Bow and Arrow

Chapter 398: Chapter 396 — I Will Never Leave You

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I Will Never Leave You




For as incredible as Hidden Classes are, even though they showed the great effects that their skills can achieve at the Global Tournament... to speak of it fairly, Yun Beishang could give them a pointer or two to a few and they would still be clueless on what real might meant, from perfectly using one's Hidden Class they would still be clueless onto what this game can really achieve.

Maybe it is because of his obviously different genetics than any other person, even for those that aren't 'ordinary'? With the manipulation of his Mental Power, it is more than blatant obvious the kind of advantage that Yun Beishang has. But now, he even has a class such as the Evil God class, with no visible 'type' nor 'grade' of a class, much less real information about it.

Even as Sash went on to explore the world with the system's aid, she was more than clueless to his own class, even that Lotion Lost, aka Historic Father guy was none the wiser to what the fuck was what Tongqiu used or gained to become so strong. In that sense, Tongqiu was the biggest enigma of the entire game, it made the 'game' itself look even more infinite with possibilities.

Yet, most of the players that had their time inside this world, even for the oldest ones with 12 months of playtime—not in hours, of course—; no matter who they are, they are mostly limiting themselves really thinking that this was a game. This was the difference between Yun Beishang himself, his people such as his lovers and women and his subordinates. Yes, including the newest ones 'gifted' from the Crestfallen Industry and Crestfallen Clan.

In any case, all Hidden Classes had either reached their last progress stage, level or whatever it could be called depending on the Hidden Class itself, or at their Second Advancement. As for ordinary players, it was more than obvious to be able to tell that about 80% of the playerbase of Rising Essence had already attained them.

Because a long time has passed, compared to months before where people would still be frolicking, lazying and just simply being an idiot around; now players were much more serious on their fighting capabilities, upgrading and understanding their skills and... getting to know themselves in this world in which anyone can make a 'friend' and even lover or... family even, still being a game.

This kind of 'connection' ended up making the players more versed in their own virtual characters, bodies, etc. That was why there was a sudden bunch of goddamn Legendary god-like players appearing up after the Global Tournament.

Even though there were already guides on 'how to' this and that one class or skill or even combo, the watching, analyzing and imitating of their heroes and heroines' talented moves, mentalities when in battle and the like were all the fuel that the players of Rising Essence needed to evolve on their own. Props for the Crestfallen Industry, ah.

In the same manner that ordinary class players were evolving, and fast at that, Hidden Class users, be it Legendary or Universal ones, were also similarly but more slowly as they studied... Tongqiu instead. Eh, well, it is what it is. People gotta eat and all of that; though Tongqiu wasn't the only one being analyzed, for as others such as Sash, Zi Fei and even Natalia were also being analyzed.

Sammy, on the other hand, was barely visible as the streaming wouldn't allow viewers to see through Sammy's stealth; they couldn't learn from her except from the fact that it was probably her equipment that allowed her to grow incredibly fast at attacking and moving as well as enhancing her cloaking skills.

Natalia was being analyzed as her healer skills weren't anything lower than those of Sammy, Juvenile Blade's, in the form of a healer type of class. Though she wasn't a hugely Movement Speed based playstyle, and instead was all but from a full WIS build, Natalia was still the MVP of all healer classes as she became the role model for all healers in the game. Props to Queen Naty.

Zi Fei was a hybrid of Magical Power and Physical Power role model to follow and worship, she was so well seen by anyone who was a crazy maniac of things like a magical swordsman or a physical build mage and even by those that simply thought very well of such a thing that her total fanbase double entirely as one was from her very own and first fan club while the other one was in honor to her fighting capabilities.

And Sash is... well, Sash is incredible, could she ever not be so? Defeating an already well known and most reputed young master in the history of this current era, True Dragon, in a manner that was completely one sided even as she was actually sneak attacked by such a person as the first move on that arena from back then.

She also showed an incredible killing power to all The Order's enemies when it came to the other 2 segments, and she wasn't any worse than Tongqiu in the hearts of the public since every single one of her skills that were not from her Carefree Dragon class was so devastatingly domineering, violent and efficient but also completely dangerous and fatal to her any enemy she faced.

Her dueling capabilities put many into the thought of 'what if' and the entity 'Tongqiu' right after, such two special players weren't just enigmatic on their own, unlike the True Dragon guy who was basically relying on his Association. But they were also together, together! That kiss at the finals of the 1v1 segment was enough to shatter half of the universe, but seeing her lips not only content from the touch but also proactively having responded at that time. Yup, that made it, everyone's hearts were filled with both angst and passion from then on about Sash.

Hence, besides Zyv, Fosk Yao, Little Phoenix Maiden and Lovable and Touchable, Sash now became one of the top when it came to their fan clubs. Ah, The Order was, indeed, so full of geniuses. It was just that... people wondered if... some of those geniuses were also involved with the Lord of The Order, hm...

