Bow and Arrow

Chapter 346: Chapter 344 — Glorious Ellie

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Glorious Ellie




In the murky-purple slightly strangely-sparkling car, as Ellie was driving fast and inhumanely with great skills across the road while remaining all calm, and Yun Beishang was even calmer while looking between the traffic and the bouncing proud mountains of heaven.


"Hm, Diana? Hello~, oh, all is good. Hey, darling, pass me to Natalia, I found someone that I lost, you should know wh-... yup, her." With a phone on his right ear being supported by his right knee, Yun Beishang spoke at the phone with an unrestrained smile when he suddenly froze in surprise for a moment before embarrassingly smiling again in the same way as before.

"Mn, mn. I know, Yona is going to be very lucky to have a nanny such as you, I know~. Heh~, okay, mn... mn, mhm. Me too, gosh, so embarrassing."

"Pwahahahaha, is that Tarn Diana? How can you both be so sweet to one another when you are both blockheads? Hehehehehe." Suddenly coming from his left, Ellie spoke in a loud, womanly voice all while going past about 7 cars in that frame of time passed. Yun Beishang pouted in dissatisfaction, how can he be teased by two women that hadn't formally met so badly and efficiently without getting angered at each other? The word, the entire universe! A conspiracy against himself!

After nodding and nodding while humming and humming 'yesses' to his tomboyish-sometimes Diana, Yun Beishang then waited for a little as he sent his left hand naughtily to the right mountainous pride of heaven once again for the umpteenth time in this ride.

"Mngh, aaaahh~... I'm too sensitive, Bei Bei????????????. Please just wait, okay? We may get into an accident, this is so dangerous!" Yun Beishang blinked exasperatedly a little before shaking his head to her utter nonsense of her 'unconfident' driving skills and very own powerful self as he kept kneading a tiny part of her prod right mountain yet still managed to make her squirm and bend her neck to any sides over and over and over a-goddman-gain.

"Hello, Beishang~?" At this time, a gentle voice came out from the phone which made both Ellie and Yun Beishang turn serenely peaceful in their minds and heart, Yun Beishang spoke towards the phone while Ellie had an unprecedented knowing grin on her face. "Oh, Naty, I found-well, more like she allowed herself to be found..."

"Hehe, ah, this little Ellie greets the Queen Natalia and offers her subservience as well as hopes that the Queen lets this little Ellie enter the big man's harem." Ellie suddenly barged in their conversation with a cutesy voice, and while the phone was completely in silence, Yun Beishang heard Naty began her best not to giggle out loud in response.

"Ah, ahah, mhm. Right! Ellie, wow! You know, this is a weird first meeting, but it's at least a meeting. Hmm, you may not understand how much this meeting means for both Beishang and us, the 'big man's harem', Ellie." Natalia gently spoke through the phone, Yun Beishang could already see her using her left index finger to help her up while she gave her caring speech by waving it around. And to answer Natalia, Ellie surprised her by saying in a clever but also playful tone, "Oh-ah, I think I do. On your part, girls, I believe you care for him as much as I do, otherwise, such a wise person like yourself, 'Queen Natalia', wouldn't allowed anyone that wasn't like so anywhere near him. I trust you, a lot! As for his part, well, he's already bringing me-ah, no, he's already chosen a random hotel to go to, you know?"

"..." Natalia didn't spoke after hearing the last sentence from Ellie, she then responded somewhat cautiously a few seconds after, but nor Ellie nor Yun Beishang were afraid of things going awry; like, at all. "...I've gotten to hear a few squirming noises, coming from a woman... before. Was that you, Ellie?"

With a bit of a flushed face, Ellie nodded, and after jolting her head in a diagonal manner to her lower left, she abruptly spoke out in a broken-by-embarrassment voice. "Ah, ah! Of course, that was me, he was just now giving me a few massages on my little body. He is very good with hands, you've trained him well, Queen 'Naty'."

