Bow and Arrow

Chapter 403: Chapter 401 — A Necessary Snack

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A Necessary Snack




As for how big that 'dragonly' paw was? About half of the unknown person's head... if the paw was already so large and voluminous, how would the body be? Also, Yun Beishang could easily discern it was a dragon's limb, because he also very well remembers the time where he almost got blown away in several different ways against the Azure Dragon back then, before he began to destroy it all.


Without too much of a single breeze of wind, Yun Beishang and everyone else only felt the 'movement' but not what the movement would cause to the environment. While on the other hand, they then could finally see an enormous body that was barely visible through the night. Even then though, everyone could clearly see a shadow that slithered through the air with a massive diameter of almost 1 kilometer and a length that was almost twice as big as the entire surrounding area that their naked eye could see; and they were a few hundred meters above the ground-level.


Naturally, so did the unknown person that came through the forced portal, armless, see through the entire space of Main Kingdom that his people had been longing to step on once more and for all. While at the same time, taking in the sight of the terrible and barely visible shadow that was moving under the night towards himself.

After being dumbfounded for quite some time, the unknown person actually retreated a step or two, but just as thoughts of running the fuck away even if he was to be used from the little bits of non-attained Essence that he had, an ever so wonderful, enigmatic and mighty golden beam that was barely a human's width and that was shot from right above the huge shadow's body as if it had a turret installed on its back; was shot towards the forced portal that was just a few tens of meters above the unknown person.

With that alone, not having even the time to blink, let alone react. The lava-like and orange colored forced portal quickly became a rain of magical particles, scattering very extremely slowly around and turning into new, and magical, new life that began to sprout down below by a few hundreds of meters below the ground-level from where they exactly were right at this moment.

"WAAAAHHH!!-" At once, another thunderous and destructive shriek came from the unknown person after seeing his well done efforts be all well fucked up in a few single moments. As he turned around, he could only see a pair of huge, hidden but still enormously bright yellow eyes as they stared directly at his being, only the desires of tearing apart and consuming were visible among those eyes.



But before the unknown person could even do as much continue on uttering a single blabber any more, the huge shadow that was equal to a huge goddamn big snake in the skies quickly moved towards him in a manner so impossible that it looked as if a hand playing with all of this as figurines got impatient and decided to rush thins up.

That weird was it, because then, the huge shadow's body only did a few slithering and worm-walking motions yet it traveled a dozen kilometers in a single moment, for as in the next one it had already opened a huge mouth altogether to bite down at the neck of the unknown person!

However, the unknown giant person knew at least how to instinctively run the fuck away, even if he couldn't really fucking run away no more. But even then, he tried as he pedaled his feet like no other in an attempt to rise to the skies and penetrate them. For all he knew, they were weakened thanks to a foolish entity since a few months ago, he might as well try and destroy the last barrier by himself!

But it was of no sue, as he barely moved upwards when the still as insanely fast as before huge shadow's mouth finally caught to the fleeing body just as it began pedaling like a dog at their first time in the waters. With a cruel bite, the huge shadow buried its horribly long fangs into the torso's left side of the unknown person and brought it down to the ground in one sole swoop.


Cr-CRR-Crr-CRR... Swish, whoosh! WHOOOSH!

Right as the two fell on the ground of Main Kingdom's Bright Sunset Region, the huge shadow was still invisible to discern by anyone's eyes and senses, even to those of the unknown bald and now being shred person. For as the huge shadow actually began to behave like a snake itself, brutally stomping the ground and sweeping its body midair, all to bring it closer to its head to fully entangle the unknown person's body.

'... Phew...' The huge shadow didn't notice, or perhaps it did notice but decided to ignore Yun Beishang as he heaved a sigh of relieve so high and heavy but so silent inside his mind when he saw the huge shadow move towards the unknown person a few moments before. Even if Yun Beishang brought out his old pals, he was still unwilling to fight this kind of monster already.

