Bow and Arrow

Chapter 342: Chapter 340 — Laser Electro-Light Cannon

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Laser Electro-Light Cannon




And right at this moment, as the crowd onlooking at The Order Team's arena were completely unaware of what they were planning to just do in a minute, a notification clamoring across all of Main Kingdom, Rising Essence and on the forums resounded.

*PING*...the first Team to qualify for the 16th placements, Gold-Silver Team has brought enormous reputation for the Origin Pertaining Region by defeating the Sharpened Vanguard Team. We encourage all teams of the Global Tournament to fight for first place!


"Wait, what the hell?! The Cold Dictator failed? How?! Oh my fucking god..."

"Duuuh~, it was obvious dude, the Lunatic Archmage is too powerful in his AOE skills, suck it!"

While there was confusion, there was also gloating from many parts of the crowd; though those watching the live streams were rather calm and merely raised an eyebrow or two. And as the crowds were both clamoring nonstop and feeling down or disappointed, there was also another part of the crowd that felt disappointed because of the fact that their favored team didn't got first to achieve the qualifications.

Naturally, The Order Team's fanbase was in the same predicament, their Team managed to be the first to win at the 64th placements, but now were too slow for the first to win the 32nd placements. On the other hand, the ones who did managed to do exactly that did so against a very strong and utmost elite team to boot, increasing the feeling of let down. Poor bastards didn't know what was coming.



*PING*'ve killed an enemy team player 'Kernti Square#13'.

Xiao Ruo was calmly breathing in and out normal amounts of air in and out of her body, she looked calm but also very concentrated as she gazed ahead towards the east. After receiving Natalia's orders, she awaited for the 'signal' to appear which was different to the one planned before. As for the Seven Sins Knight, he was killed by a bored Xiao Ruo by a throwing knife as she felt too shy to deliver the last hit.

. . .


Far behind the eastern-central are of the arena, 3 ranged-type class players were now calmly prone on the floor with the Killing Vow player laying behind the 2 long-rifle-wielding Explosive Marksmen.


At this time, the Killing Vow player finally asked out loud, "Hey, what happened. They are not attacking anymore, it's been almost a minute, what to do? That tsunami of lights and the weird blue things far ahead are still there, the fuck?"

And as if those words alone were all what was needed for the pieces of domino to fall, the Explosive Marksman on the left twisted his waist as he gazed at the other Explosive Marksman and at the Killing Vow player. "Goddammit, hey! Use it already, use it!"

"Hmm?" The Explosive Marksman to the right glanced back at the one on the left, he felt annoyed and even sighed out slightly in frustration before saying, "What's the matter with you, why so anxious?"

"Fuck man, I don't think they'll be attacking, activate it! Before something fucking happens, I don't-... ugh, we can still try to win, alright?" The right sided man didn't wanted to hear more nonsense from the left sided one, but after hearing his words clearly he felt like it made sense, after all, there really was no action at all and it was beyond worrying their current situation.

"Okay, okay. I'll do it, we may lose though, is it alright?" The right Explosive Marksman stood up somewhat anxiously, very worried as well. He then turned around and looked at the Killing Vow player in askance, who then lifted his left eyebrow without letting his right eye off the scope from looking at the shadows of The Order Team members.

"Mn." Seeing this, the right Explosive Marksman took out a kind of torch from his bag and sprinted towards the outer perimeter of the metallic humongous shield, after a little few seconds, a bright orange glow emanated from the front as the Killing Vow and remaining Explosive Marksman had their eyes turned slightly fearful, they even gripped the dust on the arena's floor in preparation.

. . .


Back to Xiao Ruo who was already on position and firmly waiting for the incessant sounds of chirping birds come her way from her rear, she kept looking at the front as well as frowning as she felt that there was already enough power and magical particles on the western-central area of the arena. Being such a clever little girl, she was very curious about why-

But suddenly, Xiao Ruo's eyes that were looking down turned abruptly up, and 3 seconds after she did a big ol' mushroom was lifted p from way ahead of her for at least a thousand meters or so.

