Bow and Arrow

Chapter 302: Chapter 300 — Prelude To A Wedding!

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Prelude To A Wedding!




"Oh, hubby~. I guess I can explain a little bit to you, before anything else though, don't get mad! There is a risk on telling anyone these things, not because of you being you or someone else, the reason why speaking of it is risky is actually just because of doing so will grant chances to the unspeakable enemy. That's why, darling, as you spend the next few months, you must abide by the necessary steps so that Main Kingdom's life can flow up, and never be caged only to be eaten from the inside out ever again! Do you understand, do you hear me?!"

Seeing his little wife turn severely and dead serious, Yun Beishang could only blink thrice in quick succession before absolutely nodding and shrugging his shoulders in response. Only after seeing this did Katia finally took a large breath into her lungs before starting to say as as much as she could permit herself to speak out.

"First, husband, you must know that I am but a dead being whose last battle was the last time I ever lived. I was the Evil God, not the previous Evil God. Evil God is only one! I was the one who was brought up by the Leader many eons ago, he took me as her one and only apprentice, her disciple. Unlike other few fellow 'apprentices' who were only guided by him and placed back into their own path, I was the only disciple of my Master. It was thanks to him that I managed to become the Evil God, and subsequently, it was also thanks to him that Main Kingdom could allow itself to prevail..."

Katia stopped talking reluctantly for a good while, but by the manner in which she was holding tighter and tighter his back, Yun Beishang could oh so damn easily see through her and the pain that it brought her to just remember such acts; especially those that seemed to link to all the little of what he knew of the past of Main Kingdom from the Fallen Summoners.

Yun Beishang didn't spoke besides giving her all the silence and bits of a moment that she needed with his patient glance locked on her beautiful head, eyes, ears and covered forehead by her own female layer of hair; as she then finally continued after collecting herself, all of her mind, mental state and thoughts up. "There's only one, and because of my death, my Master's legacy that he placed upon me created from my own self was totally lost, as it was my being. Even then, Master saved me from extinction and kept a little piece and tiny of my Destructive Essence left all over Main Kingdom. So that when the time come, the selected one would take it, finding me and Little-oh no, now its name is Void Jumping Star, right? Hehe. Well then, so that the fated person would find me and Void Jumping Star."

"As you can see, the bow is me. But the Arrow is also me. It's just that, due to my inessential death, it became a thoughtless object for a long, long time. Unlike the bow now named as 'Vicissitudes of Life', which still has me, the Void Jumping Star slowly gained life by itself alone. It is but a normal process, as I, the no-longer Evil God, was the one to create it. It served me when I was trying to find Godhood, I condensed it from my own thoughts and desires, my first Essence ever. Void Jumping Star's embryo state, which could also be called 'still not attained essence'; followed me through my trials to pass the tests that my Master placed upon myself to find my path. At last, when I only needed less than half a step to become a God of myself, it was then when Vicissitudes of Life came to me and allowed me to comprehend my self, becoming a true being and at the same time, an existence that was second only to my Master."

"Husband, it's obvious that you couldn't possibly ever come to know this, but..." Katia spoke thorough the entire story telling -that would previously be taken by Yun Beishang to be a monologue from the developers- with brighter eyes than from how bright they already are, she sweetly became a little girl whenever her Master and Main Kingdom was mentioned, while becoming instead the Katia he's always known with her typical unwavering determination and hopeful self whenever she was talking about her two very own Essences. What was now his Vicissitudes of Life; his bow. And his Void Jumping Star; his arrow.

"Master, was actually the most powerful existence of the entire world!!" Katia's eye became focused, but lost, at the same time as she took Yun Beishang's cheeks with her two hands cupping his face cutely. She then continued after lowering her head for she was gazing higher than at Yun Beishang's eye-level, but the shining on her eyes didn't diminished even by a single iota. "He could boss around even those bastards outside of Main Kingdom, and whenever he felt like punishing them from their eons-ago past actions, the Kingdoms that those bastards lived in would tremble at each and every breath in and out that he made."

Yun Beishang could feel the immensely uncontrollable bloodthirst and hatred whenever she mentioned 'those bastards', and within true, as Yun Beishang himself had already had this kind of non-suspensive guess by his own experiences out there in all over Main Kingdom. But even though he could understand that such a deep loathing would be more than welcome towards such an inauspicious even from the past; but even then, he could never have had guessed from where and from how damned much did this kind of 'grudge' hailed from even as he felt suffocated to Katia's sole change in her emotions.

