Bow and Arrow

Chapter 401: Chapter 399 — Overlord Descends Into Its Mortal Image (3)

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Overlord Descends Into Its Mortal Image (3)




'Katia, is this about the thing that your master warned me about... them coming after me?'

Whoosh, whoosh~, whooosh!

"..." There was no response even after Yun Beishang waited for 3 seconds, when finally, he heard her speak with a bit of a sigh on her words. "...Oh, whatever. You've already talked to me and they've already gained lots of information before deciding to do this to you, might as well. So yes, these are the ones that my Master warned you about, they've finally come after you. Content?"

"Mmm... what lever is this enemy?" Using his Mental Power, Yun Beishang continued to talk to Katia as she swiftly responded to his doubt right away, "Well, it is well beyond a mortal's capability. But don't worry, Lil' Gold will aid you in this. Oh right! Don't worry about your sister, just make sure to go through this and nurse her back at your world with Pure's Essence. You can do it while in Main Kingdom, but you have not attained your own Godhood, so it'll be more efficient to do it with your physical bodies instead."


"Mn... okay, " Yun Beishang was still flying upwards as he nodded ever so slightly quite a few times to Katia's words, as he then continued to say with a soft tone inside his head, "Thank you, Katia."

"Mm-mm," shaking her head inside her own Space in her 'spirit' form, Katia smiled a rare doting smile at her husband before saying in an equally doting and also understanding tone, "It's what I should do, as your wife, recovering my husband's mentality even at such an event is my, uh... thing to do? Anyway, before yo ask it to me yourself... yes, you can get through this, husband. Nothing should ever stop you from protecting those you hold dear!"

"!" Yun Beishang's eyes, who were lower even despite the fact that he was already half a kilometer above the oval shaped pale golden disk, began gaining a deeper light as they slowly began to glance upwards. Only extreme fierceness remained as a calmness so extreme emanated from them as well!

"Big Brother, something is about to come from that forced portal, prepare!" At this time, the cute, cute and cute voice of Rosey sounded out to warn him as he himself was already gazing at the circular lava orange shape. She didn't need to also try and remind Yun Beishang of his White Space for the three down below who might be better of inside of it, for as she knew that this kind of sudden enemy wasn't one of merely attacking his virtual body, just as much as Yun Beishang knew nothing of what they could really do; better to be safe, after all.

"Mn, Rosey. I'll need your big, big help this time. Try to use your Destroying Dooming Bloom to hit whatever is coming exactly at the moment of-"


Just as he was talking, Yun Beishang felt a tremendous pressure invade his heart, chest and lungs as he felt as if he had tons of air circling all around inside his torso, making him feel really uncomfortable and painful too. At the same time, the lava and orange colored energy was now becoming seemingly really unstable, with the waves and ripples around it coming to a still even.

"Boy, give me some time. I also can't go down, so I have to, err... how would you humans call it... put my clothes on. Until then, buy me some time so that I can close off this little window."

"Alright, shit, whatever." Not bothering right now, and at this moment, about the voice whose identity was already confirmed by Katia in any respectful demeanor anymore. Yun Beishang then lifted his right arm holding a very basic, Useless grade arrow while his left hand was also slowly lifted to beautifully show a Mind-Sensory Long Bow under the bright energy above himself.

"Okay, Rosey, stop here. It should be good enough to hold back whatev- !!!" Amidst his words, Yun Beishang suddenly felt as if he just saw something incredibly impossible, at the same time, information popped up before him and left him almost going crazy all at once.

[??? - ???, ???]: Type: ???, Grade: Kingdom's End, LV: ???, HP: ???. ???.

'Fuck your mother...' Though this was the information that poured into Yun Beishang's sight, what his Mental Power—senses—actually caught upon was to that of the sight of the entire universe and a body which was fully colored of a flamy orange color and of a muscular build. His or her height weren't discernible to him, but he felt that it shouldn't even be much more than him, with it being 3 meters tall at most.

However, this person was bald and their chest wasn't visible, only the sight of this 'person's' eyes that were nothing but flames and whose lips were crooked madly as this person then used their right arm as if to prepare to sent out a comical punch at none other that where the 'forced' portal was at their side!





Crunch~~! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~...

An incredible sight was unfolded before the eyes of Yun Beishang, Yun Yun, Zyv, Rosey and Rasa as even Katia gasping sound could be heard by Yun Beishang; as a gigantic, ginormous, mountainous arm that reached at the very least a minimum diameter of ten kilometers came out from the smallish lava orange colored portal.

Right as a fist came out, an entire forearm and arm followed it, appearing to be tons of kilometers long as its elbow was barely beginning to show while it was still around less than 20 kilometers away from Yun Beishang's position in midair from the difference in altitude and the still vast distance to traverse to reach the forced portal

However, it was not an arm that was of the same skin color of the person he saw on the other side of the portal, instead, it was a shadowy arm that was barely visible among the nighttime of Main Kingdom. It was only discernible thanks to the portal that it came from directly; but this made Yun Beishang realize and think of something, thorough all the nights... how many times have they done similar stuff to this?

