Bow and Arrow

Chapter 456: Chapter 454 — The Masters!

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The Masters!




"Both. But to be honest, it is more like me having a grudge with those 'Guiding Voices' and with the idiotic people who had been following their orders around as their most loyal dogs. As for the grudge, no need to say much, just say that they were actively interrupting my... gaming time along with some people I cherish. It was creepy to say the least, disgusting in a more truthful sense."

“I see. Well, thank you for your sincerity, Mr Beishang. So, for the last few questions to wrap this up. I’m sure you’ve heard of people already noticing your Order being all around the Bright Sunset Region, right? Some say that you were the ones to give the idea to Baston and the topmost Associations of the game, some say that you copied them instead beforehand even. Could you talk to us about this?”

“Um, sure…” Yun Beishang said with a bit of a high pitched tone and soundlessly slapped his right thigh with his right hand, taking a few seconds as he gazed at the distance to his right even though there clearly was a wall just a couple of meters away, he continued with his voice turning serene.

“The thing is…The Order will simply be taking over the Bright Sunset Region, and we’ve also chosen then Azure Dragon Sub-Division as its main base of operations. The Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division is the one of all Sub-Divisions in the Region that has suffered the most, first with its imminent destruction quite a few months ago, and now with the God Race’s use of the powered item so we had to work a lot in that one to gain the Inhabitants’ respect.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right. I would like to say something about the NPCs. I think that it is very well known how ‘alive’ these characters are inside the game, as such, from now on; I’d like to make everyone call these NPCs as Inhabitants and no longer as NPCs. After all, in the ‘lore’ of the game, it is us being called Journeyers by them and not simply travelers or adventurers as if we were supposed to be from their same world.”

“I think that this will bring a true closeness to the Inhabitants of Main Kingdom, it isn’t something big to do nor a high maintenance requirement, but is a start and I will even implement this ‘law’ as the next ruler of the Bright Sunset Region.” Yun Beishang’s words, as soon as he took a 5 seconds-long break, immediately cause so much disruption through all of New Earth as there were those who watched the interview from outside the game itself.

“!” Little Star seemed to want to take another few words and questions at him right now, but behaved herself and waited for Yun Beishang to continue as he darted his eyes around contemplatively. “My Order’s movements are mine to care about, and those of the Inhabitants. Because from this moment forth, the destruction and loss that we’ve brought to Main Kingdom as well as the already existing corruption within the same…”

Yun Beishang then looked at the angle that was directed at him as he made a momentary, dramatic pause. His eyes were now stern but not strict, nor overbearing; simply ‘serious’ but also as if speaking of the weather at the sametime. “Will be placated with our Order.”

Standing up abruptly, with his waist right in front of Little Star who in return didn’t move away and had her forehead quite close to  his with her thin back slightly bent forward, Yun Beishang continued with the same demeanor. “I will also take this chance to announce that, as soon as the next expansion comes alive, my League of The Order will open its arms to anyone worthy enough to enter it.”

“!!!” It wasn’t just Little Star whose eyes twinkled extremely strongly and became surprised to high levels at once to Yun Beishang’s last few words. The entirety of the playerbase of Rising Essence turned just as shocked if not more as if thunderstruck, so many people who silently worshiped The Order found once again their wish to be part of it at the hearing of such words.

Of course, many more also got to feel anxious, for as everyone knew what kind of monsters were inside The Order after the Global Tournament happened. At the same time tough, a newfound source of motivation was gained, and a strong one at that. But as if knowing what everyone would think of his words right now, how they would react and so on, Yun Beishang smiled at the camera with brightness in his showing teeth as he added.

“If, when reading the specifics so as to enter my Order, which will be seen on a post when the time comes in the form of a contract made by the system, you still feel that you aren’t ‘worthy’. Then, as a member or leader of another Association, The Order will take you under its wing as long as another few conditions are met. Naturally, the signing of the contract will be mandatory for all members as well, though there will be some changes, most rewarding items will still be available for all.”