KA... POM!!!

Rumble... rumble, rumble... rumble rumble rumble...!!

Xiao Ruo felt the most minute of tremors from the soles of her feet, a thundering tremble began to only get from strong to stronger, she suddenly felt the gigantic tremors reach even herself as she felt her vision quake diagonally left and right.

"Oooh, ah! Scary~!" While Xiao Ruo didn't realize how much love she just received from the crowd to this aspect of hers, she did notice that there was an incoming of 2 different masses that were yet merging with one another ever so subtly from more than 1,000 meters behind her.


Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish! Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting~!

Two different sources, one was the Light Core Elemental small weapons, that plethora of lights on the sky that remained completely still for a few minutes until now; was now moving. The other one was the amassed magical electricity that Yona had created herself, and whose immense area of effect was now comparable towards those of Miriam's countless Light Builder Creator - Dispersing Light but on the ground.

Lastly, there was Yao Yao's intervention from before; a small pool with a lot of thick dark blue Lightning Core Element that now became an enormous screen of Lightning Core Element that would obviously be the door to enhancement for not only the magical electricity that Yona created, but also to merge both of Yona's and Miriam's creations.

And finally, as the 3 well-integrated creations were about to reach Xiao Ruo; Xiao Ruo herself made a sudden jump, not use of her Decimating Leaps but a simple jumping motion that brought her feet 3 to hover above 3 meters from the arena's floor. With a single motion of her fists, her gauntlets let out lots and lots of steam as she slowly prepared herself to lower her body and seemingly attack the ground with her palms.



With her body falling down, Xiao Ruo used both her palms with her gauntlets to face them downwards and when she was about a few inches from touching the ground, a strongest pulse resonated from the center of her palms.

Not only that but, as they made a thunderous clapping sound from in-between her palms and the floor, the already merged and rapidly moving forth tsunami of electrifying Light and Lightning Core Element small weapons arrived and took her in as if she was a surfer and the massive amounts of magic, Element and Core Elemental power was a real, actual tsunami!!

"What is that?!"

"Wh-what is going on?"

"Hohoho-haha, holy fuck! Is this possible? How come nobody knew about it, did they invent it? Shit..."

"Indeed, but can that pass through and penetrate the strange shield of the rest of the Skygazing Team? The one that appeared after the sudden explosions..."

With the crowd feeling their chests a bit tight and their beings getting shocked from the overwhelming scene of the 2,000 meters long tsunami that hovered now at a height of only 50 meters. Xiao Ruo had her pair of Judgement of Pain be furiously encompassed by the magical electrifying energy power, then the dark blue Lightning Core Elemental power and then the Light Core Elemental Power.

With the 3 substances of each, Xiao Ruo felt like she became a beast of ray and thunder as an insufferable amount of numbing sensations filled her entire body, as she even thought to herself, 'How cool! I can't wait to show this to Master, hehehe!'.

While Xiao Ruo had a blast while surfing on the tsunami, the 3 ranged class players were wide mouth opened looking with their eyes about to fall of their eye sockets at any given minute or moment even.

At first, they were even feeling smug, for as there was now an orange-blood electric barrier surrounding the kiosk-like metallic shield above them, believing that they could now patiently wait for The Order Team to exhaust their resources in the hopes of killing them before the timeout of 10 minutes and then shooting them down to death. Pretty simple, eh?

Well, now that they looked at the humongous body of electricity and lights forming small weapons all adjoined together to form such a strong-looking attack, the 3 remaining members of the Skygazing Team were more than speechless, not even being able to think; let alone speak.

And as such, from The Order Team's members, Natalia spoke at this moment while raising her arms up towards the other girls, "Yay! We're about to win~! Girls, since we know the name of this move, should we scream it out loud?"

"With me! Together! La~Ser~... Elec~tr--mmmghph!" Natalia suddenly felt her mouth be covered by her little sister Diana who had an embarrassed visage in return to her big sis's antics, hoping that the crowd was busy looking at the big mess they've made and that their Little Xiao Ruo was about to make a big deal of.

