Bow and Arrow

Chapter 349: Chapter 347 — Association VS Association Segment Continues

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Association VS Association Segment Continues




Back to the watching of the extremely large TV, Yun Beishang and Natalia, now more calm and relaxed than ever, turned to look at the already commenced battle of The Order Association 51-man group and another random Association that was about to get destroyed by them.


The arena was a 50,000m x 50,000m big ass arena, one where each Association would have their own side and that side of theirs would be of about 19,500m in width; while also taking out an entire hunch of the arena from one angle to the other. The remaining 11,000 meters left alone without any Association member being able to work on them, was meant to be the most crucial difference between the preliminaries and the 64th placements and so on.

If it wasn't more obvious, compared to the also 50,000m x 50,000m big arenas for the preliminaries where Associations couldn't do anything else until the timeout before the start of the battle ended they couldn't anything, and could only hope to run to a certain range and then blast into shit their enemies after running a marathon.

Compared to that, the placements battles are a little bit more changed; different. Associations could now whatever they wanted inside their 'side', even capable of launching attacks to the invisible barrier as much as they liked, not that it would make any changes nor ripples even to it. In the same manner, the Associations can now build and craft many things, anything they can in the scope of 10 minutes time before their time is out. Also, there was no time limit for the match, as long as it didn't reached the 40 minutes mark, it would be fine.

All the same, in that manner, The Order had about 30 maids, Maidens; focused on creating a seemingly large and thick wall of 2 meters thick and 4 meters tall. Below them were a few medieval-but-also-kinda-modern wheels along with a mechanism that went along the entire length of the wall, which was about that of 40 meters long and facing the opposite side from where the enemy Association was at.

As The Order had built that, the enemy Association had a dozen siege weapons already prepared and loaded up with many huge javelins and some with enormous rocks that were as big as 3 adult men. Of course, they could only be slow and quite difficult to use when it isn't a siege kind of battle and it was instead a 1v1 between Associations, whose members would be on the run and whose speed, at this level, was completely different than even those of the First Class Advancement.

But also, by the time that the 8 battles started on the entire coliseums, The Order not only had their wall constructed perfectly and completely, but they also had a kind of spiky design in the 'inside' side of the wall and a ton of extremely long pikes that came out from all of the wall's perimeter to point at the front.

When the battles began, and all Association members of the 8 arenas started to run to their fastest speed towards the enemy, The Order instead slowly walked forth to the center of their arena. As they did, the Maidens and Ladies of The Order were hidden behind then wall from the enemy Association. On the other side, the enemy Association was getting confused but they still didn't stopped their run-marching.

After just a few seconds, the leader from the enemy Association also appeared from the middle of the 51-man group of his Association and then arrive at its front, leading the group towards the enemy who was seemingly cowardly moving. With some words like 'petty tricks' and some more such as 'bunch of kitties and delicate fair bodies and fragile minds', he upped his people morale and immediately after made the buffers of their group to work as their overall speed increased by a 20%.

One thing to notice about this Association 51-man group was, the had a total of 10 healer class players, from which, some of them were the buffers. Grand Shamans that had stronger healing abilities rather than for buffing or debuffing and even Ancient Alchemist Ancestors that had a hybrid build of buffs and healing, 50/50 in terms of quality. While also having some heavily full WIS focused Dimensional Architects to do the very most important job more than well; healing and reviving.

Other than that, they had a lot of melee with only a much smaller part of them being 5 players with the magical class. There were about 13 of them that even had a long pike in their hands as they charged up and pointed them at their front with a ferocious but also powerful expression.

On the other side, all what the enemy Association could see and scout from The Order was just a wall still, and one that was going slow as well as not changing a single bit of their direction nor angle. The leader of the enemy Association though for a bit and sent 3 pike-wielding players to rush farther up ahead and see what's up, but though he didn't know that that would take so much more time, wasting it and also exhausting his 3 players' stamina and mentality, Itnia and Yao Yao did knew of it.

A few minutes passed, and because The Order was so slow in moving forwards but was still moving nonetheless and the distance between each other was really long, so the system didn't took that as giving up by default and so on. In the same manner, however, the enemy Association leader found his people becoming really tired, bored and... well, of lower morale than before.

Having been affected so passively and without even having made a single exchange of blows with the enemy, the leader of the enemy Association could only make his people rest about 2 times before; and as of now, just as the 3 pike-wielding players were finally getting closer to the wall of The Order, already able to see some of the other side of the wall's spiky design as in 'decoration'. It was then that Yao Yao, 30 meters behind the wall, made everyone else stop on the spot and then retreat before then raising both her arms to her shoulder-level and pointing the palms of her hands to the wall, at the same time, in the direction of where the enemy Association was starting to rest for the third time.

