Bow and Arrow

Chapter 46: Chapter 45 — Mortal’s Terror (2)

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Mortal's Terror (2)



[Wide-Open Bite!]: Mortal's Terror opens up its mouth to astonishingly worrying levels, whatever it comes out of itself converges in front of it as it becomes a ball of pure massive destruction. Use rate: Extremely Rare. Cannot be stopped, cannot be blocked.

[Ten Screams of Satisfaction]: Mortal's Terror, with its mouth totally closed, directs its head and neck towards any area as it the emits ten differently sounding screams that can each be heard distinctively. Use rate: Slightly Rare. Effect: Can cause any of these states and at the same time, Stun, Mindlock, Paralyzed, Frozen, Immobile, Silence, Confused, Dizzy, Disoriented and Despair. Cannot be blocked.

[Utter Terror]: Mortal's Terror materializes a formless blade of any color from the surroundings which is then pointed at the target before shooting at immense speed. Use rate: Common. Cannot be stopped.

[Law Bending Terror Strike]: Mortal's Terror brandishes his arms and then makes a T pose (Author's Note: I know.) with its head sticking out; immediately after there's a linear shockwave at the height of the Mortal's Terror's shoulders which travels for a few hundred meters after a momentary pause of 1.25 seconds; followed by intense rumbling and atmosphere changes through the encompassed area by the linear shockwaves. Use rate: Very Rare; Slightly Rare at -50% HP. Effect: Does an astronomical amount of damage and stuns all targets in the area for 15 seconds. Cannot be stopped, cannot be blocked, cannot mitigate.

[Impossible Coexistence]: Mortal's Terror is a true abomination, as such, it holds False-Essence which is completely incompatible within this universe, so when Mortal's Terror insufficient intelligence doesn't prevent it from activating it, it's better to grow wings and fly to a whole another dimension... Use rate: Random, only once. Cannot be blocked. Annihilates everything! Run or...!

'Hmm... the AOE attack is really... fucking nuts, but; what's the deal with the last skill? It's obviously hinting a-... 'False' Essence, huh?'  As Tongqiu was getting a nice old headache from just reading Mortal's Terror's stats, its skills then managed to forcefully induce him one. Of course, he also picked up clues here and there and... he also wanted to test his current skillset too. Now that Mortal's Terror was completely overwhelmed by shock, Tongqiu took this chance to look at his whopping amount of SP, 323,408!! The reason he hadn't used it? To accumulate, so that once he checks his stat windows up, he'll get a well damned satisfaction Besides, he didn't horrendously needed to upgrade Transient Divine Burst right then and there, so it wasn't a problem for him.

He then checked his skills as he decided to upgrade them the most he could.

[Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 14, SP needed for next LV: 24,576, cooldown: 0 seconds, cost: 35 mana and 70 stamina. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision.Additional Effect: When activated Physical Damage+13%. 

[Tongqiu's Rain Showdown]: Type: AOE Active Skill, MAX LV: 20, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: 10,240. Cooldown: 8 seconds, cost: 10 MP, 10 Stamina. Range: 0-30 meters. With Tongqiu's weapon or weapons in use, point with it towards the sky to activate this skill to create from the sky an AOE rain of attacks with the shape of the weapon  or item in use (arrow, bolt, javelin) without stopping for 15 seconds. Creates around 18 of the weapon's shadows per second with damage equal to 180% of Tongqiu's Attack Power and Magic Power for each shadow.

[Transient Divine Burst]: Type: Active/Self-Buff, MAX LV: 10, LV: 8, SP needed for next LV: 89,600, cooldown: 1 minutes, cost: 1,500 MP and 1,500 Stamina and 30% of the host's total HP. You've gone through arduous battle experience and comprehended a skill that has never been as flexible when it comes to melee battle empowering. Effect: Once this skill is activated, all your melee attack's type of damage are the adjoined by your Physical and Magical Power; all your basic attacks without any other skill empowering them or transforming them increases its total damage dealt by 240%, your attacks also gain a +30% chance of stunning the enemy and Critical Hit Rate+18%. All kinds of damage received are reduced by 50%.

He decided to no matter what, upgrade his most amazing skills first, then worry about 'secondary' ones later. So he maxed Transient Divine Burst first, which gave him some well-deserving extra buffs.

