Bow and Arrow

Chapter 380: Chapter 378 — Let Them All Fly

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Let Them All Fly




South of New Earth, Cloud Gates Region, Southern Heaven City.


Krrck-vdrum, krc.

An old and 4 seater car parked just outside an area were a ton of suited guards of both genres instantly looked toward to as soon as it parked and did not continue going on along the road.

Inside of it, two people could be seen, or rather, the figures of two people were the only thing that even the almost high-end technology of the Yun Clan was using to see through them could see. Even as it wasn't compared to the Jones Clan's true high-end technology, it was still something that was only secondary to them, and tertiary to the Crestfallen Industry.

Tu-tun, tu-tun.

Opening the doors from the driver's and co-driver's seat came a dashingly dressed Yun Beishang and a beautifully looking young ma-nope, woman. Beautiful, though; not because of wearing not a suit and instead wearing a dress or 'something' similar, but due to the lavishing enormous beauty that Feat just has. She still wore a suit though, a guard-like suit uniform.

"Mnhe, okay Boss. I will wait for you here, go and allow me to see your princess, alright? I'll be waiting~." Feat said as she closed the car's door from her side and intertwined her hands in front of her pelvis with a light but warming smile.

"Mn, it may take a few minutes. Take care, okay?" Yun Beishang replied as he was feeling quite a little nervous, an excruciating barely visible frown forming at his eyebrows every now and then. He gazed at Feat caringly before starting to turn around, to which Feat immediately said in her clear tomboyish tone, "Of course I will, I'll keep the rear guarded so that you don't have to worry Boss, go ahead!"

Nodding once more, Yun Beishang this time successfully turned around while still feeling little butterflies in his lower stomach, while a nodding Feat sent him off into the distance with a pair of caring eyes as well.

Pw, pw, pw...

While they were chatting, the guards who were looking at them; as soon as they came out of the car, became extremely astounded as they saw their extremely top one priority ever in their entire goddamned lives suddenly appear with his butt naked—so as to say—right in front of their every eye!

However, be it as amazingly 'lucky' as they were and even as these were not the orders of the Yun Clan's Clan Head but from a certain someone else from within the clan, there were sounds of instant 'pews' going off all at once. The thing was, every time a guard heard such a noise and turned in confusion towards it, not knowing what they were coming from as those were definitely not from a bullet being shot at least.

And every time that they looked to their sides, just once, they would see their comrade suddenly falling with a beautiful louts of blood forming at the gushing cascade of blood from their necks, collarbone and whatnot ay. But just as they had half a second ongoing from looking at their totally dying comrade without salvation, the sudden noise from before would echo inside their heads before they similarly slowly came to their knees with a lotus of their blood forming at their chests.

Seeing that his people were hard at work, Yun Beishang smiled delightfully at the sight of so many deaths, incongruous with the way Yun Beishang usually behaves; indeed. But, even if these guards had family, so then what? He used to have a family too, before he was forcibly separated from her and only her.

Even then, to be even 'just' guards; for being one from such a Founding Clan and from none other than the Founding Yun Clan itself, how could they not be stronger than ordinary humans? But then, still, so what? They all fell instantly like nothing before Yun Beishang's people and single moves of each of them, not even being presented with a variable of sorts as they flawlessly paved the road for him.

Step... step, step, step... step, step... step.

As Yun Beishang walked forward, not slow nor fast, his black tuxedo suit showed off under the radiant sun and the scorching heat of the South of New Earth, he wore long black pants that just accentuated his great figure in a manly but youthful manner still.

Before Yun Beishang was an immense wall that did not correlated with his memories, it was more than 20 meters tall, and its thickness was as good as 4.5 meters or so, not hiding the towering buildings behind it, it did hide whatever there could be that would be able to be hidden from even technology espionage tools; be it an awaiting army, ambush or maybe even just a big nothing.

