Bow and Arrow

Chapter 396: Chapter 394 — Warmonger

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"Oooooo-eeeeeee, then, even 'gwagwagwagwa', you know?"

"Oh, hehehe! So cute, you must've felt a bit awkward, hm?"

"Nope, not at all, I was too turned on. She sounded so cute that I couldn't stop lusting to see the image of Master and Senior Sister Zi Fei, woah~~."

"Oh~~, I get what you mean, if only I was there to hear it too..."

As Yun Beishang was damn far away from where these two maids were discussing his time with a more tan relishing in bliss Zi Fei that was now left on her bed to rest and then enter Rising Essence, he still heard them as if they were talking aloud in his ears. A small grin couldn't help but be formed along with a cheerful involuntary snort from his nostrils, "Hmph~."

'Oh well, there is a lot of things that can happen in a year. Maybe I should indulge my maids much more than I currently already am? Heh heh heh.' One can change, but one's nature never changes, not even after the universe itself sheds another era or eon, such was Yun Beishang's depraved self as he thought of many 'new' and consequential 'group' activities between Master and maids, heh heh.

Though there were many more maids than there were at first, it didn't even amount to a total of 100, as for the maids—and naturally, little maids as well—from Main Kingdom, they were already little to begin with. But ever since being inside the KATARINA-1, Lipa and Lopi have been hard at studying not only the world of New Earth, but the knowledge from the Crestfallen Industry and Crestfallen Clan as well.

Besides that, a few others were also at KATARINA-1, which was thanks to Natalia's and company's recruiting sessions everytime they were really too bored when playing the game or when they found a 'gem' that fitted perfectly for their beloved man and all too powerful Lord!

Step, step. Creak~.


"Big Bro~, come on, it's already so late. Oh wah, now that I see Big Brother Wolfy again, I can clearly notice the resemblance of your little babies. So cute~, tehee."

Once again, Yun Yun's and Zyv's yells, respectively, resounded through the room as Yun Beishang entered it. He saw Zyv and Yun Yun dash at him for a hug when Zyv suddenly looked weirdly at his face and spoke her own words with a funny face. Yun Beishang, the adult, ignored her and proceeded to embrace his sister, feeling her up a little as well.

"Ge-hehehe, Brother, you've been playing around from here and there so much, yet you still have a lot for your dear sister to give, eh?" Not responding to her cruel exposing of his 'fickleness', Yun Beishang kept on massaging all of Yun Yun's derriere as he could never get tired of doing it, he could go on for centuries if allowed!

As such, a pair of knowing Little Sister of his quickly went on to calm down the waking up monster before ordering up some snacks to eat while talking among each other. With Yun Beishang being forced to tell a few things of his previous encounters that day, it was compensated by a few rounds with Zyv while Yun Yun licked here and there, ate this and that, basically an auxiliary support for Yun Beishang and Zyv's enjoyment; ah.

Before long, it was close to 8 pm, and Yun Beishang and his two Little Sisters were now resting on the same long ass bed. Perhaps because things haven't been cleared enough yet, but Yun Beishang didn't receive a maid or two at any time, not even the night. But he didn't wanted to wake up his sweet Lil' Sisters as they were already asleep inside the game when he came out of the shower.

Left with nothing else to do and after using his Insoma to check on Tonkia and their babies, to which Tonkia was still having fun whenever she used the phone and so on. Yun Beishang then finally smuggled himself in-between the two beauties on his bed and closed his eyes, a command he hadn't used for quite a while echoing in his mind.

'Log in.'



Rising Essence.


Instead of having the view of Main Kingdom that  Yun Beishang would always so obviously be welcomed in whenever he entered the game, all he got was a point of view in which he didn't had a body to move and in which he could only 'watch'. And what was to watch? For now, it was nothing as it was entirely darkness and nothing else. But then, a sudden, hoarse and somewhat crazed voice entered his ears.

