Bow and Arrow

Chapter 322: Chapter 320 — Yun Beishang Tailor’s Makings (1)

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Yun Beishang Tailor's Makings (1)




[Prominent Seam Unpicker]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: What, you think stitches won't be a common sigh for you, a barely starting off Tailor? Bah! Unless you're a certain someone who is just incredible, how could you never fail at your firsts? Even a Master loses sometimes, you know? Not only for repairing the mistakes and errors of your works, but also aiding in the implementation of quirky and unique changes, this tool will make it easier for ANY Tailor to move on their own while thy work their work. Note: This tool won't work at all when in use with items or materials that are not known by a mortal. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Extra Sewing Feet]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Not enough? Still takes a lot to practice like a real Tailor? Well, besides these tools aiding you in the sudden errors that you make while working with your sewing machine, the extra sewing feet can also add up different effects and qualities rather than just unique looks to your sewing works! Note: This really won't be efficient at all when in the use of items or materials that are of a higher grade known to a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Hand-Sewing Needles]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: The truest ability, skill and more than anything Mastery; of a Tailor is all dependent on one's own hands after one's brain has decided and one's heart has agreed with it. Detailing, extra somethings and definitely for the sake of adding you own touch and signature style and even mark to your works, these hand-sewing needles are the beatings of your heart, brains and extra fingers on your hands, listen to them very well. Note: It will be the same to hold an item or material in your hands and just staring at them without doing anything or to use these tools to try and make something out of them; but it will be all useless when working them with those of a higher grade known to the mortals. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Pin Cushion]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Where to keep most of your tools? You're not a mechanic nor a Craftsman or Blacksmith, no! In this pin cushion, not only is its hold on your Tailor Sub-Class's tools (yes, even the sewing machine and the working table) beyond perfect and incredibly safe, protected by magic itself which depends on the grade of the Prominent Magical Pin Cushion. But it is even capable of sharpening and giving maintenance to all of your tools too! You can even customize your pin cushion to emanate any kind of Element or Core Element attribute and give a special something to your works if needed. Note: This pin cushion is helpless when introducing Tailor's Sub-Class's tools that are of a grade higher to that of a mortal's knowledge. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Ironing Board]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: With this board that can change its size and volume of any of its parts to your every wish, it can also emanate any kind of Element or Core Element to go according to your tastes. It also comes along its own Iron which can also share the same emanating Core Element or Element or a different one that its board has at the moment. It is also very capable of resisting any item or material you are working on as you pass your iron over it. Note: These tools won't be effective when dealing with items of materials that are of a higher grade known to a mortal. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Magical Pressing Cloth]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Sometimes, you'd want to protect your items or materials from your own iron, don't underestimate its strength for as its a magical one indeed! With the capability of multiplying itself innumerably, these pressing clothe tools are to be used for the protection of the item or material you're using and mostly to give it a touch here and or there depending to your liking; it works in the same way than the ironing board and its iron, so be sure to be generous with your imagination upon the uses of all Elements and the 7 Core Elements. Note: This will definitely be either damaged or useless when in the use of this tool with items that have a higher grade known to any mortal. Bound by Tongqiu.

[Prominent Dressmaker's Ham]: Type: Special Item, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Properties: Need a little something different to certain creations of yours? Easy! Use this ham to allow you to press any item, avoiding any flattening to them and hence, making your life easier on things that seem irritably impossible but are actually possible! Note: This ham will be rendered useless when using items or materials of a higher grade than that known to a mortal to change their shape o anything, please use this tool correctly. Bound by Tongqiu.

And oh boy, that was it. Yun Beishang worked really difficultly with this Sub-Class, taking him not only much more time to get it up to Peak-Peak grade than with the Craftsman Sub-Class, but also having to change his way of using this Tailor Sub-Class more than once until he could finally, and at last, find his own path.

Yun Beishang first started perforating his own fingertips over and over again, unfortunately for the needles and scissors he used, he was already a God-level being even if his Evil Godhood was sealed for fuck's sake. On the other hand, every time he failed miserably and got 'perforated' by his own movements and errors, he had to let the tools rest in the pin cushion before being able to use them properly, for they 'wrinkled' in a very deformed way and because they were just basically useless to even practice with. It took 2 days for Yun Beishang to go from barely starting to barely creating Useless graded items of all available types and kinds-of to at least the Basic quality.

The next 12 days, he worked much more with the Tailor Sub-Class than with the Craftsman Sub-Class; and it payed off well, at the very last. And finally, at last, the first 'perfect' -of lowest grade of- creation came to see the light of Main Kingdom and a precious beauty's eyes that were of a complete starry light-blue universe. Of course, he didn't took just a few hours to make a whole set for the subsequent Armor Sets, but in fact, the case was that he was making all of them at the same time and Natalia's was the first one as Yun Beishang was too biased and unjust towards his other women and cherished maids; ah, bad, evil, stinky and smelly Yun Beishang!

