrusting itself in-between what could be his veins and the most delicate fiber of his skin as it went directly to his arms before some smaller quantities went about to the rest of his body. Unlike his incredibly vast Mental Power, his materialization and manipulation of his Intent was utilized scarcely. With a pattern similar to that of a tigers, they went through his body, two different lines went over towards each of his limbs, including his sexual organs and even nails. They encircles each part of his body only to end up meeting from one end while from the other, they separated their paths to repeat the same on the next part of his body. His torso had quite a few crossing Intent, colorless lines with the same pale-light violet glow.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Finally, his Heart Connection flared up, sending waves upon waves of strong violet lights in the form of energy, which emanated from the left side of his chest to the rest of his body and even all around him, traveling through the air!

Slowly, his arms were covered in a full strong violet light energy, but at the moment that his fingertips were finally covered by that strong violet light energy, the rest of his body was already fully covered by the same; except for his toes, that is. Which were covered by the violet layer of light energy at the same time as the tips of his fingers.

At that moment...

*PING*...would host like to enter the Unusual Space of the Gardener's Unusual Tool?

...his eyes opened with an extremely fierce and an extremely calm glint on them radiating with divine violet light!



Unlike the sound of his or his people entering his White Space, when he entered the Unusual Space, a strong, mighty and dark warping sound of space, air and laws sounded out with Yun Beishang's body suddenly being utterly distorted and twirled once before fully disappearing into the back added compartment of the Gardener's Unusual Tool as if he was pouring instead a stolen soul to create a beverage from it!

While he went through the one on the middle of the Gardener's Unusual Tool, the other 4 colored 'presences' went inside the other 4 that were to the side of the one Yun Beishang went through, 2 for each side.

With Yun Beishang gone from the Main Kingdom world, the Gardener's Unusual Tool slowly began to dissipate, letting out sparkling white bubbles the size of a 1 millimeter that slowly formed into the image of a real-Yun Beishang with his legs crossed and his hands placed on top of his thighs with his eyes closed. The image of Yun Beishang was unique, ethereal and transparent; with only the sparkling white glowing bubbles outlining his body, eyes, ears, eyebrows, basically each composition of his body. Then, with the image of Yun Beishang still with 'its' eyes closed, a strange box-shaped bright, blinding and pure white appeared on his forehead before being softly, gently and subserviently in the manner of a being treating an equal with respect; for an image of a strange, unusual black-grey cauldron to take place to the left of that pure white and blinding box.

With the black-grey Unusual Cauldron on the left in his glabella, and the pure and blinding white box that was the True Wish relic's image to the right in his glabella; the image of Yun Beishang outlined by sparkling white bubbles of 1 millimeter slowly opened his eyes.


Violet pupils, strong and dark violet iris; Yun Beishang's image slowly turned fleshy, with each molecule, atom and particle of his being coming to life... coming to, himself!!



New Earth, Nascent Herb City.


Meanwhile, at the hospital that Natalia met Yun Beishang for the first time after their short and ephemeral first meeting in Yun Yun's room back then, almost an entire 11 years ago.


"Hmm, hum-ham~♪..." With her ponytail dancing and her well-covering and elegantly proper nurse uniform that clearly differed from any other, with striking white as its main color and red at the corners of each sleeve, and perimeter of the clothing while instead of a short or a skirt, she was wearing a pants that was as comfy as it was equally proper and professional to look at. Natalia checked the vitals of the just-came-in last patient, whose organs seemed perfectly well but whose record said that suffered a concussion.

Turning around after confirming the poor man's condition, Natalia felt the strange movement of the air but did not gave it much thought; the man's right finger index finger was slightly moved, which made a 3 cm wide and .4 millimeters thin dagger suddenly come out from the clothing of the left side of the man's shirt. The man was an almost gone bald 40-50 year old looking man with a blemishing look on his face and all over his body, emanating a foul aura. He took the dagger with his left hand and slowly cut off a piece of the stretcher before tossing it rapidly towards the window, breaking it and jolting Natalia from her nonchalant humming and little movement of her shoulders as she thought she was alone even though a strange sensation creeped onto her back like a cold chill.


"Hm-humm♪~- AAH?!!" Turning around, Natalia faced the window and, after taking a look at the obvious and shattered hit that the window just suffered, she then looked at the window as if it has then just become the worst enemy she has had to ever face ever. Interrupting her moment and even doing so by having done something horrible as breaking a window for no reason, the softhearted Natalia moved to the window in light, missy stomps and a wronged and quite the infuriated expression with her freckles accompanying a tinge of red that was appearing on her cheeks.

Step, step, step~!

That was when...


...another step that she couldn't hear because of her own state of fury and the distraction that made her own light, missy stomps against the ground towards her focus; sounded out towards the glassed double-door where no one could be seen on the other side.



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