[Transient Divine Burst]: Type: Active/Self-Buff, MAX LV: 10, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: MAX, cooldown: 35 seconds, cost: 15% of your total HP every 10 seconds. You've gone through arduous battle experience and comprehended a skill that has never been as flexible when it comes to melee battle empowering. Effect: Once this skill is activated, all your melee attack's type of damage are the adjoined by your Physical and Magical Power; all your basic attacks without any other skill empowering them or transforming them increases its total damage dealt by 270%, your attacks also gain a +65% chance of stunning the enemy and Critical Hit Rate+25%. All kinds of damage received are reduced by 50% and Physical and Magical Defense+50%. Duration: limitless.

Unfortunately, that only left him with a sad whiny amount of 54,608. Again, were other players to hear his silent laments...

[Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 15, SP needed for next LV: 49,152, cooldown: 0 seconds, cost: 40 mana and 80 stamina. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision.Additional Effect: When activated Physical Damage+14%. 

He still couldn't max up 'Unparalleled Angle' yet, which made him feel quite curious; how come such a random skill book gave him quite the troublesome skill to MAX? Letting go of that thought, Tongqiu changed his gaze back at the Mortal's Terror. His Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses popping up from his inventory into his hands at an instant, moving forwards step by step...


Without even giving half a second of thought to it, not even taking out his essential weaponry, Tongqiu made use of his body with the best of his newly discovered beyond-human capabilities to speed up to his maximum potential towards Mortal's Terror.

As Tongqiu was mere meters away from Mortal's Terror, it suddenly flapped its right arm in a semi-circular fashion as it easily arrived before Tongqiu. Right when it was about to blast him apart, Tongqiu first activated Transient Divine Burst before forcing an extremely brutish jump as he rotated his body in mid air but not without giving the Mortal's Terror's arm some passing cuts as he then tapped on its arm to impulse himself towards one of its little legs.

-1,715, MISS, -1,717, -2,388, MISS, MISS, -1,720, -1,718, -1,725, -2,274, MISS, MISS, -4,012, MISS.

'Well, that didn't go well.' Thinking of such as he was still moving towards one of its legs, Tongqiu took advantage of the few little amount of seconds he had to use his Self-Harming Dagger once again, increasing his Hit Rate to an incredible 45%! But even with that, taking the 20 levels of difference, it didn't really amounted for much of a change, let alone the fact that he had 55% Critical Hit Rate and barely managed to activate one critical strike among 8 direct hits.

Nevertheless, his Unparalleled Angle and now with Self-Harming Dagger buff, he would do a bit more of damage and without needing to do some showy and flashy unnecessary movements to accurately hit the Terror's Mortal.

As he arrived at its left leg, Tongqiu first stomped hard on its shin as inertia allowed him to stop at such a position for a few seconds, a few seconds was enough to bombard this bastard without restraint.

-1,720, MISS, -1,728, -1,712, -1,717, MISS, MISS, -4,032, -4,008, -4,021, -1,719, -2,299, MISS, -2,305, -1,702, -1,761, MISS, MISS -2,401.

Terror's Mortal HP: [2,501,605/2,550,000].

In a mere 15 or more seconds, Tongqiu took almost 2% HP of this creepy new BOSS!  As long as he had 20 minutes alone with this thing without getting smacked away to oblivion or at the very least without reacting at all, Tongqiu could easily dispose of it!

'As if...' As Tongqiu sobered up a little from his delusions, something which would probably bring past traumas started happening right above him, which he noticed a bit too late.

While he was engrossing himself on bombarding its legs, there was a black-colored kind of specks of dust converging in front of the Mortal's Terror stomach as its source seemed to be from that of its bellybutton...

'Oh shit, no, Utter- ah- Utter Terror!' Tongqiu at first, had immediately thought of the Filthy Spawn's weird movements from back then before its 'Deathly Spear' would struck... his eyes widened as he impulsed his body far away from the Mortal's Terror's body; if the skill was truly as its description indicated, then it would definitely not be fooled if he moved a lot or if he hid behind its body, after all, why would he test whether or not that thing that came out from its own body was able to hurt itself?! He'd rather have a go at it every single time on the promise that he could move as much as he wanted and use the terrain at his advantage, even if it was completely plain, it was better than letting Lady Luck decide!

And so, the blade-like thingy finished materializing in front of the Mortal's Terror's body as it 'pop' and its aiming direction change from facing towards where the Mortal's Terror itself was facing to that of Tongqiu's position- it changed its position as if in teleportation yet without moving.

