Bow and Arrow

Chapter 391: Chapter 389 — The First Form (1)

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The First Form (1)




"Eh, Ellie, bring me to where Tonkia is, hurry hurry." Yun Beishang thought and then said after needing only one moment to think about it, he turned his head towards her with bright eyes and a feverish need that even Ellie became astounded to the sight of this, she then said with some curiosity. "Are you sure? My father said to contact him as soon as you woke up no matter what, mm."

"He can piss off; my daughter, my son. Let's go!"

Step, step-rustle. Swish!

As soon as he delivered such a gentle response, Yun Beishang grabbed onto Ellie's right arm and started dragging her somewhere; somewhere as if, since he didn't even knew where he was as everything around himself was way too new for it to be the same transportation device and as his Mental Power was basically non-existent.

After a little while of aimlessly walking, as Ellie enjoyed the sight of foolish Yun Beishang trying his best to put up his senses to no avail and simply walking here and there like a queen-less ant nonstop, she took the reins of their imaginary car's wheel and grabbed his left arm and put in under her right armpit and held it furthermore with her left fair hand.

Then, after taking Yun Beishang for a little tour for about 5 impatient and anxious minutes, she brought the silly Yun Beishang into the room he was looking for the most. It had a pair of doors with a light electric blue color and had a nice herbal scent coming out from the module behind those doors, ah.

"Is it here?" Asked Yun Beishang while nervously standing right before those doors with a calm and fresh Ellie supporting his nervousness from the side, with her arms and hands. Ellie nodded and grinned up a little as she cutely answered him, "Mhm! Right behind these are your two little things, also, they are only a few days old, but they are already capable of being fed personally and even playing with their mother."

"Oh. Talking about the mother in question, she's more than fine, of course. She needed to rest 2 days before being able to take care of them, but once she did, those 2 little thingies were all joyous and playful with her. Oh right, even though Tonkia is also a poor table, since she is so 'special' then the amount and quality and milk she produces is really good! Really yummy!"

Yun Beishang: "...?"

"Hehe, anyways. Go in and visit them already, the three of them are inside and awake. Actually... since you are too dumb right now, I can tell you that not only Tonkia has noticed your presence since you awakened, but ever since you've been behind these doors, from the other side those darlings of yours have been anxiously looking at the door without even knowing why, tehee~."

Tap, tap. Step, step, step, step, step...

Ellie then tapped his shoulders with both hands before stepping away while giving him a glance that said 'once you've gotten your fill of fatherly duties, call me????'; but in a more warm and respectful manner, of course. After she left, only one remained, and only after about another 2 seconds did Yun Beishang finally stepped forward as the doors opened slowly from down to up before then being retracted to the top left and right corners around them.



Step, step, step.


"Husbaaaaand~!! Come in, come in already! Teheheheheee~!" Before Yun Beishang's heart could grow any more restless, Tonkia's voice sounded deeply in his heart as he instead turned completely relaxed, his steps then becoming much more smooth as he walked in and saw a spacious room for about 20 meters wide and 50 meters long.

It had pristine clear walls, floor and ceiling with some designs that extended out from the wall itself or the ceiling itself without it needing to be a decoration of sorts. There was even a square shaped pyramid-like design on the ceiling in which instead of having a cover on top of it, it had a lamp that greatly illuminated the section of the room they were in.

There were about 10 beds around, each one being more or less 2 meters apart from each other and from which on one of them, Tonkia was holding a pair of tiny humans with big eyes, one with some blonde hair and the other with no hair at all. They were all even wider-eyed looking up at Yun Beishang who was walking towards them as instead of fear, curiosity or hostility from an outsider; felt more than anxious for this 'specimen' to get close to them instead!

"Tonkia, Rang'er, Shi'er... hello... I am your father," as Yun Beishang gulped down and down, he set himself on the bed by kneeling on it and then crawling towards Tonkia and their children, he spoke rather in hushes as he looked from up to an ever so brightly and overjoyed Tonkia to below at her and his children.

On his left was Yun Rang, the first child and first daughter of Yun Beishang, and to his right was his first son, Yun Shi. Once Yun Beishang sat his bum down on the bed and right beside Tonkia's thighs, he extended out his hands as he caressed the extremely tiny and wonderfully adorable faces of his mini Tonkia and his mini Yun Beishang.

"How are they? Aren't they going to be quite the goddess beauty and godly handsome? Hehehe, I didn't tell you this, but my family's ancestors have all been quite either the beauty or the handsome warrior of the village, you know? Eh, I remember even that my family from yore would always bring the biggest game and juiciest fruits back to the village, mhm! You must be even more proud of your little wife, no? I bet you are????!"

"..." Yun Beishang didn't say anything, but his warming gaze answered Tonkia just as much as it was needed as she went in a dive to take her husband's lips.

"... ... ..." With a pair of mouths responding to each other like never before, one that left both parties with an extremely bout of confidence, security and warmth that came from the forming of one's own family. As they indulged in each other lovely, the kids below them were mindlessly staring around themselves, wondering to themselves why were they now being brutally ignored (?).

"Mwaph, husband... I've missed you, eh."