"...It has come to be, you wandering Journeyer..."

"You have benefited from this world's imminent devastation and need of help, as the inhabitants of this world peacefully gloat themselves with riches or fill their heads with blissful pseudo-ignorance, only you Journeyers had gotten the chance to see the dangers that this world can be endangered to."

"It is now your turn to bring this incoming danger that has already been spotted, the Demon Race, to a full extinction! We have given you power, strength that you could never hope to reach and new heights that you couldn't even think of before!"

"You are now seeing yourself obligated, to save this world!! To brandish your weapon and wield your care for this world and go to war, so that you can bring back an honor that has no equal on this universe!"

"We are the guides that have presented to you, all, the necessary steps and requirements for truly belonging to this world not only as a powerful person, but also as one capable of holding the front for the sake of rescuing this world from a sudden calamity.

"Calamity in which the past has already suffered, and it has had suffered it enough! Without connection to other Kingdoms, Main Kingdom was lost. And without the guidance of knowledgeable sources, the people of Main Kingdom were useless, ignorant and conformists."

"But that is no more, young heroes and heroines, for there are a vast number of people in this Main Kingdom willing to follow you and willing to die for you! For you, and only you, Journeyer... is worthy enough to lead this Main Kingdom back to glory and to save it from the universe's total destruction!!!"

"Now, Journeyers, I will let you see the slowly dissipating life of this world..."

...Next after the hoarse and crazed voice, was an illuminating image of a simple rock-like lands where it was all completely and utterly barren. The ground was grey and it really appeared to just be consisting of pure rocks being mangled altogether and staying there to the point they basically 'naturally' glued to each other magically.

Yun Beishang could even feel like he could smell the dust and rockiness around, it was a strange sensation that any ordinary person would simply just become overwhelmed from this weird 'real' 3d sensation right off the bat; but naturally not Yun Beishang.


Suddenly, an image that astounded Yun Beishang occurred! The entire ground jumped a few centimeters upwards, but not dust nor the ground itself separated the very least nor did it break in any way, it just simply 'flew' up. It was as if someone placed their hands under their clothes and began mimicking a heart beating.

It occurred only once though, and just as Yun Beishang's eyes widened, the screen was once again blackening while his heart was also barely about to beat faster.

...Now, as the previous scene of a barren rock-like land disappeared with the screen blackening, the illumination to another sighting was opened right after. Slowly as well, as it went from a black screen to a slowly illuminated desert-like lands where there was obvious ground cracked but also some wonderfully colored golden and greenish sand around, not in abundance but still enough to 'surf' through them.

Rumble! Pah!

The same kind of rumbling noise echoed out once again, but this time, this time there was the additional sight of the golden and greenish arena all around being slapped into the air all at once but it wasn't naturally done so. First, there was the cracked ground and everything unrelated to the sand as it jumped up barely nothing compared to its insurmountable length and size.

Second and lastly, there was that exact moment when the arena and the ground jumped together upwards without making a single disturbance between each other, appearing to be completely the same and unaffected  with not even a sole grain of sand moving from that 'heart-thumping' jump as only the ground distorted when it did.

However, right as the ground jumped, the arena was then seemingly slapped as all of it directly flew in all directions into the air. It appeared as if it became chaotic and as its nature was fully destroyed, but right after it happened and as the ground was already coming down to its own natural structure; the grains of sand all seemingly became alive and magical, recovering on their own and challenging time and space to go back to their 'own' position without an iota of a mistake. Yet, there was something missing now.

The screen once again blackened but this time, Yun Beishang did not felt his heart flutter; for as though it wasn't as shockingly impactful and briefly intense as the first scene that was shown, this one was more perplexing and doubtful.

Yet again, the screen began to be illuminated once more. And the next scene to appear was a land of murky grass that had some ashen aura coming off the ground, it was also the night with a moon in the sky but also about to be hidden by the world itself from the point of view that Yun Beishang and any other player of Rising Essence when seeing this.

