Bow and Arrow

Chapter 464: Chapter 462 — Road Of The Evil God (4)

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Road Of The Evil God (4)




Clone of the Response Dragon’s HP: [11,369,800,000/15,550,000,000]. Spiritual, Semi-Immortal Body Barrier’s HP: [19,785,255,200/20,000,000,000].

'Agh. This will still take a goddamn while, eh?' Yun Beishang was content with his efforts, not bad at all; indeed. But his few bouts of attacks and his recent Unparalleled Tongqiu's Destruction 100 shadows bombarding the poor Responsive Dragon's Belly only amounted him for a total of a bit more than 200,000,000 damage. It was unthinkable even for the current playerbase of Rising Essence, but almost nothing to the colossal amount of 20,000,000,000 HP.

Nonetheless, he raised his left arm as steely as always and prepared his 3 arrows as he nocked them on his bowstring once more, without any regards for using the same move twice; Yun Beishang let go of them while deactivating his Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity.

Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion!

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot!

Hells Open, Heavens Weep + Unparalleled Otherworldly Dimensional Aperture!




In but a few moments, a plethora of color explosions that are definitely otherworldly; out of this world, bombarded yet again but in a much graver and powerful demeanor than before. The Responsive Dragon even tried to scream some bits here and there out of pure annoyance as is body was fully useless and rendered immobile due to the shocking waves that bombarded him nonstop.

This was, however, an attack made to its whole direct body, and it healed up just as much as it did before with those 3,000 arrows taking out a larger chunk of his HP than before though.

+250,000, +250,000, +250,000, +250,000, +250,000, +250,000, +250,000…

Clone of the Response Dragon’s HP: [6,367,900,000/15,550,000,000].

And while the Responsive Dragon was still in this state, as a huge cloud of blue, red, yellow-gray, pure white, deepest of blacks, blinding white, orange, gloomy verdant, pitch-black like abyss metallic gray and the most beautiful and purest of whites colors that could still not encompass even ⅓ of his entire body; Yun Beishang didn’t waste much time and send a few arrows more while waiting 1 second more for the Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction skill to cool off at last.

Whistle, whistle, whistle…


-958,650, -958,650, -958,650, -958,650.

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!


Spiritual, Semi-Immortal Body Barrier’s HP: [19,206,230,600/20,000,000,000].

Left with not much more MP and Stamina remaining, Yun Beishang quickly deactivated his Tongqiu’s Destruction Combustion skill and sent his Short Bow behind his back with his left arm, his right arm followed suit and went to his back with his hand making a grasping motion while his head was suddenly focusing fully up ahead and above as he began to fall from the sky even faster.



An immense dragon’s head appeared just a couple hundred meters in front of Yun Beishang’s face as he remained skywards, and the raging but not stupidly furious face of the Responsive Dragon had all its majestic enhanced by its raging notion, the dark gold eyes turning as violent and powerful as even a sun could get but without the blindingness of looking at one; or two, for that matter.

Tshin, tshin~!~!~!

With Yun Beishang’s arms remaining behind his back, the bright red on his left and spotless white on his right couldn’t be hidden though, as he gazed upwards with an excited and lust for battle-like demeanor at the yet again approaching Responsive Dragon. With the latter’s jaws opening just slightly yet enough to devour a whole Sub-Division’s walls and furthermore, the Responsive Dragon then arrived before Yun Beishang almost a moment later!




Ssss…Pkan-Ling~!! Pkan-Ling~!!

With the noise surrounding Yun Beishang’s body and the Responsive Dragon’s head seemingly being engulfed by the atmosphere, followed by the Responsive Dragon’s growl as he prepared to much on Yun Beishang, then came the sight of Yun Beishang’s more than 2 meters long old pals’ appearance as he immediately changed the position of his body, rotating it swiftly to stand with his feet at an 90 degree.

His right handed Gladius Sword had its tip aimed at the lower jaw of the Responsive Dragon, while the left handed Glàdius Sword’s tip was instead aimed at the upper jaw of the Responsive Dragon. Both were almost exactly at the middle of the Responsive Dragon’s jaw but not with certainty, and just as there were only about 12 meters separating Yun Beishang’s body and the former’s jaws; Yun Beishang reverse gripped once more his Dual Gladiuses as each Gladius Sword of his was now aiming at the other’s direction instead!

With his right handed Gladius Sword aiming at the upper jaw this time and with his body completely extended out from head to toe, just as his body was only 2 meters away from being slammed by the Responsive Dragon’s jaws, Yun Beishang immediately ‘crouched’ mid air while maintaining the same position and with his right handed Gladius Sword no aiming at the lower jaw yet again!

However, his grip on his Dual Gladiuses were still of that of a reverse grip, but while his right handed gladius and his left handed gladius went back to aiming at the lower and upper jaw respectively; they were much more together and it was even as if Yun Beishang was holding them like a pair of sharp daggers as he sent their tips towards each jaw.

