Bow and Arrow

Chapter 383: Chapter 381 — My Yun Yun (2)

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My Yun Yun (2)




"Tgkghaaaa! Yun Beishang?! Ah, you..." The first to come out to light after being enshrouded by the deadly indifference of the very same and only Yun Beishang, was Yun Bao, who reacted as if he had gone through some tail-stepping torment for decades as a cat and with Yun Beishang being the aggressor.


Immediately, a bunch of guards rushed into the meeting room when hearing the words 'Yun Beishang', some wielded staffs, canes, riot gear and even some lethal weapons too. When they blasted the doors to the meeting room opened, they directly moved on to surround Yun Beishang with a smaller part of their numbers while the whole other bunch went on to protect the Yun Lao and Yun Wentian duo; only.

"Heng~." Letting out a derisive nod just 3 seconds once the movements from the guards was over, Yun Beishang walked forth 3 steps while looking all around to see the entirety of the Yun Clan's elders and topnotch people already being afraid of him coming by not being protected, but from which no one said anything.

'Oh well, it doesn't matter since it is not important whether or not they are 'protected', ah, hehehe... hehehehe!' At first, Yun Beishang thought simply, but he then couldn't restrain himself from imagining what he was just about to do as he saw these oh so familiar and very recognizable faces now all looking up at him with only begging across their eyes.

"L-l-look at, look at him! He's injured, he must be faking a strong image, take him down already~!!" One of the many elders around, who looked to rather be in the younger generation of elders spoke, his left index finger dancing to a hook and to pointing directly at Yun Beishang's nose over and over again while his face went uglier and uglier as he spoke each word in deep terrifying fear.

It wasn't totally untruthful; Yun Beishang was indeed with rather ragged clothes after the events outside the Yun Clan territory, his tuxedo was nowhere to be seen while he had changed his pants to another formal ones and only his colorless striped white long-sleeved shirt was more or less intact with only its wrists no longer there as a tearing was all it was left from his elbows.

Yun Beishang did wore shoes though, no way he would touch these filthy grounds without wearing any shoes. Hell, he was already too itchy to move and start murdering that some rosy appeared on his skin from the 'sensation' alone.

"Attack! Get him down for the Master and Young Master's safety, go now!" One of the guards just then spoke out after asserting the situation himself, once confirming that it may be true, he gave the order. Even though this so-called demon Yun Beishang was suspected to be a Specialist, with the training and equipment they held, they were more than secure on ganging up against one 'simple' Specialist alone.


"For the Master!"

"For the Yun Clan, haaaa!"

Step! Step! Step! Step! Step!

The meeting room was already not big to start with, and the number of guards was very well about just a mere 100, so when dozens of them moved towards Yun Beishang, the latter in question abruptly swept his right arm towards them from the left side of his chest to right in front of the middle-right side of his chest in a very casual and slow way.

Vuuu~. WHOOOOSH!! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht...~!

'Ah, it brings back... memories, hmm.' Yun Beishang thought to himself, a bit cheekily, while the rest of the living people in the meeting room felt instead as if they were dead long ago and just barely now realized it.

Without leaving a single way out for the guards who moved just now, they were swept by what was first like an invisible and barely discernible wave that then became a blade of wind that moved at an scary and suffocating speed in which upon hitting the very first few guards, exploded into several dozens of wind blades that were as long as 7 meters and as wide as 2 inches.

Yet, that alone obliterated a small portion of people wearing armor that'd allow them to resist at least 2 shots from a semi-energy bullet! Equipment that not even the Jones Clan has ever shown! Or at least... that has never cared for others to know about. In any case, as soon as the flesh sounded with not even bones seemingly existing from the guards' bodies went out; silence stole everyone's reasoning as there was even another few barely audible sounds of liquid currents either touching cloth or dripping down the floor.

'Mmgh, yeah, I'm not dealing with that.' Grimly thought Yun Beishang, as he sent out a wave from his fingers once again, easily making most people inside the room drop to their knees as most of them felt a strong gust of wind go past themselves before the horrid sounds of vehement flesh tearing sounded again and some even scrunched their faces at some particular smell.

"Aaah, that's so much better, mn! Okay now, guards around, leave or die. Last chance, don't waste my time. 10, 9, 8, 3, 2-" Yun Beishang suddenly said after sighing out comfortably, as he no longer got that smell around the room as he had already drifted it all away. On the other hand, the people inside the room were shaking uncontrollably, their thoughts of their lives being unsafe was a first for their entire lives.

And what more to say for, as this moment, the guards who did as much as to take half a step were now paralyzed and not feeling like being human beings anymore, but when they heard Yun Beishang speak, a kind of glowing hope thundered across their souls. There was, however, the 'whether or not' Yun Beishang was that strong, if he was tired, and in case he was and the Yun Clan won, what kind of punishment they'll suffer. But then, Yun Beishang counted down with abandon in such a quirky way that it stunned them all silly.

