Bow and Arrow

Chapter 308: Chapter 306 — Yun Beishang’s ‘Skill’, Indeed

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Yun Beishang's 'Skill', Indeed




[Creator's Cleansing Light]: Type: Active/Trigger, MAX LV: 4, LV: 1, Requirement for next LV: ???. When dying, instead of reviving at the nearest respawn point; no matter where you are, Light will be with you. With but an instant before you receive an attack that will end up killing you (DoT counts as well), Light Core Element manifestations will enshroud your whole being, giving you 3.5 seconds of Invincibility and Invulnerability. After the initial 3 seconds of such, you will become an Ethereal Form for 15 seconds were nothing can damage you as well as be granted raw Movement Speed+80%. Trigger: Being dealt a deathly attack. Cooldown: None. Usages: 3/3 (restore 1 usage every 3 hours).

[Awakened Light Creator]: Type: Passive, MAX LV: 2, LV: 0, Requirement for next LV: Attaining new Godhood. For an unknown motive, your body has not only reached the Creator volume but has also even received an unique an mysterious godhood, but your body has also been evolved in a strange manner by unknown reasons. REC+14, DET+14 and INT+14 every level and Mental Power+2 every 2 levels. Physical and Magical Defense+10% and Magical Power+30%. Permanently.

[Incomplete Evil Light Creation]: Type: Active, MAX LV: Complete, Stage: Incomplete, Requirements for completion: The surge and rising of the Evil God which mutated the entire being of the Light Builder Creator. Invoke the Light of the Universe, command it to be formed and molded according to your every desire and launch an impeccable strike that will even become a threat of one-dimensional beings. Total damage to be possibly made (as it can either be a one-target attack with only one Light Creation or countless Light Creations) is that of 15,000 True Damage. Extra effect: If HP reaches 0 value, revive to full health and with an extra raw Movement Speed+100% for 2 minutes while becoming invulnerable. Cost: All of your MP and Stamina, 50% of your total HP will be limited for 1 day. Cooldown: None (can only be used twice consecutively). Uses left for revival: 2/2.

That was all for Miriam's skillset, it had an obvious much more aggressive way in which her class would work like but it also had some similarities with Yao Yao's All-Creation Fairy class in which she could use the Core Element particles of the Light to her fullest capabilities. In a way, it was much more beautiful than what Yao Yao can create, in another sense, it was also much more destructive. The All-Creation Fairy is supposed to be an Universal Hidden Class whose main strong points in a battlefield are to cage and decimate enemies and to boost and heal allies; be it their MP, Stamina or HP.

But as far as the main strengths of the Light Builder, that is to pulverize anything that she wishes to with her own creations alone. In a sense, they were like cousins to one another; and in the other, complemented each other beautifully as well. Just thinking about it, if Miriam used her Myriad Creations of Light and Light Builder Creator - Dispersing Lights along with Yao Yao's Godly Core Elemental Divine Citadel fully-fledged by the Light Core Element, wouldn't they just level down any Sub-Division on their own with just a few attacks? Holy fuck.

Even Yunalesca's attacks were awfully fast of cooldown, at least the ones that aren't too flashy and magnificent, of course. That would just make it even more unbelievable with the protection of Yao Yao's Little Turtly that could easily protect them both. Besides that, they both have their own 'personal' revival skills, ain't they amazing, ah?

As for Miriam's preferences in fights, after telling him that she wanted a beautiful and lithe dress of his color of preference, making him feel all smug and cheeky, she only told him one serious thing. That she wanted her Cherished Dagger to reach the highest grade possible, she didn't said much nor did she commented anything else on why, but how could Yun Beishang not know~, ah~?

In any case, he took her Cherished Dagger and planned to evolve it to the Spiritual grade before giving it back to her. Not that he had enough materials, especially of the Spiritual grade, but he could work a few things, ah. At last, Yun Beishang took a look at Miriam's surroundings, with her as the epicenter, there were just too many true-real-sized globes around her, illuminating brightly and radiantly not because of the power that they hold in comparison to that of others, but because they were close to Miriam herself. Her Heart Connection was of 4,989 and Mental Power, like Yao Yao, is of 98.