Right half an instant before the tips of his Dual Gladiuses and the face of the Responsive Dragon clashed, there was a sharp suction of air from part of both the Responsive Dragon’s clone and Yun Beishang himself, and with each tip finally getting to touch the face of the former at the edge of their upper and lower jaws each… something unexpected happened!

With Yun Beishang creating another parry, and this time a double parry and still at the perfect evaluation made by the system at that, instead of his body or simply his head being sent flailing away by Yun Beishang’s parries. The Responsive Dragon’s jaws were as if locked tightly shut, not able to move whatsoever nor to even move his own head at once.

And while the Responsive Dragon began to make hard struggles to get rid of such quirky parry effect, that Yun Beishang worked his ass off with his 143,303 Intent hidden stat to achieve, the latter made a quick and ever so agile spin in the same position but with his legs unfolding from his crouching position. As he twirled, Yun Beishang also began to change his body position as it rotated with his head now aiming at the sky, while his legs instead lowered themselves on the Responsive Dragon’s tip of his dragon’s nose.

‘Lowered’ down on the Responsive Dragon’s nose, for as ever since he was dual parried perfectly just now, his entire body could still somehow move, especially his muscles, bones, blood, articulations and even organs inside. However, his neck and head were truly locked in place, and he couldn’t change the direction of his body as it began to fall down and as his body couldn’t really properly move. This time, he was really overwhelmed by this young Evil God’s capabilities indeed!

Tap! Tap, tap, tap, tap tap, tap tap, tap tap tap, taptaptaptaptaptaptap!

Yun Beishang, without letting anything distract him, not that it would be a problem with his current Mental Power, began to rush his way up the Responsive Dragon’s head but…of course he wouldn’t just run up ahead and not take this chance to slash away at the dumbass’s skin, right?

Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity!

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!!!

-821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700, -821,700…

+32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868,+32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868…

Tap taptaptap tap taptaptap taptaptap tap!


With Yun Beishang going higher and higher, the Responsive Dragon’s whole body was continuously falling down at a very fast speed. They were approximately a few kilometers up in the air, but not by that much, and Yun Beishang only had a slight chance to deal as much damage as possible like this. As such, while he kept running and slashing away, he took out a couple of potion from his inventory as to recuperate from his HP and resources as fast as possible even as his Lifesteal+4% was already good enough to recuperate what he lost from using the Dimensional Aperture.

If anything, the Kindness Intermediate-Potion could aid whenever the tic for his Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity cost would pop off and then help up healing him back a little bit. But as for his Benevolent Intermediate-Potion, that one was the most needed so as to use the following Hells Open, Heaven Weep skill in less than a minute or so.

Glu, glu, glu.

+50,424, +500, +500.

+93,390, +93,445, +849, +850.


Slash, slash, slash! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht!


At this moment, Yun Beishang saw his resources going back high up and, as he prepared himself fully, he jumped a little bit as he folded his legs and wielded his old pals each by placing them to his sides and aiming at a 100 degree angle for each side. Then, a ton of gladiuses shadows appeared all around him as he quickly used them both this time to attack at all the sides of the Responsive Dragon.

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

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Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!



-821,700… -821,700,  -821,700,  -821,700,  -821,700,  -821,700, -821,700…

+32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868, +32,868…

Yun Beishang then kept on going forward as the shadows from his Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction began to make destruction all over the Responsive Dragon’s body from the sides, as he took this chance to travel faster but also to use his left handed Gladius Sword to create an incredibly and practically endless trail of a cut as he directly cleaved it deep down the dragon’s body and dragged it along as he ran upwards.

Before long, another such raining barrage of Gladiuses were created from all around Yun Beishang and the Responsive Dragon’s body as they then began to attack the lateral sides of his falling body. All while Yun Beishang was all too joyous, running, hopping, dashing forwards as his own blades continued to make lots of damage to this biger gold colored worm.

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!


And Yun Beishang would’ve wanted to go more and more like this, abusing the parry effects that he placed upon the big ol Responsive Dragon with but all of his efforts. But that was not possible; not because the Responsive Dragon had become free of the restraints from Yun Beishang’s parry, but because his body was about to crash down onto the ground!!

‘Ah, shit.’ Thought Yun Beishang for the last time as he turned his head to look back at the barely a few hundred meters faraway ground with some tiny tree and barely any flora around, let alone animals or flowers and magical herbs or plants at the very least. Then, he turned his head around, his left handed bright red glowing old pal being pulled out from the dragon’s insides and then being placed behind his thighs as Yun Beishang wielded them in a reverse and bent forward ‘V’ shape.

‘Here…I fucking go!’ Yun Beishang’s eyes turned powerfully fierce, wrinkles appeared under his eyes and all on the upper side of his nose, turning him ugly but ferocious furthermore in appearance that if Naty were to see this sight, she would melt and want to ‘appease’ this evil demon inside Yun Beishang by sucking it all out…oh well.

Corporeal Ignition!

