Bow and Arrow

Chapter 313: Chapter 311 — New Evil God

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New Evil God




Clink. Clank-clank... Tiling~, clank-clinkclink.

"Oh, you've awakened. How does it feel? You're growing ever more powerful for every time you... attain a new Essence. Hm, hm~. It's the first time in my entire life where I see someone capable of holding more than 3 Essences to themselves. But even then... I don't think you've finished gathering so much of them already, mn, I think I'm right in that train of thought. What do you say, mm?"

As Yun Beishang could finally opened his eyes, dumbly and as he tried to sit up from the ground, wherever it was by using his elbows to push himself against it. A black thingy that was made of just that, the black color, and formed a human-like appearance was the first thing to be taken in by his half and 1/4 opened left and right eyes while at the same time, hearing it speak.

Yun Beishang could only see its back, for now; but the voice that he heard, though he could not verify nor identify at all, seemed so familiar to himself. Hell, even the way in which it talked was that much familiar, but oh well. After a few struggles to try and stand up, only to go back to sitting on his bum, Yun Beishang finally gave up trying to force his body up and remained on the ground with his strong elbows supporting his upper body; whose entire body was still naked, by the way.

"...Ah... what, now? Eh... whoa-rryyy-..."

Hearing Yun Beishang speak, so dumbly and weakly, the black thing finally turned around and shushed and calmed him down, lest the stupid young man hurts himself mentally for real. "Shh, ease it down, youngling."

'Youngling?' Even if he was dumbfounded to no ends and to no limits, Yun Beishang could still think faster than any other person at this very few moments still. He then heard the black thing continue, and it was then that Yun Beishang finally realized of the face and characteristics of the black thing. It didn't had clothes, and it seemed to be some kind of huge doll of a human's size. No eyes, no nose, no ears and nothing that would seem to be real; it didn't needed clothes for there was nothing to keep guarded from the eyes, protected from infections or illness, or simply just to be decent as there was truly just nothing. It was... like a clone! A clone of sorts, an extremely, really special one that is.

"Right now, your body is about to wake up... in about 10 minutes or so, heh heh. You can take this and what you are about to experience as that beautiful dream before you unwillingly and abruptly wake up, mmm." The black clone nodded, and his demeanor was, to Yun Beishang, that not of a senior or an extremely wise but old man. Rather, the black clone's demeanor was like an ancient being, having gone through what not even the humanity of New Earth had ever had experience before nor will it experience it anytime soon. As he was in the midst of such a train of thoughts, the black clone continued, "Your body is no longer burdened... by the afflictions of the past. But it still needs so much nutrition and care that, well, I had to make a few extra things here and there to make sure you wouldn't fail. Ah, but don't feel disheartened, it's not because you're not capable or something; is just the way it is since you were born so magnificently in such a poor and ignorant planet, youngling."

'Ugh, 'youngling' again, for fuck's sake...' Though this was the only one point in which Yun Beishang turned and became both annoyed and irked at, he still did understood perfectly what the black clone was entailing. Him, Yun Beishang, knowing of this world not being a... 'simple' game world where many humans from his planet could have fun and instead, for whatever reason it may be, was rather a real world where humans of his planet had all the power and capabilities to turn upside down and or to their every will. Of course, thanks to the heavenly punishment... implemented by the... Crestfallen Industry... well, they wouldn't be able to do shit. They really wouldn't be able to do shit, unless... that changed!

Be it because of those voices intervention, and their possibly, or rather obviously, growing power. They may very well be capable of taking over the system of Rising Essence instead, and commanding the players! As that thought emerged on Yun Beishang, he became visibly concerned; not because of the players and humans of his planet being possibly possessed or something, but because this was the world he swore to protect! Either by accepting Katia's, Tonkia's, Flor's and even the Sacred Beast Protector's wishes and fulfilling them or by becoming the Evil God himself... he, Yun Beishang, had already decided to take this seemingly 'virtual' world for others, as his and protect it from whatever once managed to hurt his precious Little Rosey!!

"Oh, hohoho~. Nah, don't think that much; don't overthink it, boy." The black clone successfully pulled the Yun Beishang that was becoming so agitated out of his sudden state, and after seeing the boy almost stand up without himself even knowing and then the boy standing up straight after realizing of it and becoming so dumb, the black clone then continued as the boy observed his surroundings. "It, sorry. It will be, ah... painful and, well. Something to be 'to frown upon', you know? Eh, I'm talking about the next few weeks, of course. Though you may have become the Evil God, gotten the Godhood of such and attained the required Essences to be one with your Essential Weaponry; namely Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star. You are still, obviously not capable of bearing that kind of power. So, though you've just gotten completely healed up from your previous attrition from the injuries of the past, your Evil Godhood will be sealed and you won't be capable of attaining any more essences nor unlocking your own and the Evil God's capabilities to the fullest. At most, if you're good enough, you will be receiving a little surprise."