As he was losing himself in his own thoughts and to the overbearing, penetratingly mighty reaction from Katia; Katia's very own words woke him up abruptly as he confused even more and made even more questions and doubts to appear in his head instead. "That's why, Yun Beishang, before you can defeat and kill the strongest Overlord of a Region, Little Goldy, you have to resonate with my fellow old friends and take them for yourself! You must; you need to be stronger than you could ever thought! But..."

Katia then suddenly and smoothly disappeared from his embrace, and as Yun Beishang flinched, he saw her quite rapidly right in front of him, not even having felt her leave his touch. With a downcast expression and her head slightly lowered as she took a tall blade of grass from the vegetation 2 meters before Yun Beishang, she then cut the grass to take with her 3/4 of that blade of grass before slowly lifting her head to look back at Yun Beishang, the left side of her face shining and warming intensely by the sun to her left while the right side of her face was covered in plain blue darkness as the moonlight descended upon it to terribly contrast it with that of the sun's side on her face.

"...You are also forced to not 'act' when the time comes in a few months' time. And instead, not only you would not be able to change 'their' fate, but you'll even have to exert it upon them. Yun Beishang, my husband, let me speak bluntly. You need to resonate with Vicissitudes of Life and with Void Jumping Star before it happens. Only that way will you have a chance to carry the sin you are meant to burden yourself unnecessarily with. Are you willi-"

Step!-tap, rustle~!

Before Katia could finish what was to be her last question towards Yun Beishang, being so heavy and ominous; Yun Beishang had already taken a step forward and immediately after arrived right before Katia and with a fast grab of her wrist that held the blade of grass, he embraced her at almost lightning speed.

Taking the blade of grass from her hand, Yun Beishang wordlessly examined it with his right hand while his left hand cupped Katia's head from the back. Katia's eyes initially widened at first to his movements that were barely noticeable by even her! But when she felt his hand on her head and the movements of the other one, she slowly closed her own eyes, awaiting his response.

"This is too much to take, ya know? In fact, I could just have my brain melted down from this information along with what I've just experienced, or at the very least, a seizure and then death. You're not making it easy for me, hah?"

Katia soundlessly grinned at his cheeky nd childish words, she couldn't agree with him more, it was indeed... so unfair. And wholly goddamned crazy.

"Um, but don't worry. I'll do whatever I can, as for Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star, I think I can already have them 'resonate' with me. After all, am I not your husband?" Hearing his smug and bragging words, Katia initially only snorted in a steel-like manner once, but before she knew it, she broke out in giggles as she still felt ashamed of leaving it all to a non-God. "Hehe... Hehehehe- Oho, ahem. Yeah, yeah. Whatever my husband says, hm~. Now, if you want to, ask me whatever you wish. As long as it is not something I cannot delve upon, I will do and say whatever my hubby asks me to do~. Even if that means crying pitifully under him as he tenderly caresses all of me."

Shaking his head and forcibly moving his eyelids as much as he could to wake up, Yun Beishang then cleared his throat before starting to barrage his little wife with a plethora of questions. Equally as concerned, a little wifey answered every question bluntly and without hiding anything unless it was necessary by not talking at all.

"Eh, you mentioned something about having your Destructive Essence scattered on all of Main Kingdom, what about that?"

"Mn, it's not like you think. Even if I was to be found before you came, which didn't even happened, none of the Main Kingdom's inhabitants were worthy enough to have me pass my and my Master's legacy upon them. Even if they somehow entered this world, I would've killed them since, really, no one is really worthy of such a mantle. As for being my husband, well... aish... Master told me that I would be too old by the time I was to encounter my fated one to pass on my legacy on the future back then, so when I saw such an unique person with an unique bloodline, I didn't hesitated and took you right then and there. Forgive me, hubby~."

Yun Beishang was content, he nodded and continued with the same subject, "Then, about the finding a person. Why me? That of my bloodline... I don't understand it! Mostly because none of my family members of the other world, the one where I come from, are anything like me. Only my Little Sister is like me in that aspect, but her own, eh... 'abilities' are vastly different from mine."

Katia thought for a while, giving Yun Beishang a sniff here and there and then said with a teaching-like tone, "Mn, indeed. Not even in the peak of Main Kingdom from yore did I ever see someone like you, not even I was so much strange and different. It feels like my husband's bloodline is destined to be out of this world. Oh, I'm not saying that as if you're fated for something or the likes of it, none of tat! That is way too boring, dull and totally fucking illogical!"

"A-ahem, what I meant to say by that, is that your bloodline could very well be capable of becoming the progenitor of a new branch of the entire existence! Well, not like you could understand that, but according to the strange books and jade pieces that my Master gave me and that I studied so many times out of boredom from not having any G-... bastards to kill. Your bloodline is the perfect example of one that is meant to be higher than knowledge itself, that alone is something completely unique across the world, you know?"

