Bow and Arrow

Chapter 480: Chapter 478 — Essential Armament, Merge!

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Essential Armament, Merge!




"Woa-haow! This is... this is it! Master has made such a beautiful, beautiful thing!" A young maid as she hopped 3 meters into the air, over and over again with her little feet cracking the ground and terminating the lives of a few grasses in the process. When she was reminded to take care of the land that was now going to be theirs, and should hence be taken care of by the owners. To which the young maid flushed slightly and behaved more properly, ah.

Now, what everyone could see might not be exactly the same, especially since those that do not belong directly to The Order were even farther away and on a higher ground than those who were, yet, that gate now opening as the sun was barely getting to stand high up directly above their heads was still somewhat visible on the side from where the castle had its western side standing up almighty, higher than even the Stage 3 Castle of the Guerilla Guild's tallest constructions and buildings.

The castles were about an actual astounding height of unthinkably 300 meters tall, as for their thickness, only Yun Beishang could know for now, but as for those looking from high up, they could tell it was really something grand. There were smallest ‘sections’ every 25 meters from down below at the foundations of the walls to way up at its top, seemingly being each a different floor to manage the walls all around the Castle.

But for what was inside and what each of these floors had when it comes to their dimensions, once again, only Yun Beishang could know at the moment while the rest were just getting insanely provoked and forced into intrigue as well as amazement. As the gates opened, the people on the rocky mountains all received an invitation directly from The Order, through their Alliance, as well as notifications from the obtainment of the same.

As everyone began to move down the rocky mountains’ humps and bumps, the Eastern Gates were already wide opened and people from The Order entered it smoothly. Even from afar, the guests could barely see what was inside of it, it was as if the distance between their current location and the first few tall buildings and constructions inside these walls was simply utterly ridiculous. Which was, indeed, the truth.

As Yun Beishang, who was in the very center of the ‘Stage 1 Castle’ since he placed the entire ‘thing’ that might as well be called his masterpiece, the first one if possible, he was already in front of the tallest and largest building as the entire thing wouldn’t kill him by accident as he let it ‘fall down’ onto Main Kingdom from his White Space. Which, by the way, he was sweating profusely even with his high enough stamina of almost 150k Mental Power, Intent and Heart Connection; especially from his Mental Power, since it was the deciding factor when it came to his White Space.

Right now, he was completely impossible to see by anyone’s eyes unless those from The Order were to get into his White Space and come out again, just so they won’t have to go from teleportation point to another, which Yun Beishang built along Yovylnnia’s help while Fiornyo helped them up a bit from the side. This time, no funny business, unfortunately.

Yet, their collaboration as a whole was a goddamn great result and, for starters, Yun Beishang was planning on doing ‘something’ such as these marvelous soon-to-be City and whatnot; all alone. Since, for starters—once again—such thing isn’t meant to be ‘enjoyed’ or used by one person alone!

Still, from all current and already finished project of this ‘Stage 1’ Castle, Yun Beishang did every single thing himself and, if he were not to have Mental Power and the likes of Hidden Stats, he wouldn’t be able to remember every single thing that he did. But, naturally, he does. And were he to go around the entire Castle and were there to be an iota-sized and level kind of difference, he would spot it and frown at it like crazy right away.

Of course, that was something that wasn’t going to happen at all, because he was that goddamn amazing, and because he could have an omnipresent view and knowledge of everything inside his White Space; let alone the creation of such a ginormous ‘thing’ inside of it. Which was one of the main reasons he was able to do all of this on his own, without resorting to too much personnel except for whenever he needed to place the materials around the Castle for the walls one by one and asked his maids to help up.

Now, however, in comparison to the more than 1,000,000 kilometers of free, entirely flat land; his Castle’s walls took about ⅔ already. The walls were so extensively large and went around in a whole circle instead of a square or rectangle, or any other geometrical shape for that matter. And the best of it was, most of the inside from such walls was free of land and with so much still left to be done, only, what was required was time for as the most important constructions and so on were already there.

In the future, as Yun Beishang and his Order are ‘out there’ looking for trouble and collecting resources, moving around with impossible means that only he and The Order would have even if the Regional invisible borders were to be opened. Yun Beishang could teleport from one place to another if all things go right by then and he succeeds in his experimentations a good enough amount.