As for Natalia's eyes... her own man made her a perfect dress, one that she could wear for his bed, his eyes and while battling monsters or players. Could she ever feel more amazing than right then? She would... oh boy, and leaving the lewd stuff to the side from the formula, Yun Beishang would still do endless clothes and clothing of all types for her and everyone else in his 'little' 'devilish' harem in the future without the need of even asking; so of course, she would naturally feel even more or equally as amazing as this first time of all of theirs.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Veil, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Dress, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Armored-Skirt, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Slippers, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Gloves, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Crystal Protectors, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

*PING*'ve successfully sewed: Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Braided Crystal Belt, result is as follows: quantity: 2, quality: Peak, difficulty: Peak-Advanced.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff(Basic+22*)]: Type: Two Handed Holy Staff, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 2,500+WIS, Attributes: Raw Healing Effect+25%, WIS+1,870 and MP+50% and Stamina+50%, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+10% and 2.-With every 1,000 points in WIS, you gain an additional of Healing Critical Rate+30%. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

Yun Beishang spared no effort to make such a devastatingly overpowered cleric-inclined holy staff for his dearest Naty, eh? With the amount of WIS that Natalia had thanks to her full WIS stat growth along with her Dimensional Architect's 10 WIS per level and WIS+14 every level thanks to being her man's woman, literally. Natalia had 2,871 of WIS, without the use of any equipment at LV99. That is easily 28,710 of MP, crazy. Once again, without any equipment nor accessory on.

The staff itself was of a pale but undoubtedly white and glowing with a goldish touch of a color, it emanated the pureness that Naty herself has and the affection and doting upon she received from her man, when she first wielded it, only a radiant smile was available for her entire being to make out of the situation, besides some slowly made-out-lovemaking as she was now growing her belly rather obviously; ah.

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Her staff was of a 2.1 meters long and with an overall thickness of 0.4 meters, nothing small. It had, however, handles at the middle of its body where Natalia had the opportunity to grab at one of the three arching outwards root-like handles; this did not meant that they were fixed on the spot as they could rotate according to her wishes so that she wouldn't have a problem grabbing it mid-air, at an important critical situation and the like. She didn't had the Intent hidden stat nor a skill to call upon herself her weapon, after all. It also had another four smaller handles with the same design at the top of the staff.

As for the staff, it was made and designed very simple, only thing was that... whenever Natalia grabbed the staff for the first time after spending around 5 minutes without having it summoned and handled by her, it would grow a pair of metallic wings, and at the top of the staff and hovering atop its head, was an emblem of a blurry heart. This was of course made by her man, Yun Beishang, who more than perfectly and easily, remembers that day at the Clear Mist Restaurant where she showed off signs of an angel out of this world. Simply; perfect.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Veil(Basic+22*)]: Type: Helmet, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+100 and Magical Defense+250, WIS+335, DET+170, DEX+170 and LCK+100, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+2% and 2.-For every 10,000 of MP you have, you will gain MP Regeneration+1,000 every second once your MP total value is of 50% or less. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Dress(Basic+22*)]: Type: Upper Garment, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+200 and Magical Defense+750, WIS+690, DET+200, DEX+200 and LCK+200. Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+4% and 2.-Gain MP+5 for every 10 of Stamina points. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Armored-Skirt(Basic+22*)]: Type: Lower Garment, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+165 and Magical Defense+590, WIS+650, DET+175, REC+175 and INT+175, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+3% and 2.-For every 1,000 of HP that you have, you gain MP+2.5% and Stamina+2.5%. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Slippers(Basic+22*)]: Type: Shoe Garment, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+30 and Magical Defense+225, WIS+300, DEX+100, DET+100 and LCK+87, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+2% and 2.-Grant the targets you've healed that are below the 30% value of their total HP a shield (20% of your WIS + 10% of your total MP) without cooldown nor extra cost. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Gloves(Basic+22*)]: Type: Gauntlets, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+25 and Magical Defense+205, WIS+300, DET+90, REC+70 and LCK+55, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+1% and 2.-If your HP falls down to 0 value, an impenetrable shield that makes you invulnerable and invincible for 3 seconds reappears to heal you to full HP in 2.9 seconds. Trigger: HP value reaches 0. Cooldown: 3 days. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Crystal Protectors(Basic+22*)]: Type: Armguard, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+50 and Magical Defense+280, WIS+433, DET+185, REC+100 and LC+100, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+2% and 2.-Every 10,000 of MP used up, you will be refunded 1,000 MP. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

[Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Angelic Braided Crystal Belt(Basic+22*)]: Type: Belt, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Mommy Heals You, LV99 and 890+WIS, Attributes: Physical Defense+200 and Magical Defense+500, WIS+550, DEX+200, DET+150 and LCK+100, Effects: 1.-MP+1%, Stamina+1% and Healing Effect+5% and 2.-Every 1,000 of Stamina used up, you will be refunded 100 Stamina. Enhancement Effect: Heart Connection+22.

