Bow and Arrow

Chapter 361: Chapter 359 — The Order’s Sneak Attack?

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The Order's Sneak Attack?




As Yao Yao, Yona and Miriam were creating several dozens of spearheads, boulder or rock-like masses of energy from Elements to Core Elements and to even pure magic such as that of the starlight, sunlight and even the hidden moonlight by none other than the great intelligent mind of Yona; the Lunatic Archmage down below was having a bit of uneasiness as he saw The Order move towards him nonstop.

No matter what troops he sent, what skills he or his players used; The Order would move, jump, duck and even fly through the air by a combination of ally-skills with bombarding effects and huge shockwaves that would obviously not harm them at all. In the same manner, he wasn't that stupid, so the Lunatic Archmage sent a few detecting-skill players to round up the path that the members of The Order were taking.

Yet, nothing. Was. Damned. Found. With such results showing up in the Lunatic Archmage's retinas as a single or a couple of his members died every minute or so, while The Order was perfectly untouchable, the Lunatic Archmage could only grow increasingly anxious and even weirded out.

The reason being, he could not tell which from which were all of The Order players right now, though only at the Association vs Association could one change a very few and limited amount of participants since it is the registering of one's Association and not just names as it was with the Team vs Team segment; the Lunatic Archmage couldn't even actually tell how many of them were out there, let alone to differentiate them.

This was naturally all thanks to Sammy's incredible self as she effortlessly sent so many different types of warning and diversions for about 10 minutes straight that the Gold and Silver Guild couldn't even tell they were diversions, distractions, sabotage and what the fuck not. On the other hand, The Order was at ease when following Sammy's buttocks, which were prominent and juicy to look at. Mmn, Natalia felt like she should pull their man's ears and force him down on Sammy to atone for his sins. As for 'Sashy' who was also looking at the back of Sammy, she also deserved some cake-eating moment from the skillful Yun Beishang, hm!

In any case, Natalia was seemingly being encircled by all of The Order, excluding 3 angelic and unique beauties atop in the sky. But it also seemed as if every time the Lunatic Archmage sent over a few of his derogatorily skills with immense range and a colossal AOE, it would somehow turn up into the sky slightly, giving The Order more than more enough time than possible to avert the situation.

Be it with the use of Itnia's buff on granting everyone a very short Damage Reduction and Magical Damage Absorption or Cyn's immensely helpful situational buffs such as moving faster as a group, under danger and among enemy ranks as well as having a stronger effect on triggering the Dodge effect from AOE skills... all of it, she became the greatest sight of The Order whenever a bombarding of those huge AOE incoming skillsets went their way.

And Cyn, along with 10 Dancing Phoenixes, were the utter beauty that only the crowd and viewership, and barely at that, could witness besides those of The Order, obviously. The Dancing Phoenixes would at all times employ a buff in Movement Speed and Action Speed, while the rest of The Order took it lightly and didn't even equipped their weapons. It was such even for Little Xiao Ruo who pouted endlessly in never-ending grim and everlasting pain as she was the fastest in moving around besides the agile-type of The Order Maidens; all grumpy.

On the other hand, the Lunatic Archmage was still on top of a wooden hill-like construction that really just looked more like an oval ball placed on the ground and with a slightly fatty man wearing a simple yet somehow exuberant as well; he was on top and at the edge of the wooden hill-like construction while a younger, handsomer and muscled version of him was behind himself when the slightly fatty older person spoke at this time. "Son, are you thinking the same as me?"

"Eh... I think so, Father." The son behind the father replied, his face was pretty casual and even naturally low-key, he gazed at his father and at the battlefield—arena— before them, his gaze landed on it as the images of shadowed figures appeared, giving him a clear visualization of The Order's moving shadows while his Gold and Silver people were moving about like homeless ants.

"Mm, Son tell me, does any one of these look good for you?" To his father's 'question', the son looked at him with his lips half-hidden into his mouth and with his head slightly lowered while giving the back of his father an upturned look. After darting his eyes to the side, the son responded in a slow and low tone, "Father, the deal with the Yuns, eh... was it even necessary? Now we got real hard into a war just because of this Global Tournament; and what are you even asking me anymore? This would cause nausea and even queasiness to Mother... if she were still alive..."

The Lunatic Archmage, Gold Shoulder, heard his son's words, Silver Shoulder, and became totally speechless. His gaze wasn't as perfunctory as he gazed below at the arena, and instead became rather complicated, lost as they glanced upwards slightly. His little want of desiring a sudden bout of fame and recognition from within the game, gaining a few tiny advantages over the Xie Clan and amassing great connections with the top Founding Clan, how could he just refuse then? As for the surrender and conditions of that young man of the Yun Clan, he could dance around them like it was child's play, but the young man also left many actual obligatory actions; leaving him a bad taste in his mouth to which his son was even more adamant towards it.

