Bow and Arrow

Chapter 421: Chapter 419 — First Batle: The Bloodied-Azure Sea Battle (1)

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First Battle: The Bloodied-Sea Battle (1)




Rumble, rumble rumble...!

On another part of the huge crowd around the portal of all too ready Journeyers to get into war, Kalen was standing to the right of someone that had looks similar to his own, but was definitely not his son, Hoyi; at all.

With his arms crossed in front of his chest, Kalen had a neutral face while his eyes went to the right corner from time to time, at this moment though, the man on his left spoke out bluntly and seemingly with some condescending feelings in his voice. "Brother, it seems that the cryo capsule did you well, you even gained a new daughter not long after waking up, how does it feel. Brother?"

Zynfyl, while speaking to the man on his right, became a bit curious as he glanced to his right with some curiosity so as to why or because of what he was being ignored. The yelling that resonated thorough all of Main Kingdom, the roars from the hearts of its inhabitants were already subsiding, so what could be making his brother feel overwhelmed about?

"By the way," but after looking around for a while and seeing nothing wrong, Zynfyl simply ignored and let it go while the towering and bulky Rog behind and to his left didn't reported any anomaly at all and instead, changed the subject. "When are you gonna let me see my nephew and nieces? I get it that you feel guilty to your late wife when dealing with your twins, but it is not much, as long as they are careful before getting that drug that is even more expensive that the use of your body in that cryo capsule... heh, yeah, it should be fine then. Hmhm."

"..." It was only now that Kalen finally had a reaction, a mildly but still strong reaction at that. Turning to his left, Kalen's neck twisted strongly as his eyes seemed to really want to pop out of their eye sockets as they attacked Zynfyl's very own eyes with some unknown hate within them.

"Zyn, you meeting my son was fate, whatever brother. But you getting into my family, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! Do you really not want to face it? She wouldn't have been affected back then, we wouldn't have even lost that baby as well-" Kalen, to the surprise of his own people around himself, Zynfyl and Rog, the randoms also surrounding them as standbys and whatnot; became incredibly chaotic, erratic and even sorrowful as he yelled out with pure pain as his face reddened unhealthily.

But at this moment, a single and worried pair of feminine yells calmed and stopped him at once with their single words.

"Father?! Father!" Kay yelled out as she was in front of Sylda and moving towards Kalen's position while trying to make her voice reach her dear father.

"I-I-I brought som-...eone... Foster Father, wait!" Sylda said, behind her, she was dragging a poker faced Yun Beishang who was walking along with her as his left wrist was tightly grabbed at by Sylda's right hand. Though she moved at quick speeds and Yun Beishang was poker faced, he was moving at the same speed as her without making any weight on her.

'Family drama... why...' Silently thought to himself as Yun Beishang and the rest arrived before Kalen and Zynfyl. Zynfyl looked at Yun Beishang, 4 parts with surprise and 6 parts with some unwavering hate in his eyes, Rog did the same but was more 1 part surprised, 1 part with hate and 8 parts indifferently.

"Tongqiu... so, you are that one person Hoyi didn't even wanted to speak of, huh? Very good, damn very good." Zynfyl had a new glint stay across his eyes as he glanced between Yun Beishang and the rest of his own family, several different thoughts like betrayal, being left out and taken advantage of surfaced into his mind nonstop as a hateful expression formed at his face.

"Well, then what is this, Kalen?! You are asking for outsiders to speak for you, is this why you were 'holding' on to my annoying voice, so that you could bring someone to depend on? It's just a game and you've grown this senile already? Maybe you weren't even frozen in the head when you and your wife were flattened by that truck! You crazy bastard!"


"Shut up!!!!" Now truly enraged, Kalen slapped Zynfyl with clear anger but as he did one, it felt nothing near enough as he went for the second, third and even for a fourth. Zynfyl was completely unfazed, but his eyes looked cold for a second as he gazed at his brother's face that was riddled with tons of pain, before directing them at Yun Beishang's.

"And you, who the hell do you think that you can be in our family matters? Even if that Sy-"

"Do I know you at all, if any?" Yun Beishang's sudden emotionless words caught Zynfyl by surprise, choking on his own words while Rog's eyes began to bulge as even its veins got thicker and thicker as he silently restrained himself from making any move, everyone knew Tongqiu's priorities in this Main Kingdom Vanguard. You can't touch him, he can kill any of you. Nobody was that tired of being LV110.

"Sylda brought me here, said that there was a person she and her family wanted me to make amends with, as for your delusional shitty self. I don't fucking know it, I only know my woma-women's family. And you, I have never seen you before in their home nor even nearby at all, you probably even live in some faraway place from where they live right now."