Yun Beishang could even see some much, much less bright of such globes far away that were being attracted by her just existing alone, obviously desiring to worship and serve her for her to find her own path. Smiling, Yun Beishang quickly shook his head proudly and after smooching Miriam the heck out of her lips and hence; heart. He took a turn and moved towards Sammy, only she was the remaining one before he went ahead and checked on Itnia, Estel, Cyn, Zi Fei, the other maids and also, naturally, his women ah.

"Come here you little thing," Yun Beishang said while placing both his hands below her back, closing both their crotches more and more 'intriguingly'. In response to his move, Sammy even gyrated her waist to rub him off a few times in delight before saying with her hands traveling to her underboob to enunciate them and then to her lower back to guide his misguided hands to where they should belong to. "Little? Eh, little what! Don't you-see, 'these'...? Or at least, know of... 'these', hm?"

"Bei Bei, you know..." Sammy said after feeling that once his hands reached her in-between behind, they didn't flinch nor moved away a single nanometer, continuing with her sharp platinum eyes darkening at the sight of his so-close-of-a-face and a newly sweetened tone. "...this little dish has been waiting for so long, just waiting to be tasted by you. That mouth, and that-"

"!!!" Yun Beishang's eyes suddenly enlarged as his pupils constricted to the sudden pair of hands inexpertly moving like a pair of ethereal snakes to meddle in-between their dry-humping crotches, but also slowly regained their normality swiftly after. After grabbing 'him' wither utter care and trying to implement whatever she 'eavesdropped' -unknowingly Diana and Natalia played her, for her sake of course- from the fervently gossiping Diana and Natalia every now and then as they were in the Living Room, playing with each other teasingly in the bathrooms, in the pool, and so on...

"...and 'these' pair of hungry snakes, too. All of it, yours and yours only. So, what are you waiting for?" After saying such, she made back and forth small movements while using most of her strength on a ring made by her thumbs and index fingers as well with the use of the in-between of those fingers.

Yun Beishang became pretty satisfied with her intents of trying to seduce him, but ah... there was a little Xiao Ruo close by so he didn't continue anything else and merely smooched all over her face before dragging her wrists away once he finished groping her good enough to more-than-enough satisfy her and his hungry hands barely at the very least.

With a softest of tones, he brought his nose to stand side-by-side with hers; with the right side of his nose on the left side of her nose, he then blinked his eyelashes onto her before speaking at last. "Okay, okay. Don't worry, I am also hungry of you, but just wait a little more for... eh, I have something thought out well. Just for you, okay~?"

"Waaah, so jealous!" Diana suddenly spoke at this time, her face clearly indicated that she was teasing them and the way her hips moved back and forth were just to make Yun Beishang wanna do her too afterwards. This made Yun Beishang think to himself with pain and in distress, 'Ah, so many pretty flowers and flowery caves for this Big Dragon. Ah, how am I to live in peace in the future?'

But calming his every thought and impulsive desire right then and there, Yun Beishang instead opted to calm the situation lest he creates an orgy in the middle of nowhere of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division. He told Diana with a 'serious' tone, "Mn, you aren't jealous though. Just hungry."


After having said that, Diana became a little thing who just couldn't help but blush and furrow her brows in that manner in which makes Yun Beishang turn a sex monster. But after his words reached her, she was the one to turn into a needy kitten for her hips now moved and twisted uncomfortably... until Natalia came to her and slowly massaged her shoulder, cough. Seeing his blinking at her Little Diana, Natalia couldn't help but believe that she had delivered, pimped out her sweetest Little Sister to the hands of a monster!

Turning his head to the Sammy who was enjoying the little show, with those glistening eyes looking far ahead for the future! He then woke her up by biting her nose tenderly, but somewhat forcefully as well, wanting to make her scrunch up her face before easing her and pampering her, taming her just as well. But; contrary to his expectations, she turned his eyes fully on him and only gave him a green light to continue biting on her.

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'Oh, damn. Another willing to be bitten and whatnot for me, huh? Good, good. I was feeling kinda pioneer-like lately.' Foolishly thought and smiled the evil Yun Beishang, unbeknownst to him that the beauty in front of him reeled at the naughty and lewd face he was making, thinking he was cute; ah.

