Bow and Arrow

Chapter 454: Chapter 452 — Mesmerizing Violet And Purple

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Mesmerizing Violet And Purple





Walking into the Delivery Room from which many wedded maids and wives of Yun Beishang were waiting outside of, and only a few maids and nurses were left to attend Natalia, Yun Beishang then quickly placed the soon to be mother woman on top of a very comfy looking but sweat absorbent stretcher. Afterwards, he took out his shirt, dazzling the female nurses incredibly before they gained their cool back and began preparing his dear Naty.

The doctor in charge of helping Natalia to deliver her child was a middle-aged looking man, whose actual identity is being one of his wife maid's father. In any case, the man couldn't be any more honored to help bring a child whose qualities are never before seen in New Earth, but also from the man whose Corporation has gained billions with just a few months back, and was now gaining tens of billions per month. At the same time, he was also taking this as a means to imagining that this was his daughter giving birth to a wonderful grandchild for him and his wife for the future.

In any case, as the more than honored experienced doctor nodded at Yun Beishang and began to instruct the other nurses around, Yun Beishang felt indescribably emotional as, along with Tonkia, Yona and Irllytia in the room, he could at least witness the birth of his child without needing to watch a screen like with Tonkia's.

And as Tonkia gave him a slightly guilty smile, which Yun Beishang responded in the same demeanor, the latter then took the left of Natalia's stretcher and began to do the things he's been practicing since more than 1 year ago. With great expertise, the delivery of Natalia's and Yun Beishang's first child commenced.



“Hwoo, hwooo, ains!!”

“Beishang, I swear-UGGH, if you name our child with a silly name, AAAAHHHHHGG! I will call you Bebe for the rest of our lives-kaaaah!”

“... … … … … … …”

Slowly, and with the doctor’s expertise, Yun Beishang’s comforting and cheating Pure’s Essence as well as Natalia’s very own incredible knowledge and experience as the top medical goddess in existence of New Earth, ah. Natalia was then able to go through the entire delivery in a very smooth and non delayed manner.

The entire time she spent giving birth to their son was very well among just 1 hour, which also thanks to the serums for much better time in giving birth proportioned by the KATARINA-1 personnel to his dear Naty, which were extremely expensive with each of them having the selling price of about 1,000,000 to even 10,000,000 credits.

Yet, Natalia was given about 3 of them along with the Godly Version of the All-Mending Misery; basically, Natalia was given the best of the best, which was almost what Tonkia had as well since she wasn’t directly inside KATARINA-1 by the time her time to deliver had arrived and could only do with everything except Yun Beishang and his Pure’s Essence. At least Natalia was indeed there to do the whole thing, though.

And sure enough,as soon as the baby came out from the baby chambers and saw light for the first time, it cried out to his lung’s content as humanely as possible all while instinctively throwing his arms in his mother’s direction.

“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ghwaghwaghwa-yiyaaaaaa~!!” To this horrendous, out of hell-like sound, Yun Beishang, Natalia, the nurses, the doctor, Tonkia and company in the Delivery Room to even those wedded maids and other wives outside of the room; became ecstatic and joyful as some even directly burst out in laughter.

“Ho ho, it’s a wonderful boy, indeed, indeed! Here you go, son-in-law, have you thought of his name?” Even though the doctor was already informed that it was a son, way months back before it was even possible to know and furthermore, after he was given tests results directly, seeing the boy having eyes that could already see clearly and that seemed to want to be with his mother while he hadn’t seen his father yet from the angle he was being held…the doctor felt so incredibly astounded as he then spoke towards the parents at the same time.

“Yes…” Yun Beishang softly spoke, his eyes tender as he took the dumb little boy that had barely now found his father, into his arms and onto his chest. Holding his tiny head dearly and seeing his eyes having that similar glint of ‘brokeness’ within them, Yun Beishang gently declared while turning his head to look at Natalia. While his son looked up stupidly at his father’s face.

“Yun Darcel, though he has my eyes, he will have yours in his name as well, as his mother. Huhu, how is it, little one? Like it? I know you do, heheh. Tonkia, girls…come here already.” Being entranced at his oh so gentle voice, Tonkia and the rest stopped on their tracks just as they were walking forward. Hearing him mention them, instead of blushing of embarrassment, they blushed out of excitement as they hurried over to Yun Darcel at once.

