Bow and Arrow

Chapter 326: Chapter 324 — Second Class Advancements (2—Last Part)

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Second Class Advancements (2—Last Part)





[ONLY]: Warmaster: Strength 8*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 7*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 6*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 3*. Just one word for this little big boy at any battle, be it small scale to large scale to simplest of 1v1's; and even being an incredible semi-off-tank for PVE and even tanking BOSSes. They have no CC skill whatsoever but now they can wield any weapon and armor, changing them instantly and without restraint as always but now, their every hit on an enemy or even on air is important. Also, well, their AOE is now immense to no ends, hehehe!

4.-<<<Master of the sword>>>

[ONLY]: Mindless Slaughter Swordsman/woman: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 3*, Tenacity 1*, Attack or Action Speed 9*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 7*. No longer a man nor a woman with a sword; but one entity~! Cold, merciless and too many skills to even think! As their damage is increased and their attacking speed even more, the skills-basic attacks combination of this class will be a must for PvP enthusiasts.


[ONLY]: Blade Spirit: Strength 3*, Movement Speed 8*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 4*, Nature Connection 2*, Tenacity 1*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 5*. A pure mobility and speedy class that relies completely on the times it can help one avoid so many attacks and hit the enemy quite a few in the process of avoiding just one from them. What's best, you will now be able to make a contract with a Spirit Blade, which is a true energy blade or sword with no handle, and that acts ONLY as a flying sword! But... who knows what else one can do with it? Hehehe~.

4.3.-<<<Sword Dao>>>

[ONLY]: Grand Sword Dao: Strength 4*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 5*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 4*, Tenacity 2*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 4*. Reliant on skills most than any other Sword-type branch class, but also the most legitimate in terms of true power, though it has almost no Physical Power at all, basic attacks with it can still be fast and annoying, while a huge dozens of meters long sword come down raining on your enemy or enemies, sounds cool!

5.-<<<Spear Master>>>

[ONLY]: Spear Plated Executor: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 7*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 2*, Mind Power 3*. Just like the Grand Sword Dao class, but with a clear inclination towards one's basic attacks and incredible charging, dashing and leaping capabilities which one obviously needs to master. It may not have many skills and barely some CC, but the way in which this pure Physical Power class works is just good.

5.1.-<<<Duelist Lord>>>

[ONLY]: Carefree Dragon: Strength 2*, Movement Speed 9*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 4*, Nature Connection 4*, Tenacity 0*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 0*. It's simple to explain, really. Swift, smooth, gracious; lethal. One of the few with a max of 10* for BOTH Attack and Action Speed, for a reason; eh.

5.2.-<<<Spear Dao>>>

[ONLY]: Grand Spear Dao: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 5*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 7*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 7*, Attack or Action Speed 8*, CC skillset 6*, Mind Power 1*. It's basically the spear-version of the Grand Sword Dao, but the Grand Spear Dao has so many incredible particular strength on using an enormously majestic and powerful magical attack or skill just to follow it up with an incredible set of melee combos. Unlike the other sword version, this one isn't shy of close-quarters combat.


[ONLY]: Keeper of the Light: Strength 5*, Movement Speed 5*, Physical 10*, Flexibility 4*, Magical Energy 6*, Nature Connection 6*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 9*, Mind Power 0*. This one could be easily called the main tank of Main Kingdom, Rising Essence and to all its playerbase that are envious (ignorantly) towards those with a Hidden Class; without this class equals without a raid or PvP leadership.


[ONLY[: Hard-Dying Vanguard: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 4*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 4*, Magical Energy 4*, Nature Connection 4*, Tenacity 10*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 6*. Protector is a defensive class that focus on keeping all of their allies in condition and safe from the gravity of the true battle; call it a cleric of a different basis if you will it. And now, with the use of a vast variety of skills to either charge directly to your own allies and make them safer by the time you reach them or to almost infinitely CC an enemy to allow your allies to not only survive or run away but to also allow others to kill the enemy, pretty neat. Well, it is now even more tanky and incredibly unstoppable.


[ONLY]: Seven Sins Knight: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 10*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 7*, Nature Connection 7*, Tenacity 7*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 5*. Seems epic? IT IS. Delegated and chosen by the Myriad Races, this ordinary still class that is almost a Hidden Class-grade of classes is bound to be but the most unbeatable mountain that will protect Main Kingdom in the future, or not? In any case, the weapon for this class is a Seven Sins Long Sword, so if you don't have one, you'll be a pretty big knight instead of just a knight.

7.-<<<Mad Pyromaniac>>>

[ONLY]: Ember Armament: Strength 4*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 4*, Flexibility 3*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 5*, Attack or Action Speed 8*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 0*. Only one word, DAMAGE. If you're waiting for something like the use of Elements hailing from the Fire Core Element, wait then and die in a provoked fire and whatnot that can make sparkles produced by just one individual. Also, weapons that can shoot flames of dragons and even a house-sized mini-sun... well; are possible.