Without any other distraction, except the wetness, warmth... and warm wetness that was traveling to his crotch; Yun Beishang finally started looking into Sammy's overall skillset. That is, indeed, including her talents and all he could see from her direct windows status/information. Sammy, unlike Sash, has not only a much more developed Bloodline system; but even she had the help and aid of ancient records that went to back to the who-knows-when-and-how-long-ago ancient times of even before humanity even existed in its most primitive stages. Thinking to that, Yun Beishang also thought of pairing up this prominently-figure femme fatale and the no-that-insecure and timid Sash. Not only would this help Sash turn more proactive in his next advances, both of them would turn up to become more familiar with each other. And with hope, Sammy would help Sash uncover her own Bloodline qualities and... capabilities.

If that wasn't enough, there was always the Mr Crestfallen that has been helping him out without hesitation every time, he wouldn't suddenly leave at some point or anything... right?

[Darkness Life Form]: Type: Passive, MAX LV: 3, LV: 2, Requirement for next LV: ???. Carrying an innate powerful affinity with the Darkness Core Element, you receive 50% less Physical Damage and 75% less Magical Damage from any humanoid being and half of that effect for those who aren't humanoid. All of your attacks contain the purest of Darkness Core Elemental Resistance in them, which allows them to even harm being with 100% to 199% Darkness Core  Element Resistance, with your damage being halved to those with 200% Darkness Core Elemental Resistance. Void Darkness+3 every level and Nature Connection+1 every level.

[Dark Enhancement]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 2, Requirement for next LV: ???. You're able to infuse your exterior body and anything you touch with your Bloodline's Darkness Core Element, which allows you to deal x3 times the Physical Damage and/or Magical Damage and x5 times the Darkness Core Element based damage to a target upon hit. Duration: Infinite. Cost: 2,500 MP and 2,500 Stamina. Cooldown: 3 seconds.

[Dark Outburst]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 2, Requirement for next LV: ???. You can choose to either create an enormous explosion all surrounding you in an area of 50m x 50m or to allow the hits you deal onto any enemy or target either by your own hands or by any item infused with your Bloodline's Darkness Core Element, causing them to explode in a 33m radius area. This skill deals damage equal to 50% of your Physical Power and 50% of your Magical Power + x2.5 of your Darkness Core Element based damage as an extra to the base damage caused by the Dark Enhancement (The AOE area has damage first coming from the Dark Enhancement total damage, with the damage from Dark Outburst coming as an extra. Cost: 5,000 MP and 5,000 Stamina. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

[Bloodline's Darkness Form]: Type: Active, MAX LV: 3, LV: 2, Requirement for next LV: ???. Turn into your purest other Form as you become Darkness itself, but only to a non being-level. Granting you a Damage Reduction of all incoming types of damage for 99.999%, also giving you a base attack of x3 your Darkness Core Elemental based damage and granting you raw Movement Speed+150% and raw Attack Speed+30% and raw Action Speed+50%. Duration: 6 minutes. Cost: HP temporarily reduced to 85% and 10% of your total HP. Cooldown: 1 hour.

Yun Beishang could only think of one thing when seeing her last Talent/Race Ability... that that move was also seen by him back on New Earth! From that father of hers, Fusi! What the hell! Does this means that if he were to have had experimented more of Sammy's strength, he would've noticed by then? Long ago? FUCK!

Shaking his head, Yun Beishang first asked Sammy what she preferred the most and so on; ending up being told that whatever he wanted her to wear, she would wear it... Yun Beishang became lost for almost 5 minutes from those words alone, before waking up to the Big Dragon in his pants, to which he hid by 'rubbing' even more into her body, making their crotches now be just separated by cloth alone. He then turned to her and asked her in a 'suspicious' tone, "Eh, this move of te Bloodline's Darkness Form, eh-"

But before he could continue, the clever Sammy grinned wildly for a little bit of time before going straight into his face, bumping her forehead with his to which the dumbfack got hurt a little bit, and then bit his lower lip before saying after smacking the meat of their lips. "MWAH! Ah-hah! Yes, by the way; that was the move that my Father used back then. Just that, mine seems to be somewhat erratic and, also, 'lacking'. I don't know how it is nor how does it work, there is not a single occurrence like this from, well you know, 'back in the times', you see."