"Wait, please wait! I'll tell the other guards your words and a warning, those still outside don't know of it yet, I-I-I-I also don't want to stay, but just let me do this, please! True Young Master of the Founding Yun Clan, please give me this chance!" Except for one younger, could've been but is not-hot headed young man who spoke while carrying a communications device on his hands.

"Just hurry up, okay?" Yun Beishang responded, sounding more like a little chat between actual cousins and family rather than that of a hostage and kidnapper instead.

"Yes, thank you!" Right away, the young guard hurriedly interacted with his communications device, to which took him 30 seconds before hanging up on it. Might not be much, but 30 seconds made most people inside the little meeting room to feel like there was hope for survival, and even if not, the fact alone that they were given 30 seconds more to live was already big enough inside their chests.

"Motherfucker! Arrest-no, just kill him!" When half a minute passed by, the still calm faced and indifferent gazing Yun Wentian that also held a communications device which he thought was hidden very well from Yun Beishang's eyes, suddenly turned outraged as his face flushed and his eyebrows wrinkled without a care for image.

"Hah! Yes, Master!"


"What?! No! Nooo-ah!" Before the young guard could have spoken, only a few dozen guards remained immobile while the whole greater rest went on to apprehend the poor young man. However, right at that moment, where he was about to be swept down by the stomping other guards whose sounds resonated thorough the meeting room, suddenly found themselves tied by a tiny and thin root encircling their lower legs.

"Ah! What? What is th-kghwaaaaaa!"

"Hah?! What's happening, bro-haaaaaayyyggh..."


As soon as those guards felt the tiny roots around their lower legs, and as the partners they had to each side were nonplussed, a sudden first screech awakened what was a screaming contest of terror and horror as blood began to 'crawl' out from those guards' eyes and mouth relentlessly which created an even deeper fear from what they could've ever possibly have had imagined.

"Mm, so noisy and noisy, too noisy!"


With a snap of his right handed fingers once he finished speaking, the roots encircling the lower legs of the guards suddenly pierced into their own bodies, just 1 second later and as everyone could see, even with their equipment on, a wriggling 'thing' moving from the shin to the waist, then torso, then neck to finally reach their heads as the guards stopped screaming and began to powerlessly fall; also lifelessly.

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"Okay, now go." Said Yun Beishang once again as he looked at the dumbfounded, blank eyed young guard who could only walk forth and nod with each step he took as if he was a sort of pigeon himself. After that, he ignored the young guard and went ahead to walk among the corpses, stepping on some and even crunching and mushing the bones and flesh of others.

Step, step-splash! Step-crunch~!

With his face indicating that he was completely ignoring all of that, Yun Beishang arrived right before Yun Lao, who was one of the people who fell to their knees but was now all standing back up while being supported from under his left arm by a servant. After gazing down at the dumb idiot for a good while with a pair of obviously fake eyes filled with fake familiar warmth, he extended out his hand towards Yun Lao's head.

"You never knew when to sit back down like the good useless moron you are-"


"Stay your hand and don't touch the Young Master!" But at the moment Yun Beishang was just about to finish his talking, Yun Bao suddenly emerged from his left with a strong 'breeze' winds covering his right hand that was forming a claw. As soon as Yun Beishang stopped his extended out hand, he looked coldly at the elder while hearing out his next following words, "Do you think that I did not notice your weak and feeble wind be so low in power and easy to be disrupted?! You kid only know the most basic-no, not even the basics of a Wind Specialist!"


Finished saying that, Yun Bao had already reached his objective with his right hand only 3 inches away from Yun Beishang's face, just as Yun Bao could already imagine the ripping to shreds the face that he has wished to get rid of for more than 2 decades! But... at that moment... Yun Beishang had already disappeared from his previous position instead as a semi-afterimage was all that he left for Yun Bao to touch with his right hand covered by winds and formed into a claw.

"Huh?-" Yun Bao uttered out dumbly, as even the almost self-shitting Yun Lao and sweating elders of the Yun Clan as well as his father also confusedly looked on at where Yun Beishang should've been ripped to shreds no longer be there instead. When a sudden yell that ended sooner with the clear sounds of bones being breaking over, "Yiiiiiaaaaaaaagggghh~~!-"


"Kwaaaagh!!" But before they could even highlight who was then one to suffer from obviously none other than Yun Beishang, another sound that was even farther away sounded in just the same manner before being abruptly destroyed and interrupted to a silent and eerie halt.

"Damned demon, stupid retard! Come back here and fight me then, aren't you so strong?!" Yun Bao roared, feeling as if they've entered yet the worst times for the Yun Clan as he heard just then an even other elder's scream go off after sounding out abruptly in yet the opposite direction from where he came from.

