Bow and Arrow

Chapter 319: Chapter 317 — More Forum Reading And Starting Going Out With Even More Girls~

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More Forum Reading And Starting Going Out With Even More Girls~




Maybe the fact that Lotion Lost left it at that was the best; or the worst. For as, when Yun Beishang scrolled down and looked at the comments, he just saw what anyone with a brain and a known and common sense would believe they could find out. Mockery; Lotion Lost's thread garnered pretty much any kind of word followed or after the rebuking against him for being a white knight for Tongqiu.

There were just that many, probably around 80% from almost 22B comments. While the rest were either of an unknown and neutral stance, rather playfully and adding up to the fire of mocking with strong fuel or simply being completely gullible; while a minority from that smaller part of comments were actually supportive of Lotion Lost and his thread. It was a pity, perhaps; as Lotion Lost's fans suddenly disappeared in this post and as the remaining amount of people, and not comments, that supported and trusted him was much less than even half a billion people from his generally 3 billion fan club of lore and the like.

'Oh, well. Time for a break!' Feeling his tummy hungry, Yun Beishang hugged Rosey fiercely while the little girl tried to escape his embrace like a rabid dog who only wants to be let alone on the ground to king over the backyard, and then after inundating the little adorable monster in kisses on her face, he left at once to avoid the myriad of extremely large and thick roots that were coming his way, not giving Evil Rosey the revenge that her terrifying and angered face she desired.



Peaceful Rain Villa, Dining Room, little kitchen area.


Clank, clin-clink...!

"Oh...ah-aah? Mmnh..." Yona, who was washing the dishes after having dinner and as all the rest of the women of Yun Beishang and maids scurried away to watch a drama in the Living Room, suddenly felt a presence close in to her. But the moment she felt it, the person who was behind her was already clutching her waist from behind and, before long, a soft instinctively made exclamation came out from her nostrils with the deepest of enjoyments. Soon after, she felt a chin on her right shoulder as she kept moving her hands to wash the dishes, but erratically and with sudden jolts of her fingers and palms. Yona then lowly muttered under her breath, "Beishang... baby... uungh-oooh."

Clink, clink. Tck. Sssshh-creak~.

Yona finished placing the last plate to the side, left to dry while it still had some excessive amount of water; vertically. And without drying off her hands, she arched her torso forwards and slightly while lifting her hands to tap at Yun Beishang's neck and jaw, before clutching the back of his neck with an inverse hold.

Her hips swaying, very oh so slowly and as her slender bum was on his lower belly, on his pelvis and right 'there' on his crotch over and over again, giving Yun Beishang so many rubs that he instead felt an incredible massage from her. But still, the one that was the most delicate and vulnerable right now, was Yona.

With his hands snaking their way on her torso, avoiding groping her breasts and crotch are for more than 2 seconds everytime they reached such an area, which was also rare as he moved his hands and fingers around nonstop. His chin was forever resting on her right shoulder, and she was even lightly scratching and nudging at on his nape, giving him an even more relaxing massage instead. But finally, Yun Beishang spoke with a magnetic voice into her left ear but at the same time, not directly; giving her goosebumps and playing with her heartstrings like they're metal and his voice is a magnet, in honor to the tone of his seductive and charming voice.

"Yona, you've been working so hard lately. Don't you think you deserve a break? You don't have to work it all on your own, you're after all, just my little Yona and I can't bear not having you fully everyday. There was even one time I didn't even see you for a day; sure, I 'punished' you back then, and learned not to do that ever again. But you're also now making me jealous when you spend so much time on your work rather than me, sniff~."


Yona couldn't do anything but slowly and tremblingly bit her lower lip with her eyes turning so blurry but also narrowing because of his stupid, and silly words. Yet her hips never ceased moving, and his hands never felt any bit stranger nor slowed down, always maintaining that regular and rapid pace and those soft but tantalizing movements even. However, his next words made her stop for a little and caused her to blink in not knowing what to do.