"Mn, I've missed my Tonkia, too. Missed you a lot, also missed Irllytia a lot, Tornyllia a lot, Ruo Paodan a lot, Katia a lot; Natalia a lot, Diana a lot..." With Yun Beishang going on and on and on, Tonkia ended up giggling and covering her mouth everytime his innocent face remained as he mentioned woman after woman, as even his children joined in to the fun and ignorantly laughed it off along their mother.

"Do you blame... me? They weren't born in Main Kingdom. Though, in some way, they were also not born in New Earth per say." Tonkia immediately eased his frown as soon as Yun Beishang asked this question, telling him in response in a low but doting tone, "Of course not, aiyo, husband can be so silly some times, mm?"

"..." Seeing her eyes narrow quite a lot and gaze at him as if she wanted to dote, pamper and pleasure and satisfy him like never before in their lives, Yun Beishang bit his lip as he looked back at those wonderful emerald eyes as they turned dark colored just now.

"Ah, this Yun Rang'er is so smart! She almost uttered out 'papa' right after you fainted! And Yun Shi'er is very strong and resilient, you know, when his older sister began crying out loud, he actually placed his tiny little hands on her shoulders? Hahahaha! It was so cuuute~, then I fainted into a 2 days sleep before I could have them on my arms while awake once again. As Cyn and Natalia helped me feed them with my breast milk." As Tonkia talked, she seemed to reminisce of the greatest and most perfect of things as she looked at the ceiling.

In front of her, Yun Beishang was looking directly at her as his eyes then were set on the girl on his left, that tiny little thing that he could almost fully hold onto with just one of his palms. As soon as his loving and overly warm gaze lingered on her, he heard a feminine voice equally lovingly say to him, "Hold her, dummy!"

"Ah." Embarrassed with his dumbness, Yun Beishang then shamelessly smiled widely before using his left hand to slowly encompass the back of his daughter's body, before accepting his son's body on his right arm with the help of Tonkia, who was looking at him now as if he was a delicious prey a lion just found.


"Yiy...a... yiya... yi..."

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These sounds utterly melted Yun Beishang, as he felt his lips making all sorts of dances over and over again over the sight of both his children's bodies moving about as if heavily excited by being held on his arms, at last, and as the feeling of his own warmth complemented them fully.

"Ah, that's right." Yun Beishang said, before turning his head to look at a teary Tonkia, he knowingly didn't tease her about it but instead asked her about something else as he felt his daughter pull on the smallish hair of his beard nonstop while his son never stopped looking at him with his big eyes so clear it looked as if they had an adult's intelligence already. "You had a big family, huh. Tell me about it."

"Oh!" Tonkia nodded right away, a few tears dropping from her cheeks directly to the bed's sheets, she then got closer to her husband and babies as she snuggled on his chest with her front before continuing. "For example, I was born rather easily and with a river of heavenly water above in the skies, mm! I also began talking at 3 months of age, hehe, I was the most amazing child of the village, you know?"

Yun Beishang: "..." 'Am I a joke to you?'

Then, time slowly passed as Yun Beishang spent it all with Tonkia and their baby darlings. He heard all about the costumes of her village, of how she was a genius between geniuses and how she was to be wed to the strongest man of the village who would be able to defeat a supposedly dragon hidden under the village but how the evil 'Tongqiu' came and stole her from their poor little village and so on.

Yun Beishang also heard a few things that were rather ultra interesting, like a few mentions of certain events that reminded him more than obviously of a Bloodline's capabilities rather than just one's strength or ability. There was also many mentions of Tonkia's childhood, where a legend, myth and or 'history lesson' that also picked Yun Beishang's interest to even higher levels...

In-between their chatting, Yun Rang always demanded attention from her father, as Yun Beishang was then 'forced' to leave one of his hands to play with all of Yun Rang as she kicked, punched, slapped, bite—with no teeth, at all—, hug and even use as a sheet to cover herself with to nap.

While Yun Shi, on the other hand, only occasionally begging both parents for attention as he was much less idle and easy to get bored unlike Yun Rang. Even then though, Yun Rang never acted too childishly, only what was expected from a, well, newborn.

Even then, Yun Beishang enjoyed every damn iota of a millisecond that he spent with them while talking with his wife. Just a few hours later, Yun Rang was the last one to fall asleep at last just after her little brother did so 7 minutes earlier, giving the eldest daughter the true title of the oldest sibling of the many from the future...

At this moment, Yun Beishang then was slowly massaging Tonkia's back, neck, head and then shoulders as he drowned her with kisses at all times being delivered on her nape, naked back, head or even on her delicate-looking shoulders and arms. As he was about to finish, he once again stole her lips and seemingly got them stuck in between his as he then liberated them while saying. "Well, I may be... ah, a bit busy from today. I'll try to get myself back to a 'healthy' level so that I can use my Hidden Stats again, okay?"

"Mn, zzzz, mn..." Tonkia nodded, almost about to just doze off with her babies on her arms once again, obediently sleeping in peace as she held them and also fell asleep herself, just as they've always been doing. With her half-closed eyes, she gave her husband a farewell gesture with but all of her warmth and affection as she doze off with their baby darlings and as Yun Beishang dotingly tucked her and their children asleep.