Once again not being able to move, Yun Beishang could only see as, out of nowhere, the ashen aura that barely came a couple of inches from the ground-level suddenly dived deep down underground.


Rumble! Swooosh~!

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The ground, just like it has had been seen before, quaked and distorted as it all jumped up barely nothing; but just as the entire world seemed to implode, countless insects with large bodies and long wings but thin as hell came out from the quaked and distorted ground. They were all formed by the ashen aura from before into an insect of about 5 centimeters in length and just half a centimeter in diameter. For its wings, they were 3.5 centimeters long while they also had multiple of such all almost joined together but still completely of different dynamics.

The angle that Yun Beishang had suddenly changed, as something that seemed to want to emit utter chaos, fear, predation and death was coming directly to where the 'camera' was 'positioned' so to speak. But suddenly, the angle changed, and all Yun Beishang could see was the moonless sky as the insects seemingly unwillingly changed their direction to the sky as well, just that Yun Beishang was now able to see a tsunami of such things that came all from underground as they seemed to want nothing but freedom.



And yet again, also suddenly, all those insects were seemingly pulled back into the ground in just an instant, though there were some tons as well that weren't fully pulled out and were still struggling. It was strange, probably mistaken too, but... they appeared to have gained life at that moment?

Many people would definitely become astounded and excited at seeing such a life-like reality come out from the game, from a video even as Rising Essence was known to be the oh so dreamed second reality. But not for Yun Beishang, he instead felt terror.

With his First Form finally drawn, created and formed; how could he be wrong? That was... definitely true... and not right. He felt; utter terror, despair, giving up, surrender, despondency and... hopelessness. Yet, as the sigh resounded once those fighting insects not willing to live and fought against the invisible pulling force all became nothingness by a barely visible invisible hand.

'Shadowy hand!'

As Yun Beishang's eyes and body widened and numbed respectively, the screen blackened faster than ever before, immediately sending any thought of keeping on thinking about it to not just Yun Beishang but anyone who was watching it.

...When the screen illuminated again, the entire scenery changed once more, but this time, it astounded Yun Beishang as he recognized very fucking well from where it was coming from. It also brought Yun Beishang a clearer train of thought towards the video's intention, but he placed them aside for the moment, and concentrated on watching for now.

Because, the images represented right now, were all showing a great but not that gigantic hole that went down the planet's surface. That was... exactly where Yun Beishang met Yovilnnia for the first time!!

Even though this was all from way above where Yovilnnia was trapped back then, it was still there, and Yun Beishang could still remember the way in which he felt weirded out down there. He couldn't help but want to stand up in a daze and bafflement, only to cruelly embarrassingly remind himself that he doesn't really has a body so to speak as of right now.

Watching the lands that he and his Order were previously farming some materials and Experience so calmly and peacefully, Yun Beishang then was rewarded with the already expected sound of the everything suddenly jumping towards the sky as the trees, grass, flowers, ordinary insects, small animals and other animals all incomprehensibly ignored this fact and reality itself once more.

Rumble! Rumblerumblerumblerumblerumble...

If the previous sound from the ashen aura place was one to induce the worst of fears and whatnot else, then the sound of countless 'moving' underneath was to instill a sense of anxiety, nervousness and danger. But to Yun Beishang, hearing it happen made him understand that that was how the father and daughter duo ended up being trapped down there, indeed. So, since when have these things been happening that not even himself is aware of? Who else is also like him but unaware as well and... who is actually aware of these?

It wasn't impactful, but it was really foreshadowing, and the mere 'lightness' of its impact on the viewers was what made the sounds coming from 'below' to be the ones in the main spotlight, effectively achieving the emotions desired to expose for whatever reason or circumstances.

The screen, however, ruthlessly started blackening yet again...

...Whoosh, chirp chirp. Stomp, stomp-step, step step. Rustle, rustle. Awooo.