Just like how he obviously wouldn't have had been able to duel Rosey back then on their first 'meeting' and was then sent away to the Courtyard of the Heroic Souls, before finally being able to meet Rosey for the second time, which was then where he rescued her. In the same manner, he absolutely fucking not could deal with a God's Devourer grade BOSS at this moment.

Even when he faced its arms before, they had no eyes, enough nor efficient sense of dangers nor instinct, and were merely controlled by the unknown person directly from outside Main Kingdom. Even their level was then visible for Yun Beishang, which meant that the unknown person was, at the very least, LV151 or more.

"Hmh, not bad. Little Goldy has become somewhat good at managing their people, their descendants now all know how to not destroy a few Regions by mistake. Mn, mn." As Katia was nodding her head inside her own Space, a now having become perplexed Yun Beishang was losing himself slightly on the words she just casually uttered with the tiniest of praise.

'... ... ... ... ...Well fuck.' After thinking so, rightfully at that, Yun Beishang then turned around while telling Katia how much he's gonna spend time with her on Main Kingdom and New Earth on new dates, easily bringing this extremely experienced warrior and goddess-like wife of his to a girly but proactive and excited side instead.

BAM, BAM, BAM!!!!!



"GAWR! GAWR~! GAWR~!! HAHAHAHA. It feels great to eat someone like you at last, die, die, die, die, die!!! GAWR~!!! GAWR~!!!! GAWR!!!"


While Yun Beishang turned around, the two unknown entities were taking their sweet time getting rid of each other, with the huge shadow biting off pieces and pieces of the huge unknown person. The huge shadow did not even let the small veins, chunks of bones that were too diminute even for Yun Beishang to notice nor the tiniest bits of blood as it ate it all with abandon.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the unknown person was being rattled on the ground, almost making a few large mountains-sized cave on the grounds of the Myriad Beasts Division as it was swept left, right, up, down, space, laws by the huge shadow; once again, with abandon while still being eaten by it nonetheless.


Rosey quickly brought Yun Beishang back to where the pale golden oval shaped disk was at, where a clean but with dried blood Yun Yun was gazing like a puppy directly at her brother and where a Little Rasa was looking at him as if he was a god to be worshiped. While Zyv only showed sweetness for a bit before going all horny-eyed and with her heated self towards him.

"Yun'er, Little Zyv, Little Rasa. Are you all okay?" Concernedly asked Yun Beishang as soon as he came to stand once again on top of the oval shaped disk, his face was a bit tired, and his nose still had some dried blood having trickled down his mouth and chin.

"Yes... Uncle, everyone, I protected them... well!" Even if Rasa has been teached so well to speak in the 'common' or 'global' language by Rosey, at this time of point where he just did that, she forgot to even talk a response back to his words as she barely managed to utter those.

"Mhm, Sister was too worried for you that she really couldn't fall unconscious even if she wanted to. Oh, I was... worried to... can Big Brother soothe me and make me feel better?!" Said Zyv as she had her eyes narrow temptingly and cutely as they shined bright so candidly.

"Brother... Brother~!"


On the other hand, almost breathless and wordless Yun Yun directly threw herself at him, with Rosey throwing herself at Yun Yun's back once she was hugging her big brother's neck like a lover who almost lost their beloved one. With a few sobs, the always so strong and cold as well as indifferent known Yun Yun, behaved like a little girl of sorts in her brother's embrace.

"Mmh, okay okay. I am here, am I not? I am all well, I really am. Shhh, hush a little, my little princess." Said Yun Beishang, his tone so sweet, so doting and so patient; like a parent but also like a teacher whose full devotion is on the hearts and minds of his student. Or even... like a lover or... like a husband soothing and comforting their weeping, lovable wife.

"Ah-ah~... hehehe, thank you Brother. Thank you..."