"But that's not all! Hubby, even though you meet all those criteria, there is still... something... I don't know, I have no idea of what it is. But I can affirm that your bloodline has either mutated, which shouldn't even be possible for a First of your level or even more impossible, it could... be limitless." Katia then turned her head to look deadly in the eye at Yun Beishang, and though he didn't know why, Yun Beishang felt that what she was about to say wouldn't be a joke; and sure enough, her words would be a reminder for the rest of his life because of how shocked e would be at this very moment.

"Do you know how big of a word the word 'limitless', is? Not even my Master himself would dare to call her daughter or me capable of wielding limitless potential, power, growth or achieving the limitless itself. But you, my husband, I think it's the case with you."

As her voice drifted out slowly, so did her intensely dead serious eyes, resuming her peaceful but still unwavering usual self and continuing to rest on Yun Beishang's chest.

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Remaining silent as well for a good while, Yun Beishang was not going to make a monologue himself right then and there 'to vow to the heavens' for the proper use of his 'powers' but instead threw it away for as he could never care about being special in any imaginable nor even unimaginable way.

He then continued asking Katia a plethora of questions one after the other. Katia, being his little wife and as concerned to clear things out as much as she could, responded to each of his questions at once and only remaining silent when she couldn't.

"What do you know of my world?"

"Nothing, only that my husband comes from it and that the change in our world of Main Kingdom and its digitization is because it was necessary for the arrival of Journeyers. As for what it is and all of that... I already know of it a little. Since you could guess already that the White Space existed, and that I would always accompany you in your every breath and move made in Main Kingdom, I naturally had the chance to do so and follow you into your own world. Are you slightly mad at me for not telling you?"

Yun Beishang shook his head with his eyes closed, a naughty idea formed in his mind but he didn't said anything about it besides pinching her waist from her left and right making her squirm in his embrace a little bit before continuing. "Then, if Tonkia and the rest were able to see that, and only chose not to tell me for the same reasons that you have, what about Rosey?!"

"Oh, that little big monster? Hehe, we once fought a duel and I ended up beating her bum quite crisply, hehe! But anyways, that little devil wouldn't tell you because she doesn't want your demise, who knows what kinds of tactics can those bastards make just to kill you until you reach LV0 or even hurt you in your own world." To Katia's words, Yun Beishang reacted quite shocked and even fearful, even as he has become so strong to unimaginable levels never before seen on New Earth. "Wow, really? That's too much, how could they be capable of something like that?!"

"Mn, mn." Katia nodded sternly, she then added, "You experienced it yourself when fighting against them in the Mysterious Hidden Undergrounds. Speaking of such, you've been targeted since not that long ago, and many of their 'appearances' have been tailing and spying you whenever you were too far away from the Divisions, you know? It was only because of the scent of the Heavenly Punishment lightning that they couldn't do shit to you, my dearest husband~."

"Oh." Yun Beishang nodded with his eyebrows furrowed the regular quality of frowns before continuing then more relaxed, "Those that I've been hinted at already with... dealing with before I can be told of many other things, are they the Demons?"


"Hmmm..." Yun Beishang hummed to Katia's silence with her head still on his chest before passing over to the next question, "Is my True Wish relic an item that is not supposed to exist?"


"Would've you 'accepted' any other candidate for the Evil Go-Saint class?"

"No! You fool! It was my Master's guidance that allowed me to accept you, otherwise, I would've rather die alone and decrepit like those stupid Sacred Beast Protectors of old, old and very damned old!"

"Hmph~." Grinning teasingly with the left corner of his mouth after snorting involuntarily in a cheery manner, Yun Beishang then asked, "Who is the most amazing and manly perfect man of them all?"


"And the husband of them all?"


"What about the one with the biggest and thickest hearts?!"

"...You~, hehe."

"Who is this incredible and impossible man's little wife then? I'd like to meet such a woman deserving of such man~."

"Me????." Katia softly responded as she felt his arms tighten on his embrace to her, almost imprinting her in his very own self.

"Marry me?" Yun Beishang's most tender of voices went out, and with but a single instant, Katia went insane at the fraction of that very same instant, her heart layed out to speak. "Yes."

As soon as Katia's words left her mouth and reached his senses, both bodies began to disrobe each other while slowly falling to their knees on the tall vegetation at turtle speed. By the time the ground made contact with more and more of their flesh, both bodies of warmth and full of affectionate uncontrollable infatuation were already connected to each other.




Let It Rain's Notes: End of Volume 3 - Third Metamorphosis Against Two Worlds

V3: #4 10/10

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