"Yona, don't you think you're already too old? Hmmm? Already 26 and about to hit 27 soon, mm?"

"Eh... Baby, why... do you really think you should say this to a woman you're with?! Ho-omnff-... nngh... ????????... ????." But before Yona could finish her words and as her right hand had already been lifted from his neck to unbeknownst to her, Yun Beishang had in exchange, grabbed at it and pulled her into a turn. With but less than an instant, he pulled her back onto his chest and shut her lips with his own, the rest was obvious; she melted, realized of the situation and then proactively submitted herself to this demon. After a little while, once Yun Beishang was finished and Yona was more than submissive, he turned her around once again and, placing his hardened member in-between her buttcheeks, he even more seductively, but also gently; said. "I don't know, but. How about I put my baby in you tummy, eh?"

With that, his hands had already been wandering on the center of her belly nonstop, once again unbeknownst to her. And when she heard his words, got shocked and became unknowingly-why; uncontrollably excited, rewarded and at ease. The rubbing on her belly made her feel so vulnerable, special and agreeable to his 'suggestion' that no words were needed, and with a little unconscious -by instinct- bump backwards at his Big Dragon, they then stayed in that pose for a long, long time. Before at last, when it was getting really late, to sleep. The two lovebirds moved towards their bedroom, tiptoeing and with Yona stopping to glance and glance at Yun Beishang over and over again from the little kitchen of the Dining Room to their bedroom. Like teenagers; they acted. And once they arrived at their bedroom, a pair of lovely small breasted angels and a few maids worked little Yona up for a long time and even 'in the while', in preparation for her moment of sealing the deal to a future marriage with the evil Master of the Peaceful Rain Villa; ah.



[The case of all player Association recruiting NPC settlements entirely from their old to their young and both male and female, war... is it coming?!]

Author: User#1690595410  -  Posted 2 months ago

<95 out of 100 Associations take the role of going out into the wild, and recruiting, in the name of the Royal family of their Main Division, many NPCs of all kinds. Even children! Why? Not just, 'why children?!' but also, why do it as if it is supposed to be a good manner in preparation for what is to come? The rumored first expansion of Rising Essence?>

<In this thread, I will only speak out my heart. Like many others, I didn't just saw a scene in-game or in a video from the game and simply decided to make a thread about it. Because, even as we speak, I'm sure that much more things would have had happened, even more than that of what Tongqiu did back then. Because it was 'cuz of him that I started to learn myself, and learn of the moves that all players have been having. And that all NPCs have been strangely okay with it, after all, isn't it already known that all these NPCs are completely human or completely alive, except for the fact that they are nothing but pixels? And furthermore, on the fact that the Royal family seems to be so incredibly well-receiving and cooperative to the players, aka Journeyers, when it comes to recruiting EVERYONE, to 'their' cause. When in truth, we don't even know about it? In fact, we know nothing about it at all!>

<Even as I write, and even at that, as you read this; anyone. There is people out there still 'hunting' for more 'NPC Recruiting'; and all I can say to it, is: 'I don't believe this is normal'. Even if we're about to enter into a warring period with other Regions, or unknown forces (which is what mainly occurs in these type of scenarios in games), why would we need to ask for the help from people who barely have the strength to live out in the wild and that is also wholly dependent on us?>

<Now, I'm a huge fan of the Crestfallen Industry, and seeing how so many people COMPARE the 'system vs guiding voices' trope, makes me see everyone who does like a duck having its neck held by its so-future-to-be-its-murderer and question itself what it would like t oeat now. PEOPLE!! The time for questioning is long over! Lotion Lost started that, and now, people are barely paying attention to that. Now, there is these weird movements of Journeyers moving to take upon the lives of any NPC they can find, to fight for their cause? WTF! I respect the Crestfallen Industry, as I've said, because I'm a huge fan. And the point of that is, they aren't just amazing in terms of leadership and or technology and remedies that can extend one's lifespan for 150 years more than your actual life expectancy! But because they aren't a soft persimmon that will be used as a stepping stone for any other 'me second!' kind of company or individual, no matter what!>

