Bow and Arrow

Chapter 48: Chapter 47 — Mortal’s Terror (4)

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Mortal's Terror (4)



Thinking to that point, Tongqiu understood something very important. Even with all his damage, he could get wiped down by a normal class as long as they had a skill or item which allowed them negate, block, parry or completely avoid damage. As long as he were to fail at rapidly killing his enemies then... he may have quite the lots of Defense, sure but... his HP wasn't that amazing. The minimum damage that a player could deal is that of -1 but no one would have so little damage if they were able to rapidly level up, no matter their skill. The game barely came out and there is no guides nor tips anywhere, everyone is experimenting and playing along new friends, lovers, and even relationships with 'things' they never imagined like NPCs.

And there he was, Tongqiu, beating his ass off to solo an Enlightened BOSS all alone. Should he bitterly shake his head or should he simply feel proud? Well, he could do none of those, right now he had to patiently destroy this motherfucker. Thanks to that delicate girl's 'healing', Tongqiu's fatigue had been completely cleansed and he even felt more energetic than when he connected to Rising Essence for the first time today.

'I gotta dinner with the girls, don't wanna miss that.' Smirking derisively to himself, Tongqiu embraced his lecherous self as he then shook his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses a little before gripping them tightly as he made an incredible jump of 7 meters, then he activated Transient Divine Burst before fearlessly crashing against the incoming left palm from the Mortal's Terror!

-1,902, -3,768.


-1,910, MISS, MISS, MISS, -1,920, -1,921,  MISS, -1,915, -1,923...

Even though Tongqiu received damage equal to 55% of his HP, even with his boosted defenses and halved damage taken, he still didn't deactivate Transient Divine Burst as he frenziedly thrashed it, when the palm actually intended to squash him like a bug on the floor; Tongqiu slipped through its fingers as then impulsed his body an instant before the Mortal's Terror's hand crashed against the ground. He kept on lashing out at the same very arm until the hand actually turned grey before fissures started 'corroding' the entire arm from which Tongqiu entirely annihilated.

Mortal's Terror HP: [422,710/2,550,000].

He dealt exactly 175,000 damage to its arm before it then became completely useless! He was joyful as he was about to enthusiastically head towards its other arm, however, the thing actually started doing something which scared Tongqiu, he was so close from finishing this floor that it really made him feel despair, even if just a little.

Mortal's Terror layed its head backwards as its mouth finally started to open... to open a little way too damn fucking much!

'Oh- shit!' Easily deducing this actions were to prepare that Wide-Open Bite! skill, which he had no idea how to deal with since it was his very first time dealing with it!

What he saw was dark-brownish goo-like substance that seemed to even have a mind of its own, converging right in front of the painful looking open mouth of the Terror's Mortal. It started congregating in the form of an oval-shaped massive weapon of mass-destruction. It constantly flickered with dark-purple void-like electricity around it as it slowly formed an entirely deep blue colored diamond shaped eye. 

A few seconds after it was completely formed, it expanded through the massive oval-shaped dark-brownish substance, when it fully encompassed the oval-shaped thing it seemed to flicker a little. Tongqiu immediately had his eyes wide opened as he then pulled out his essential weaponry, he aimed at the very center from where the diamond shaped eye first appeared at before letting loose a few arrows without Combustion.

Whoosh!~ ~ ~

At least 5 arrows were shot towards the diamond shaped eye which were also aimed towards the right arm of the Mortal's Terror. Since he was already at its left side, simply moving back and aiming a little was enough for his arrows to accurately land at or close to its right shoulder and torso.

Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

Merely, they didn't do any damage but, it instead added some stacks with an icon of an arm turned grey and with fissures on it. The game couldn't give way more easily as Tongqiu right away understood that with enough stacks, that thing's right arm would be disabled instantly! Cursing himself from being too afraid of using wideshots, Tongqiu got ready instead to do some quick shots at it as he rapidly closed in on the Mortal's Terror unique skill.

At this point, Tongqiu thought to himself 'how good would it be to be able to fly, like, right now? I could just throw weapons without calculating the distance and falling speed...' unfortunately for him, he didn't 'magically' grew wrings or levitated, he himself knew he was fucking around. But he didn't notice, or rather, ignored that his arms were still 'transformed' with the respective colors for each arm, albeit much less prominently than when he enters the 'abnormal' state.

As a couple of wide shots were already shoot at the oval-shaped thingy, Tongqiu then threw all the remaining throwing daggers he had in his inventory. He'd realized, albeit late, that its limbs being slim and creepy were more than just for show. One cannot blame Tongqiu, the Filthy Spawn was quite fragile looking too, but the motherfucker was Tongqiu's first nightmare so he took quite the precautions and never gave in to arrogance or conceitedness. Well, in a BOSS fight, that is.

As for where he threw all his items? To its toes, if it looked weak on its legs in an inhumane way, then surely attacking its toes was the best. They didn't do that much damage though, since only his Physical Power would affect the throw's damage. But it didn't matter, since as long as its toes were either destroyed or the Mortal's Terror itself couldn't handle the pain and fell down... straight onto the oval-shaped object.