'Brother... has finally called me his little princess again, hehehe.' As Yun Yun responded and thought of this right after her response, she let her head be burrowed inside the between his neck and shoulder, at his right trapezius muscle. But then, a sudden sound shocked everyone around and made them feel wide eyed to no end!


Yun Beishang: "..."

The rest: "..."

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Yun Yun: (๑╹ڡ╹๑)

"Hungry?" Yun Beishang asked his dear little princess as she was no longer little, and should be 'just' princess instead, but couldn't bring himself to say so like that.

"Mn, I am. But-but Brother, let's not log off right now. There is still many other Sisters and maids that need you to get to LV100 rather quickly, and-a-a-" With her mouth being cautiously hushed by her brother's left index finger, Yun Yun then heard the softest and gentlest of tones that her brother could ever muster and speak in; ever.

"Shhh, don't talk. We'll log off, give you some food and then I'll nurse you for a bit, okay?"

"B-b-but we-I can sti-"

"No buts. Besides, I can bring my two little babies along so that they'll keep you company while I nurse you myself, ain't that convincing enough?"

"...Okay????." Feeling herself like giggling to no end, full in mirth and in contentment, a spoiled someone's little princess behaved obediently as she once again let her head fall on the shoulder of her man.

"Woah, what about me? I was the one asking for soothing and comfort, da fuk?! GyWAAA-eaaaah!" If one does not one trouble, one does not speak out of place. As such, a great example would be Zyv, who, right now; was sent flying directly in-between her Sister and her Big Brother Wolfy by the wolfy's Unparalleled Manipulation skill.

Meanwhile, the other two little girls saw each other in pondering and not knowing not to do. As such, as they smiled to each other, Rosey shrugged her shoulders and then hugged Rasa, with the latter returning the hug instantly after with a peaceful little smile on her reddy lips. Yun Yun's body glowed a translucent white as her skin made contact with her brother's; as it was habitually so in the past.

"... ... ... ... ... ..." As the chemicals worked a little bit in their already harmonious relationship, everyone on the pale golden oval shaped disk were fully calmed down and now relieving themselves from the imminent catastrophe that was just adverted, with some even using their fingers to tease each other's skin and certain private parts. To which Zyv would make a squeal every now and then from being retaliated against.



And of course, there was the still ongoing battle of the two behemoths of the entirety of Main Kingdom, at the very least, at these moments. There weren't any outrageous screaming anymore, the unknown person had grown tired of even living long ago, let alone now that he was being shred to shit and being someone else's meal due to his own foolishness and stupidity.

It was as if in these moments, the unknown person had grown lucid once more, something that even seemed to be extremely unique and totally unexpected which anyone with the knowledge of emotions could discern when looking at the unknown person's eyes. As his last few bones of his torso, that besides his head's, were the only ones left were being eaten off, he glanced one last time at Yun Beishang far away in the distance.

"...Why do you have her Space?"

"!!!!" Suddenly becoming utterly raging and frenzied, the huge shadow relentlessly bit off at the unknown person's face. More specifically, his mouth and neck as well as tiny bits of his remaining lungs. With the last, but hugely spread out, sounds of flesh tearing, eating and bones crushing, snapping and being swallowed resounded once more across the entire few tens of thousands of kilometers around.

Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht, pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!...

"GAWR... gulpnk, gulpnk... GAWR~..."

"..." Meanwhile, a few thousands of kilometers away, Yun Beishang lifted his head lightly and had an expression of deep confusion; but also of enlightenment. He then, however, placed his head to rest his jaw ever so lightly and softly onto his sister's hair as she rested fully peacefully on his body.

They could've logged off already, but besides having to wait for the huge shadow to kill the enemy and then thank it; Yun Beishang also had some stuff to talk about. Not to ask questions, as he was already 'traumatized' by the foreshadowing cliche of Main Kingdom's people, including his beloved wife Katia and her Master even, which was unknowingly almost like a Master for Yun Beishang as well.