Even if it were to be to a much lesser level from how grand it looked like right now, being 'people' that were not only more than 50 LVs higher than him but also of a grade that was definitely to above that of what Main Kingdom should ever really have. It was more than easy for them to hide from Yun Beishang's and any other being of and within Main Kingdom's senses.

But just as he was thinking so, the arm and fist that were purely shadowy looking quickly came out from the portal before slowly shedding off their 'shadowiness', revealing a brightly cream-white skinned entire arm that though it wasn't of the same skin color of the person he saw before, it was definitely of a color that could 'stay' in Main Kingdom for the sole purpose of... getting rid of him!

Yun Beishang could now see another different and revealing thing, which got him stupefied for a good while.

[Arm of the ??? - ???, ???]: Type: ???, Grade: Kingdom's End, LV: 135, HP: 150,000,000,000. An arm that was conjured by the ???, ??? ??? into Main Kingdom with the use of many sacrifices from the very same Kingdom. It has given up on ever having 2 arms for the sake of accomplishing his mission.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAAAHAAAAA~!!!!" But just as the 'newly made' arm that had just formed, a familiar and relieving sound thundered across the skies ever so lightly. While a maddened beyond belief crazed laughter descended onto the surrounding thousands of kilometers, a red lightning that was formed from the lightning that instantly danced from the clouds around the area that were surrounding the forced lava orange colored portal from various other colors suddenly struck the immense and overwhelmingly mighty arm.

"GWAAAAAAAAWWHHHHHH~!! Kaaaaaayyngghhhh!! Nooooooooo-ooooooooo-oooooo-ooooo-ooo..." Suddenly and out of nowhere, the previous crazed laughter turned into extremely painful and despairing shrieks as the arm that appeared on Main Kingdom was instantly penetrated deeply by the red lightning that was summoned from the skies and the clouds, which were also illuminating all of several kilometers around Yun Beishang and further down below on the ground in a powerful and dangerous bright red color.

As the word 'no' was dragged, cut off but still being dragged on and on and on for a good while as the arm in the skies had 'new' veins form in the form of bright red color and had its skin solidify only to right after crumble to large pieces and chunks of the same along with some solidified blood and jelly bones as well.

Like this, the at least ten kilometers in diameter huge arm became a skinny and totally different arm with barely around that of less than one kilometer in diameter with its bones of the hand having even become twisted and lacking all kind of energy and vigor. But it still had skin though, and it even seemed untouched, as if this 'arm' had tons of several layers of skin made to protect it.

"It failed, it failed... grwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Noooooooo!! No-AH! NONO-aaaaaaah! Shit die, miserable ah! AAAAAAAH!" Totally incoherent, the person whose voice could travel between Kingdoms sounded even more scary and terrifying at the immense levels of insanity that it had reached, that 'he' had reached!


But even then, the arm that was all weakened and whose information also appeared newly into Yun Beishang's mind was still going after him, as he even felt an even stronger sense of danger and hostility invade his entire self as he found it difficult to even breathe, let alone to raise both his arms so that he could use his bow and arrow.

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[Arm of the ??? - ???, ???]: Type: ???(Weakened), Grade: Mythical, LV: 135, HP: 4,000,000,000. An arm that was conjured by the ???, ??? ??? into Main Kingdom with the use of many sacrifices from the very same Kingdom. It has given up on ever having 2 arms for the sake of accomplishing his mission.

Even though it lost a couple of grades and had even gotten the 'weakened' state, its HP was still 'full' and was even higher than the Righteous Celestial White Tiger's HP by a whole 750,000,000 total HP more! Both different entities at the same grade and level, but quite different considering that 750,000,000 HP wasn't a small number for even Yun Beishang himself. And that was with 'it' being Weakened by the red lightning, heavens of Main Kingdom!

"Kggh... huff! Haa-hoo-hock!" Yun Beishang instantly felt as if the bones of his torso were giving in, as if his organs were about to jump on their own accord out of their body as the entire world trembled, swayed and distorted in his view.

"Hold yourself! Hold yourself together, Beishang! Husband!!" In her own Space, Katia was screaming at the top of her lungs. Both her fists were under her hips and almost beginning to show clear sights of injury as blood trickled down.

"HAAAHP..." Suddenly, as if Yun Beishang had found the method to breathe back to his own knowledge, he gasped a huge amount of air at once, filling his lungs and covering him in warmth; the warmth of his own body. Katia saw this, and her eyes glinted a bit crazily as she then grinned heroically before continuing with a wild voice, "That's right!! Sense your feet, understanding their connection to the world. Hear your own heartbeat, acknowledge its existence by following its rhythm with your mind! Think about your past, present; and now think about those around you! It's for them, Beishang, grow strong for them even to the cost of peace! Raise up, HUSBAND!!!"

"!!!!!" Yun Beishang then felt his own blood boiling, the single images of his and Yun Yun's suffering in the past to the current present were already enough to want him to end everything that ever dared to even be in touch with the 'whom' have hurt her. And as he found the strength, and reason, to lift his left arm and point its knuckles against the skies and his right hand's finger aiming at the same skies...