It was a simple idea, an end goal. But it definitely was a work in progress as he wasn't sure if he'd be able to deal enough damage to its feet before that thing went POM, and pulverized his useless tiny existence, and seeing how not even the blade from Utter Terror managed to hurt itself, he may as well believe it cannot accidentally kill itself unless it used the no-longer available Fake-Essence hidden inside its body.

Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok!

Tongqiu was glad as he heard the 8 or so arrows knock on the Mortal's Terror arm as it suddenly let out a grieving GROWWWRRGHHGKKK! before sounds of something drying up extremely quickly and cracking a little were heard. Obviously deducing it had something to do with his plan working; however, he had a chill on his back as he thought about the 12 or so wideshots he just shoot, that should've been 24 arrows knocking at the Mortal's Terror right arm but, only about 8 of them managed to reach their destination. Once again, he was glad of his cautiousness but he still didn't turn his head to see if it really worked or not, he had to make this bastard eat back whatever it just threw up.

-57, -23, -44, -77, -28, -52, -63, -59...

Throwing daggers at this thing was really kinda useless, but that fact wasn't enough to stop Tongqiu as he threw his last few hundreds of throwing daggers. But now he still had quite a few seconds before he could arrive so he unhesitatingly began pulling out any kind of weapons he still had.

-529, -582, -571, -551, -590, -601...

He got rid of all of his inventory quite fast, everything that wasn't at least valuable grade was destroyed upon impact, just to showcase Tongqiu's urgency and desperation. The few Valuable and even fewer Powerful items he had merely made a 'Kn-Shlck' noise before their light went off.

'Still not enough...' Tongqiu wasn't willing, but it was now or never, so he threw his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius towards the foot he was so painstakingly attacking until its toes were beyond deformation. Enraged to the thought of momentarily losing one of Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius, Tongqiu used more than necessary strength and as a result, there was a sharp deafening sound when the gladius was thrown.



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Still having his legs and feet move at an inconceivable speed ever since he started to run towards the sick and ill looking bizarre feet of the Mortal's Terror, he finally arrived at its right feet as his eyes widened once more in joy when he heard the familiar noise of 'something' drying up before rapidly starting to crack all over.

It was surely a disgusting sight and even more so for the obvious discrepancy of its limbs.

Tongqiu was about to start his frenzy of attacks on its foot but then he felt that something was strange as he looked up... he overestimated the Mortal's Terror's balance, as it was already falling down on him. That few hundred meters large torso was enough to completely make a tired enough Tongqiu a nice little meat paste. But before he could even start thinking of a way to get out of such shitty situation, a sharp extensive sound of an explosion was heard right above the now rapidly falling body of the Mortal's Terror.

Right after the sound, the Mortal's Terror's body was abruptly pushed downwards, right about to smash Tongqiu into a haze of blood and gore. But then, as if it was still caught in the explosion, the Mortal's Terror's body was also pushed towards the general position where Tongqiu was. As such, he still had time to run in the opposite side and save himself from such shameful and unexpected death, but could he be as fast as needed?

Needless to say, he didn't care about whether or not he could since there was nothing else but to run!

Not even giving his poor Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius on the floor another glance, he rapidly moved towards the opposite direction that the colossal and now scary monstrous body was falling to as he also pulled away the other one to his bag. Tongqiu was now crazily, despairingly and really, really fucking mad towards the fact he just wouldn't have time enough to take a breather.

'Just who the fuck designed this BOSS? Don't let me find you, don't let me find you, don't let me find you, don't let me find you...' As Tongqiu was devotedly repeating his mantra over and over again, the Mortal's Terror's body had already lowered all the way down to two meters above Tongqiu and still coming down... 

Tongqiu's eyes rotated here and there, incessantly moving to calculate in the most primitive and instinctive of ways to design whatever strategy or plan he could come up with! Bend your back! As Tongqiu thought about such a thing, ignoring the discomfort of having his hips recklessly rocketed around by his legs which were now leaving a few afterimages every now and then as he kept running like the madman he needed to become, to survive this BOSS fight!

The time limit was ever closer, the Mortal's Terror was barely a few inches above Tongqiu's normal height as he was still bent over while running. It was exactly at this moment, where he felt all the noises go away, no longer hearing even his own deadpan heartbeat imploring him to cease this lunacy! The smell of dust covering the whole area after so many explosions and so many hard strikes against the ground, and couple with the fact that there's barely any air if only just to calmly breathe, that Tongqiu even felt that he was instead in the middle of a dried forest or a barren terrain were also all completely gone. The only 'thing' that remained was Tongqiu's vision as even the sensation of having his body move and his feet crash against the ground were totally nullified; he couldn't even feel himself putting strength into his legs so it wasn't a numb type of feeling, just to check he checked if his speed was the same that minutes prior this strange developments unfolded, strangely though he didn't consider the fact that he could just go back to his previous recent memories like it was nothing while still having full control of his actions without feeling distracted, nor burdened nor restrained as if it was something he was always supposed to have known but merely decided not to care about, which was obviously not the case.

