Bow and Arrow

Chapter 466: Chapter 464 — Road Of The Evil God (6—Last Part)

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Road Of The Evil God (6—Last Part)




About a few hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the testing trial of the duel between Yun Beishang and the clone of the Responsive Dragon at the Mythical grade; where a few million of kilometers weren't wrong to be estimated to be the distance between the area of the battle and where 4 figures were walking around at. Naturally, the direction that they were going in was the one where Yun Beishang was battling the Responsive Dragon, and those 4 figures were none other than Zachary and his 3 deary lovers.

“Zachy, do you see anything? I think I just saw a huge cloud come down from somewhere around…’there’.” Pointing at a certain spot very, very far away in the distance, Delicate Figure amicably said while somewhat tired and bored. Zach looked back and saw the youngest appear haggard and pouty, making a tiny but sweet smile form on his lips as his eyes squinted, “Mm. I saw it too, I think there will b-”

Paaah…!!!! Crr… cr… cr… cr…r…crr…


“Wow, what the fuck?! Hey everyone, Zach? What is going on?” Delicate Hands said as he sent his arms to the sides, trying to catch air so as to not be flung away by the intense rumbling that seemingly began from very far away. Zach was too scared silly to respond right away and it was only the oldest, Delicate Feet, who brought the former back to Main Kingdom. “Little Zach, isn’t this what happened to you some time ago? Is this somehow a coincidence or did we just meet an unknown event?”

“Oh…” Zach fell in ponderment while the other 3 were grabbing at one another to make sure no one fell or was fung away by the quaking ground, as if there was a huge playful worm underneath that was trying to prank them nonstop. After a few more seconds and as Zach was finishing thinking hard, the rumbling stopped while Zach said in a light but cheered up tone, “I think so! But it is so far away, even more so than before, what will we do? I don’t think we can reach there before anything that is happening is finished.”

“Mm,” Farr, the oldest, once again spoke with a light hum as he then helped everyone stabilize before continuing as he looked down below at Zach; aka Lotion Lost. “Are you still streaming? Simply try to record it all and we’ll see what can be done as we go towards it, for now, just maintain the angle there. Maybe even we can see something from the streaming’s features, how many viewers are there now?”

“Oh, there are only 5,732. Most of my fans are hard at farming or so,” while Zach was busy looking at his available loyal fans, Farr was entering the in game forums as he clicked on his one and only favorited stream, instantly reading out a title that said ‘traveling with family, traveling with the heart, I can even hear my own smile’.

…Restraining his own fit of laughter that was full of teasing and joy, Farr was barely able to hoarsely say in a low but accidentally deep tone, appearing sickly or even troubled. “Zach-y… changeit-cha-change the title to, uh…’Sightseeings of two unrivaled NPCs fighting in the middle of nowhere of the Bright Sunset Region’; I think that will do the trick. Who knows, maybe this time you’ll get to show it to the world at last.”

“Oh? Oh! Mm!” Zach responded swiftly to the oldest from trio of brothers, his hands and fingers moving on an interface instead of using his mind, as it was habitual of Zach. After a little while, Zach said with not a mild surprise as well as with joy, “Wow! I got an insta viewership increase of a hundred thousand, haha! It did work, oh waw, maybe I should reward you with a kiss, mwaaah.”

As Zach playfully rewarded the hero with a tender smooch, exchange between two mouths, his ears suddenly stiffened after being ‘tickled’ by ‘something’. Stopping his moving lips out of nowhere and as the commentary section was growing wild with such a scene, and as Farr was a bit confused and Fon and Flo were envious, Zach terrifyingly looked at his left back at where they heard the intense rumbling seemingly originate from…

“Ah…oh, shit! Everybody, ru-” Before his roaring voice could finish saying all those words, the scene of even farther away, there being a tiny but quite large silhouette and then a strange glow suddenly become as big as a mountain and then bigger and bigger than even many mountains added altogether invaded the four’s and those watching the stream’s; eyes!

eeeeeew… peeeeEEEEEEWWWW~...!!

A deafening sound slowly became more and more loud as it suddenly stopped for a few seconds before directly starting again but in a much louder and penetrating volume. Zach and the rest immediately crouched down and felt some apocalyptic despair that they even forgot for complete that they were still in a game, throwing themselves to the ground and seeing a huge ‘tunnel’ of blinding lights come right towards them!

“!!!” As everyone was feeling hopeless, the beam ended up only passing above them for about an entire kilometer above their heads, yet the trees that were close to them were instantly set ablaze with some even starting to rod right away at insane speeds. Without much warning either, the clothes on their bodies became dry before then hot and then swiftly and smoothly disappearing.

Their faces became badly red and terrified. They weren’t afraid of the stream watching this, as one of the streaming features was the anti-nudity setting that would allow the streams to not go +18 in case some weirdos or accidents appeared or occurred. Nope, they were instead terrified at the sensation they felt from the beam that was very well above them.