Yun Beishang instantly activated this one incredible skill from his Passive Class of the Godly-Masked Instrumental Body; his figure immediately blurred as his body did not even need to be protected by his own Mental Power nor by any other of his own Hidden Stats. And instead of that, he could freely move around as he had nothing to fear from his own and strongest mobility skill!



Moving at a sudden speed of 1,290% Movement Speed, noiseless cracks appeared from the space wherever he passed, while both his Mind-Sensory Gladiuses were now lightly cutting into the Responsive Dragon’s body as he moved at this impossible speed. Doing the required damage as he did as much as walking, just 4 seconds into the running he was making for, he once again used a combo as the tic took another tiny part of his total HP.



-821,700… -821,700,  -821,700,  -821,700,  -821,700…

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl…!


And exactly 7 seconds later, as his figure had long disappeared from where anything could be seen by the naked eye and his Incorporeal Ignition had 4 seconds left of its activation, yet another such combo came to be as Yun Beishang counted with barely any seconds left to leave the Responsive Dragon’s body before it stomped head on first down to the ground.

Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl…!


Tap, tap , taptaptaptap-STOMPSTOMP!!!

With exactly the last second from the Incorporeal Ignition’s activation of 15 seconds, Yun Beishang felt his entire world slow down more than 5 times as he felt himself as if entering another dimension. His feet stomped harshly against the slightly tattered but kinda healed up tail of the Responsive Dragon, bringing with himself still the momentum from his previous extremely fast and long run to jump almost 20 kilometers up in the air. If this was the Earth from before, Yun Beishang would’ve absolutely not have been able to survive this at all.

With his head high up and even thrown a bit backwards and with his chest proudly sticking out as he had his arms and shoulders thrown backwards and a bit downwards as well, Yun Beishang appeared like a carp leaping into the skies so high up that he was genuinely not seen by even telescopes ordinary telescopes when considering the vast magical properties of the skies of Main Kingdom.

Yet, down below, it was a whole different situation as the Responsive Dragon fell, for the first time in his goddamn life, onto the ground because of the fact that he couldn’t maneuver himself and not because he was fighting a brutish animalistic enemy or so. Just as humiliation could be seen etching onto his facial, draconic expression, its face made the earth tremble while the rest of his body falling made it turn into mush and crumble in a few moments, launching lands and mountains and hills all towards the sky a few hundreds of meters as if he was playing in the mud instead of being slammed down; hard.





A completely unwilling but sharp and powerful growl resounded first, before a pitiful cry followed it and became even more memorable than the last. The Responsive Dragon had finally gotten its body’s movements back to normal, yet he was still being overwhelmed by the shockwaves that his own body created at the moment it began to crash against the underground as well.

Fwomp… fwomp… fowmp…

With Yun Beishang tapping in the air constantly every 5 seconds or so as he watched this happen, the body of the Responsive Dragon could be occasionally seen as it was way too large and the depth it took when it dived deep down from the crash was astounding even for Yun Beishang who had already expected a great catastrophe from the beginning.

As a lackadaisical expression took a good and solid form on his face, Yun Beishang then slowly relaxed it, not voluntarily as he had stopped hearing the Responsive Dragon’s ashamed roars and as only dust was visible for the naked eye. Sure enough, as Yun Beishang was looking down with his left hand holding a Compact Bow, a pair of mighty dark golden eyes could barely be discernible through the dust and dirt flying around before a…


…an utterly heaven shaking roar came out directly from where those eyes came from.

Spiritual, Semi-Immortal Body Barrier’s HP: [17,552,148,500/20,000,000,000].

 Yun Beishang: “...”

The Responsive Dragon: “...”

Yun Beishang looked at the Responsive Dragon, and the Responsive Dragon looked back at him; with this one, single glare to one another, they then silently began moving. The Responsive Dragon began moving slowly, throwing his head around and in several twirling motions as he began elevating his entire body all at once instead of starting from his head first.

On the other hand, Yun Beishang made a couple more taps in the air with the soles of his feet alternatively before slowly allowing himself to begin to fall down at an extremely slow speed.

One was rising to the skies, starting slowly. While the other, was more of a slowly diving deep down directly from the not that high skies without any movement other than that of his body rotating to have his head point downwards, just as the Responsive Dragon has had attempted to lunge at him twice before already.



Both were looking at the other’s eyes and scrunched up their noses, appearing fierce and even bestial to some degree as well as…all too mighty!

And then, Yun Beishang burned his already goldish and slightly light violet aura as it now became slightly reddish, cracks and webs appearing all around him as he suddenly stopped falling downwards. His legs folded and he crouched upside down, the Responsive Dragon emitted no change at all whatsoever even as he knew what was coming next, simply maintaining his glare all the same.

And then… and then it finally happened as Yun Beishang had an entire web of cracks as if space itself was collapsing from his mere simple motions alone. His face turning extremely fierce and extremely calm as a feral glint went flashing through his eyes.

Incorporeal Ignition!!



Let It Rain's Note: Yeah, something tells me this one is going to take a bit more than expected, or maybe the appropriate amount of content, hmmmm~!

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