“Well, that’s all.” Yun Beishang sat back down onto his seat, watching as the camera seemed to even glimmer ever more powerfully while Little Star had some extra stars going around in her eyes out of true likeness. “What do you think? Was it too much or…”

“Oh no, no no no. Mr Beishang, I think that was good, not the most amazing kind of proclamations, so as to say. But still, good enough considering how less you care about image, hehehe.”

Hearing her words, Yun Beishang eased up a bit, his awkwardness at going through having to talk to people drifting away at last. Little Star took a deep breath, her little chest raising up a bit as her eyes relaxed a lot and then set her gaze on Yun Beishang once more as she spoke. “I believe this interview is just about to each its end, Mr Beishang, is there anything that you would like to say? I must say, in the stead of everyone’s curious heart that, how do you really plan to ‘conquer’ a Region when all Sub-DIvisions are gone, all Royal families were totally wiped out and as brutish means would only bring about an ultimate fall?”

“Oh, about that…” Yun Beishang placed his left leg on top of his right knee, then continued in a devious tone and with a playful grin. “I’m not doing this for the sake of bringing peace, so if my Order is met with real obstruction, death and destruction will be the answer. No matter if they are Journeyers, bringing them to despair, or Inhabitants. I’m not looking to kill Inhabitants, actually. But if they are put in front of our Order, then The Order will put them down instead.”

“... … …” And instead of now becoming astounded or dumbfounded once more, the viewers of this interview became silent instead, with a lot of eyes having their eyebrows frown and their glints becoming even more offended as if they were the ones being brutally and personally offended because of yes.

“Very well, thank you so much, Mr Beishang.” Little Star stood up, gesturing for Yun Beishang to do the same and, as he did, he felt a premonition as Little Star brought her hands behind her bum and moved to stand half a step before him as she then finalized with a few shocking words and motions.

“Now, if you’ll grant me this wish; I’m actually a huge fan girl of yours! I’ve always been, I’ve admired Mr Beishang ever since he took out that hidden BOSS back then at a Novice Village. Can you please give this first admirer of yours a kissss, pleaaase~?!” Without giving Yun Beishang any chance to react, even as Yun Beishang was indeed Yun Beishang; Little Star hoped and clung to his neck at once, bringing her own face upwards as she elevated her body with her own ‘powerful’ thin arms.


But right at this time, the cameras went off while Little Star’s mouth was just 2 inches before Yun Beishang’s. And as Yun Beishang was confused, nonplussed and not knowing what to do, he then saw Little Star’s eyes turn real and become serious as she uttered out in a hushed manner. “Did that old fart told you about me?”

“Eh…” Feeling helpless as he understood, Yun Beishang responded cleverly as he made a smug grin to this little devil. “I didn’t think of asking, maybe that ‘it wasn’t the time’, or something like that. Besides, for something like that, wouldn’t it be better to ask you myself, right? Also, I didn’t aks about the villagers of each Novice Village, nor from where did they come from…”

As Yun Beishang spoke the last sentences from his words, his eyes trailed off to the right lower corner of his eyes as the beautiful image of a little girl appeared in his mind…blurry. But then, Little Star’s voice sounded motherly as she casually caressed all around his temples with both hands and…seemingly floating as she did.

“You are not asking that old fart of the villagers from those places…is it because you are afraid of undeniably involving them in your dire struggles? You don’t want to see them suffer anymore, not like that Goddess anymore and not like Irllytia’s family did? Oh, Beishang…”

“...” Yun Beishang had become, instead of shocked and possible befuddled, hooked and spellbound by Little Star’s words and her doting eyes that looked at him as if he was the dearest to him but from which he knew there was only likeness and not any sort of deepest affection. But from within which…was a will to ‘try’...

“Little-you…who really are you?” Confirming her questions in a manner of silently, tacitly agreeing, Yun Beishang softly but also hoarsely asked with his nose bumping into hers a few times as he shook his head while asking.