"Heh, thank you, Madam Diana~."

"Mn, mn. Thank you, Big Sis Diana." After Itnia was Yao Yao thanking the savior of their dignity while she had her arms backwards on her small bum and looked directly at the 'back' of Xiao Ruo surfing through the 'waves'.

Sammy wielded a smallish dagger, playing with it by flicking it and passing it all over her left hand as her left elbow was being supported by her right forearm. Yona was calmly in the same position with her arms as Sammy's while thinking to herself on ways to make Sash wear skimpy bikinis.

They boringly chatted with one another with each of them responding along with nods to the other's words.

. . .

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On Xiao Ruo's side, where she could be seen half-kneeling with her left knee and her eyes closed as her eyelashes trembled with electricity.


'Haaaa... it is now!' Xiao Ruo who did her best to think to herself that she definitely wasn't on the spotlight, opened her eyes as they shone a strong dark blue color before being replaced by white before being washed away by her true pitch-black like abyss pair of beautiful eyes, they contained determination, a strong will and pure affection for her big and elder sisters!

She was doing this for them, besides her Master, obviously; she wasn't very fond of fighting in public and much less of being the spotlight. But for the sake of having fun with them in-game and showing off a great side of their Association, Xiao Ruo braved the dangers of her heart and summoned her strongest from her soul to fight off those feelings!

Now, it was time for her to be the last component on this especial move created by Big Sis Yao Yao, namely; the Laser Electro-Light Cannon. Whose final and most important properties were... heavy weight!

"Haaaaa... ... ... ...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

Little Xiao Ruo put but ALL of her strength into her little arms, her mouth opening up terribly, yet still appearing childish, vivid and adorable nonetheless. Both of her fists were brandished to the front and to the back, over and over again, an immense white-dark blue merge of colors began to appear even more strongly on her Judgement of Pain.


"HAAAAAAH!!" By the time that there were only just a bit more than 300 meters from reaching the huge metallic shield, Xiao Ruo suddenly stopped moving altogether and actually fell backwards into the 'tsunami'. As peaceful silence was all that was left for about 15 seconds and as the distance traveled by the tsunami made it reach only 150 meters before the huge shield, it finally happened.


Xiao Ruo's head appeared at some point at the central and foremost area of the 'tsunami', but just as she did, she wasted no time and as her body came out from the 'tsunami', it was revealed to be encompassed by a plethora of platinum-white Light snakes, magical blue snakes and dark blue Lightning Snakes.

She didn't made any especial nor showy move as she 'stood' on top of the 'tsunami', and with a simple fling of both her arms to point at her front, she commanded the tsunami to move however she wished, and it did!


Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish~!!

Xiao Ruo's commands were simple, 'to lower the aim, and to shoot'. However, the tsunami itself could only change its trajectory, not to be ordered to suddenly explode or so, it wasn't her skills at the end of the day. However, that last 'command' was rather to herself, because as soon as she had both her fists pointed at the metallic huge shield, her fingers flicked and her gauntlets let out tons of steam.



Sun-Reaching, Earth-Diving Decimating Leaps! x1

Sun-Reaching, Earth-Diving Decimating Leaps! x2



Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish...TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSING~~~!!!!

Back to below the huge shield acting as a protective kiosk, the 3 male ranged players could only think about the very same thing and even about the same god damn time, 'Oh fuck, no.'

-500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500, -500...



"AAAAAAH! Wotefuc is going on, my ears, aaaah?!?!"

"Shit, shit, shit... holy-fucking... SHIT!!"


The child's mother: ...(,Ծ_Ծ,)

"Motherfucker! I can't even hear myself but... holy cow!!"

"Is this... The Order?!"

Many could speak, but nobody could hear themselves. Because as the Laser Electro-Light Cannon was sent forth, every-single-player on the crowds turned to look at where the more-than-deafening and immensely catchpenny-like distracting blue light came from. Not many managed to see the complete form of the Laser Electro-Light Cannon, but many did saw it sideways but merely ignored it before.