Tongqiu felt glad that he didn't stubbornly decided not to risk a free hit from a +20 levels and Enlightened being just for the sake of having it easier. After unceasingly modestly praising himself, Tongqiu then prepared to receive its attack when he 'heard' with his senses, the sound of the blade creak as if dusting off its rusty body.

Sure enough, just as Tongqiu was starting to tense his body yet relaxing it at the same time, the blade -as intended- moved at extreme speeds, almost as fast as the 'Deathly Spear' from the Deserter as it suddenly received a boost when it traversed a total of 100m! Tongqiu's eyes shined at the revelation.

'It cannot be stopped... but...' Nevertheless, Tongqiu wasn't a computer and his thoughts weren't that non-existent-level of fast as he felt tremors on his left leg. Rapidly, Tongqiu let his body to thoroughly fall to the floor with his right knee bending while his left leg simply slipped down on the ground; right after Tongqiu emphatically depended on his entire right leg to carry his body towards his right to the utmost of his flexibility.


The sound of a blade cutting through the refined stone-like ground at the level where it even carried wind alongside it and then hitting the hardest spot of the underground which forced it to a stop was heard right from Tongqiu's left, around 25-30 meters away. Even then, Tongqiu felt that he was about to be affected by the shockwaves.

'May not be as fast; but that's only at the beginning. This place is absurdly large and if its speed augments every 100 meters... then I need to get close to it as much as I can, but if I do so, it's AOE skill will easily kill me and even if it doesn't actually one shots me, that 15 stun duration is too much but... this BOSS is an Enlightened being, it'll probably try to stay away from me so as to use its more common skills, which is exactly that fucking previous shit... agh, if only I had a hors- oh right, there'd be an update soon- AH, whatever, it's not important now.' When Tongqiu had his time to grief and to plan any strategy, the Mortal's Terror's eyes were unusually shining when it saw Tongqiu marvelously avoid his 'sneak' attack.

Tongqiu saw it, but what could he do? Convince it that it was pure luck? Fuck that, just kill the damn thing.

As such, Tongqiu put away his gladiuses as his essential weaponry formed at his hands respectively, aiming at the Mortal's Terror, towards the base of its neck. When he saw the shadow carrying alongside it the purple and white lightning, targeting the Mortal's Terror's head and trying to stuff it back onto its body, it gave Tongqiu a slight need to attack said part of it as his main focus.

And so, he shoot a light bombardment of Wideshots.

-2,557, MISS, -2,644, -2,544, MISS, -2,582,- 3,268, -7,106, -2,550, -7,122, -2,601, MISS.

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Naturally, Tongqiu's accuracy was much more reliable when he was using his essential weaponry, though it also helped Tongqiu realize that it was his essential weaponry 'aiding' him and not directly affecting one another when in use.

'Maybe it's that we are not truly merged together? Maybe I'm the problem...'Nevertheless, Tongqiu managed to take another little chunk from the Mortal's Terror HP: [2,471,175/2,550,000].

'Ah, system, send a message to Naty and NaughDiana for me, cough, I may be late for dinner.' Deeply feeling how dumb his naming sense is when it come to his cellphone's two only contacts, Tongqiu blushed a little yet smiled contentedly, contentedly foolish as he then entered the 'abnormal' state, to give the Mortal's Terror an extra gift




Then, as if waiting for Tongqiu to finish his incredible shot as an incredible scary reality-tearing explosion sound was heard in the distance or rather, for reality to come back to normal, the system notified Tongqiu of his petition.

*PING* - Personal Device: Your message has been delivered.

'Mm, time to play.' Tongqiu satisfactorily nodded, before closing in on the Mortal's Terror position while still shooting at it.

-2,556, -2,769, MISS, MISS, -2,513, -5,930, -2,623, MISS, 2,516...


Tongqiu's Villa.

"Ah, Tongqiu may be late, what could he be doing? Hmmm." As Natalia was speaking out loud in the living room while sitting on the sofa, Diana jumped from behind it as she clutched Natalia's sides and yelled: "Big Sister! How could you~~!"

"AaH! Eh-EH! That's tickli-ehehksshhh- AH! Hey, that wasn't my tummy..." Natalia of course wouldn't  deny some sisterly time with her beloved 'Little' Sister, but then she felt a touch that was way too low for her tummy and immediately after, another that was way too high for her tummy too...