"Ah, Little Peng, this is to-...!" Just as when the father wanted to reason his words to his son, and to himself, he found himself shocked to see a flock of flying lights from several different colors; 7 of them were the strongest, brightest and even almost-blinding with even one of them being brutally about to blind anyone who saw it.

The 7 of those, looking like suns; had several dozens of 'stars' around them, which created a small galaxy whose perfect middle of it was being colored by a double white-light color tiny 'star'. They appeared out of nowhere, from a little red light that seemed to even outshine the very same sunset of Main Kingdom that was not presentable right now to a sudden emergence of a small, hundred-meters-wide-sized galaxy.

And from all of it, the Lunatic Archmage could only feel the real danger coming from the very center of it, that double-white-light colored tiny start on the 'galaxy' that when it moved, so did the stars, and when it changed its direction, so did the stars. As for the 'suns', they were even more 'loyal' as they moved as one along with the tiny star as if they were of the very same mind and body.

"Song, what is this? Tell me, is it from The Order, or an accident?!" His father's words make him wake up at last and, trying to just give it a glimpse with his unique skills, Silver Shoulder got instantly into a Blind effect for a whole minute. To which the son could only cover his hurting eyes while telling his father in a precarious tone, "Father! Ahh, I think is not, it is from The Order! Ah! It's... it's also... oh god, it's changing the course of your own skills!"

"What... what?!" Gold Shoulder had just been feeling a tad weird and, even glanced up into the sky once in a while as if 'to see what's up', but by the time his glance went up, it had already disappeared and he didn't gave it any more thought after that. But now that he saw it clearly, the previous sheen of a sunset-like glow was rather similar to how one of his skills looked like.

And the now encompassing 'galaxy' had, on its perimeter, so many kinds of different energies and magical particles that it even gave Gold Shoulder the feeling of his skills having brought to life by many new pairs of hands and were now looking hungrily back at him!

"S-son?" Asking the mastermind, that even managed to outsmart his own at this time and as it was already usual for the father to test the son though now it was just out of having no idea onto what to do, Gold Shoulder said as his son took a few steps forward to stand along with his father.

"There's nothing we can do, just die and go back to our daily activities at the Land of Fire Sub-Division. However, we do can... try and dispose of this sudden attack, by making even more and even stronger attacks at it. Father!" Silver Shoulder turned his body to face Gold Shoulder, his face was a bit somber and stern, but it did contained a passion for trying to fight it out. As he spoke, he took out a potion from his bag with a silvery liquid in it and drank it, recuperating his sight sooner than expected.

Looking at this sight of his son, the father felt slightly ashamed, but there was nothing he could say now that would make even a bit of sense. As such, he nodded his head to this option and closed his eyes while speaking in the communications system. "Everyone, come back and aid me in the defense of this strange and sneaky attack right now! Move! Don't just stare at the damned thing and get killed. Team leaders, order your people around and protect them from any possibilities, you must arrive as soon as possible!"


With that, the Lunatic Archmage took a step forward, half his left foot and right foot were now at the edge of the wooden hill. His arms slowly extended out, and his MP bar started dropping like crazy, for the anyone who watched this from the crowds or viewership, this was naturally 'okay' to see as this was a mage-type Hidden Class after all.

However, only the viewership was able to see the several MP-10,000 over and over again from the screen accurately as the streaming features had such a thing for people of New Earth who obviously couldn't identify such a thing, except Yun Beishang, of course.

In any case, just as the Lunatic Archmage's MP bar was about to hit rock-bottom, an unending plethora and murky colored red accompanied by a small river of magma, dirt itself that seemed so compressed and hardened that it turned into a murky brown color with some totally black spots here and there also in the form of a small river.

And even as a small river of murky-blue ice came out from his own body and the surroundings as if merging the use of his own magic and that of the world's, the Lunatic Archmage generated a total of about dozens and dozens of attacks; skills that are as strong as the previous ones he has used before but in an obviously much impossible quantity.

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As Silver Shoulder saw the seemingly almost-endless amount of terrifying skills which would always be massive and, outside of this Global Tournament, be even much more scary from the insane amount of damage they could make. He had a look in his eyes that was one of adoration, but also added up with some restlessness over unnecessary complications... as he watched his father's efforts manage to make the 'galaxy' come to a halt in midair.

At this moment, the sudden order from their leader made the Gold and Silver Guild players hurry up to turn around and run back to their 'base of operations'. However, as it was way too obvious, they were as well giving their backs to their enemies. At this moment, made in cruel obvious purposes, Natalia's shout rang out after receiving Sammy's confirmation.