“Woow, his eyes are Yun Beishang’s indeed, but there is a pitch-black bottomless darkness like Natalia’s, hehe.” Commented a very interested Irllytia as she booped the tiny tip of Yun Darcel’s nose.

“Mn, what a cute little boy. Natalia, you’re so lucky!” Yona said, softly caressing her tummy and the little girl that was becoming.

“So wonderful, I can’t wait to see Shi’er and Darcel begin to compete for their fatherly love, hehehe.” Tonkia said, full of mirth as she glanced at the tired Natalia who was heaving decently in heavy motions.

Step, step, step. Step.

Then, Yun Beishang smoothly but rapidly moved to grant the mother the feeling of her own, first child first handedly. As even he himself couldn’t wait anymore when seeing her looking at her own son so longingly while others marveled at him, at once, she took him into her embrace as she lowered her slightly sweaty head to look at him so lovingly.

“Ooh~...” With a sobbing, choked throat, Natalia held her son’s head as the latter looked up at the most precious face in his life, feeling at peace and protected along with his father’s hand on his back.



“!!” While Yun Beishang raised his eyebrows in surprise and contentment, Natalia became utterly ecstatic as she directly smiled extremely beautifully, her eyes turning entirely pitch-black at once as they locked gazes with her son’s. At the same time, them parents and the already immensely smiling people around them were even more astounded as they saw Yun Darcel’s eyes turn exactly like her mother’s, from broken glass dark colored to entirely pitch-black.

“Mm, this fucker heard me and wanted me to shut up, ah? Already needing some spanking.” Yun Beishang said without a care for his image, his eyes and eyebrows taunting the little human who in return looked back with but only love in his big pitch-black eyes.

“Hubby, language~.” Said Natalia as she ruffled through their son’s tiny amount of hair atop his tiny head. But then, she slowly relaxed her smile, still with bright eyes as she allowed Yun Darcel to fall asleep, his now heavy eyelids slowly shutting down as his tiny body began to rest atop her mother’s chest.

What Tonkia said before was the truth, for as Yun Beishang was a daughter-biased father that no matter what, his daughter—or rather, daughters—would always have the top priority in his biased fatherly love list. Even there though, it was undeniable the overwhelming affection and care that Yun Beishang showed to Yun Darcel as he rested his eyes on his mother’s watch.

“Okay, shhh. I’ll bring these two back to their bedroom, in a couple of days, Rang’er and Shi’er can come to see them without any problem. I’ll be absent for a bit, so-” Before Yun Beishang could finish his speech, hushed speech, Yona was the one to speak up for the entire team of his preggo wives in a doting tone. “Don’t worry, husband. Go and indulge your wife and new son as much as possible, me and Irllytia are next so we can only wait. Go on, go on~.”

Ushering him out of the Delivery Room, Yun Beishang was instantly rained down by the countless fangirling of the new son of their Master and husband, Yun Darcel. As they all knowingly remained quiet or in a very low, hushed tone, they exclaimed, congratulated the parents and so on.

After giving everyone the answer they wanted, when they could start meeting them daily just like they do with Yun Rang and Yun Shi, Yun Beishang, Natalia and their son were then ‘spared’ as they could finally go to Natalia’s room. Along the way, a few maids were waiting outside the room in front of the door with a few things in their hands, which were left at Tonkia’s bedroom before.

Once Yun Beishang ordered them to get inside and to place those things in their respective order, he then surprised them with the ‘honor’ to personally babysit his sweet new little boy from now on. Naturally, they wouldn’t be only doing that all the time everyday, but they would indeed spend a large amount of their daily activities as Yun Darcel’s babysitters until he was of the age of 5. Because at that moment forth, he would start studying big time and begin being taught the ways of life by his parents as well just like Yun Ran and Yun Shi will be as well.

Unlike what he experienced when growing up, Yun Beishang was to give his offspring a so much more relaxed and childish early life, before starting to rough them up into the incredible persons they are meant to be; one way or another.