"..." Yun Beishang did not say a thing, he knew nothing of the future, if anything; he only knew of the people and his women's future skills at best. That was somewhat pathetic, alright. As such, he could only do a question that was too simple, but obviously not useless. "Who are you?"

"..." It was the black clone's turn to not say a damned thing; and it instead allowed for Yun Beishang time to understand the surroundings.

All around himself, Yun Beishang saw that he was in a kind of recreational laboratory. It was all consisting of lightest of blue-whites and the room seemed to be around 72m x 72m big, which was the only thing Yun Beishang could finally be certain of when using his capabilities, ah. There were only 3 tables in such a room, that was beyond refreshing and soothing; 2 of them were positioned vertically to the left and right and in front of Yun Beishang with a distance of approximately 15 meters between themselves. To the very front of Yun Beishang was the third table, where the black thing was 'working on'... whatever it was about.

"I'm here, youngling, so that you don't become too bored and the like. I had to make a few showy things so that you wouldn't be interrupted but, let this be known... that you will be targeted by 'them' once this is over. Even a shadow of one of them appearing at the cost of hundreds of many of 'them' wouldn't be impossible, they're crazy as hell." The black clone turned around, and told Yun Beishang in a serious tone but somehow in an also expecting tone, "So, be careful. And serious, yeah... be serious when that happens."

Yun Beishang lowered his eyes and darted them left and right for a bit, afterwards, he looked back up to see the immense mouth of the black clone that would open up fully and more than that every time to talk, making it seem as if it was smiling lots while talking. In a really serious and cold voice, he spoke, "How do I revive Katia?"

"...!" The black clone truly became astounded at the ringing of Yun Beishang's words, it was turning around back to work on the table to do whatever it was doing, but when Yun Beishang's words reached its heart, it flinched noticeably. Turning around fully to give Yun Beishang its full frontal image, the black clone took a while and its head seemingly lowered so as to let its nonexistent eyes wander around in debate. After a little tiny while, it rose its head to look at Yun Beishang whose body height was much taller than its, and said with a sure and wise tone. " can't do that. I saved her back then from Extinction but, at the same time, allowed her to Fall."

"!!!" Yun Beishang's eyes turned seriously shocked, and his visage then gained fury and hatred! But after a mere 2 seconds, his countenance returned to calmness and indifference; somewhat. With his current Mental Power, it was really easy for him to just notice and know... that this black clone was that of a friendlier nature that he could even thought possible of. This clone's... this was the Leader of Main Kingdom!!

"I know she has been brought to life, that she is now 'alive' because of my progress in this... class? But she isn't a physical form, I feel that she doesn't want me to worry about it, so it must be hella difficult to accomplish that. But I must." Yun Beishang remained firm on his question, even knowing that this person was 'that' person. And to his determination, the black clone became silent, lowering its head once again. Afterwards, it spoke but without raising its head anymore, "You should be able to do so, then. Since she is a Fallen, she should be able to Rise up herself, at some point. But because she willingly let go of her Existence to detonate more than half the Universe, leaving only 1/3 of it alive, and because of the exhaustion and Extinction of both her Bow and Arrow Essences, only leaving her with her Destructive Essence which I barely had the chance to use at that time, it's impossible for her to resurrect due to the lack of self in within her. I myself cannot do anything about it, I'm afraid."

"Then what?" A couple of silent words came out from Yun Beishang, who barely understood the utmost minimum of the Leader of Main Kingdom's words, its black clone's that is. Not noticing any overwhelming sensations or reactions on Yun Beishang, the black clone made a barely noticeable smile from its black-thingy made body and softly responded, "Only her could've had saved herself, but it is so no longer. Only the her as an Evil God could, now, she is just the Little Katia that I found back then, nothing else of Life remains in her. If you must save her, resurrect her truly; you must Make it. But, youngling, there is no free meal in this world. Please, remember that and never forget it, never forget yourself as well."

"Um...!" Yun Beishang was going to ask for more, and was also trying to understand more. He knew that Katia was only capable of being 'alive' in an energy-like mode, just like he saw that Saddened Fallen Summoner back then, inside the hollow and void-like body of the Mortal's Terror. So when he heard the black clone speak of 'Life' and 'Making' it, he turned much more confused than before, also... allowing her to 'Fall'? Did this mean that only Katia was a true Fallen, that she went from being the Evil God to a Fallen... Evil God? Then, that she could've been able to 'Rise' at some point, but that at the same time, cannot do so anymore? Yun Beishang only shook his head and wanted to scream to the Leader of Main Kingdom 'fuck you!' right then and there but couldn't as he had to hear all of the black clone's words right after.

But then, Yun Beishang felt his vision all start tumbling and twisting horrendously, his sight blurred and he felt that his body was falling off backwards.