[ONLY]: Pirate Lord: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 8*, Physical 5*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 3*, Tenacity 7*, Attack or Action Speed 8*, CC skillset 1*, Mind Power 3*. A fun class, yet even more than before. With most skills giving you a boost to your overall speed, even though you do not do that much damage, your Dodge Rate and even Critical Hit Rate are scary with this class and, well, it's fun to cut your enemies, bleed them and then run away!

7.2.-<<<Crazy Cowboy>>>

[ONLY]: Legendary Gunner: Strength 7*, Movement Speed 4*, Physical 4*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 5*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 3*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 2*. Just as crazy and as resourceful as the Crazy Cowboy, buuuuuuut, now this class not only has large explosives to either boom enemies away or make them unable to even rotate their eyes on the spot. But to also have skills alone that increase the damage you make even if you simply shoot an explosive that isn't even that of your allies, to deal damage to the enemy and laugh about it after.


[ONLY]: Slaughter Dao: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 8*, Physical 6*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 4*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 7*. Unlike any other assassin class, even those of the Hidden Class category, the Slaughter Dao class is the only one whose great performance is when being seen. Bwhahaha!!

8.1.-<<<Blade Dancer>>>

[ONLY]: Myriad Daggers: Strength 2*, Movement Speed 8*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 10*, Magical Energy 3*, Nature Connection 3*, Tenacity 4*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 5*, Mind Power 7*. Infinite AOE, well, almost. A Myriad Daggers can also be jumpy, hella jumpy. And very, very fast; that Flex 10* isn't for show, and its Attack/Action Speed is definitely a source of terror for slow and squishy classes~.

8.2.-<<<Shadow Master>>>

[ONLY]: Darkness Dao: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 10*, Physical 1*, Flexibility 10*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 1*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 4*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 9*. As anyone can see, indeed, it is also almost-a-Hidden-Class-like ordinary class, but! Don't be fooled, for as there are many Hidden Classes, be it Legendary or Universal, that can even have about 11* on all their features but still be less useful than a simple First Class Advancement so don't go ahead and think that players with this class are immortals or the like, psht~.

9.-<<<Drunk Taoist>>>

[ONLY]: Fallen Hero: Strength 9*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 7*, Nature Connection 4*, Tenacity 7*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 2*, Mind Power 8*. As a FALLEN, cough cough; Hero, you can deal good amounts of damage and even one after the other with one being a magical or physical type while the one following it is of the other type, that simple. However, this is one of those classes, so without a party, you're dead meat many times over.

9.1.-<<<Profound Dreamer>>>

[ONLY]: Auxiliar Dreamcaster: Strength 0*, Movement Speed 1*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 0*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 6*, Tenacity 0*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 10*, Mind Power 10*. Are you asking why is it difficult to sleep? Well, you're in a game! That must be why! Well, besides being a complete monster in the magical department, this class now counts with AOE incredible CC skillset, take advantage.

10.-<<<Scythe Master>>>

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[ONLY]: Sadistic Master: Strength 7*, Movement Speed 9*, Physical 6*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 2*, Nature Connection 2*, Tenacity 2*, Attack or Action Speed 8*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 6*. I just want to say one single thing, have you ever dreamed of sending energy waves with just a swing of your edgy and deathly-looking weapon? Hell yeah! This is  your moment boys and girls!.

10.1.-<<<Walking Death>>>

ONLY]: Grim Reaper: Strength 2*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 1*, Flexibility 10*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 6*, Tenacity 10*, Attack or Action Speed 6*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 5*. Imagine a Blade Spirit, but with a long scythe that can extend to a hundred meters or so, its body only and not its blade, but that can also run up to you with a short scythe instead and be as dangerous as the previous example? Then, CC'ing you from way a distance from you but when you try to CC such an enemy, they just almost completely ignore it whatsoever without the use of any skills or items? Mhm.


[ONLY]: Anima Soul: Strength 5*, Movement Speed *5, Physical 5*, Flexibility 4*, Magical Energy 5*, Nature Connection 5*, Tenacity 5*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 2*, Mind Power 9*. Let's say tat with the intense and sharp and momentous feeling of unbearable pain; comes strength, but only from hurting yourself. How's that? And in exchange, you get to wield the different souls of so many beasts and even some monsters! You won't grow 3,000 meters tall but you will have an aura of a soul accompanying you in your battles~.


[ONLY]: Berserker: Strength 4*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 6*, Flexibility 2*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 5*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 9*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 0*. Very savage, it may not seem to have lots of Physical Damage but, it is definitely something you don't want to simply mock and then be squashed by 4 simple skills and some basic attacks, as the main tank.


1.-<<<Archer Master>>>

[ONLY]: Divine Archer: Strength 8*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 5*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 9*, Mind Power 10*. Archers are amazing, no really! But... even more so if a certain archer could be not so mysterious all the damned tiiiiime~! This one is almost a hidden class too, teehee~.

1.1.-<<<Vanguard Archer>>>

[ONLY]: Legendary Vanguard Archer: Strength 4*, Movement Speed 8*, Physical 9*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 4*. Wielding 2m-4m long crossbows or even larger bows with arrows of 1 meter in length at the peak of this class; and wielding one's arrows as your own blood and darkness as your synergies to be the very front of Main Kingdom... be prepared!