"...'You've trained him well'... oh, no no no. He did all that by himself, ah, when I was first introduced to the news of Yun Beishang on that hospital, I didn't knew that I had to keep good tabs on him. And because of my stupid self, the-...they managed to hurt him badly, and for long. I couldn't find him anywhere, oh... you have no idea how awful it was to not be able to find him after having found and then instantly lose him again after so long! I also couldn't find you anywhere, Ellie, where did you go? Mou~~!"

Yun Beishang's left eyebrow suddenly jumped, and remained on that position for a good amount of time; considering that Natalia never brought up the matter of 'coincidentally' finding him on a random hospital, he never pushed her for it as it wasn't important at all; the most simplest of cases. But now that she openly blurted it out, and so randomly like this out of nowhere, it was also now obvious that Natalia knew nothing of Ellie being the owner of the Clear Mist Restaurant nor that she was 'gone far away' for a good amount of time since 'then'.

But, Yun Beishang said nothing and merely limited himself to hear the girls speak, only someone with a scrip and cameras attached to many angles of the car would begin drama or childishly begin shooting questions like Yun Beishang shoot his 'essence' when gentle Naty also turned naughty.

"Oh, t-th-did... that actually happened? And there wasn't anyone to stop it, no one?" Ellie suddenly clenched her left fist on the wheel, Yun Beishang saw that part of the wheel dissipate as if it was never there but ignored it nonetheless, there was a question but not a need.

"..." Natalia could also obviously tell that there was something wrong, but as gentle and soft-hearted as she is, she could never be cowardly nor a scaredy cat no more; especially after the hospital's incident before the extremely large and wide streets were bloodied by Yun Beishang; her man. So Naty spoke again with some sadness on her tone, "Mn, there was nothing I could do, I only knew of when he came out thanks to Yun Yun and then went out of my place to deliver the drug to his new home... then I found Little Diana, hehe, she has grown up so much. And she tastes-ahem!"

Ellie smiled delightfully, and bashfully, at those words. Everything suddenly turned lively and non-heavy all at once, Ellie and Naty chatted for a bit more and, as they caught up with one another, Yun Beishang took a long time to carefully take in all of Ellie's image into his mind. As the previous him wasn't aware of how precious she is, and how selfish he can be with such people willing to 'do' so much for him.

A pair of eyes with black iris and brown pupils, her lips that were charmingly and delicately large as well as plump and of a rosy-crimson color. A pure white skin, that could only make her more divine with the temperamental of confidence and boundlessness of hers that was previously that of just 'mystery' to Yun Beishang. An elegant yet modest nose and a pair of brows with the shape of a pair of smooth, straight swords.

Her breasts, how to even try and forget them? They were plainly the proud mountains of Heaven, and had no equal, but were completely out of the limitations from a normal person having such weight and volume on their bodies as Ellie was unfazed by such. As for her butt, Yun Beishang clearly saw it before entering the car and, oh boy, hadn't changed one bit its bounciness, juiciness and it is very yummy like it has always been.

Finally, she had beautiful long smooth black hair with brown colored tips, it was even larger than before, reaching probably down to her heels if she wasn't picking it up with her current hairstyle.

At the same time, however, Yun Beishang remembered very well the time when he accidentally touched her breasts while merely trying to get back at her for blocking his way into his own apartment. How petty! But as he reflected upon himself, and with what-else-not, Yun Beishang also became rather self-absorbed in the aftertaste of such an experience.

Wanting nothing more but to do it again, Yun Beishang sent both his 'guns' -hands- towards her easily moldable strong, perky but ultra-elastic and easy-to-deform mountainous breasts.

"AAH! Oh? ...Aah????." Ellie suddenly screamed in a high pitch towards the phone on her left hand, such a notion immediately aroused concern for Ellie from Natalia, as she asked her in deep worries. "Oh, Ellie, are you alright? Did Beishang attack you just now? Mou~, BEISHANG~~, she is driving! Right now! Be more careful and wait until you arrive at the hotel room before you properly have a talk, why so desperate? She isn't running aw-wait, you aren't running away, right Ellie?"