Their ears had already gone deaf, and the ‘pewing’ sound of the beam was even muted in the stream, but their skin, organs and whatnot felñt so weird below and so close to this beam that they just couldn’t even remember they were humans. It didn’t take long for the intelligent streaming features to choose this image as the preview image of one’s stream, allowing millions to hop in one after the other into Historic Father/Lotion Lost’s stream.

“Wh-wha-what was that…?!” It was only after a while that the four saw the ‘tunnel’ beam disappear slowly on its own and farther into the distance behind them, then a long while later as they recuperated themselves, that Fon spoke out as he stood up first and began helping everyone else up as well.

“I-I don’t know I think tha-” Zach was trying to speak yet again, however, he was also yet again shut the fuck up as there was an even stronger and scarier sound coming out from where the ‘tunnel’ beam came from.

…pak-pak-pak-pak…crrrrrrrrrr~... craaaaaaaaaaaaaa~...



“Holy shit!!” The four began to scream crazily, not because of the rumbling, but because they saw that the ground no longer appeared to be the ground and instead became like a brown, green and yellowish sea of mud and dust and stone; flying about all around an immense scope of terrain that they couldn’t even imagine. Waves after waves of ondulations were made as if the ground was a mere body of water and as huge droplets fell down in the middle.

As the waves and waves of rumbling and shaking were continuous and seemingly never ending, they slowly came to a halt while some more rumbling was still being heard. Then, out of nowhere and just as the calm and blissful peacefulness was returning to everyone’s mindsets, a couple of tiny but heartstopping sounds came to be from the distance as well, followed by the sound of an unimaginably large object falling from the sky.

…pkan-ling~, pkan-ling~... … … … … … … … …

The crying of the air being torn, the rumbling of the skies and the fearful ground trembling and shaking to the incoming falling object; all of it made the spectators of Zach’s stream comment so much that the comments were temporarily disabled and as a moderator of the forums took a bit of charge. As there was already an entire billion people watching this stream. Naturally, it was also pinned in the streaming features of the forums too.

And before long, just a quarter of a minute later, an even stronger, heavier, messier, unthinkable, mad and totally terrifying shaking, rumbling, destruction of the entire ground, plains that reached many times that from what the naked eye could see; all of it started as the ground now seemingly turned completely from solid to liquid. There were ‘tsunamis’ of such things from a plethora and unknown of different materials that were sent to the sky, flying around and in industrial amounts nonstop and all over the entire plains.

It was a majestic, but terrifying, sight to behold as all life and healing that was being made by Adorevia’s sacrifice was being somewhat rendered useless with all these apocalyptic motions. As if the underground was rebelling and wanted all life and peace from the top side to become utterly meaningless and lifeless, it went on for a long time; some from the viewership swore to have heard an even scarier but very brief whistling sound, while the four who witnessed it first handedly could very well hear it. They just simply weren’t in their right mind to comment on it.

Just as the rumbling stopped, and everyone witnessing this in many forms finally had their lungs take a break from the tension and tightness. A very clear and audible, as well as loud and earraping whistling and ‘pewing’ sound started them all as everyone could finally see a few shadows very far away in the distance. Though the smoke and dust around made it hard to discern, even as there was barely any mountains, hills and trees or so around as that made it even easier to see what they couldn’t see before.


“Aahh!” As Zach held his hands to his ears in pain, his eyes bloodied a lot but thankfully did not end up bleeding out, as the trio around him did the same but weren’t like Zach who then looked far up ahead and as if seeing something.  His eyes bloody, a single, almost well defined and stopped in time figure was visible through the smoke but only the darkest of shadows were available for him to see as a shadow whose size was enough to give all of New Earth’s population of humans and whatnot a heartattack and exterminate them all.

Yet, that obscure figure that was ‘fighting’ such a monster wasn’t even the least afraid, brandishing its own blades crazily and unstoppably at the same time. His figure crashing with the insurmountably ginormous one, there was a harsh colliding event as it was the immense one to be flung away while the smallest one in comparison remained not only in the air but also unaffected by the ginormous monster.

As the obscured shadow flung his ‘long swords’ nonstop, being flung here and there but seemingly not being affected whatsoever, Zach’s eyes were robbed away from their light as he was wonderstruck watching this play unfold to his eyes only; alone.

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But then…


An even deafening beam resounded, as there was barely anything remaining still, the sound that it produced was endless times more powerful, expansive and horrendously deafening still. Yet, Zach remained unmoved, gazing as the obscured shadow was ‘hidden’ by the same ‘tunnel’ beam from before. What he could see was simply capable of making anyone go mad should this be real life, but what others could see unlike him was all too magnificently beautiful and destructive.


As the beam was shot into the sky, it being as wide as several of the largest buildings of New Earth all added up together and longer than the skies themselves was shot infinitely from way below from where the four were experiencing and Zach was streaming this. So many colors, all in the form of the tiniest of substances of a semi-liquid and semi-solid state, sent as a laser beam of unknown properties illuminated everything of the plains that had been very well utterly destroyed.

“Woah…” At once, Zach felt his entire being touched, so much he wanted to cry like a newborn baby right now. So much that he didn’t mind that it was now blood coming from his lacrimals instead of the habitual teardrops that one could ever excrete from their ordinary lacrimals. And everyone else was just as silent, stolen of their intelligence…and enchanted.