1.2.-<<<Iron Heart Archer>>>

[ONLY]: Master of the Elements: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 9*, Physical 5*, Flexibility 9*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 10*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 6*. Imagine your arrows are all and any Element out there, okay now imagine as if you are a loose cannon that is simply crazy and even capable of tanking some skills; all just for the sake of killing anything. I know right? Crazy!

2.-<<<Rapid Fire Lunatic>>>

[ONLY]: Explosive Marksman: Strength 3*, Movement Speed 5*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 4*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 0*, Attack or Action Speed 10*, CC skillset 6*, Mind Power 0*. If the Master of the Elements is a loose cannon, this class is then a broken loose cannon, my other post showing how an Explosive Marksman destroys a Legendary Hidden Class is still up there, you know?


[ONLY]: Prodigy Pilot: Strength 3*, Movement Speed 1*, Physical 2*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 2*, CC skillset 9*, Mind Power 0*. Super mecha. Yup, that's it.

2.2.-<<<Exotic Gun Master>>>

[ONLY]: Otherworldly Marksman: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 5*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 8*, Nature Connection 8*, Tenacity 3*, Attack or Action Speed 5*, CC skillset 7*, Mind Power 4*. Tentacles, monsters' heads, someone's arms; anything can be used to craft your own gun, of any kind. Really! That's why this class can even wield powers like those of the void, space or simply directly inflict CC effects to their enemies(though to a minimal degree, but...), WHILE DOING DAMAGE!!

2.3.-<<<Life-taking Eye>>>

[ONLY]: Killing Vow: Strength 5*, Movement Speed 2*, Physical 3*, Flexibility 8*, Magical Energy 0*, Nature Connection 8*, Tenacity 5*, Attack or Action Speed 1*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 8*. Most one-man army fantasies are all about a great warrior or an immensely overpowered mage. Well, what about a man who lays on the ground and whose barrel of their snipe can shoot a little something that can insta-kill tens of others in one shot everywhere it passes and anywhere it lands? Yeah~...

3.-<<<Soul Pet Lord>>>

[ONLY]: Soul Pet Immortal: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 7*, Flexibility 8*, Magical Energy 6*, Nature Connection 6*, Tenacity 8*, Attack or Action Speed 4*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 8*. Now you can have just as many Pets as you'd like, for your own profession that is. Also, you will now be capable of summoning back into the fight your Pets while paying a price with MP, Stamina and some temporarily reduced stats.



[ONLY]: Ancient-level Being: Strength 8*, Movement Speed 9*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 8*, Nature Connection 8*, Tenacity 9*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 9*, Mind Power 8*. In a simple example, half-Hidden Class. Yes, that amazing. As for the longer one, the quest for advancing to this class is pretty long, especially because it requires one to research so much and to augment the properties of one's body in the process; well, this is the end result.


[ONLY]: Ancient Alchemist Ancestor: Strength 2*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 5*, Flexibility 5*, Magical Energy 6*, Nature Connection 9*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 4*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 6*. One thing for sure is that, a Gardener Sub-Class and this can make unknown wonders! As for the specialty of this class, first place is removing debuffs and second place is the additional of healing; though very small in comparison to even Grand Shamans.

2.-<<<High Witch>>>

[ONLY]: Devil Constitution: Strength 8*, Movement Speed 7*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 6*, Nature Connection 0*, Tenacity 10*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 0*, Mind Power 6*. In this advancement, though the class isn't as magical as before, it is much more formidable. As it has now become a tank/DPS great for both PVE and PVP.

2.1.-<<<Dark Mage>>>

[ONLY]: Fallen Archmage: Strength 1*, Movement Speed 1*, Physical 1*, Flexibility 1*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 5*, Tenacity 2*, Attack or Action Speed 1*, CC skillset 8*, Mind Power 0*. Though it is sooo slow as slower than nothing else, the cannonball, glass cannon features of this FALLEN class is rather quite informative; why? Well, because one can conjure a mountain-sized mini-sun with but a single chanting, so the Action Speed, though slow; understandable. Riiiight~?

3.-<<<Stellar Stitcher>>>

[ONLY]: Celestial Invoker: Strength 6*, Movement Speed 3*, Physical 4*, Flexibility 6*, Magical Energy 10*, Nature Connection 10*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 3*, CC skillset 6*, Mind Power 3*. Just a single tip foremost than anything, you can now have Immortals as minions, isn't that great? Try summoning a dead ally and a clone will emerge, try summoning a strong enemy and a surprise may come to kill your enemy! But maybe you too, so be careful, ah (if you want to try to be naughty because they're your minions, rape and psychopathic charges will be made against you). Good luuuuck~, hehe.

4.-<<<Elementals Student>>>

[ONLY]: Elements Prodigy: Strength 7*, Movement Speed 6*, Physical 8*, Flexibility 7*, Magical Energy 9*, Nature Connection 10*, Tenacity 6*, Attack or Action Speed 7*, CC skillset 6*, Mind Power 7*. Now you can be more than sure that, if protected, even causing a small disaster in a Sub-Divisional Main City wouldn't be THAT impossible! Well, don't get discouraged and think about Tongqiu, he is beyond normality; eh.



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