In any case, for the following 2 days, Yun Beishang and the maids were at an all times scurrying around the room, out and in when needing certain things and so on. Without much, barely any contact with the outside ‘world’ as Yun Beishang didn’t even enter Rising Essence from how buy he was along with his maids, the first 2 days of Yun Darcel as a living being outside his mother’s tummy passed by in almost like a flash!

. . .


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2 days later, Xie Ling was the first to wake herself up at basically 4 am and was the first to ‘line up’ in front of Natalia’s bedroom.


But then, as Tonkia arrived with two cutest things in the Universe, she gave way and started waking herself fully up with the two monsters from time to time. When the door to the bedroom was opened, a shirtless Yun Beishang instantly dazed the endless pairs of eyes that were previously looking around in the search of the mini Yun Beishang instead.

Tonkia and Xie Ling were the first to get in, and together at that, with the two first daughter and son going wide eyed when seeing their half-sibling on their gentlest auntie’s arms as he was being directly fed just like their own mother does to them.

The father of the three childs quickly got them all together on the center of the bed and with their bums supporting their bodies. While the mothers were all the way up and resting their backs on the pillows as Yun Beishang hugged them both with each of his arms over their shoulders.

Slowly but surely, the trio of their children began to lightly, very lightly play with one another. After introducing the twins to the son, they then began stuttering smoothly from time to time, not having enough strength to use their bodies to move around for long, they resorted to the troublesome act of talking; eh, something was something alright.

Yun Rang gained a role of leadership instantly, as if it was her duty to be so like this. While the other two sons didn’t care at all and instead, respected the eldest child with utter sincerity, even though Yun Rang was the only one constantly rambling about, with the other two barely speaking whole sentences.

Especially Yun Darcel, who had a very hard time even speaking more than a 2-letters word, which was more than naturally as he was barely born! But with care and patience, Yun Rang slowly teached the ‘lowly’ duo like a master, like a master of 5 to even 10-letters words!

Meanwhile, Xie Ling was in front of Yun Beishang’s lap on the bed, already having been blessed with his bedding skills, girth, endurance and incredibly unspeakable sensation of his body going in and out of her in unspeakable sensations.

Which is normal, after all, Yun Beishang’s Second Form was called the “Resilient Composition”. And as its name implied, besides giving his body a still not yet tested endurance and defense that was very well over a mortal’s boundaries, he now had his body appear to be unbreakable. That alone was what was making his women incapable of enduring more than 3 rounds each per day.

While he, on the other hand, could go at it without restraint; endlessly. Yun Beishang, however, also ‘felt’ more and couldn’t really avoid making faces if he was to pluck so many maidenhoods’ meat one after the other nonstop.

After Xie Ling and Tonkia, then came the turn of his maids, which came in in groups of 5. In the same matter, other wives of his like Diana, Sash, Miriam and so on also came in groups of 3 or 5 with other maids as well. And in just about 2 days after, all maids, wives and personnel of his were more or less able to see his second son in person.

But as Natalia had more and more exclusive time with her husband and her first son’s father for so long, she felt guilty, as such, she sent his father out to fool around and give warmth to the other wives that were utterly envious of her as of these last few days. With how gentle Naty was, it was already weird she didn’t obliged him to get some more preggo, just to balance things.

Anyway, Yun Beishang did just that, and as he moved to one of the many living rooms without putting any barrier with a certain maid as the 6th month of the 1st year since Rising Essence’s release was about to be reached, the one and only update of its Warmonger’s expansion was also about to be released.

. . .


KATARINA-1, back to the present day. On a sofa.


Slrrrrup…mng-hah, mmm, mwah…” A small hand was grabbing at his coated with saliva Incensed Dragon, the upper right side below its Dragon’s Head was being grabbed at tightly as a tongue lapped its front, the Dragon’s Neck.

Without much suspense, the small tongue, lips and teeth slowly but incredibly enjoyed the taste and odor that came from this Great Dragon that was so incensed, veins were still pumping hard and tons of blood in an infuriated manner. With the other small hand encompassing the lower left side of the Incensed Dragon, and massaging the center of the Dragon’s body, the Dragon’s Head was oozing lots of thankful ‘gifts’ in liquid form for the incredible well skilled small mouth.