Tshin, tshin.

Transcended Divine Burst!

Otherworldly Dimensional Set!

Hells Open, Heavens Weep!

With his mind commanding another 2 arrows to appear in his right hand, and as his right hand drew his bowstring with those 3 arrows knocked on it, his eyes were extremely fierce and extremely calm at the same time. As the differences between those two emotions weren't making any clash among each other, he let them out as the 3 arrows disappeared into the void; seemingly.


As Yun Beishang took another 3 arrows, he concentrated all of his Hidden Stats once more, but this time, with even more concentration as he gave Rosey a command and deactivated Transcended Divine Burst. It was time to use his other signature skill from his Evil God class anyway.


"Grawh! Munchmunchmunchmunch MUNCH!!!" With Rosey already starting to chew on Yun Beishang's left leg like it was the thief of her snacks from Zyv or the ticklish monster of the legends, Yun Beishang's HP went lower and lower with his new 3 arrows already pointing at the incoming still gigantic fist.

-7,771, -7,771, -7,771, -7,771...

However, the fist that was a bit less than ten kilometers away from him before, though now Weakened and hence, had much less speed than before. Was already only a couple kilometers before and above him as it would reach him the next few seconds, that goddamn fast it was.

With Rosey's damage not being that much though it did at least had a 100% Pierce Rate like Yun Beishang did, as well as Yun Beishang having way over 100,000 HP and almost 10,000 total Physical Defense and Magical Defense, it would really take a little while to get him down to having less than 10% of his total HP. However, that was only for the LV4 Supreme Last Stand!

With Yun Beishang having won so much in the Global Tournament, besides his previous farming as the Team vs Team and Association vs Association segments were ongoing, he had already accumulated almost 11,000,000 SP. And now; now it was time for his Supreme Last Stand to achieve its MAX LV!!

With but a simple command, as Yun Beishang blinked his eyes slowly and as the incoming skinny as hell and bony fist closed in on him, he upgraded Supreme Last Stand as a system notification appeared before his eyes.

*PING*'ve upgraded Supreme Last Stand to MAX LV.

[Supreme Last Stand]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 5, LV: 4, Sp needed for the next LV: 10,000,000. Cooldown: 3 minutes and 40 seconds, Requirements for use: Total HP is of 10% or less. As a being who has stood up against several enemies that were genuinely impossible to defeat, you've self-created a skill that'll allow you to plant fear into even more stronger enemies than before. Activating this skill will grant any of your next attack a colossal effect of energy surrounding you and your weapon/ammunition of choice, allowing them to affect an area of 190m x 190m independently on the type of attack being made. It can carry on with one's buff and effects from any item and skill, and deals an extra damage for a total of Physical Power+410% and Magical Power+410%.

From LV4 to LV5:

[Supreme Last Stand]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 5, LV: 5, Sp needed for the next LV: MAX. Cooldown: 3 minutes and 30 seconds, Requirements for use: Total HP is of 15% or less. As a being who has stood up against several enemies that were genuinely impossible to defeat, you've self-created a skill that'll allow you to plant fear into even more stronger enemies than before. Activating this skill will grant any of your next attack a colossal effect of energy surrounding you and your weapon/ammunition of choice, allowing them to affect an area of 210m x 210m independently on the type of attack being made. It can carry on with one's buff and effects from any item and skill, and deals an extra damage for a total of Physical Power+410% and Magical Power+410%.


And then... and then came the extremely furiously pressed his teeth together while sending out a bombardment against the incoming skinny fist with a fill of strong and passionate emotions that made even the bellowing person on the other side of the portal.

Total Combustion!

Supreme Last Stand!

Tongqiu's Rain Destruction!

"HGYWAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" As he left it all out, his face lacking any humanity and becoming completely distorted by anger as he even trembled from it, Yun Beishang let go of his three arrows from his right hand as 300 shadows began appearing all around him in midair with each of them being of 280 meters long and 111 meters wide.

But this time, Yun Beishang was actually only affected by his emotions and nothing to do with his expenditure of his willpower by having used all of his Hidden Stats twice and in full concentration; consecutively. This was the most clearest of examples of the benefits from his First Form having formed!


"PTRRRRRRR!!!" With her face growing from a cutest child to an utterly unbelievable degree of terrifying, and as claws came out from both her hands' fingertips and her teeth began to show an indescribable ferociousness, hatred as well as complete anger almost as grand as Yun Beishang's from having made Yun Yun hurt herself. She then began to go from hovering below her big brother's feet as she was helping him float upwards to stand by her side as her own Mental Power enveloped Yun Beishang's waist and did just as good to keep him hovering in the air along with her little self.

Rosey, Destroying Dooming Bloom!




Let It Rain's Note: Today I woke up to a slight earthquake, however, it was much more stronger closer to where I live. Even then, I felt as if my solar plexus itself was jumping up and down on my bed as I was sleeping. Anyways, I think I got a little sick from that. May need another break soon, which is like a 30 days of 1-chapter-per-day updating. But by then, I may do it amidst the next volume ^^.

V4: #5 9/10

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