Tiling, tiling… tiling, tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling…

Creating more and more of a lively and ‘full’ place as he finished filling up the rest of the available free, vacant space for construction. But that was a dilemma for the Yun Beishang from the future, right now, Yun Beishang, began to sense and hear tons of activated sounds coming from the grand teleportation point of the Castle of The Order, which was about 10 kilometers away from the ‘main’ building of the entire castle.

Turning around, Yun Beishang grinned as he saw his people leading the way and looking around everywhere with luxurious thoughts and extremely pleased eyes, as if just by looking around they could orgasm from the beauty. He thought, ‘Well, since you’ve fed this man of yours for so long and with such care, always making me roll with warmth and satisfaction, it is time for this man of yours to do the same back to you, my ladies.’

Though a strange thought for the big bad wolf, Yun Beishang; where those adorable silly ‘ladies’ know of his thoughts, they would be the ones melting from the notion instead, all the way. They looked at the monuments, constructions, decorative constructions and buildings of all kinds, stores already premeditated, housing, hotels—or rather, Inns—working buildings, recreational areas and so much more.

There was green all around, as well, which wasn’t a difficult nor unbelievable thing to know or see, as their Yun Beishang was the best Gardener in the entire game, already being in the last few stages of the highest grade known to all the playerbase currently and not just them. However, the main color of the Castle was of a spotless but somehow dull and grayish white, similar to how the walls were entirely but of a much unique light feeling to it.

There was red outlining and even making some random, decorative lines here and there from all over the place. They went from the front of the ‘main’ building all the way to the every corner of each extreme of the Castle to the walls, as it passed through all residential areas, the so many different sections and so on. There was a simple yet efficient idea to all of this and, though Yun Beishang did not saw it like so in the first place, taking a look at the ‘unknown’ dream from back at the White Space’s special quest as well as the Heavenly City of the Bright Sunset Region… he gained inspiration.

Since he wasn’t doing a mere base nor a simple ideal construction for an Association in game, as Yun Beishang was looking for a thing of ‘for good’, he wasn’t planning of making a Region-sized huge, colossal, extremely extensive, large and absurdly big city or even citadel for that matter. No, he was looking to encompass the reach of this ‘Castle’—of his, of theirs—in the future, to encompass all of Main Kingdom, to allow all of its terrain to be the entirety of Main Kingdom, and to protect it from even their own ‘citizens’ all over it.

There was so much, an innumerable fastidious amount of ideas, but only one way to show them. By forging them into true.

Tiling, tiling… tiling… tiling… tiling tiling tiling tiling… tiling tiling tiling tiling tiling tiling…

So, as soon as more and more people began to come out from the grand teleportation point, Yun Beishang sent a certain few bouts of information to the guests as only those directly from The Order or their direct Vassal could see the information that they were dying to know of.

[Techno-Elemental Venerable Rampart]: Type: Defensive Structure, Grade: Spiritual, Durability: 900,000,000, Properties: Tons of lower graded items and a bunch of upper graded items, 2 King’s grade items and 1 Spiritual grade item. Its height goes all the way up to 300 meters as its thickness reaches 210 meters, while its All-Core Elemental Resistance is of 100%. Unknown, powerful and advanced technological and magical items can now be integrated forever with the Techno-Elemental Rampart; Core Elements are incredibly enhanced towards the ally parties and Attack Speed is increased in 40% while Physical Damage and Magical Damage is increased in 30%. It has Damage Rebound of 10 True Damage whenever it is attacked in any form and it is completely anti-teleportation skills and unknown teleportations from within and the outside not authorized by the souls of the guarding protectors. NOTE: no available protectors at the moment.

[All-Mind Sensory Eastern Gate of The Order]: Type: Defensive Gate Structure, Grade: Spiritual, Durability: 1B, Properties: It counts with the same enhanced effects that the walls adhered to this gate is to, but it also has an additional bonus of raw Movement Speed+25% whenever moving in or out in the direction of the gate in question from a maximum distance of 2,000,000 kilometers far away. NOTE: The mind-sensory bonus is capable of allowing members, and only direct members, of The Order to open these gates without the need of manually waiting for the same to be opened.