"Now, attack! Put them dooooown~!" However, be it as cruel as it may sound in reality, it was also rather playful and still gentle as Natalia was the first to lead the charge against the backs of the Gold and Silver Guild players. Hell, she even sued her large-CD skill to paralyze the closest by light-clothed enemy player and went up to his back as she closed her eyes and began hitting him with her staff to no end.


A bit bewitched at the appearance angel hitting the back of their ally which they were just about to go back to save a few moments ago, the nearest by enemy players were surely and quickly surrounded by Maidens only to also quickly die to the expertly attacks of the very same. Meanwhile, the Ladies of The Order had already overtaken the nearest by enemy players and were already starting to mercilessly end and decimate the remaining 'elite' players from the Gold and Silver Guild.



Middle North of New Earth. Soundless Vision Region's capital, Immemorial Image City.


At the Kernti Clan's territory, on one of the many lavish and luxurious large mansions, a boy who was watching the ongoing battles from a game on a TV screen was suddenly struck with complete unbelief as he watched at a single person on the screen.

Hop, hop, hop!!

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop making so much noise! The food is almost ready!" A young man's irritated voice came from the kitchen with ragged breaths, at the same time, the mild sounds of slapping and restrained, choked moans resounded, fortunately unknown for the young and innocent with orange hair looking at the TV screen.

"... ... ... ..." The boy calmed down, a bit afraid as he looked at the direction from where the kitchen was at, a few dozens of meters away from the living room, before going back to looking at the TV screen in a worshiping manner. After a good while, calm and 'relaxed' footsteps came from the kitchen towards the living room.

"Hey, here it is, get to eat." Kernti Rilu looked at the TV screen with resentment and annoyance before taking a look at his cousin and then touching with his right hand the young maid carrying the heavy food plates in a very large tray. As the maid already had a soulless-like and tired face with baggy eyes, the touch of the young man made her flinch as if she was hypersensitive and just then was prickled by a sharp weapon.

Kernti Rilu ignored it as he kept on rubbing his hand over and over again on her, but at this time, the boy watching the TV screen like an addict was no longer able to hold it as he began to hop around the living room. Before Kernti Rilu could say a thing, the boy pointed at the TV screen with but all of his strength before shouting out loud, which made the tired maid flinch in an 'suddenly awakened' manner.

"Look, Older Cousin, it's that Sash everyone's looking for! I found her, I found her, I found heeeeeer~!! Hehehe, now my cousins will like me the most and I will be liked by father and the Clan Head, hehehehehehehehe~..."

Kernti Rilu's right hand became more aggressive, which would've elicited endless tormenting bellows from the maid on his right if she wasn't already used to having to hold herself back so many times. With a face fully contorted with pain, the maid held the heavy and large tray on her hands tremblingly all while tearing down profusely and with her eyes reddening madder and madder by the second.

"Ah... sorry." As Rilu was in his lost obsession, he suddenly felt the strange movements and trembling from the maid on his right, which he absentmindedly apologized without noticing; which even made him mad at the simple fact of itself. He gave the maid a sudden touch of total anger but remained silent, and as he turned back to the TV screen already knowing how to take his reward, Kernti Rilu looked at the TV screen with his eyes starting to boil in anger and shame.

'Bitch! I've given you so much, so much! And yet you out there with another man who even has other women, ah, how pathetic! But with how much of a long winded bitch you are, how could he still have you? He surely hasn't even touched you yet, I can still bring your body back. And as for your heart, I can till enslave you all I want, whore!'

With his venomous thoughts fully concealed except from the look in his eyes, Rilu didn't notice how the maid to his right looked at him while silently gasping for air in relief from the excruciating pain as she now 'only' felt pain. Memories of her being selected by the Clan Head himself to serve her idol, who was now the monster in her life and the nightmare of her sleep.

Despondency made her lower her eyes as the tray was almost about to be inclined enough so that the food would be thrown off by sliding. As her eyes contemplated lunacy, a hand suddenly supported her own tray that was ever so much inclining already, looking up, without life in her eyes, she saw the still 'crazed' eyes of Rilu still attached to the TV screen but with his hand having moved; as if from instinct to keep the food clean... or, 'to protect her'?

"Hmph..." But the maid gave a self-deprecatingly hurting snort to herself, she had given up, her dark hair and brown eyes were faltering as they absentmindedly looked at the face she once adored since her childhood when he was just an older kid. Even then, she was indeed confused by this act, ever since a few months ago, he has been able to have this kind of instinctual movements every now and then.

But at the same time, he has been much more 'vigorous' and with large stamina than before, capable of going at it with her for more than 2 times in a row a couple of times a day. Those times could've been a change for him, and it somehow was, very little though. But her and his pleasure couldn't compare to the torment she began to suffer after the sister of her master disappeared...




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