"Hm, now that I think about it, you probably haven't even gave them a call. And for what you've just spoken, I don't even want to know you anymore, can you piss off?" Even if Yun Beishang wanted to be 'nice', he was still Yun Beishang, and Yun Beishang would always never stop being so much like Yun Beishang.

As such, Yun Beishang gave the fuck up at the end and ended up saying what he really wanted to say, or rather, the only thing that he wanted to say and then be done with it. Sylda blinked a little bit, while Kay raised her left eyebrow, Kalen on the other hand seemed to want to say something, but couldn't bring himself to as he could only give Zynfyl his back.

"...Fine, we'll see each other later on. Whether or not you were so much of a saint to try and bring 'our family' together once again, guess it doesn't matter anymore. But as for Hoyi, we seem to connect somehow, he and I even share the same class. We'll definitely see each other later." Cupping his own smacked cheek, Zynfyl said half-venomously but also half-composedly as he then glanced at Rog before motioning with his head to leave, departing away from their position among the sea of people with fast, soundless steps.

"...Sigh..." Kalen dropped his shoulders just 10 seconds after Zynfyl left, he was tired and now more than anything, mentally exhausted. Letting go of Yun Beishang's wrist while giving him a silent apologetic smile, Sylda went over to comfort Kalen along with Kay as they patted his shoulder and constantly muttered soothing words.

"Okay, Foster Father. You should go back and take a break, your condition isn't that good lately, remember that you are still too young to have any thoughts of dying, alright?" With a soft, and well hidden pain, voice; Sylda spoke in hushes to Kalen while rubbing his back. Effectively making the latter nod and become obedient as he said a few words before turning around to face Yun Beishang for a moment, before then nodding and logging off after lightly embracing both his daughters at the same time.

"Well, that was a bit awkward. Is his body well nowadays? It appeared to me that he was a bit sick, like an old man, is he getting some side effects from the cryogen capsule?" Said Yun Beishang while stepping towards the two 'fair' and 'delicate' maidens, as he got closer and closer to them, he instinctively opened his arms to the two girls that directly went to under his arms with their napes.

"Mm, I do need a lot of comforting, let me adhere to yourself, Big Brother." Kay was the first to talk, her face going from slightly worried to cheered after seeing him grow so intimate with herself. Then there was Sylda, who even after her entire self became much more at ease, her face was still mostly worried. "Thank you, Beishang, for being here. It was something unexpected, and I brought you so randomly, I..."

"Mm-nah, don't say that. Even if you just want me to go for a walk, that alone would be quite pleasant for me, eh. You too, Kay. You've already touched my lips, I can't believe you did that before, now I am forced to marry you. Poor me. Ouch!" Amidst his words, Yun Beishang was punched tenderly and girly by a 'jealous' Sylda that was trying to save her sister from the bad man.

"Okay, okay. Enough I guess, time to prepare and begin marching, sounds fun ay?" After faking pain for a little while, Yun Beishang said as he and everyone else saw and heard the man on top of the stage begin to give new orders as he informed everyone that was from the Main Kingdom Vanguard's army.

"Mm, are you sure about your next moves, Beishang? I'm pretty sure that everyone's just gonna leave you after you do just that, everyone except a few, that is." Sylda said, rubbing the right side of her face onto his arm and torso as she did and with an incredible frown of her eyebrows that enticed Yun Beishang for a few seconds silly.

"Shh, you are gonna jinx it. Besides, I really don't care of others, but it wouldn't be bad to have others around The Order. I'm no one's nanny." Yun Beishang spoke with a neutral face, but when he looked down to the beauties under his shoulders looking up at him with their wanting eyes and as everyone around him wanted to nothing more but to shred him to pieces, he grinned wildly and uncaringly as he kissed their foreheads, right before their noses and even lips as he accidentally shared the sister and adopted sisters' saliva lightly.

At the same time, the voice from the person in brown dull robes finally said, "Journeyers, our Main Kingdom's inhabitants have been already informed, and some of our soldiers are also now informing the recruits that are being taken in at the last minute. I will now tell you of the following operation."

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The man in that loose brown robe nodded seriously after speaking and then opened his mouth to continue as he also sternly gazed at everyone around himself, "The place where we are first sending our forces is a Sub-Division that has become a bit too famous recently, infamously, actually. We will be moving onto the Azure Dragon Sub-Division in a while, as you may all know, none of those that do not belong to a certain Region cannot enter a different one."

"But even though Main Kingdom has still retained its magical link for Journeyers on this matter, for a reason we still do now know why Mother Nature would do so. With the aid of the Guiding Voices' mightiest power, we will be able to bring everyone to the battlefield. Worry not, for the entire battlefield's zone is immense and is even separated in several different other smaller battlefields, that is how colossal the level of this battle will be."