In any case, Yun Beishang arrived to what could be called to be the 'gates' of such a wall but instead of it being actual gates, it was a barrier of seemingly energy but not energy itself. Much weaker than that. Hell, nowadays, not even the Crestfallen Industry showed that they had energy bullets to shoot with, let alone the Yun Clan having a long ass barrier of about 20 meters in diameter and 13 meters in height.

Though it was transparent, it might as well be hypnotic for as it was impossible to see with the naked eye the whatever was happening behind it, it would only work for when Yun Beishang used his Mental Power instead.

Stopping just one mere meter before it, as Yun Beishang felt the currents of the barrier seemingly trying to invade his body to unconsciously, or maybe designed to 'unconsciously' do so, to which he could of course easily ignore with not even his tuxedo getting a tinge bit harmed. Below that tuxedo was a long-sleeved shirt with fringes of the very same color, it was kinda nice to look at but it was now hidden by the tuxedo itself; which was already dashing and wonderful by itself.

Slowly, Yun Beishang raised his right hand to look at his clock, saw that it was exactly 19:00 pm and then decided to count until it said 19:01.

1... ... ... ...10... ... ... ...30... ... ... ... ... ... ...55.

Just as there were only 4 seconds left for 19:01 pm, Yun Beishang grinned by lifting the left corners of his lips; wildly and without abandon as he gazed above at the sky that was still somewhat light blue despite the 'sun' already getting set. And then, it fucking—goddamned—happened...






First came the 'imaginary' and surely mistaken sound of anyone's ears in the Southern Heaven City detecting a kind of dangerous object cutting through air. But then, came the sound; horrible, destructible, unstoppable and terrifying sound of a whistle that elevated to even make the entire skies of the Cloud Gates Region to thunder and be mired with chaos. It was then that everyone could see a cylindrical object with a spearhead-like head as it moved from tens of thousands in the distance to 'here' right at the middle of Southern Heaven City in but a sole second.

A tremor ever so slight could be felt as even Yun Beishang rose his eyebrows when feeling like he just involuntarily jumped 3 inches and then instantly after stepped right back onto the ground. But as for the rest of the Cloud Gates Region, it was just the same as him, as the same event and occurrence occurred to every single person, animal and insect without a difference of their 'involuntarily hopping up' exercise's height.

Coincidentally, out of instinct or by following one's senses and ending up following the path that the 'thing' that flew through the sky at an impossible level of speed which not even contrails were left from... only to see a ginormous wall of fire, debris and even some extremely dark feeble figures moving about into the air from where they all knew... was the very center of the Cloud Gates Region itself.

Southern Heaven City's Founding Yun Clan's territory!!


But there wasn't just that, as even when a lot of people could distinguish, with the naked eye the sight of that incredibly tall wall of fire, tremors than ran thorough below their feet continued on and on and on without them seemingly coming to a stop anytime soon.

And there was a reason for that, for as, it was not just the Southern Heaven City that got this kind of 'event' happen to it. In fact, it was all other Regions in the world except for the Historical Marvell Region, Venerable Will Region, Soft Creation Region, Ancient Honor Region, Free Living Region, Progress Value Region and the All-Healing Region.

On the other hand, the Cloud Gates Region, Variety of Life Region, Silent Vanity Region, Soundless Vision Region and the Iron Will Region were all bombarded, once, with an utterly devastating weapon in which each of them was as strong as the one that hit the capital of the Cloud Gates Region.

All of them; at the same time. All of their Regions entering into distress, panic and fear; all at the same time as well. For this, this was the perfectly known to be the most tragic of situations of all of New Earth since its establishment. Or the first one, in the future, that is.

And now, as Yun Beishang took a deep breath silently through his nostrils, he felt an immeasurable calm and satisfaction invade but all of his being, as he finally resolved himself to use his Mental Power to scan the area where the 'weapon' hit inside the Founding Yun Clan's territory.