Ah, ignorance is not bliss at all! Now they wished that they did put more attention into this arena which they cannot even recognize who were fighting anymore. Only after the entire thing went down did the anxiously and frustratingly asking players that weren't on the known of whose arena it was did they finally had the chance to communicate with other players. As the effect from the attack whose name nobody knows and only a few will remember from Natalia's shouting, partly, from before was even capable enough of not allowing them to add each other as friends for the moment and then simply communicate with one another through messaging.

As for the front row seats 'lucky' fellows? They couldn't be instantly killed despite the overkilling sight of the 'tsunami', so they had to bear the brunt of being slowly disintegrated. Naturally, they loyally followed the teaching from their young master and were forced out of the game, not a single one of them was to have a sane mind after the event. After all, though they also had the minimum for pain tolerance, they still felt the sensation of being disintegrated, would that ever be even the tiniest of goods? Even the most masochistic freaks would tremble in fear!

And finally, someone asked while they felt funny, hoping and believing they were seeing wrong. For as there was already a notification of the Skygazing Team losing and The Order Team winning, but there was also a curious point after this...

"Eeeh? Wh-whe-where the heck is The Order Team?! Hey, guys, do any of you see it anywhere? I can't see it, it even disappeared from the 32nd placements and there is no sight of them on the 16th placements. Anyone?"




Peaceful Rain Villa, Living Room and with a lot of snacks on many different delicate hands; some small, some not so small, ah.


"Little Ruo! You did so well, that was amazing, my ears are still tumbling around but don't worry, I am still very happy of your moves! Hehe." Natalia gently spoke while walking towards Xiao Ruo, she also raised both her arms to indicate wanting to hug Xiao Ruo to which Little Ruo acquiesced with a cute smile.

Cyn then came right after and hugged Xiao Ruo's back while smiling directly at Natalia, both their faces dangerously and strangely close to one another, ah.

"Thank you~, but I was also b-b-bored, hehe." Xiao Ruo said, feeling shameless and too shy to elaborate any further, as such, she changed topics like nothing and very conveniently at that. "So, did Big Sister Natalia recorded it well? Do I look valiant, strong, fearless?!"

Looking at those wonderful pitch-black eyes, those iris never leaving her eyes and those pupils dilating over the sight of her own face, Natalia melted instantly as she nodded continuously and caressed the left-back of Xiao Ruo's head. "Mhm, mn. It's all prepared for Beishang to see, don't worry, he will like Xiao Ruo even more. But you know, Xiao Ruo doesn't need to do anything for Beishang to like her! Right now, once he sees Xiao Ruo's battles and final move, he will like more Xiao Ruo not because of her intended or elaborated 'change', but because it is Xiao Ruo."

As for the Xiao Ruo in question, she was so embarrassed but also thankful to Natalia that she could only pout out her lower lip extensively before burying her head onto Natalia's bulging abdomen.


Natalia smirked delightfully at the 'discovery' from the shy little girl, she parted her lower abdomen slightly from Xiao Ruo's hug and then caressed it lovingly; softly. Natalia then mosquito-like spoke to Xiao Ruo as she tried to follow Natalia's hands in case there was movement, "This is a little Beishang, you know? I confirmed it 3 days ago, it's gonna be his second son, aren't you wanting to meet him already? Hehe."

Xiao Ruo's pitch-black dark like abyss eyes were so enlarged to her words as she opened her mouth slightly in caring contemplation, forgetting to nod or say 'yes' to Natalia's motherly question, but no one minded that as they all knew, in the Living Room, that Xiao Ruo was lost in affection.

But suddenly, Natalia spoke again, and this time, a little certain someone's face flushed a deep red at once. "Oh, and see that incredible woman over there? Mhm, she also has another little Yona or little Beishang, woah, now that I think about it. Isn't our Beishang a bit too reckless? Mou..."




V4: #2 10/10

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