“Well…” Little Star, having her ‘true form’ revealed as she appeared tons of times more mature than even Cyn or Ellie, let go of Yun Beishang’s neck and head as she floated downwards and back a few steps away from him. Her hands going to the back of her hips, she hesitated for only a second before confessing, her voice becoming ethereal. “For Krayeke, I’m like his adopted little sister. I was his late second wife’s adopted little sister also.”

“When she died…I did my best to follow him so as to help him take care of Ellie, Nora and even Cinders…I never imagined that he could advance so much…” Seeing so much grief, sorrow in Little Star’s eyes; Yun Beishang became wordless as he then understood what was up with her, but he was as curious as he was irritated.

“So, do-no, did you become interested in me…because of my ‘special’ birth?” Yun Beishang’s voice wasn’t loud, nor sharp, but it contained a deathly calmness and hidden coldness that made Little Star to feel unbelievable to the reaction her mind was having to his bothered self.

“No…I did find you interesting, but I-as for myself, I-...” Feeling her so chaotic, already tearing up tears that were as sparkling as her own unique eyes, Yun Beishang reached out to hold her cheeks as he stepped forward without a care for the world. His voice was intrusive and malignant as he hoarsely uttered with his lips touching her fossa triangularis. “I can spell your name now, I can do it.”

“No-n-no-no no, don’t say it, no…” Pitifully, Little Star asked, begged him and implored him with tears dancing to all angles through the air as she shook her head like a scared little rabbit. But Yun Beishang only held her neck, ever so tenderly, as he moved his lips to stand right above her lips and pressing on her philtrum and nostrils.

“I will say it in another form, that way it won’t count, and you can still think about it. I will wait, why would I be so foolish so as to leave a delicacy of life like you escape me? Hah-” Seeing her eyes dilate as he barely distanced his face away from hers, the meat of his lips seemingly sticking to her skin as they were pulled with the motion. And right after, he directly placed those lips on her slightly moistened ones, creating an audible squelching sound so tiny that it was the perfect visualization of her reasoning as Little Star could only position her head up to him to have, and to go along with his moves inside her own mouth and around it.

“... ………………?????????”

After a long time, with her body becoming all his and being ‘connected’ as it was sticking on his own, it was Little Star who separated their bodies after kissing for so much and so long. Her eyes misty, and her mouth trembling, she said in a whispering voice in a quick manner while shaking her hands and then placing her on his chest for a reason unknown to her.

“No, I have to…you have to go. Beishang, next, you Journeyers will have to rely on the Masters. They will aid you all into becoming strong, some obvious mysteries will be more or less solved at that time and you will have an easier time thrusting others to become strong too. You are doing just fine, and well, and great…good luck, ah, I-”

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Yun Beishang said nothing, reacted with nothing and only looked at her directly with his deadly eyes. Straight into her eyes, straight into her soul, as she shook and looked at him like a troubled maiden, damsel. And while she was still blabbing on, he bent his neck and once again took her lips as their meat were pulled, as they were separated almost right away.

Without much breath, Little Star said with her face growing intoxicated but with a troubled frown on her brows. “You have a lot to do, Rasa is still also waiting for you but there is also the test of the Responsive Dragon, so listen to me well, I’ll-”


Her lips taken again, Little Star closed her eyes immediately as soon as Yun Beishang’s lips were just 3 centimeters away from her own and resisted nothing for another 4 or 5 seconds before her lips were left free and she could continue speaking again. But that was just the beginning, as it began to happen over, and over, and over again.

“...Do that before the next expansion is released-mmg…”

“You won’t be battling the Responsive Dragon’s true body, he is the strongest of Main Kingdom and can now freely move around, but that is not his duty-mww…”

“It is yours, yours to take so, uh-huff…you should immediately go and do this one thing, afterwards…mmmwwfaamh…”

“You will only have more work to do, all over Main-mmwwgghh…????…”

“...but, I trust you will do… incredibly well, Beishang…farewell-mmnggho!” Just as Little Star turned around and wanted to do nothing else but to run away, she felt her bum be strongly pressed against, the shock made her vulnerable as she was turned around and Yun Beishang delivered another one, last exchange of lips’ meat meeting yet again.

