Bow and Arrow

Chapter 369: Chapter 367 — Fast And Serious Towards The 8th Placements

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Fast And Furious Towards The 8th Placements




"Eh?? This... Tonkia?" Looking at Tonkia who clearly had a lost expression on her beautiful tiny face for her age as she turned to face Ellie instead, as for Ellie herself, she had a quiet and upright smile plastered on her beautiful, and deliciously confirmed; lips. Ellie's eyes were narrowed quite some as she looked slightly down at the short height Tonkia who was still confused with her own self.

"Eh... w-whe-where do I-"

"Oh my! Little woman, you know, your big belly is quite adorable. Even then though, our man over here, your husband, has to take a flight with my father's favorite low-quality toy. As such, why don't we go over here and talk with the best nurse, doctor, surgeon and oh my, medical goddess of the world over here, Queen Natalia, hm?"

Being interrupted 'gently' by Ellie as her wrist were softly grabbed and her lower back was lightly pushed and then felt a relaxing and resting sensation; Tonkia forgot all about her previous auspiciousness from her confusion as she leaned her body slightly on Ellie's, who instead of having a big belly like her, had an equally as big pair of breasts instead.

"Oh, my? My name is Tonkia, are you one of this world's women of my man? Mm, so beautiful and... 'full', mmm. Ah! Sorry, hehe. May I know your name...?"

"Oh my, indeed! Hehe, I am Ellie, and I'm a woman who couldn't make a man hers so she had to shamelessly leave it to others~. Anyway, leaving that past to the side, I am very glad to see you here, you know..." Then, after Ellie spoke her first few words a little bit nostalgically, she turned to face Tonkia directly while not only ignoring Tonkia's savoring eyes and mouth as she glanced down her breasts but to also go as far as to hug her arms and her back with her big bags of meat.

Seeing this sight, Yun Beishang felt apologetic as he was leaving, but it was only for a day so it wouldn't be too awful of him. And as if sensing something, Tonkia looked back while she and the flock of Yun Beishang's wives, women and maids surrounded her like the wonder of the universe began to speak and walk together.


"..." There was no need to have any exchange of words, as Tonkia's peaceful and loving smile but Yun Beishang completely at ease with her emerald eyes penetrating into his soul directly into his whole being.

After giving a glance to the departing maids and his women, with Sash and Miriam giving him pure, cute and wanting glances; Yun Beishang departed from the main building as he left through the door and with Kamagichi's driving, arrived only 1 hour later at the HQ of Crestfallen Industry where he was already received by a very well prepared welcome party.

Consisting of a group with the uniform of the guards from the Crestfallen Industry, and it wasn't just the one that was mainly used for almost any event or occupation nor that was mostly seen as it was the type of guards/soldiers with more numbers. Instead, it was the uniform which had a dark brown color with armor-like pieces of an obscure, strong green color on the shoulders, sides of the neck, a thin layer of the same in front and back of the entire uniform's torso.

Among them, was a short-haired woman whose color was brown that was wearing a formal full-suit and black glasses, she also appeared to be quite the tomboy as she greeted and received Yun Beishang with coldness and an expressionless face... ok, yes, he ended up seducing her as they waited for just a little bit of time for the pilots to come and take him to the Cloud Gates Region capital.

After all, there wasn't a need to prepare anything, and the only thing that was needed was for the pilots of the 'thing' that Yun Beishang was about to board to come and prepare themselves instead. Traveling at a speed that is many times more than that of the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft that could safely carry 10,000 passengers and with a speed of 14,000 kph... was not an actual realistic thing to do, after all.

. . .


In the air of New Earth and inside an extremely unique looking and eccentric 'aircraft' which could very well be called a spaceship of sorts. Unlike the Jones Clan, the Crestfallen Industry have been known to be legendary just from their capability to seamlessly travel to space and back even more than 2,000 years ago, possibly even more to up to 3,000 years ago considering the situation from back then.

A 'thing' that could be seen as a last generation jet, but magnified for about 30 times and with 'decorations' that made it look as if it had smallish wings compared to the 4 main wings which were double the size in length of the aircraft's body itself; it was also of a deep black color and it had an even darker but brown colored glass all over itself.

It looked like a plane which could seemingly 'wear' draconic armor had spike-looking things come out from its head towards its lower parts, which were in fact, its smaller wings that might vary in sizes but were all incredibly small altogether compared to either the 'aircraft' itself and the wings of the same even more so.

Smack, papapa, smack!

"Ah... ah! Mngh...????" In a room that was as large as Yun Beishang's own bedroom back at his Peaceful Rain Villa, a brown colored short-hared woman with a seemingly 'feeble' thin body with her ribs being easily exposed by her skin was jumping up and down on Yun Beishang's crotch while she brought her right hand to her mouth and closed her eyes in tears.