Whooosh~, swishswishswish~!

At that time, Yao Yao's body began to emanate a strong and vigorous light green energy around her that began to form at her feet, penetrating her soles and then coming out to slowly but surely surround her, leaving her legs encircled by that light green vigorous and strong energy as it moved upwards to her torso and then arms.

Once the light green energy reached her arms and then followed up by condensing at her palms, the ground below her slowly changed as the entire arena's floor 90 meters around her became all greenery and started to have weed born at once in that same area. After just a couple of seconds more, just as the 3 pike-wielding players were about to get to witness this scene, an instantaneous flashing shadow morphed out of whatever and wherever the fuck it was hiding and it then swiftly delivered a series of more than 40 attacks to each player, killing them by distracting them from seeing that scenario of Yao Yao using the Earth Core Element in less than even 10 seconds.

Back to Yao Yao, the ground below the wall suddenly disappeared except from both extremes of the wall as if it was eaten down by the arena's floor itself, but right a moment later, there was a huge earthen arm and hand that came from below that very same hole on the arena's floor which then grabbed at the wall from below while ignoring the extremely long pikes that peeked from below the wall as they passed through it all the same as the earthen arm and hand that were as long as possibly an entire 100 meters launched the wall into the air with some effect given into the large object that was now spiraling in midair.


As it spun and spun, the wall started to come down, it went from high up in the sky at 300 meters above the arena's floor to barely 40 meters above it in just a few seconds. At that moment, however, a little figure could be seen moving from the arena's floor, sprinting just a little bit from where the wall was at before being sent into the air and then jumping with an extremely unique set of movements into the air, almost instantaneously arriving before the quickly falling down wall full of pikes and with spiky design on one side of it.

Xiao Ruo had timed perfectly the situation, and by the time she was about to use her second usage of her Sun-Reaching, Earth-Diving Decimating Leaps, she found herself before a ton of spiky metals and minerals pointing all at her. She had her eyes wide open and became even somewhat insecure of her objective, she wouldn't be hurt by these ones since they were done by the same members of The Order as hers, but she would definitely not be able to hit it.

This time of hesitation was only of less than even half a second, and just as her timing was to be sent to the waste, Yao Yao's feeble and barely audible voice was heard due to the use of Yao Yao's little Mental Power that she had by Xiao Ruo, at that instant, no one but Xiao Ruo could hear Yao Yao's words so not even Yun Beishang could hear it while watching it on TV. But in truth, from all people inside the Living Room, only Yun Beishang was actually able to, even when it was a simple replay. This change brought a shock to his eyes and also a sudden moment of semi-enlightenment.

But in any case, that was not what mattered, for as when Xiao Ruo heard Yao Yao's voice, the little of courage that this shy girl could give to herself in any time became a big amount of courage because of the words of Yao Yao-

"Xiao Ruo, I'll manipulate these constructions for you to hit, don't be afraid and let it all out! Think... think as if our Master is being stolen by a maid from another!"

And while Yun Beishang was blinking with a foolish grin to his face, awkward and giving then his Little Yao side glances over and over again, Xiao Ruo's face became pretty determined as she brandished her huge right and left gauntlets by bending her arms upwards and then placing them to her front with her palms directed at the wall in the same manner that Yao Yao did before!

At the same time that Xiao Ruo felt the spiky construction before her suddenly become more like a familiar and have a friendly sensation towards it, just as it did towards her, her little palms were gently encompassed by a light green energy so vigorous that if she was to see it, the Little Ruo everyone beloved dearly would have her eyes grow big with admiration and worship; cutely.

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That when; Xiao Ruo finally used her last usage of her Decimating Leaps and then collided against the wall and the wall's spiky constructions side. Xiao Ruo's body instantly disappeared from its previous position, before appearing right where the wall was at before after a blurry image materialized into being once again. Because, at that time, the wall was nowhere to be seen!


Because, right as Xiao Ruo collided with the wall, the wall was then instantly palmed by Xiao Ruo's little palms and huge gauntlets to an incredible level of speed! Not only was such a reaction from the wall and Xiao Ruo's palm so strong because of her use of her Decimating Leaps, but majorly thanks to Yao Yao's enhancement of the affinity with Xiao Ruo's palms and the entire spiky construction as well as the wall, even granting her some sort of temporary Earth Core Elemental manipulation for that one moment.

At the moment that the wall was sent flying away, Sammy had already disappeared from where she got rid of the 3 exhausted pike-wielding players, and Natalia and the rest of maids were now madly running towards the stupefied enemy Association who were eating all kinds of bread, drinking all kinds of drinks and beverages and even eating some roasted meat that are generally sold at settlements around Main Kingdom.