Before, he was restraining himself, keeping it for the good moment that he 'saw' everything start to crumble and fall apart. But he also wanted to make sure of how many accidental, collateral victims there were which weren't initially planned. However, Yun Beishang was surprised to find that there was not a single victim of the bombardment just then with all of the intended targets having been taken out.

Sure, some were not even the most basic and ordinary of soldiers, but they still held one or two positions of power that were of the commanding chain, very nice targets to get. As for families and then on, this is war; more or less, what does it matter if one dies when another also has to? In a sense, it just doesn't matter.

'Oh, they are really something, my people ah. Gotta be some rew-'

"!!!" But just as Yun Beishang saw and understood all of this once his fully extended out Mental Power perception went to cover the entire Cloud Gates Region and well beyond that, his eyes almost bulged out of his head as his heart literally stopped for 3 seconds straight!

"..." His was a turn that made him completely paralyzed; not even with his heart beating, his brain completely devoid of action. As what he saw, made him immediately lose all of himself, and once 3 seconds passed, he immediately turned around without bothering to hit the barrier-gate as he made his way back to the car furiously!!



With just 7 continuous and non-pausing 'steps' made by the bestial and feral Yun Beishang, he arrived back to see where the car was parked at, it was perfectly safe and sound in the same place as before. But surrounding it now, newly, were hundreds of different and unknown people who were all fighting at least 1 of the Black Lotus people while ganging up on them with at least 7 of their own.

They weren't suited like the guards from before were and in fact, had incredibly especial armor in their light and weightless clothing as well. Besides that, some of the armor's parts had different colors depending on the person wearing it, which would glow and kind of give a boost in either speed or raw strength or even power to the wearer.

There were also smallish syringes that were safely guarded from a battle's hits and movements inside some pockets of their armor which were of a color in particular, which was the same as the one that the person in question had on some parts of its armor. That is... because... all of these hundreds of 'people' fighting off the Black Lotus people in a rather aggressive and to-kill mannerisms; were all Specialists!

With some throwing off flames from their hands like flamethrowers, other using icicles to cover their bodies and go melee to fight and some even simply using their bodies to block the sharp weapons from the Black Lotus people; and the like etc.

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But Yun Beishang did not care of any about that, he didn't even looked at any of them even as there were some of his people from the Black Lotus that had gotten rid of their 7-12 Specialists enemies rather brutally and efficiently without suffering more than 1 heavy injury before going off to aid another brother or sister.

For as... his one and only pair of eyes as well as Mental Power was but fully concentrated to the fullest on a lying flat body in a horrendous dark pool of darkish blood with her face against the ground as if she didn't even had the strength to accommodate her head to lie down, as if she wasn't even capable of doing as much as blinking once she fell down.

Around her were an actual couple dozen of dead Specialists from whom at least 5 of them were Resistant Specialists, capable of even 'tanking' semi-energy bullets for at least a whole minute when at their peak.

But she, the woman with her limbs showing as the cloth around them was all battered from clear fighting and as she had even some parts of her head completely out of hair where it should, a smooth but short brown hair be... was all dead without any single sign of life that. Not even Yun Beishang could detect it.

"... ... ..."

"...leader? Leader!" A Black Lotus member called, his left eye nowhere to be seen as even the left top of his head was mushed slightly and as he was even trembling while doing as much as breathing. Yet, with those capabilities alone, he was able to kill off 3 Specialists at once while giving off his left arm 'for the cause', before running straight at Yun Beishang.

Tap! Tap!

Taking a hold of his Leader's shoulders, which were as damn cold as the coldest universe in existence possible and as feeble and frigid as a dying 100 years old man, the Black Lotus member spoke without knowing that his Leader's heart... was bleeding. BLEEDING!

"Leader, you gotta hurry. We'll be fine, even if they nuke us, which they won't if they don't want millions to die; we'll be able to deal with it. Go ahead and save your princess, Leader... Ugh, I have to go, and h-h-h-help my comrades. G-good luck, L-L-L-Leader!" With that, the Black Lotus member drifted off, while Yun Beishang's heart endlessly received a piercing, torturous harm.