Ellie: "..."

'As if! I'm the one suffering here, alright?! I'm being violated by your-no, OUR man! Oh please, Natalia!' Thought Ellie, who then used all of her willpower to not moan out her pleasures that Yun Beishang was bringing to her nonstop, his hands already even in front of the wheel and slightly bumping his elbows with it. "No-n-no... I'm not, I'm all Yun Beishang's, and I have no family, hmph! I will become Bei Bei's woman and then bear his children, but before that, I will steal the queen's spot for myself!"

"Hmph!" Gently snorted a playful Natalia, who no longer worried about these two other fools, fooling around. Then she spoke again, gently but lewdly too, "Alright Beishang, you have all the green lights. Posses her, spank her 'little' bum until she knows her place, hum hum~. Obviously, the queen's position is reserved for Yun Yun! How could Ellie grow so ambitious? As the king, you should keep in line your generals, young man!"

"..." As Yun Beishang slapped his face and then let his hands be there for a good while, first from embarrassment and then because of the sensation and aroma left on them from molesting Ellie, he finally regained his composure but... it was already too late.

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"Bwahahahaha, look at his face, so clueless. Good work Queen Natalia, he will be busy the next few days going and jumping from bed to bed, good luck~."

"Mou, why do you have to be so silly sometimes? Even Beishang is so unbridled with... 'those' matters, you know~?"

"Hehe, I know~. Ah! Let me tell you, back then when I finally spoke to him..."

Too late as, when Yun Beishang 'woke up' from his embarrassment; not only where the girls giggling so mirthfully from his reaction, with Natalia having to figure it out by herself from the other side of the call. But they even began to instakill him a few times in a row, nonstop, with their words once they were able to breathe after so much giggling and brazen laughter.

With silence only as his partner, a scheming Yun Beishang finally let go of the proud mountains of Heaven as Ellie, the owner of such heavenly mountains, was unaware of the unavoidable and indefensible self-brought calamity that she has just activated upon herself. A scheming Yun Beishang; and two beauties that could cause galaxies-no, universes to collapse and be destroyed with the two of them just being... themselves. As time passed in the car, Ellie finally arrived at the parking lot of the hotel Yun Beishang selected.

And after the cops chasing them saw her Crestfallen Industry card that she threw at them in the same level and proficiency that Yun Beishang throws phones away, randomly and to random places, they were left alone as there were also no mishaps from the unbelievable, inhumane driving of Ellie. Also, Yun Beishang looked scary; very scary when one of the younger police officers tried to take the jacket off her shoulder, back and bosom for the 'purpose' of revising drugs or illegal possession of items.

Damn, even that young man felt his hand already not existing when he was 2 meters away from Ellie and barely raising that one hand he was a master with and wanted to take advantage with as he finished speaking his 'part'. In any case, shortly after, Ellie and Yun Beishang quickly entered an available room on the higher floors of the hotel after throwing a bag with about 10,000 credits to the receptionist.

Besides strong, hurried steps; all that could be hear on the hotel's corridors were the gasping of a tender young woman, as if something was really hard-pressing her body like an internal illness or as if she was too tired from exercising. Once there was a sound of a door being strongly slammed close door, strangely, all sound disappeared from the hotel as it went back to normal.



After two different almost-blindingly glowing white flashes disappeared after going into the same direction and point or rather, coordinates inside the room. In Yun Beishang's White Space, where four speechless wifeys were looking at the apologetic-faced Yun Beishang drag around an incredible 'resourceful' woman while being in the known.


"Talk to later... first have to... talk about life!" Said Yun Beishang as he unclothed himself in 1.3 seconds despite having taken the jacket from Ellie's body back upon returning to his White Space, what a record!

"Ah, nice to meet you all. I'm assuming you are all official wives of my man, Bei Bei? We'll catch up later, nice seeing you, wholly incredible beautieees~~...!!" By the time Ellie was speaking her not-at-all-planned to be last- word of 'beauties', she was already dragged very far away by Yun Beishang as he carried her and used incredible, inhumane speed to advance in the distance. Good shit that nor Rosey or Rasa were nearby, playing with the dogs while Yun Beishang went to a completely unused direction, which should be safe for any kid's eyes and ears.