Nevertheless, Tongqiu's eyes turned strange as a violet void-like color swept past them for less than a nanosecond. He suddenly felt not as if he was running away from an imminent crushing death, on the ground; but instead he felt as if he could very well be walking up a wall instead, even walking that same very wall horizontally from east to west and from west to east...

'Wait a minute! This...' Tongqiu's eyes turned fierce as he was having that feeling of going against gravity and starting to walk on the wall when he was clearly on the ground still. Then, he had an absurd and silly idea, what if he was not going up, not going left-west or right-east, but instead he went down?

Maybe ignoring the fact, maybe not even recognizing what he was doing but, just like that Tongqiu changed his view, and now his 'view' was that of him going down. Since he was doing so, then naturally... he was going faster!


Tongqiu's figure suddenly became like that of an unstoppable moving object which was in a free fall yet seemed to carry the world itself's own laws as his body even seemed pressured, as if he wasn't going fast enough and the space around him was aiding him in recovering that 'reality'. As such, Tongqiu was going at a speed that he himself couldn't even understand himself anymore and as a result, he no longer felt his body and even he felt as if he was evaporating, slowly dissolving as his body was being enveloped by a platinum-grey, bright-metallic essence as well as another essence which was the most beautiful purest of white colors that was intertwining with the platinum-grey, bright metallic essence.

He then closed his eyes as he 'let go' as his head layed back onto the nothing, dissolving into nothing. Right before both his closed eyes were about to disappear and as they were being surrounded by those two similarly colored essences instead of his head, Tongqiu abruptly opened as the pupils of his very own eyes constricted to the minimum, and in that diminute point he had for pupils he saw the shadowy figure he met when he selected his race, he remembered how it came and went, as if nothing could detain it... before closing his eyes once again, as he then thoroughly became nothing.

. . .

Right down below the falling Mortal's Terror's body, there was a gush of wind yet not a gush of wind that was moving in the opposite direction from where the colossal abomination's fall was directed at; wherever that 'gush of wind' passed, all sounds in a 250 radius meters would disappear, while all kinds of smells would be gone. It had a strange sensation once it was glanced upon, but that was not possible to witness since not even Tongqiu himself could take a look at 'himself'. Nevertheless, he was now exceedingly fast, to a speed that's absolutely not possible for a normal human being to possess. It was also quite close to getting rid of the sad fate of being crushed and obliterated into gore, but the Mortal's Terror's body itself was also already only a few inches above the ground as the 'gush of wind' was infinitely close to freedom!

All of this merely happened in less than 13 seconds. Tongqiu took 7 seconds to 'become' nothing, while the 'gush of wind' merely needed 2 seconds to traverse 3 times what Tongqiu did in those 7 seconds. Two seconds later, it was already somewhat close to saving himself. And the last two seconds gave Tongqiu a glint of hope, he may be able to do it. He really, really, really didn't wanted to fail the floor's objective at this time, if he had his corporeal form, his face would be dead serious and his eyes determination to no end.

. . .

It was the moment of truth, the Mortal's Terror's body was now less than half a centimeter and the 'gush of wind' needed merely less than a fraction of a second to fully exit the area where the Mortal's Terror body would fall! 


Tongqiu's 'gush of wind' was then revoked, his body immediately 'popping' up from the platinum-grey, bright metallic and purest of white colors essences as they moved on to merge inside his body right at the instant he appeared through the back of his shoulders. His upper body, was safe. His lower body, however... Tongqiu could only react with his humanely limited actions as he positioned his arm and left shoulder to roll towards his left, but at the same time, his left leg which he was about to fold so as to successfully roll over- was ruthlessly snapped inversely and as the unnatural bending of his left leg collided with the ground, his body was rocketed at impossible, absurd speeds against the floor with his head meeting it before any part of his body could.


*PING*... you're in a Stunned, Dizzy, Confused and Chaotic Mind state for 40 seconds!

*PING*... your willpower is beyond calculable levels. Your Mental Power also grants you an immensely brutal recovery at all mentally negative states. Duration of Stun, Dizziness, Confusion and Chaos are reduced to .25 seconds.

"Eeurrgghhh!" Tongqiu abruptly raised his body with his arms supporting his upper body. He didn't need to check himself up to know that his left leg was long gone though still attached at his body and that his right leg, specially his knee, suffered serious injuries. His eyes were red, almost completely red and savage! His head had his forehead bleeding so profusely that it was rare there wasn't any white color peeking out or chunks of brain matter plastered around his face. His chest was roughly caved in as the rest of his torso had extremely unsightly, extended cuts in which each cut had his skin 'folded' as it exposed his internal muscles in some places while merely meat and blood leaking out in others. As for his ribs... mostly were broken, Tongqiu knew he could still move thanks to his unusually and equally high DET and REC. Probably even WIS aided in his still standing and alive body. It hurt like fucking hell though, not even his skirmish at the party that other day was this bad, not even when he was beaten half to death and thrown to the streets when he was 12-13.

In short, 'fucking hurts'.




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