The beauty of destruction, as everything was now barren and ugly to look at, nothing like the meadows and plains that they were not even 5 minutes ago. The lights all changing colors as they illuminated everything in several different colors, each tiny spot of the endless plains being illuminated by a different color several times each instant…it was all too heavenly to look at. To marvel, to be glad to witness.

Then, all of it turned off and, as the ‘tunnel’ beam was starting to disappear, it wasn’t only Zach this time as they could see the shadowed huge unknown monster be attacked swiftly as a barely visible object could be seen thrown towards it from above. While everyone believed and trusted their own judgment in the fact that the one fighting this monster was now long gone, the sight of another incoming attack from an unknown source made their hearts leap and their brains to buzz with endless electricity!

For as they suddenly saw how a smallest of obscured figures was seemingly facing the bigger monster below, and then shot an incredible large amount of projectiles towards that monster!

“... … … … … … … …” There was only silence, but even if there was to be the possibility to at least comment or for the notifications of donations, none would be there as everyone’s souls were fully taken hostage, and willingly, from the images of their screens of interfaces. Too busy to even doubt the move that the smaller obscure figure was any worth it, there was then the opening of eyes that marked the greatest veneration of all Rising Essence’s playerbase.

And then… then it finally fucking happened.




More rumbling, but now, more impossible godly than ever. It was now that everyone who was watching this… finally realized the wonders of Main Kingdom itself; herself. As it could give birth to such monsters such as these, and even as there was a much stronger of about everything going on right now, even the four of Zach and his lovely darlings were rooted on the spot without moving an inch by themselves besides that from the ground they were stepping on.

Even as the waves from the ground reached the one where they were standing on, as if they were glued to it, they never separated from it nor reacted accordingly to the situation; being so lost in the watching of this magnificence entirely.

Yet, before they could be awoken from the stupor, the same kind of movements were mimicked yet again as the ones already ongoing were beginning to come to a stop. Intensely and right after, the shaking continued once more…


“... … … … … … …” It was only after a long while that they finally receded that they saw the two figures slowly be illuminated by the still bright sun, as if life was still a thing, for as the sun began to fall on those two obscured figures at last. With a mere slight pause, the entire thing was then resumed as the bigger monster flew to the sky and then landed on the ground, even as it was ‘mild’ compared to anything the’ve been feeling so far, there were still clear and ever so obvious tremors going on from the bigger monster’s landing alone on the fours’ feet.

And right after, they were still amazed but much more tranquil in comparison to before as they saw the small monster send another bout of blades towards the bigger monster, sending it away and creating those small ‘crr’ sounds once again that irked and scratched at the deepest of everyone’s ears.

As the huge body was sent flying away yet again, they saw, at last; its true body!!

An immense dragon, being sent away like it was nothing by a mere small monster as there was then a heart breaking sound of clash breaking and then followed by an even more heartrending sound of the same following right after…


What followed after, they did not know, but only one thing was sure. That was not enough to deal with the dragon, and before anyone could begin to wonder if this was the end of the small monster’s slowly brightening obscured figure, the two monsters began going at each other’s throats once again.

And this time, though, it wasn’t like before as it was move after move and shocking scene after shocking scene. Now, there was the endless, continuous sounds of the same kind of barrage of attack from the humanoid’s blades; over and over, over and over and over again.

Meanwhile, the humanoid was no longer unscathed, as he received an attack or two every now and then from it as well. Only the sounds of the dragon’s body being hit were heard though, as it was the dragon’s body being mostly barraged with the humanoid’s attacks or that one incredible skill, summoning from 200 to 300 shadows of his blades all at the same time.

PAK…PAK…PAK…pkan-ling~...PAK…PAK…pkan-ling~…pew~! THUDDD!


Naturally, this fight that was now taking place, though it was mostly that of the dragon charging, being sent flying away, charging again, sent flying away again and again… The humanoid figure was every now and then struck directly by the dragon’s body, head, tail and so on, as he was able to parry perfectly and flawlessly each and all of the incoming ‘special’ moves that were basically skills in the eyes of players to deal with.

The only method to truly fight the humanoid, as it was so speedy even as the dragon himself was already too fast himself; was to use all of his body at stake to take the small humanoid almost brightly lit figure down.

Over and over again, the humanoid, the dragon; as these untouchable NPCs or named BOSSes were going all out to tear each other apart. Sometimes, even the skill of the humanoid figure was constantly being negated with a paw of the few remaining or the immensely large and just as scary beam that would almost be charged up in just a couple of seconds at most.

Mainly, it was the attacks that the humanoid figure made at melee combat that allowed him to truly engage the dragon like a motherfucking Dragon Slayer. And it was like so that…this one battle of a tattered golden dragon with his body all bloody, mangled and beginning to even decay and a humanoid figure who couldn’t be more perfect to resist this monster, was swiftly coming to an end after 15 minutes of this incessant, intense and high-end brutal and bloody battle!



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