Set Effect:

Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Set (7/7): Passive: 10% of your total INT points is added up as an extra to your WIS at all times. 10% of your total REC points is added as an extra to your WIS at all times. Active: Ascend into the air to let out your tre transformation, allowing your healing skills to have no cooldown and their cost reduced to 75% of their original cost; grants you Healing Effect+200% and raw Healing Effect+15%. Extremely Special Effect: When your passions and emotions are put into the battlefield, heal all allies 200m x 200m around you by 15% of your WIS + 10% of your INT + 15% of your DEX and + WISx1.5 per second for 5 minutes. Trigger: Yourself, Cooldown: 1 day.

Yun Beishang got really tired and mentally fatigued by the end results of this Armor Set and weapon for Natalia, but at the same time, he also became really, really glad of having accomplished as his first true masterpiece. There was only one true thing to mention that was the most impacting and shocking of them all thorough the process of making this Mesmerizing Fearful Angel Set alone, and that was; this Armor Set didn't had that 'Extremely Special Effect' before, when it was first finally done. And it was only added up after Yun Beishang based the creation of the Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff in the time when he visited with Natalia the Clear Mist Restaurant last time.

The staff was made from the combination of many different types of clothing and even of Precious items; though it looked like wood, it was actually a combination of wool-type, silk-type and even cushion-type items to make the whole Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff; it was his hard work that made it so enchantingly and strikingly beautiful.

As for the dress, it was naturally of the most attractive and glowing brilliantly of all whites. The style of her dress was a peasant type, and it gave Natalia such purity, humbleness and more than anything- gentleness that it couldn't be more perfect to have such. Her veil was of the similar color to the main color of the dress, but in a much more heavenly and fairy-like fashion in which her face was impossible to see, and Yun Beishang could only do so with his Mental Power fully focused on her. It had a conical shape and it was also somehow covering even the striking crimson-blood red colored hair; always tied to a ponytail.

The protectors around her elbows were like simple ornaments of crystal that, well, were just fabulous-looking and shiny but also impenetrable-looking and vigorous in vitality as well. Her shoes were very delicate, and thin, but their color was more light-blue than that incredible white from the overall Mesmerizing Fearful Angel Armor Set main color. Her gauntlets defined so beautifully and daintily her fingers that they were smeared with some other 'white' when evil Yun Beishang couldn't hold himself... ah.

Then; there was Yao Yao, who had a very common-looking but very well colored equipment. It had all 7 colors of the Core Elements, but the brown, dark and royalty-like color was the main color of her outfit. It looked like n armored student's outfit, and it highlighted her beautiful self so much that Yun Beishang couldn't stop seeing the most 'gracious' of monkeys in her; cough.

But! With that brilliant, small smile she gave Yun Beishang every goddamn time she just glanced sidedly at him; was enough to melt and caress his heart ever so lovingly. Her Equipment description were as such:

[Master of the Elements Tiara(Basic+22*)]: Type: Helmet, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirements: Little Yao Yao Yao, LV99 and affinity with the 7 Core Elements, Attributes: Physical Defense+100 and Magical Defense+100, WIS+300, INT+300 and DEX+150, Effects: 1.-Core Elemental bonus damage is increased in 2% and 2.-Fire Core Elemental range can be increased in magnitude by a whole 50%. Enhancement Effect: Nature Affinity+22.

[Mater of the Elements Top-Armor(Basic+22*)]: Type: Upper Garment, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirement: Little Yao Yao Yao, LV99 and affinity with the 7 Core Elements, Attributes: Physical Defense+300 and Magical Defense+300, WIS+400, INT+400 and DEX+200, Effects: 1.-Core Elemental bonus damage is increased in 5% and 2.-Water Core Elemental range can be increased in magnitude by a whole 50%. Enhancement Effect: Nature Affinity+22.

[Mater of the Elements Lower-Armor(Basic+22*)]: Type: Lower Garment, Grade: King's, Equipment Requirement: Little Yao Yao Yao, LV99 and affinity with the 7 Core Elements, Attributes: Physical Defense+250 and Magical Defense+250, WIS+330, DEX+330 and DET+165, Effects: 1.-Core Elemental bonus damage is increased in 4% and 2.-Earth Core Elemental range can be increased in magnitude by a whole 50%. Enhancement Effect: Nature Affinity+22.




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