A plethora of sounds had already surrounded and invaded Yun Beishang himself and his sense of hearing while the screen was still black, but before any sense of discomfort could truly be granted, the ever so wonderful and beautiful sight of the sun reaching out for the high skies appeared in front of his eyes.

As the screen became fully illuminated and as it was getting early for the day that was showing, Yun Beishang noticed that the angle was extremely capable, as he felt that the terrain that he was witnessing in the screen was thousands of higher to what he could sense with his very own Mental Power.

At the same time though, he noticed that he 'was' on top of a tree, otherwise a mountain. And from which had a ton of goldish energy that oozed nonstop and invigoratingly, but from which was a sense of losing life and what else.


Suddenly, a notorious and clear crispy sound of a slap between seemingly two masses sounded out, and from where the angle was pointing at the sun coming out, it changed to that of the exact opposite direction.

Right after, the scene of the entire world quaking was visible, and a bout of rocky explosions, magical drifting sand, despair and utter fear and finally, foreshadowing sounds also were barely audible even for Yun Beishang to hear as he saw the entire planet seemingly almost swallowing itself before coming back down.

"... ... ... ..."


Not long after, not even more than 5 seconds since the familiar sights of the entire planet's earth jumping upwards; the same sound from before of a crispy and clear sound resounded yet again. This time, the angle changed as it went back to where the sun was coming out as it suddenly became brightless and in its stead, there were colors of all kinds that drifted about aimlessly as the entire planet quaked on that side as well... and then there was only silence.

With the screen and images blackening, this time for real, only silence prevailed in all of Yun Beishang's senses as he fell into a similar pondering silence too. And it was then, that the black screen suddenly had an invasive aura and atmosphere, right after and as Yun Beishang concentrated his gaze once again, blood came out from 'below' the screen. And from it, a word with flames at the end of itself and with some of its dark and sluggish carmine red colored blood dried up disgustingly real.


...And so, Yun Beishang slowly sensed himself being directed, this time, directly into the real game world of Rising Essence; namely, Main Kingdom!



New Earth, 8,000,000 kilometers away from the human territory.


A young couple could be seen dragging their tired legs and suffering bodies towards the shore, the young couple consisted of a man and a woman. The man dragged a boat that was 8 meters long and 3 meters wide, yet it was not only being carried by the young man with utter indifference but the young man even appeared to be treating it as nothing.

To his right side, the young beautiful woman followed him eagerly but dispiritedly, with her head lowered, she even prohibited the grass and dirt below to see a tiny bit of her face.

Splash, splash. Splash.

The boat, and them, finally reached the rumored long waters of New Earth that could go on and on until the end of times. It was a fact known by the Crestfallen Industry, as the undiscovered and totally unpopulated sea by humanity were always in movement. And the only way for the expansion of humanity on New Earth was through land, as a ship would lose its course after an hour. No matter the size, methods, technology nor Specialists in use.

Without saying anything in between themselves, but understanding each other perfectly, the young couple hopped into the boat, and after doing a mere push of the boat into the endless sea before throwing away the oars in the boat... they began their journey to drift away until their death.

Sniff, sniff.

Some time passed, and from a certain spot, a young man with a height of much larger than 'just' 2 meters appeared with fur-skin clothing and with short, pale-silver hair as he gazed at the shore and direction where the boat and the young couple disappeared to.

"...Hm, they smell a little bit... hm... over there?" As if bored to death with himself and himself alone, the young pale-silver haired man turned to the direction that they took and made several twists and rotations with his head before finally pointing at exactly where New Earth's human population was settled at.

Step, step, step...

Shrugging his shoulders and letting his neck loose, the young man with pale-silver short hair then began to step toward New Earth's general direction. Not knowing that there were about monsters of a 'lower' caliber that could be as high as the highest buildings on New Earth, and that there was a plague of them all on his way to the human civilization of the very same.




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