Just a 'little' 20 minutes before, the person Yun Beishang himself requested to accompany him was this one fine tomboyish woman whom Yun Beishang was instantly attracted; hell, it was as if the Crestfallen Industry was worried he would be bored or think of his trip as boring and dull. In the same manner, the conquering of this woman was made rather brutishly but efficiently, as she meowed to each of his advances before making her have long, long, long and constant trip from earth to heaven over and over again right after.

In any case, when she came to him 20 minutes go, or so, she had a troubled look in her eyes as she told her new boss that she had dizziness and possibly a headache. Which Yun Beishang, right after even, used his Pure's Essence to lighten up her pain and sickness. After that, the tomboyish short-haired woman relaxed and fell asleep on his chest and... on his bed as well.

Only 10 minutes later, Yun Beishang couldn't hold himself any longer as he slightly shook her body gently, and once she was barely starting to wake up, his magnetic, hoarse voice reached her ears and made them jump up at attention as well. Yun Beishang said 'It is not for free, eh'. And then, this following scene was being unfolded.

"AAahh, uowah... mnnh!"

As he heard her satisfied moans to no end, continuously; Yun Beishang thought to himself while delivering her tummy the 10th load of the day or so. 'Mmm, my ability to train has definitely improved, that would make Natalia so proud once I bring back an extra person, heh!'

The bed was rather small, but there was more than one in the entire bedroom that is all his, for now. He had already been around 3 of them and each of them... basically, smelled much like her and him, without abandon. And they were 'dirty' too, which was, to be honest, a bit rude of him!

In any case, it did looked quite clean and was quiet, which Yun Beishang enjoyed so far as he's been inside this wonder of the world for about almost 5 hours, which meant that it was also almost 12 pm on New Earth. The beds were of black color, the sofas of a reddish-brown color, the floor was plain white and translucent with gold colors here and there that made it look really fashionable. It wasn't simply plastered all around or randomly, and it caught one's eyes everytime even when one had already become accustomed to it.

Right now though, Yun Beishang was laying on the main bed which was of an obscure crimson color, and Feat, who now works for him after a quick signing of a few papers by the more than cooperative Crestfallen Industry themselves; was receiving her 11th show of affection and appreciation from her new boss and reached her umpteenth trip to heaven and back to earth.

"AAAAAAH!!! ...Hah... oof~, boss... thank you for, the, mngh... understanding of yours." As soon as she said that, Feat fell asleep on his naked torso after twisting her waist to look back at him, as she had been reverse-cowgirl-ing on him for almost 10 minutes straight, from his... 'area of effect' from his meat, it was really quite tiring to work it all by her own even as she is one of the few most amazing people of the Crestfallen Industry's army; so to speak.

Once she fell asleep, Yun Beishang caressed the back of her short brown hair while breathing in and out to calm himself, for as even as he seemed all calm and composed, his heart and being were in turmoil as he thought of all the possibilities to occur today.



Rising Essence, somewhere above all of Main Kingdom where not a single eye could reach as it was far into the clouds.


"Let's go, let's go... let's fucking go madafakars~~!!"

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"Dude, who will win, what you think?!"

"Shut up! The Order will win again, if they didn't left the Team vs Team segment, they would've win all 3 segments, but now, they can only be the winners of 3 of them while in truth; they're actually the winners of the 3 of them!"


"I think that that girl called Hidden Daggers has the chance to win it!"


As many people were clamoring around the crowds of the coliseum, 8 arenas were placed in front and the sight of 16 different people were in there. Among them, Baston and Raoundozia could actually be seen and even people like Feeling Insecure with the Earth's Messenger Legendary Hidden Class, Ian with the Courtier of Death Legendary Hidden Class and so on, were seen on the arenas.

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers...

Time passed, and the first round of the 64th placements started; right away and literally at that, Baston and Raoundozia won their battles as fast as lightning as their enemies, though not slow nor dumb, were nothing compared to these 2 behemoths. It was evident that the Leader of The Order, Tongqiu, wasn't present at the moment, and even the players that they had qualified to the 64th placements weren't in the first round as well.

As the Leader of the enigmatic Association that billions of people suddenly began to respect and know about, it was more than granted that given his own reputation, Yun Beishang would be easily 'investigated' upon and then the expectations of his own also winning first place would vehemently rise. Not that it mattered; that it mattered to him nor that it even made a change to anything, but was still 'there' to be seen.

The first 2 rounds passed by without much amusement. Even though these were the best 128 players in 1v1 and intellect to duel in the world, the difference between an elite or pro player and an incredible over-the-top one like Baton was way too difficult to misinterpret. Even as everyone knew that Raoundozia had much more opportunities to win a duel due to his class not being a tank one and to the fact that he had quite the unique skillset even as a Seven Sins Knight.

Still, Baston wasn't someone that even on his own Team, that he could be fought against 'equally' unless they were a really amazing player like himself, Raoundozia... or Tongqiu himself; the most enigmatic of them all as even Hidden Daggers has obvious points of her own strength and has been evaluated by many analyzers over the last few Global Tournament's segments.