As such, only Zyv, Yun Yun and Yun Beishang remained while Rosey and Rasa went back to the White Space to play with the dogs and the cats and wolves. Because, of course, there were cats that could become wolves as well, typical stuff. And even though those cats could become something else in appearance, they for some reason never dared to. Heh, if Yun Beishang were to see the him from back then, looking at those cats seemingly having an 'AI' that allowed them for survival... how embarrassed would he really feel instead as he slapped his face with his palm?

"Gulpnk, gulpnk, gulpnk... Hmmm~..." As the huge shadow feasted, it seemingly turned no more into the crazed or mad entity that has been showing to be from before and instead gave itself a dignified, ever so proud and overbearingly wise appearance instead. As it finished its meal at last, it glanced back to where Yun Beishang was, and after its hidden bright golden eyes in a shadowed golden color narrowed, it then turned around before moving towards Yun Beishang and company.



Having already noticed the glance from the huge shadow who did not bother to hide its actions from him, Yun Beishang slowly turned around while still lightly holding Yun Yun's waist with his left hand as he took over Zyv's shoulders on his right, for as her small body didn't allowed him to hold her like Yun Yun. But Zyv didn't mind as she uncaringly for the insanely fast approaching huge shadow as she tenderly tilted her head onto the right side of his torso and ribcage.


As the huge shadow made its strange movements and almost appeared before them in a single moment, appearing to have glitched and malfunctioned should this actually be a 'real' game, it stopped just 20 meters before the pale golden oval shaped disk with its 'forehead' and 'nose' facing Yun Beishang and with its hidden goldish eyes looking straight at them while being slightly narrowed.

"Ah, senior, this uhm-" Yun Beishang tried to speak first but, without wasting anytime, the huge shadow entity quickly spoke its mind off, interrupting his words right away. "Boy, quickly tell me. How did you got to own such a Space... from... her, even?"

"Eh... Se...nior?" Totally confused, Yun Beishang did knew what the talk was about, but he didn't find the reason of why it would be so 'important' that even the Overlord of the Bright Sunset Region would become even... slightly hostile. But definitely hostile, and it was quite sharp-piercing at that.

"Back it off! Bad Little Goldy, hmph!"

"!!!" Suddenly, a determined, unwavering and brave female voice deafened the huge shadow for a few seconds; as the huge shadow itself became awestruck and filled with the deepest of reverences, fears, worship and respect.

"The Evil God is not for you to tarnish with doubts, much less for you to question! Are you to question my and my Foster Father's decision and selection? Are you... to... challenge my Husband?!"



Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

As soon as such words were spoken by none other than his dear wife, but were somehow transmitted out of his own head into the space and existence of Main Kingdom for everyone else around him nearby to hear it too; the huge shadow insanely trembled, almost as if it was about to simply just crumble to pieces just like the unknown person he just ate.

"I am of course not! This foolish Junior has been alone and bored for so long, even my own citizens are but boring as they think of themselves of strong candidates for saving the world. Evil Gods, please forgive this bratty delinquent from his stupidity and offense. I dare not challenge you, oh Evil God!!"

With some of the limbs that almost crushed the entire ground of the Bright Sunset Region to dear smithereens, the huge shadow quickly apologized ever so sincerely. And even though his words were quirky, they did actually felt as if he just now awakened from a slumbering side effect and had regained clarity.

Katia then seemed to be satisfied, as in her own Space, she placed her fists on her waist from both sides and directed her chin in a backwards nod towards it as she said in an undeniably lordly tone. "Very good, your Responsive Dragon Race has not lost their manners at all. I'll just forgive you, but my husband over here does not need your fear, treat him as an equal but of a lower level. Unless he beats you up, okay?"

"Okay!!" Without the slightest bit of shame, the Responsive Dragon's shadow responded right away with utter devotion and worship. The narrowed pair of eyes suddenly... turned adorable and kinda cute for Yun Beishang?




This is the beginning of Volume 5 — Carriers of Sin.

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