"Presumably, we will be facing at least the last few trillion of the Demon Race that lie hidden in who knows where, maybe using their last few ancient power to reside in a pocket dimension, or in a strange special kind of barrier which we still don't know of. For now, their base of operations, however, has been located. Now, we only need to get rid of the enemy frontline before we can get into the deepest center of this abominable Race!"

"Everyone!" The man in brown robes extended his left arm outwards and then made a backwards arc to point at the huge portal behind himself, he then continued in the same voice and with the same aura as before, "This portal will now be able to launch everyone directly onto the battlefield at the utmost eastern side of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division."

"The place which we are going towards to, is none other than the barely known Azure-Drake Forest. As it is a place that is very well to one of the many less known sectors of Main Kingdom, its most hidden and dangerous possibilities are unknown to us, even more so as we discovered it to be the enemy's headquarters."

"There is a name that these bestial abominations placed upon this base of operations of theirs, the Demon Race Vanguard. In a sense, the name decided by the Guiding Voices and the council of the Main Kingdom Vanguard, was also with the purpose of countering this site of theirs with our own hearts and minds before even starting the battle."

Yun Beishang: "?"

"Now; our intelligence tells us that this place is filled with Demons from all sides once one reaches a certain deepest range within the forest. But they have a strange method to block even our mightiest Guiding Voices' perception, eyes and ears. Fear not, however, as a lot of our spies and scouts were able to officially confirm this to be the demon Race's hideout. Right before they were cruelly sacrificed, killed and possibly even eaten by this.. so-called 'Race'."

"They died heroes, for their Kingdom, for the world. I hope everyone can honor their deaths and bring our Main Kingdom Vanguard a first victory in this war! In one month, I hope that we can take most of the Azure-Drake Forest into our hands and away from the filthy Demons', we won't have much time as we have also gathered enough intelligence to know that they are now also finally moving with an ultimate motive."

"One month, ladies and gentlemen; warriors and warrioress of Main Kingdom! I need that land completely occupied by us, everything except its center. Do not fret about not being able to contact your beloved Guiding Voices, for as our spies and scouts were able to communicate with them as they were still on their job."

"Very well then, that is all. Please go to attend at your nearest post where the official in command will rely the following orders onto you, please remember that orders may change depending on the situation; but unless you are ordered to, you cannot change the plans and moves already set to be made."

"Leave now, depart to the Azure-Drake Forest in the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, for Main Kingdom's prosperity, Journeyers!!"



Everyone around Yun Beishang, everywhere; chanted a soldier-ish yelling with their arms going high up in the air to demonstrate their thirst for battling. On the other hand, Yun Beishang was boringly looking around as he then felt his collar being tugged by Sylda who then nodded and closed her eyes to a light smile at him.

"Okay, let's go." Yun Beishang said as he let go of the beauties under his shoulders and then took their hands as he went back to where he came from, where his Order was positioned at and from which as they waited themselves for their Lord to come back. All while the rest of the players all around were now stepping away towards a few certain directions.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step...

After a little while, Yun Beishang, Sylda and Kay mingled with The Order as they then departed towards a certain spot where a post with a higher up form Main Kingdom Vanguard was awaiting for everyone that was supposed to come to him to arrive. The man wore dull, loose white robes, had a thick and bulky body build and had thick hair but that had gone completely white.

When the people from The Order all arrived at last, he gave a slight grunt while ignoring Tongqiu's gaze as he then roared out, "Journeyers! I am in your general, and you will listen to me and only me, you hear me?"

There was no response, but the old man seemed to not mind though he roared out right away, "Do. You. Hear. ME?!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, general!"


At once, all Journeyers that received tons of notifications became astounded as they immediately lunged out to be heard by their superior, and there were even some who feared not being louder than others as they couldn't even hear their own yelling among some others'. Even those Field Marshal around seemed crazy about not being heard, as they even relied on some 'useless' buffing skills to stand out.

The Order, however, was the only few that didn't say anything at all, but the old man seemed to not mind as he looked at the rest of the crowd and then said while nodding and with a kind of smug face. "Very well, very well and good haha. Much better. Now, you do not need to yell at me like I'm a young girl in a market, haha!"

Some players laughed it off by compromise, others did genuinely but most were naturally speechless and indifferent to it. But the old man suddenly turned more than 10 levels of serious up as he said with a completely different face, "You only need to obey. To obey, obey your orders and to obey your Guiding Voices, understood?!"

"Now!" Before there could even be any response, the old man clapped his hands and went back to his previous self as before and continued in the same voice as before, "There are some of you that have yet to be linked to a Guiding Voice, don't be shy for those who have accidentally said no to them before. As for those who weren't contacted before, feel no shame nor feelings of abandonment. The Guiding Voices are everywhere and their presence is beyond a mortal's. Even then, they could only work so much for the people they want to protect. So feel more than honored to welcome them back into your head, mn, that will be all for the chatter."




V5: #1 9/10.

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