Oh well, that was all for the Leaderboards matters to go through Yun Beishang's head. When he took his eyes off his Leaderboards interface, they landed on a Yun Yun who had her back laying on top of him and as her head was bent backwards, directly facing into his eyes, nose and lips. Suddenly, there was a calmest of silences as they stared at one another without interruption.

. . .


A most beautiful, pure and definitely cute scene was unfolded right now on top of Wolf Zyv's back.

Yun Beishang was laying on her furry back while Wolf Zyv herself had already reached a place full of mobs with LV110 to LV120 even, she had her eyes closed and her outlining eyelids looked peaceful but also full of cuteness among her pale-white fur. She rested on her stomach, as she completely hated the thought of waking up her dear sister amidst her slumber.

As for the top of her back, there was Yun Beishang laying on his right arm while a tiny Rosey was between him and Yun Yun as she was entirely dozed off at Yun Beishang's stomach and at Yun Yun's back. A Little Rasa, however, had morals as she slept a few inches atop Yun Beishang with her limbs sprawled on top of Wolf Zyv.

There was a 'passionate' thing going on though, that was because Yun Beishang's crotch was all plastered on Yun Yun's behind, but there was not a too strong of a movement from both parties.

"Hmm, mh..." Yun Yun suddenly moaned out a little, her nostrils enlarging a bit before her eyelashes trembled slightly. As if out of instinct, she slowly backed her head with her back slightly arched outwards with her tummy greeting the world and her bum and head backwards, as her eyes also slowly came to a perfectly clear but still strangely hazy view of her brother's face looking back at her with a pair of loving, caring eyes.



"I will never leave you." As she said, Yun Yun's eyes reddened slightly around themselves as her left hand reached out for his face. In return, Yun Beishang lowered his head closer to hers as his lips left a soundless smooch on her fore head, almost right on her hair as both their eyes ended up in a position that left them perfectly looking at each other's.

"I will never leave you, too." Yun Yun wanted to laugh his childishness off, but she somehow restrained it and only managed to grin uproariously at his still sweet and endearing words.



"Never." Suddenly, a tiny voice accompanied both of theirs as they were about to give each other a nice romantic kiss, as the siblings both returned to a normal laying down pose, they saw a Little Rosey who was brightly looking up at them from Yun Beishang's stomach.

"What? I also want Big Brother's huggies and smoochies!"

Yun Yun: "..."

Yun Beishang: "..."

Zyv: " too!"

Rasa: "zZZzZZzz"

"Kwaaagh, brbrbrbr, I'm being terrorized. Rasa, save your precious Rosey, aaaah~!" Cries of a poor creature resounded, a poor creature with saliva from all over her cheeks, forehead and even hair as she tried to run away on top of Wolf Zyv's back and as Yun Yun went back to sleep with a Little Rasa using her flat tummy as a pillow. All is well in this paradise of life.



A few hours later, as the sun was setting on Main Kingdom but was still dark at New Earth.


You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

Slash! Slash! Cleave!

-127,710, -127,710, -127,710, -127,710, -127,710...

*PING*'ve successfully killed a LV110 beast 'Giant Tiger', Experience gained has been distributed to your party member Zyv, Snow Fallen For Sorrow, your Pet Rosey and yourself respectively.

*PING*'ve successfully killed a LV112 monster 'Greenland Yeti', Experience gained has been distributed to your party member Zyv, Snow Fallen For Sorrow, your Pet Rosey and yourself respectively.

*PING*'ve successfully killed a LV120 monster 'Ancient Elf Undead', Experience gained has veen distributed to your party member Zyv, Snow Fallen For Sorrow, your Pet Rosey and yourself respectively.

[Giant Tiger]: Type: Beast, LV: 110, HP: 101,575. Better than most mutated animals, insects and even monsters, this giant and powerhouse of the wild is merely one of the many overlords of the smaller wild lands and can be seen in great quantities all around Main Kingdom. Depending on the terrain, it can even evolve into certain other species.

Skills: Thick Fur and Clawing Torment.

Thick Fur: Damage Reduction+5% and incoming Physical Damage Reduction+5%.

Clawing Torment: Whenever the Giant Tiger uses a claw-method of an attack, create an effect that has a 15% chance of causing Bleeding, Inter Bleeding or even Necrosis.

[Greenland Yeti]: Type: Monster, LV: 112, HP: 108,700. A Yeti species that got drifted away from their ancestral home by a bit too much, this Yeti species has mutated to the point that even though their skin is still rotting due to the lack of cold, they can now live up to 52 years without a problem with a few extra perks.

Skills: Rotten Blood and Indescribable Pain.

Rotten Blood: Immune to Water Core Elemental effects and Ice Elemental Damage and effects, being touched by this blood can make one enter a Burning state for a minute with a 5% chance of success.

Indescribable Pain: Every time the Greenland Yeti is attacked, 15% of the HP from the Greenland Yeti will be converted into damage against their attacker to those who are not fast enough to run away right after attacking it.

[Ancient Elf Undead]: Type: Monster(Undead), LV: 120, HP: 115,000. Though it was an elf once, this current entity is but only an enlarged and weaponless set of assembled bones can only use its large limbs and disposition to induce fear into its enemies to kill and feed from the dying souls of the living.