"Mmm," A Yun Beishang whose head was turning so naughty, 'mm'ed' lightly before moving their hips contrarily to each other; left and right, right and left. He then spoke out again once he saw her turn so lewdly needy and wholeheartedly willing towards him with a clear voice, "You maybe don't understand it, but maybe I do, eh."

Hearing this, Sammy's eyes turned sharper and glowed more brilliantly! She seemingly recalled something and then said to Yun Beishang after letting her face remain as close-by to his own, her lips dancing along slightly with his as she seemingly didn't became bothered about it and instead furtively stretched out both her words and lips to meet his meaty lips every time more than twice.

"Oh, I know, mm... my father~ once told me~ that~, well~, you know~ angh~. That~, maybe the~ reason why~ I am like this~~, ah????~~, is because~ of~ the prophecy~ as well~, mnnngh????????~!! Mwah????, then~, I'll leave~ it~ to you~, my Bei Bei~, ann????????????~~~..." Once her words were finished, both their lips went into action, and at once, they became passionate with one another. Delivering themselves to the other's arms, they created such a scene that the movement of Yun Beishang's hands to all over her body caused the rest of the onlookers to turn watery... in more than just 2 places, cough cough. Even Xiao Ruo noticed this...

...wait! Xiao Ruo, no!!

But then, Cyn forced herself to wake up and swiftly covered the young girl's eyes. Even though it was already too late, with her eyes widely opened and her mouth already having some little tiny bit of dried drool close to the left corner of her mouth below her lower lip; Cyn could only turn her around and talk to other little maids to ease her mind. The little maids, in response and for the sake of Her Little Majesty Xiao Ruo, forced themselves to no longer speak of him and his touches and huge Dragon, to instead talk about the greatness of their Master and how he is so gentle and caring... definitely caring; caring is the perfect word of words to convey their satisfaction of all kinds with him. Lovely talk.

After a long time later, as maids and Yun Beishang's women became used to 'it'; the seeing of 2 horny dogs going at it in public, how could they dare to?! Ehem, Yun Beishang then bit Sammy's lips over and over again before letting go of her, her breath was sluggish and her entire body red with her chest heavily coming up and going down over and over again, but Yun Beishang had to endure it for the sake of his mentality and Xiao Ruo's innocence. So he then also gave her 1-no, 2 smooches on her dainty but full lips after unsuccessfully failing to restrain himself to just give her one before he patted her head and then left with her lingering gaze trying to seduce him to rape her. Ah, between lovers, all dirty talk between themselves can be so pure; cough.

Next, the getting hungrier and hungrier by the moment Yun Beishang approached Natalia, Diana and the rest; intending to finish asserting everyone's needs and skills, but to also verify if a selected few have also obtained his profound, deep, in and out, squelchy, rich and yummy skill. Hmm, what? Oh well, that was a bit distorted from the thoughts that Yun Beishang wanted to not think about, but it mattered no longer. As he went closer and closer to them, Xiao Ruo managed to sneak a glance to her new and only Master of her entire job, just like that of the other 5 'well-known' maids of Yun Beishang; and what saw, shocked her.

Seeing that bulge going from his crotch to his lower belly... though it wasn't far, it was so... how to say... thick? Thick?! Instantly after, Xiao Ruo covered her face with both her hands but sneakily allowed her left big eye to see through in-between her left index finger and her middle index finger, which made her become more shocked as she just confirmed its size; and as her eyes twinkled remembering the gossip and talk of some maids and even of her Master's women, including Yao Yao, Estel and Itnia... she screamed to the top of her lungs with an intelligent but shocked glint crossing over her eyes intricately.

"AAAAH! Master, so-so-so... SO BIG?!?!" She blushed to almost fainting, before an embarrassed but... hungry even?! Cyn rescued her little innocent eyes as well as herself right after, for as her head remained turned towards where Yun Beishang was for a long... long, long, long and very long time... ah. Lovely.



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