But this time, as he simply pressed his own against her and remained still, gently and carefully passing over his emotions through still lips, Little Star was so moved that she even pressed her own onto him. Which allowed Yun Beishang to smell her philtrum that was coated with most of her own saliva and scent but also of his.

“Okay. When I grow stronger, I’ll look for you and then will actually force you to be mine, I’m not taking any other second thoughts or hesitation anymore. Mine, mine, mine. I hope you are prepared, because I’m going to do this even if it is risking my life against you, either by being harmed at your hands or Krayeke’s. I don’t care.”

Listening to his words, Little Star turned panicky, and her pupils constricted. But right after, her right hand caressed his left cheek as he looked at her with an intensity capable of making her shudder. ‘Oh Beishang, so silly and dumb. Even if it was you hurting me instead, I would never harm you nor anyone close to you, foolish and utterly idiotic…man.’.


With those being her last few thoughts, Little Star vanished in starlight so thin and transparent that it was barely visible to Yun Beishang’s senses as he did his utmost to discover as much he could of her traces as soon as it happened; to no avail. He remained in silence for a good while in the villager’s house before hesuddenly had a bout of laughter uncontrollably come out of his mouth.

“HAHAHAHA…! Little Star…even if you feel undeserving, I want to deserve you, and make you feel cherished like no other man nor woman will ever be capable of. And even if you are afraid, then I wanna make you afraid of not being husband and wife with me.”

“I know…I’m unreasonable, but I’ve also grown quite cheeky and proud…if you deliver yourself, such a plate of delicious meat, in front of me. I will take it.” Feeling funny with himself, and after shaming himself mentally once his words were spoken to the seemingly ‘nothingness’, Yun Beishang then stepped out of the unfinished house and went offline to wait for the update to happen.




KATARINA-1, Living Room#6 and with only 1 minute and 50 seconds left before the completion of the update of the Warmonger Expansion, close to 13:00 pm.



On the sofa, was a Yun Beishang who was holding his Insoma with his left hand, while his right hand was playing with Yun Darcel who was giggling and giggling as his body was rotating over and over again. Yun Beishang’s Mental Power was protecting the tiny thing’s senses and body as it also managed to lift and move the tiny thing’s body flawlessly.

Yun Beishang read through it with some mild interest as he waited for the fake ‘maintenance’ that was basically made for the still and forever ignorant other Journeyers that weren’t of his League of The Order’s Ladies and Maidens, from the truth of Rising Essence’s world and situation.

“Yun Beishang, Tongqiu. One person, two identities!”

“Restoration of Main Kingdom, will it take a whole year or two to be brought back to how it was before…or even better?!”

“What the future of Rising Essence holds, death of revival of a great invention?”

“To All Journeyers, the Adorevia Pagans Guild is looking for worshipers of Adorevia to mourn for the fallen goddess of Main Kingdom!”

“The Order, an enemy, needs punishment and severe restrictions! Famous Little Star abused sexually!”

Yun Beishang rolled his eyes as the sight of all of this, there was a new type of thing tho; it seemed as if the words ‘To All Journeyers’ had become a new trend used by all players of Rising Essence when making a grand notice. After all, what titles Yun Beishang was reading through in actuality weren’t threads in the forums, but in New Earth’s headlines instead.

Beep beep!

“Oh?” As Yun Beishang was getting too bored of reading but still enjoying doing it while he played with his dear Yun Darcel, his gauntlets flashing into view on his hands as the glimmer in Yun Beishang’s eyes became playful…He was, really, looking forward to his visit to the Responsive Dragon and to take Rasa back from her brand new babysitter.




Let It Rain's Note: Now, a BOSS fight for real and then...WAR. And progress, I guess.

V5: #2 4/10.

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