Skills: Tough Bones, Undead Aura and Absorbing Hatred.

Tough Bones: The Ancient Elf Undead's bones have Physical Defense+20% and Magical Defense+10% as well as Damage Reduction+3%.

Undead Aura: Naturally has a 15% chance to induce Fear, Chaos or Paralysis for 2.5 seconds at all times, resistance against this depends on a being's mental health and willpower.

Absorbing Hatred: When killing a non-undead enemy, the Ancient Elf Undead uses its Race's past knowledge to steal the life from the dying soul of its enemy and recuperates 3% of its HP. When absorbed 1,000 different types of dying souls, this monster will evolve to be a 1 Star Elite.

Yun Beishang was passing his Mind-Sensory Dual Gladiuses through these last few mobs as there was barely anything to do around here besides killing mobs, mobs and a few Star Elite mobs as well. He had already amassed an incredible large amount of them and had taken them out, but only those 3 weren't instantly killed by his use of Unparalleled Manipulation and his Total Combustion skills.

Now that he killed them, he parted his gaze away from the in-game forum's interface as he wasn't even paying attention at his surroundings while doing all of this and turned to look at Yun Yun and Zyv who were clapping at his hard work being finished. He looked at their Experience bars and saw that Yun Yun had 97% while Zyv had 95%, as the latter had gone off at some time to scout the area while Yun Beishang gave Yun Yun some special blood-related sibling privilege against a pouty returning Zyv.

Of course, he had to promise the use of his body for her total pleasure so that she wouldn't start thinking she was any less or something, not that it was really needed but... to take advantages when the opportunity itself is presented is for the wise!

Trlck, tlck tlck tlck tlck...

"Hey! I will take us to another area, it will take some time for these ones to respawn. Rosey, give Zyv 8/10's of the materials so that she can make you even more yummy food, okay?" As Yun Beishang spoke, he returned his Dual Gladiuses to their true form as the Half-Divine Mind- Sensory Pseudo-Artifact 'weapon' and began to speed up into the distance with Yun Yun and Zyv following after him once Rosey passed the mountain of items in her little and fragile-looking arms to Zyv.

As for Rasa, she already got ahead of herself and was sitting on Yun Beishang's right shoulder with her arms extended upwards and eyes closed as her demonic canines were exposed along with her own glee on the freedom of roaming the world without hiding her face underneath at all damn times... and not alone as well; anymore.

"BRR!" Even if Rosey was more than healed back up since long ago... she was still the Little Rosey, so after she brr'ed out, Rosey disappeared from the sights of Yun Yun and Zyv as they enviously glanced at the little thing appear on Yun Beishang's left shoulder in the distance. Teleportation, plus connected to their beloved and without limit... how good would that be, ah?

For Yun Yun, she couldn't help but of all the times that she could find a new recipe and make a grandiose feast for her dearest big brother and suddenly place it all in front of him to fully delight himself in.

As for Zyv, she couldn't help of all the naughty things she could do to him whenever she pleased, and how clingy she could get without anybody being able to stop her, not even...



But then, the two ladies lost and dumbfounded by love remembered at the same time with none other but the very same train of thought: 'His White Space, oh my! How could I forget?!'. Which then they both turned into omnipresent glows of white as they went from space, time and laws and reality into Yun Beishang's White Space before coming out and catching up to him at once.

"Hehehe~" Bell-like giggling resounded to his right as Yun Yun teased Rasa from time to time, while Rosey and Zyv, on his left, were playing against one another and vying for the winner of the naughtiest!


"..." Ignoring the joyful girls, Yun Beishang shook his head, rolled his eyes and sent his Pure's Essence out so that Yun Yun nor Zyv would get tired from him moving at full 254% Movement Speed. Because yes, as of right now, he had his (Sealed) Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set on, just to try it out lest he suddenly finds a Mythical random BOSS out of nowhere, right? Crazy stuff.

Then, he pondered over the threads he had just read. They weren't much, but they indeed had a something interesting to them, while some others were just lucky to be the first ones in posting a thread about something that just about everyone was interested in and was not just simply utter garbage from the get go as a thread.

Such was a thread that was talking about the most recent events that were ongoing in the game; the severe and intense movement of army-group of powers that were being raised up by none other than the Royal families of Main Kingdom, and from which army-groups were formed from none other than their own Regions' inhabitants.

But this time, it was no longer the act of 'trying' to recruit somebody, but rather, the sudden and unnecessary but seemingly heroic and devoted—?—royal order from the Royal families that were all about the conscription for the defense of the whole Main Kingdom. There was a reason that was given directly to the seemingly few but actually lots of 'leaders' from various Journeyer so-called Associations, as represented by the OP of the thread, and that was...

...'The 'Sacred' Guiding Voices had shown us the way, we have now confirmed the Demon Race's locations and bases and we only need the necessary amount of people to cover the extinction of the universe's tumor! Journeyers, it is now I who implore you all to send your forces to group our still hesitant and fearful people for Main Kingdom!'

So it said on the thread.




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