In any case, with just a thought of his mind, his thought wasn't even actually completed before a bed appeared on his White Space's floor. As he was now completely naked and so was Ellie, Ellie actually bowed around 4 times once she saw that her time with him was ready to be started. As she was fully naked, and with Yun Beishang already having experience, besides noticing that she was a complete shy type at her first time, thing which he could easily deduce by just having her scent on him and whose thing didn't even needed to be asked in the first place; for as Ellie's devotion for him was more than clear and her indifference to life was more than understandable for him. Yun Beishang also noticed that he was completely like a virgin seeing even a breast or maidenhood from a woman for the first time, with not even internet helping upon that matter.

Unable to restrain himself at all, Yun Beishang immediately grabber the sides of Ellie's body and threw himself and her to the bed all at the same time with a strong but dashing jump and turn around of their bodies. After that, with his eyes growing red and his Dragon growing very, very veiny as it was harder than ever possibly and whose thickness seemed to have augmented once more, close to the thickness he could very well 'know' that belongs to the perfectly healed him; Yun Beishang then captured Ellie's lips after such a long time, both of them closing their eyes slowly but so pleasurably at the same time.

Then, Ellie was the one to want more and to demand for the immediate progress of the situation as she pushed his arms up and straightforwardly told him, "Do me, do it! Play with them, it's... they're all yours; hurt me, play with them... Beishang????~! Gasp! Ah...haah?!! Eungh, ooh-mnh..."

With a deepest frown, and hence, most enchantingly irresistible image being show to the very oh so hungry Yun Beishang as he changed and made so many new and non-thought shapes with Ellie's mountainous breasts. Yun Beishang gulped harshly down almost nothing of saliva with his throat contracting forcefully a few times in response to that matter and once Yun Beishang was no longer able to be satisfied with only changing their shape, deforming them and playing with them as he wished. Soft and roughly, he then dived deep for a taking of a more than erected eraser into his mouth, then both.

And once Yun Beishang smelled an intricately enticing aroma coming from all over her body, but now more concentrated and profoundly as well as more intensely from below exactly from her maidenhood. Without even needing to let go of her playable mountains, as Yun Beishang definitely could NOT bring himself to do, he used his expertly moving waist to position himself.

"Oooooooaaaagh... mfffgh...! Hahh, auww! Mgh... ooh? Slap! Anh, yes... Bei Bei, pound... me...!!" With a forceful, strong thrust in, Yun Beishang felt as if he went from being trapped by quicksand to a completely filled swamp with countless perfect meat lumps that only wanted to please and worship him.

Just a few thrusts in from the initial bleeding of her maidenhood, Ellie suddenly began convulsing down there, making even Yun Beishang hopeless as he felt that he was just drained 3 times-worth of release into her core. And that, of course, wouldn't stop any of them.


For so many hours, from the early morning of 9 am to the afternoon of 8 pm, woman and man gave each other the attention and all care that they have been longing for and for one another's at that. Even then though, both parties didn't though it to be enough and even swore that 'this much' of lovemaking wasn't even half of a half half's from what they've lost since their separation.

The only downside to their lovemaking was, well, four amazing beauties were left unattended the entire day and could only hope to catch the bad husband next day for a round of punishment.

As for why they even stopped procreating? Natalia's reminder was very clear, 'baby, come back before 9 pm, okay? Me and all of your girls need our dose of you to at least have dinner together and then, your kisses for goodnights and embracing to each of us is always so perfect. Please don't miss it, in fact, never miss it! We already suffer enough from when you go travel, mou...'.

Even then, they could also use his White Space as a means to avoid missing him so much, eh. Of course, not that it was very intelligent, given that Yun Beishang was still not capable of working his already own White Space to actually teleport them back to their home. For as crazy as it sounded, for as crazy as it sounded...



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