Natalia had two parts anger and four parts feigned anger as she immediately followed with the volume of her voice rising: "Ah! How dare you take advantage of me?!" 

Diana, without responding and with her expressionless face yet shining eyes, had her right hand go under her shirt as they neared towards her chest; while she was doing so, her left hand moved downwards under her pants, too...

Both now wide eyed merely looked at each other, then Natalia spoke with an emotionless voice: "If you do something to me, I'll tell Tongqiu."

Diana then looked at Natalia, which in turn rolled her eyes in annoyance towards Diana's confusion before continuing with the same voice: "He'll punish you."

Diana: 。◕‿‿◕。

'Ah, there it is, I think I'm awaking a little monster here, but a good and obedient little monster, he~~.' Natalia's thoughts were anything but 'pure' right now as a playful and joyful smile appeared on her face while Diana fingertips were closing in on two different types of buds...


Back at Rising Essence.

"FUCK YOU!!!" Tongqiu's enraged tone of voice was obviously not without reason, as the stupid Mortal's Terror started brandishing its creepy and bizarre arms around for a few seconds as Tongqiu was getting intensely close on it... through the air, he had actually used a blade from Utter Terror to jump very, very high in the air as he didn't had much to do and, at the same time, was too close to the Mortal's Terror so instead of running desperately he decided to work on his already used eye to play with the Mortal's Terror so-called Utter Terror formless blade.

However, as it started brandishing its arms around, making an excited and thrilled to fight Tongqiu utterly terrorized (Author's Note: ...). Without another choice though, Tongqiu pulled away his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses as his essential weaponry were already forming by starting around his fingertips before suddenly giving him verdant color to his whole left arm and even verdant colored claw-like nails on his left hand while metallic-grey was the dominant color on his long 'bracers' on his right arm while his claw-like nails rather had a 'tainted' dark-like abyss pitch black color.

Once again entering his 'abnormal' state, Tongqiu instantly shot as many times as he could before feeling a sharp, stinging pain all around his head which allowed him to launch 4 wideshots successively.

-220,320, -220,320, -220,320, -220,320.

Without stopping though, even as he started to see slightly red from the lower side of his vision, he right away used his Mental Prowess to follow up with a Tongqiu's Rain Showdown!


Mortal's Terror HP: [1,301,093/2,550,000].

'Agh, fuck, fuck. What do I-' With his immense penetrating headache, and his Tongqiu's Rain Showdown having half its projectiles missing their target, he once again took out only one Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius at his right hand as his left hand was now stopping the slightly ferocious gushing of his blood through his right eye and nose.

Strangely, he didn't feel horror nor discomfort, let alone scared of having such self-inflicted injury. Instead, he seemed to have his shoulders and upper back touched by an extremely cold presence as he brandished his right-handed Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius like a madman, an intelligent and calculative madman.

'I can't use Transient Divine Burst since the attack isn't that of dealing damage proportionate to the target's HP. Moreover, even if I get completely glued to the wall or roof, and even if I make a small hole for me to hide in- it must still be able to affect me since its name alone is already terrifying then its description complements it perfectly. Encompasses the area through the ground and the skies... through the ground and the skies... WAIT!' As Tongqiu was already grieving over his most likely incoming demise, which may even reset this stupid objective with lore and shit, he suddenly thought of the impossible!

Well, not impossible but rather... the most disgusting one; to enter the Mortal's Terror's own body and shelter himself from the 'heaven-shaking, earth-shattering' move of this piece of shit.

And just as he finished thinking such dirty and deranged ideas, he saw the Mortal's Terror hang its head down as its nape was entirely exposed. Tongqiu immediately went 'Aaaaah, you fuckers, aaaah~... here goes nothing.'

Still covering his right eye and nose which were still bleeding, Tongqiu gripped his gladius sword in a reverse grip before hacking up and down a couple of times and then tearing it apart with his utmost desire to not fucking lose this chance. Right at that moment, Tongqiu felt an extremely strange yet warm connection as a non-harmful linear shockwave that expanded in a circle, it was as if space itself was being powerfully pushed before regaining its balance and its surrounding image went back to normal.

He didn't wanted to look at the fireworks, he really didn't wanted to! Tongqiu immediately pushed his body emphatically into the little gap he made in the base of the Mortal's Terror neck like fish trying to escape from the net.




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