<In that case, to the people who also, 'just barely' understands the Crestfallen Industry AND the Crestfallen Clan. Do you really think that they would make a 'flawed' AI or system where they had to patch the game early on to get players moving? No! If anything we've been told of is, even since the very beginning, in the Novice Villages. Didn't we got that huge face-slapping notice of some Novice Village's entire player population getting jailed for debauchery and licentiousness? Or do you not at least remember when the punishment update got us all? If there is anything they are promoting, is cooperation!>

<As such, what is the point of the cooperation that we have all managed to achieve for this long, only to let it all go down a well to get more good graded items and Association Experience? Even if this is a game, it is not supposed to be one where just anyone can do what they want and not care about the consequences of that, it, those!>

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

<I went out today from my Sub-Divisional City, and all I saw was campaigns of millions of people, preparing to reach out in the wild in the search for more of such NPC settlements. It is because of this, that I fear... in the future, I won't see any other settlement, and only the houses of such NPCs will be left in theirs, with not even livestock nor pets of any kind on sight.>

(11B Upvotes) - (100B Comments[Locked in 10 parts with completely different points of view of 10B per part)


'Well... that does something, alright... hm.' Yun Beishang thought, as he walked through New Earth's streets, having already left the car he was just in as he instantly read this one thread and started crossing over it to read the billions of comments that, well, just their number alone was impossible to believe in. Even if it had been more than 2 months since it was posted. Of course, with the current playerbase of the game, Rising Essence, as long as a couple of billion of such people comment daily on the thread, that would be more than enough. And with how fantastic and overly magnificent the technology and the gaming value of Rising Essence was, such activity was but below average; in truth.

"Haaah... whatever." With Yun Beishang having thoughts much more discerned and knowledgeable to those of the OP's, he exasperatedly sighed out for a second as he stored his ultimate-model and version of a cellphone into his back pocket and then looked up ahead to the house he was walking towards to.

'Unknowingly', however, there was a cute as hell young girl on the front door with her hands intertwined to the front of her crotch area, giving herself an aloof aura and a striking appearance, she was only wearing a black shirt and jeans but still looked so charming and feminine to the only onlooker on the street.

With an unnoticeably smirk forming at the lifting of the left of his mouth, Yun Beishang called out softly but shouting, "Hey, Kay, was it?! Is Sylda ready, or... is she too shy, ah?"

"Puchi..." Covering her mouth and lowering her head instinctively, Kay with her cut to a short length black hair, her unbridled and smaller than most-kind of breasts without anything holding onto them, jumped and bounced barely noticeably but still managed to guide Yun Beishang's eyes to them fully and for their whole shaking of jumping and bouncing.

"AH...! Sorry, yes she, uh... she is shy. Ah! I mean, no, nononono. She is just getting ready, her clothes are almost done... ah..." Embarrassed, to the bitter end and to the fullest by he end of her words, as she even uttered out a humiliated 'ah' without knowing what else to possible say. Kay then lowered her head and brought her intertwined hands to her back, more specifically, to her bum. And swayed her body to any angle while waiting in this uncomfortable awkward silence.

"Tongqiu, right? Yun Beishang is your real name?!" Suddenly, Yun Beishang heard his ID nickname be mentioned and, with surprise, he took a look at the young girl who is probably about to turn into a legal hunt-no, an 18 year old young woman soon. Seeing him look over at her face right after she hesitatingly spoke his ID nickname, her eyes opened fully as they intensely and furtively shone while looking at him and then continued asking him.

"Yes, it is... mmm. Kay?"