Just as The Order was now madly running towards the enemy Association, the players who were resting from their expenditure of resources and mental fatigue from running almost more than 30 kilometers in just a few minutes; they were with their 'virtual' food in their mouth with their hands still holding onto a piece of bread, a chicken drumstick or a bottle of water, wine or even an actual potion... all of them were like that, as they watched the quickly incoming massive little object turn into the massive object that it is.

After the initial shock, the leader was the first to stand up, he pointed his right index finger to the incoming wall that was might as well only about 10 seconds away before reaching them. What the leader of the enemy Association wanted was pretty simple, it was what anyone with the least of means would opt to do. So when he stood up, he was already screaming aloud to his people to wake up while beginning to order the players that seemed to be in charge of using the siege weapons all at once.

However, at that exact moment, something incredible happened!

Whoosh...Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!...

The sounds of flesh being constantly and rapidly torn apart and then those of bones being grazed against by a something, something that was quite sharp and powerful followed up the sound of a gust of wind slowly 'passing' by right behind the leader who was then quartered in meat-pieces by the all capable and skillful Sammy who just then appeared to instill fear and panic in the hearts and mind of all enemy Association players!

And then, just as how Sammy appeared, she disappeared; leaving a bunch of people left with no capability to react for a long while. Most of them didn't even notice their leader's death as he vanished noiselessly and only thought his dead to be one of the 3 pike-wielding man sent forth from before, as for why they didn't count how many notifications from the system they received? Too shocked from the image of a little wall from afar turning into a huge wall was enough to get them distracted for quite a while.

Now that Sammy disappeared in the TV, Yun Beishang saw her shyly sneak glances at him, as if intending to see what he thought of her incredible efforts of running quite a few kilometers in less than half a minute like it was nothing. While Yun Beishang gave her two winks in appreciation and as Sammy became content with herself, the images on the extremely large TV changed to that of a wall about to crush 40+ players into bits!

But that was not so easily going to be seen, as not everyone in the enemy Association could be so clueless when considering their efforts into getting into the 64th placements! The vice-team leader of the 51-man group quickly tried to turn tables and if possibly, even the entire arena's floor, but he ended up only being able to send one round of huge rocks and a few of large javelins from the siege weapons before the immense wall began to disperse in 5 different parts with one of them being the largest and the most important of them all.

Just as the players sparsed themselves as quickly and as variably as they could, one of the parts from the separated parts of the wall remained immobile and came at a stop 10 meters above the players as the rest of the parts of the wall all fell on every single enemy Association player.


There was a lot of sound going on, all kinds of fleshy, bloody and bone-cracking and even bone-mushing sounds; that is. Meanwhile, the largest part of the wall that was kept immobile on the spot in midair was still there but was now also beginning to emanate a very strong light green light as energy of the very same color began to come out from the back of the wall as it slowly turned around and it encircled the wall with a few strands of such energy around it.

Once the wall was turned around completely upside down, there was the sight of the most intense and concentrated spiky 'design' that was previously abundant on the entirety of the 40 meters long wall, where it looked like a nest of sharp pikes all adjoined together in an artistic-kind of way which made it look scary but also dangerously beautiful at the same time.

And now with the light green energy coming out of it, it gave the wall's spiky design a magical feeling as well as an incoming sense of danger for all the players below that part of the wall as they all began to get out of the scrambles from the previous bombardment of... structures and spikes!

It was obvious that they wouldn't be killed by this one attack at once, and suffer at most about 2,000 Physical Power damage from all the incoming attacks and possible additional hits from the collision. But one thing was for sure, and that was that they were all afflicted with the Bleeding effect and some of them even with the Internal Bleeding effect too.

Besides that, those who looked up to the hovering part of the wall 10 meters above their heads were more than right to be afraid of it, be it instinctively or reasonably; for whatever reason may the latter option be.


Because instantly right after, what happened right then was that the light green energy had already colored a lime green to all the spiky constructions in the most concentrated and congested area, but instead of those things coming out or being shoot at the players below; they all instead melted...

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!

...and, after they all melted, what happened to them as they fell to the floor? The liquid that came to be from the melted spiky construction quickly 'evolved' into several different beings, each of them carrying an unique outfit and a very unique weapon or set of weaponry.

Up to the front, Xiao Ruo who was the last to materialize from all the members of The Order was slightly more stunned than even the enemy players before her. However, she quickly looked back and saw her Big Sis Natalia smirking at her naughtily, not appearing gentle anymore and Xiao Ruo understood such a meaning.

Right after, there was only one outcome to follow for all viewers of this battle for both those that watched it at the time and those like Yun Beishang who were now watching it at last: carnage!



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