With his hand behind his head, waist sticking out and legs spread open to allow the blackberry medium short length hair to continue on wobbling up and down, left and right nonstop, sometimes in quick motions and sometimes with passionate slow motions. Yun Beishang had his eyes closed, while his lower abdomen would flinch intensely from time to time for long periods of time.

Before, it would only be momentary, then, it became a few seconds of his lower abdomen flinching. And now, after quite a few rounds of using one mouth and the other, the current mouth at hand was now capable of making his lower abdomen flinch constantly for a few seconds every now and then.

Naturally, she could make it so that he would flinch nonstop for several minutes to even 20 minutes before getting ‘awarded’ how it is supposed to be. But, what was the fun of that? She also wouldn’t enjoy his taste and caressings on her rapidly and devotedly working head as she kept on going with her tired but hungry for yummy stuff upper mouth.

“Ugghh…” At last, the young girl down there was elated as she allowed her throat a breather, for only a brief moment as it went from being completely enlarged by her husband’s and Master’s huge object to being flooded by his ‘essence’ after a good enough amount was tasted, smelled from her nasal cavities and with their scent and flavor impregnating her whole mouth and throat.

“Master…phew, your little wife can no more-please spare your little wif-waah!” As she was speaking, her body was suddenly lifted up and before she knew it, those pair of irresistible hands clutching once more at her waist made her obedient like a kitten yet again. Yun Beishang’s voice rang out shakily and bestially, “Fei’er, it’s okay, you are still-ooof! So tight down here, even with your sweet maiden cave already so coated. How do you do it, huh?”

“Wooo, bullying me…but bullies me so well, anh????~…” Zi Fei responded after hearing his voice turn so entranced as she accidentally clamped harsher than she wanted to, her voice kittenish as she recoiled slightly. With her body recoiling, her small height of 1.55 meters tall already shortened as she straddled Yun Beishang forcefully because of his hands, her light violet iris and dark purple pupils which were just now binding him dazedly as she enjoyed his member with a flirtatious and womanly charm intention were now clearly and lovingly gazing up at him with her mouth eating his Incensed Dragon pitifully.

Her small lithe body all exposed with her A cup east west shaped breasts begging him to brutally shower them in affection and his own passion and lust until they are deformed even as small as they are. Her unimaginably bountiful, perky and ample square buttocks that were  now firmly grasped by his hands as they were about to be slapped hard and constantly by his thighs.

All of this sent Yun Beishang’s already non existent morality to the imaginary trash bin inside his head as he heard her say in a still well principled but lusty and passionate voice, “I am my Master’s wife, naturally, I have to make my husband and Master’s pleasure to be fulfilled. As my Master and husband, Yun Beishang, you have to be thoroughly satisfied with all I have. My body is yours from long ago, Master. My heart and mind were also yours from long ago, Husband.”

“Also, I asked Sister Yao and Madam Diana a lot about using my mouth, I am really dong my best to be my Master’s perfect wife!”


“Uuuh-oooow? Mngngnngnghhh~!!!” At once, and with Yun Beishang thinking to himself that how could he dare make this little wife of his question herself or even have to explain herself—which, by the choice of words, he didn’t really mind ah—, when she is soooo damn devoted to himself and so naughty for his sake?

As such, with one simple motion, he ate her small lips which occasioned her eyelids to shut down and her small and lithe arms to hug his neck, as anything else she hugged at would be impossible from the big and grand motions of her body up and down onto his own.

Splurt splurt splurt splurt…!

With each in and out, a bit of his ‘essence would come out, but that wasn’t going to just be wasted, as Zi Fei began to lower her small hands to catch those sneaky little chunks of tasty yummy before sending them into her mouth…and nose. Not that his own body would restrain Yun Beishang’s actions; though.



Let It Rain's Note: Aaah, Little Fei Fei now has her lewd time more or less defined now. Welp, I'm feeling like taking a break soon, these hands of mine have tired wrists and my brian needs it too (▰˘︹˘▰).

V5: #2 2/10.

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