"HaGaggwlkaaaaaaahh~!!" Enemies recoiling, wailing before death.



"Kiyiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah-gobl-pkwaaaah!!!" Sobs before death; hatred but more fear... before death.

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~~!!!!





"?!!??!" Suddenly, all Black Lotus members fell into a trance, their enemies took this chance to cleave their hands, swords, spears, gauntlets, hammers and what not into or onto their bodies; others simply went off to try and dismember them instead.

Ba-Thump... Ba-Thump!

But the Black Lotus were uncaring, were completely oblivious, as every single one of them previously fighting was now instinctively turning around to look at the desolate, heart-piercing figure in the second small space completely free of battling. The first one, was where Feat laid down face against the ground, dead.




With their bodies falling to have control of their own, every single person in this world that had not a descent of the Black Lotus felt their eyes almost pop out of their eye sockets as the whole world's eyes jumped slightly outwards from their sockets; be it a man, woman, child, elderly, beast, animal, monster or insect. Their entire bodies felt their soul leave for a moment without even knowing what was going on.

Some were terrified by the outcome of the weapons that the Black Lotus and Yun Beishang used just then. Others were simply curious at why and from what did their phones and Insomas received so many notifications out of nowhere. While others... like those at the Cloud Gates Region... became deaf, blind, mute, paralyzed and even ill from a sound which they barely got the chance to even hear.

And just as everyone was falling into a sense of lost with the bellowing of Yun Beishang; on another part of the world, hands and brains were working devotedly as if ants commanded by their queen. Their cooperation was even totally impossible with their own, the Black Lotus's, capabilities to work together in the same task as they obeyed his commands.

With but only his own thoughts alone, Yun Beishang made another set of weapons like those from before that destroyed the certain parts of the territories from various Founding Clans to once again set flight and be launched into the sky.

And now, a flock of such weapons which varied their aftereffects from radioactive rain for months, summoning a terrifying lightning storm, to creating a largely tall wall of fire, designed to create a crater deeper than imaginably and so on; were each being once again aimed at the Cloud Gates Region, Variety of Life Region, Silent Vanity Region, Soundless Vision Region and the Iron Will Region.



But now, no matter how impossibly speedy those things were, the forces from each Founding Clan affected, namely the Yuns, Sun, Tron, Kernti and Ross Founding Clans; they had already placed all of their barriers and shielding up, ready for any subsequent assault. And very well did they do in doing that.









But there was, however, no reason for such 'primitive' Founding Clans to be capable of holding off to a force that only the Crestfallen Industry has had ever accepted under themselves. To one which even not only does the Crestfallen Clan has tight ties with, but has also been friends together since even the scientists of this ere could ever elaborate on.

As an enormous barrier of a light-blue transparent substance that was yet stronger than that of the gates were Yun Beishang was previously before at but fully see-thru... were instantly over passed like the fingers of a baby exploding a bubble. Yet, like waves extending out on one's fingers when destroying a spider's web and as if trying to adhere themselves to the air itself, the barrier and shields put up all around the entire Founding Yun Clan territory were trespassed seamlessly before randomly being hit all around without a care around it.

It was the same, for any other Region that was similarly attacked, and it was done so by the hundreds of years well-prepared armament that the Black Lotus could barely come across from while being infinitely slowed down and hindered with the prospect of having to hide themselves fully.


Suddenly, and finally waking up, everyone who was around Yun Beishang could wake up to the sight of him brutally moving towards the brown-haired fallen, felled woman who was being surrounded by a bunch of despicable, murderous and extremely strong Specialists which were in fact the strongest of them all at present and possibly around all of New Earth... but were also the ones who sneaked upon not an Specialist with numbers going up to even beyond 50 and were now guarding the body so that nobody could retrieve it.

That. Was. Exactly. Where. Yun Beishang. Was. Heading. Right. Now.




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