"Oooh? Oh! Sorry, I was just... erm, yes?" Katia turned silly, and then was awakened by the same reason she fell into a Silly Kay. Then, since she didn't know what he asked, she just embarrassingly responded with her feet twisting and darting around nonstop on the ground where he was standing on, ah. But then, Yun Beishang's eyes never left her eyes, arms and fingers. As such, she became shy and then knew not what to do anymore. Until he heard her dreams coming true, "I see that... you're into archery? Hmm, I'm good at it... I think. Would you like to have classes with me, heh?"


Yun Beishang: ┗(・ω・;)┛

Kay: ( ᗒᗨᗕ )( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )୧⍢⃝୨

A Sylda who has just arrived and whose hair was still wet from having taken a shower: ( ゜ρ゜)ノ

Sylda wanted to immediately say hi and thank her big sistah, but before she could open her mouth and speak towards any of the two of them, she saw Kay lunge herself adoringly towards Yun Beishang, and embrace him with utter worship. Blinking with her eyes wide open, an unexpected and surprised countenance and with red starting to burn her cheeks as Yun Beishang was now looking at her with his arms slightly elevated and his eyes looking innocently at her.

Seeing him gaze at her, Sylda became suddenly stuck in time, her eyes never fluttered even a single iota from his eyes to this sudden and strange to the utmost-kind of encounter. And she suddenly felt like she knew everything in the world, and that world was him, and that knowledge was making her immensely happy. With a little tilt of her head, her chin practically giving away her making a hidden nod and with her heartbeat resounding in Yun Beishang's ears. A helpless Yun Beishang took his arms and embraced the body of Kay's back as she became slightly stiff and mortified, but then regained her warmth and quivering of a young girl almost a young woman; which reminded him of Itnia and Estel.

Kay had her head 'stuck' on his lower abdomen, but she did not felt any strange movements nor attitude from him, but as she then felt that she was not being embraced back and that she smelled a profound fragrance; her body stiffened and she became scared as well as worried for the misunderstanding that was going to be at hand. Oh boy, she thought. But when she felt his reciprocation, she became so elated that she unknowingly nuzzled left and right her face on his lower stomach and then lifted it up to look directly at Yun Beishang with only a few inches separating their faces.

At this instant, Yun Beishang looked back up at Sylda, seeing her breathe in deeply but releasing it also calmly and even... glad?

"Thank you, Ton-ah, sorry. Thank you, Yun Beishang. I'm really looking forward to taking archery classes with you, now I'll go and tell my silly Sister to hurry up and accompany her man, eh? Wait for me, wait for me! I'm gonna turn around and tell my belov- OH, wao! Sister, you were here? Oh, this? Well, I was g-"

Sylda face-palmed herself noiselessly to the worried 'big' sister of hers, and after covering Kay's mouth with her hands, she just shook her head strongly before saying in a comforting and even understanding tone. "Kay, it's fine. Ahem, I know you weren't trying to steal him, so stop being so silly, ah. Foster Father told me that he just ordered a new material for crafting your new bow just now, go and check upon it!"

"Oh, thank you Sylda! Mwaaaaaaah! Love you~| Bye, bye~~, have fun and use protection!" With that, Kay ran into the house with slight hops here and there, large ones at that which made her smallish breasts jiggle more attractively even. But Sylda's 'unfinished' word made her flinch awkwardly at this moment as well, "...Yet."

"Haa, phew~! Sorry about that, oh and don't take it the wrong way, she never realizes she is that... eh, cute." Sylda said once she was finished completely bending over her waist and springing back up to stand straight, taking off all the awkwardness that could still remain between her and Yun Beishang. Then, she hooked his right arm tenderly and closened the left side of her head to his right shoulder, "Should we go?"

Mature and understanding, Yun Beishang looked down at her to his right and said after kissing her forehead quickly once, "Mn, the massage parlor is... particularly unique. We will be giving massages to each other, how does that sound?"

'Eh, 'how does that sound?'... THAT SOUNDS AMAZING.' Thought Sylda, her eyes deadly locked onto Yun Beishang's, unbeknownst to her that the newly formed smile on his now delicious looking lips were because he was now aware of her 'dainty' and girly thoughts.




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