Then, the 3rd and 4th rounds of the 64th placements were easily passed by with some character popping off and one another either being felled unexpectedly or barely winning against a random. It was quite a surprise; and even more, that the viewership and crowds could get surprised to these 'surprises' was even more of such an unexpected development.

Round 5th and 6th were almost lightning-like, as most players in these 2 rounds were quite uneven in terms of intellect for dueling and a lack of capacity for fighting for half the players participating in them. Within them, there were even players of The Order who fought as well as some Black Lotus members too, which made it easier to know how this 5th and 6th rounds ended up fast as lightning; so as to say.

And finally, as the 7th and 8th, last 2 rounds of the 64th placements of the 1v1 segment came to be; the Leader of The Order appeared at last! Tongqiu had finally gotten his first appearance in the placements of this segment; as countless people howled, yelled, screamed and whatnot for the battles to come!

And well, it has to be said that, as Yun Beishang stepped on his own arena and like everyone else who didn't get any previous information on who they'd be fighting with only the system knowing of it. He actually encountered 3 important and curious figures of Rising Essence whose fame spiked up just a few days ago; namely, Zbey the Grim Reaper at his 64th placements rival. On his 32nd placements rival, it was actually Bloptl the Elements Prodigy and lastly but definitely not least; Lost In The Moment, who was the Suicidal Vanguard who fought alongside Zbey and Bloptl in the Team vs Team segment on his 16th placements!

But another thing was the hopes and expectations of the crowd; previously, they have had all watched Tongqiu's previous matches, and already knew what kind of brute, grotesque and mercilessness to expect from him. Beyond that, they were itching to see that happen to these possible strong opponents that he may have before the finals; as no one really thought that he wouldn't reach at least that.

After all, as the Leader of an Association with such power, intellect, cleverness and dedication; besides having good enough strategies and invaluable means, the eyes and hearts of many were placed on him to give all of their eyes and souls a great show to witness! And, of course, he was the dream and aspirations of any delusional men in existence, having such powerful women alongside him and still remain as the Leader of each of them; well, some naughty women as well.

And well, definitely... Yun Beishang didn't disappoint them, as...

. . .


In the battle against Zbey, in his 64th placements... Yun Beishang actually gained enlightenment and became decisive after leaving many lumps and blackening on Zbey's body.



-2,400, -2,400, -2,400.

Hopeless Zbey not knowing what he was getting into: +500, +500, +500, +500...

-2,400, -2,400, -2,400, -2,400, -2,400...


With his HP having only 1,300 remaining points left, a very tired Zbey with so many lumps around and many of his limbs blackened due to constant trauma-inducing effects; the poor young man could only watch as Yun Beishang suddenly opened his eyes wide from behind the eye sockets of his unique helmet before an actually slightly cheerful voice reached his ears and those of the entire crowds and viewership.

"Ah! Oh, hey. Remember back then, that one little tournament? You barely won against Bloptl, then was beaten down by Fragile Broken Eyes? Well... how about joining my League? I'm interested in what you can accomplish for my Order, yes or no?"

" @/~!#¡"$..." Motherfucker indeed, who could ever be capable of remaining calm after your new boss tells you this... right after beating the shit out of you?! But even then, as Zbey had his eyes dart around while his back was heavy against the floor, the mere thought of escaping this pain and humiliation, from being easily beaten and not only from being seen like this; that alone made him want to accept Tongqiu's offer right away.

But then, he started contemplating, contemplating... and contemplating. By the time he received a warning from the system that he was about to lose by default in the next 3 seconds and as Tongqiu had already turned around in boredom, he finally spoke out loud as he disappeared and as the back of Tongqiu only allowed Zbey to see him nodding.

"Wait! I would like to accept, but I will do so only if my... Quintessential Team can follow me. We are new but, we can manage very well with just some more training!" Zbey felt emboldened at seeing Tongqiu nod at him right away, but before he could continue his words as his eyes opened fully in confidence and gladness... the mofo disappeared noiselessly as did Yun Beishang since the battle... was over.

"... ... ... ... ... ... ..." The crowds went instantly silent, and the viewership watching this from their homes or at some place with internet back at New Earth were speechless, astounded... and excited? Anyway, that was just before the endless clamoring came back from the crowds as the viewership's ears all trembled at the thunder of billions of people going crazy at it.

Subsequently, the following matches were utterly coincidental; as Tongqiu faced the rest of the main members of the Quintessential Team from back then. Everyone thought that it was then that the Quintessential essential Team members would give Yun Beishang an easy time to beat them up; but contrary to their thoughts, Bloptl and Lost In The Moment were actually wishing that they could just give up, surrender and go back home to wail, but they couldn't, as their brand new Leader wouldn't let them do so.



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