Swish! Tap!

At that moment, the black clone's right arm extended to hold Yun Beishang's body by grabbing at his left shoulder. In this position, the with-a-mouth-only face of the black clone got insanely close to his and only its words reached Yun Beishang before 'falling unconscious' right then and there.

"...If you're really desiring to bring Little Katia back to life, then I'm glad, so glad. But for that, you cannot fail. And for that, you'll have to restrain yourself and your people until you become the full-fledged, unrestrained Evil God. You'll know when it happens, just as you'll know when and how Little Katia can be saved, good luck, Yun Be-"

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Back at Main Kingdom, where Yun Beishang was previously seated on a cliff from the high steep.



An extremely wide and large bolt of light violet lightning descended from beyond the skies, and as it hit the black sphere that Yun Beishang disappeared from, it blasted open and allowed the bolt of light violet lightning to enshroud the naked body of Yun Beishang.



Yun Beishang's body that was previously with his back onto the ground, was levitated into the air with his feet only 3 centimeters above the ground-level, his arms were spread and his legs were also as such but much less than his arms, his donger was showing and exposed to the wild life and nature of the hidden lake where Zyv and him bonded some time -just a few months- ago. With his head arched backwards also slightly, he had his mouth barely opened with his lips only a couple of millimeters away from each other, and as his eyelids opened ever so slowly, light violet emanated from them intensely without a glow or sheen; simply being emitted from his eyes furiously!

Fwoop, fwoop!

Suddenly, a pair of ginormous, beautiful and ethereal wings with its feathers looking sturdy and unfathomable adjoined to one another in a armored-like manner. At the edge of both wings, a set of such armored-like feathers formed a sharp feathered blade with the same beautiful image of the rest of his wings. Each wing came out from his body atop of his left and right shoulder, but a pair of vertical lines that enclosed his spine appeared to be less matured and hence, his wings only grew from there. Even then, his shoulder blades seemed to not have the same characteristics that the perimeter of his spine had, as if they were designated already for different purposes as the right shoulder blade had patterns of feathers appear of a most beautiful, purest of whites when the light violet color tried to spread to below his right shoulder.

Additionally, Yun Beishang's entire body grew up to a height of 9.9 meters while his wings were astonishingly large along with his size as well. With a wingspan of 30 meters, both his wings of a 15 meters length and its wideness being that of 7 meters. They were as thick as 1.2 meters, and each feather looked like a thick bar of the most impenetrable materials in both, durability and comprehension.

"... ... ...~"


After a little while after from such a majestic scene, Yun Beishang's body fell slowly onto the ground, his body having already gone back to normal and his wings having disappeared as well as that most beautiful and purest of whites feathery pattern on his right shoulder blade. All at the same time and; noiseless. Becoming little particles that dissipated as soon as they became particles themselves.

His feet were the first to touch the grass and the soil from the ground, followed by his thighs, bum, lower back and finally, at the same time; his upper back and head. Just a mere moment after this happened, he finally responded with signs of life, his stomach moving and his chest raising at last.

"...HU-UOOOOGGH!" Taking a brusque and deep breath in, Yun Beishang sat up at once on the ground, naked and with his chest heaving furiously up and down, enlarging and shrinking nonstop to a terrifying level and speed.

Swish! Swish-swih!

Immediately after, three blurred figures went his way and accommodated each other to stand around him, with Zyv kneeling to his right and a little to his front before lunging in to embrace him. Meanwhile, Rosey looked at him in a worshiping manner, the little black-crimson flame in her eyes fluctuating cheerily and Rasa, well... Rasa was foolishly looking up into the sky, as she was the first to speak and muttered out. "Wow, the violet sky... it went back to normal."

As her horns looked immensely cute and her big, completely opened eyes were intriguingly looking at the heavens, Rosey continued looking at Yun Beishang in that 'I'm finally meeting my idol!'-kind-of-manner, Zyv sobbingly spoke out her grievances. "Big Brother! Wuu-haawwboohooo~~! Where were you? I wanted to play with you, Little Ros-...Rosey wanted to play with you and Rasa wanted to play with you-bohoo! Where were you? Bwaaa-nghgrrrr!"

By the end of her sobs, as Yun Beishang's naked chest was drenched in her tears and as she turned ferocious, showing off her fangs and claws and bit him tenderly all over while making traces of her fangs all over his right chest and shoulder; Yun Beishang himself was also being bombarded, now mentally, by the endless incoming notifications coming from the system.

*PING* has successfully completed his Second Class Advancement and became the Evil God. With host's capabilities and talents; having an astronomical amount of Mental Power at this point in the game and having another few Hidden Stats out of comprehension and luck alone, the following skills have been unlocked: Hells Open, Heavens Weep and Otherworldly Dimensional Set.




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