"Aaaah! Yun Lang, Yun Guming, Yun Xilei, help me!!" Exclaimed Yun Bao, as soon as he finished doing so, he dashed forward from where he just saw another elder have his neck completely explode out from within after her entire head bloated in redness, ignoring the already stood up Yun Lang and Yun Guming and the still seated Yun Xilei.

At this moment, after a small hesitation, still out of fear. Yun Lang was the one to nod towards Yun Guming who in response nodded back, but then saw Yun Xilei still seated and trying to advert both their gazes, so he spoke out in his strict tone. "Elder Xilei, you should know that if Yun Beishang kills one of us, he will also naturally going to kill all of us."

Without needing to say more, Yun Xilei crossed her old arms and wrinkled furthermore her already wrinkled old face as if trying to ignore them, but just a few seconds later a and a few elders 'later' as well, she became afraid for real as she then stood up while yelling out loud without restraint. "If you all want me to join in then I'll join in!! Whatever!! You go first, and don't bother me to attack, I'll attack if I want to attack, don't you dare yell at me!!"

Amidst her loud screaming in almost high pitch, another 2 elders went down the hierarchy of the Yun Clan as Yun Bao could be heard loudly screeching out as well with both his arms up into the air and about to make a small tornado inside the small meeting room.

"Fuuuuuuck! Die, you vermin, disgusting animal!"

"Elder Bao! Stop! We've come to help-" Yun Lang and the rest arrived to stop Yun Bao from creating even more casualties and destruction to the building, but just as Yun Lang was speaking up to ease Yun Bao, they heard even more screams; more and more and more as they tried to chase, found nothing and could only repeat.



"It's here, heeeeeeere noo-"


"Ahahweaaaaa, noooooo!!"


"Please, please, please, please no! Don't-"

Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!...

"... ... ... ... ... ..." Only 2 minutes were needed to pass by for Yun Beishang to take out all of the elders; ALL of the elders of the Yun Clan and its higher ups members. Only that was enough for the Founding Yun Clan, the most recognized, strongest and stable Founding Clans of them all to be thrown off the pyramid because of just 1 single boy wrecking havoc.

The 'great' elders of the Founding Yun Clan were the only ones left, and at some point in time, due to the incredulous speed of Yun Beishang, they were forced to remain at Yun Wentian and Yun Lao's side at all times to ensure they wouldn't be next. And it did so well, as when the elders were being massacred, those who fled, or at least tried to, were instantly killed and in more gruesome ways than having their necks or heads exploding out of seemingly nowhere as they were dismembered and their outer sexual organs were mutilated before their entire bodies were all thrashed into gory bits.

But of course! Yun Beishang targeted the brains of those who he, very well remembered, and indifferently got rid of the rest by exploding their necks in a rather 'neutral' expression. Nonetheless, some of the killings he planned to make in that neutral disposition, those targets behaved too badly and choose to be met with an even gruesomer death instead.

"Huff, huff huff-...kah, huff..." Yun Beishang was with his legs wide open and his back quite hunched, his body was fine and his muscles weren't spasming nor about to give up. It was just that his mentality has been drained ever since taken that part of his and giving it wholly to Feat from before, he was clearly weakened, yet he did not even considered over whether to think or not to start thinking if he should give up or not.

Bah! Forget about that, even if he only had half of his body remaining, there would be nothing in existence that could stop him from getting inside his previous old, unlikable and hated home to recuperate what should be with him and to protect such as well. Let alone that he had a much tired mental state from which he felt as if his body was weighted down by tens of tons for each of his limbs.

"He... he's... he is! He's tired! Go! Attack him now! Haha! I told you he would've exposed his weaknesses out, he is just a damn useless boy after all, just look at his appearance, haha!" Yun Bao said as he looked at Yun Beishang and pointed at him once again directly at Yun Beishang's nose, and as he did, everyone including the father and duo son glanced upon the huffing Yun Beishang ten meters away; with their fear also going away.

Yun Guming stepped away from standing between Yun Wentian and Yun Lao and arrived behind the other 3 'great' elders as he commanded in a really old but experienced voice, "Yun Lang and I will go and kill him! Yun Xilei and Little Bao will stay and protect the masters of the Yun Clan. Understood?!"

"Yes, Great Elder Guming." Responded Yun Bao at the oldest of the 4 of them before taking a few steps back and beginning to form a small shield made of winds and breeze all around the father and son duo. Meanwhile, Xilei only partially nodded with a pair of still crazed eyes after witnessing the massacre of her people, but mainly because she was being humiliated as it happened.

Yun Lang merely nodded at the oldest elder's words and stepped backwards enough to stand side to side with the elder Guming. On the other direction towards them, Yun Beishang jolted his neck backwards once as his entire upper chest moved wobbly a few times before stopping as he then said out loud. "It doesn't even matter, really. I'll just end all of you at once, those 2 behind you will just suffer the same, so come as many of you as possible. For I have no time to waste in this dirt; land of garbage."



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