. . .


Step, step, step, step.

'Finally, Bei Bei? So fatherly of you, hm?' Ellie reappeared a few dozens of meters away with Yun Beishang standing on a really wide and long ass hallway that could hold about 50 Yun Beishangs all at once standing side by side, when she suddenly hid into a corner instead of going up to him and bringing him away, as she waited for the scene that was about to be unfolded.

Step, step, step.

As an oblivious Yun Beishang was walking towards a certain direction, now having been aided by an uniformed person that strangely called him 'Leader' and 'Chief' a lot of times; respectfully. He also just now came to know that he was in the most vip, royalty-like and most important residential sections of the KATARINA-1 and not a transportation vehicle anymore but the mothership of itself instead!

In any case, just as Yun Beishang was walking towards that certain direction, a—not at all—little wavy and very long orange haired young woman turned the corner with her head low and eyes staring at an Insoma, one that none other than Yun Beishang got for herself.

"Sash, hi, it's been a while. Oh, I've heard about you being all around Main Kingdom and already being of a higher level than poss-" Just as Yun Beishang was surprised and then started warmly talking to Sash in a more than caring voice, Sash herself had already sent herself onto him with her legs encircling him and her arms hugging his neck desperately; truly desperately.

"Woah, Sash... are you alright?"

"Bewheeee! Beishang, you are awake now! Bohoo, everyone's been worrying about you. They all say that is really sad to see you become once again a weak body, and furthermore, because of the few of themselves that got 'troubled' and made you heal them back up again... I won't say anymore, but, wahaaa... Beishang! Beishang! Beishang!"

After Yun Beishang blinked and blinked again and again, stupefied at the very least, he finally reacted as he hugged the clutched irresistible tempting beauty latched onto him. With his palms caressing her back, Sash turned slightly squirmish as she no longer held herself any longer and stopped letting out her worries with her chin on top of his right shoulder and instead, going for a session of passionate kissing.

"... ... ... ... ... ..." After a long damn while, the shy, introvert and insecure Sashy of his was no longer kissing him like there was no tomorrow. They separated, and as Sash lowered her feet to the ground, her buttocks were all being groped and amassed however Yun Beishang wanted them to change their shape into, she never even did as much as look at him wrongly in the eyes as she instead let out small moans instead...

Afterwards, they both began chattering a little, very little as both were calm and quiet fuckers and barely had any need to even speak to convey their emotions and wants; ah.

Yun Beishang ended up knowing lots, like how the word below, New Earth; sees him now as a small hero of the bigger world and how he had somehow gained safety and even reputation against incriminatory remarks from any party. Yes, including Founding Clans, let alone lesser and unimportant business, companies and so on. Majorly even putting the Peaceful Rain Corporation, as it was the only one remaining from the 'Peaceful Rain' name, into a higher level with the thankfulness of the people of New Earth.

At the same time, the Crestfallen Industry actually used the Basic All-Mending Misery that was gifted to them by the Peaceful Rain Corporation, which they themselves made very sure to be known to the public, to heal and safe the lives of countless other tens of thousands of people that were either caught still alive after the biological weapons aftermath reached their homes or for those who stupidly adventured into the no-life zone that they left behind.

If anything and in any case, the result from the 'accident' of the Founding Yun Clan against the Nascent Herb City only brought them hate, hatred and more abhorrence. It also did not help the mention of a certain individual who caused 'chaos' and 'deaths' at the Funding Yun Clan territory minutes prior the announcement of the Leader of the Crestfallen Industry of the incoming biological weapons.

Thought there was not evidence, hence no real accusation nor even something to start up with a bout of theories and thoughts, the Founding Yun Clan was still and could only still be suspected and nothing more from such events. In the same manner, many people thought to themselves, why were there no sightings from the people, or rather, higher ups from the Founding Yun Clan?

Because, even if the Founding Yun Clan doesn't explain anything, though it would be different in the not-at-all distant past where nobody working with or for them would dare to say a single thing. Right now, there were many employees and employers that either worked with or for the Founding Yun Clan, which were all 'slightly' talking about how their meetings were suddenly delayed up to months later on and how several of these delayed meetings for business deals were all met with the very same few people from the Founding Yun Clan,

In the same manner, many different people of New Earth began to question the activities outside their human territory on New Earth, and why there were more and more unrest between the farms and pets closer to its borders. In particular, most people let go of the fact that the actual and supposedly invincible Founding Clans were attacked and bombarded more than just once the very same day that the Founding Yun Clan became a public enemy!

Not only was that the case, but they, the people of New Earth, were notoriously growing to the idea and thoughts that the Founding Clans were not so venerable anymore. Equally as shocking, what New Earth hasn't seen for possible quite some thousands of years began to reappear at last, protests and meetings of the civilians were abundant all over the human territory of New Earth nowadays.

And even though people could do, indeed theorize about how come the Founding Yun Clan could have send biological weapons even as they and other Founding Clans were being bombarded heavily by an unknown source, they could at most touch the tip of the iceberg as the implications of these events were way too obscenely obscure to really talk about them with a non-blushing and straight face.



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