And when Yun Beishang got to make these beauties at last, along with a certain little part of the Eternal Silhouette Region which has directly advanced in grades ever since the healing of Adorevia began to be spread through all around Main Kingdom, which allowed for not only the making but also the upgrading of these constructions being all of the Spiritual grade as the walls were already too damn amazingly absurd enough.

*PING*'ve successfully built: Techno-Elemental Venerable Rampart, result is as follows: quantity: 1, quality:Peak, difficulty: Lowly King’s.

*PING*'ve successfully built: All-Mind Sensory Eastern Gate of The Order, result is as follows: quantity: 1, quality: Peak, difficulty: Lowly King’s.

Naturally, this information about the walls and the gates, were a shocker for everyone. Especially for those who had surfed through the forums and got in the known of the walls and whatnot that the Stage 3 Guerilla’s Castle had. Just by the simple effects of enhanced Damage it had, without even mentioning the Core Elemental enhancements and even its Resistances, it was on whole new and better levels compared to even the one Luxurious grade gate they had.

The thickness of the walls were already too crazy enough to believe in, and their almost a whole billion of durability set their hearts ablaze, set their hearts fully on fire as they couldn’t think of anymore but the requisite of asking their so called ‘Lord’ for an upgrade; too!

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“Woah, Mr Beishang! H-h-ha-ho-how did you manage to create so many things of this… incredible grade?!” Little Duck quickly asked while still looking down at the information of the walls and the gates on her box of messages’ feature, she was quick witted enough to look at them in adoration and still be able to walk quickly as well as without tripping while eloquently asking the Lord.

If it were to be known by all the playerbase of Rising Essence; of the ‘game’, then it would make all haters shy and hide from their beloved monitor to the point they wouldn’t even dare to look at it too directly. For as the walls of almost all other Castles barely had above 100,000 durability even as most of thos top notch ones were already at the Powerful grade or Magical grade, and only had one effect which was the same for all; that of HP Regeneration+1 per second.

Truly pitiful, alas, what could they do? They improvised most of the buildings and even allowed their Castles to be built by ordinary NPCs, how could it be as amazing as someone with ample Mental Power, Intent and Heart Connection hidden stats that also had not only the ‘incomplete’ Forge and Create Sub-Class branch but had recently acquired the last few ‘points’ needed to be complete?

Naturally, Yun Beishang was once again, king when compared to other players’ doings and there was no denying that. But that was not all, as Yun Beishang sent another few messages, this time consisting of an image and an explanation followed by the information of the item in question that was ‘hidden’ and well ‘incrusted’ into the walls and gates as well from all over within what was being surrounded by the same.

The image was of a disk-like object, but it was nothing like the flying disks of the Heavenly Citadel of the Bright Sunset Region, as they were instead the size of a male adult’s arm from the elbow to the tips of their fingers. As for their width, it was about that of two male adults’ heads, with a thickness of only 4 inches which was the thickest at the center and even looked like a miniature scutum type of shield.

It had navy blue as the main color, and on its borders were completely carbon black from the front, and while the borders from the back side were the same, the color was instead of a light blue color. It had a gem encrusted into it, light, watery, acquose and even somewhat… ‘alive’. The image was just that, and had no frames whatsoever to speak of, but this much was picked up by anyone who saw it right away.

The following ‘explanation’ was more than anything something made for dummies, a polite introduction of sorts, as the following contents of the item in question were just present to their eyes and they had yet to observe its wonders.

[Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barrier]: Type: Shield, Grade: Spiritual(Heavily Downgraded), Properties: No attack nor substance, even if it is air itself that has hidden within each of its particles a potent malignant intention which not even an existence would know of, could ever think of passing through this barrier. It has a durability equal to that of which it is merged along with, but it regenerates 10% of said durability every minute once it is broken altogether. However, the durability of this will be merged with other Shields of the same type (without caring for the grade) and will sum up to each other instead of receiving different damage depending on the place it is attacked. NOTE: Only direct members of The Order can make use of these items to keep on upgrading them and they will self-destruct with the attempts of a foreign party.

Now, this one was where Yun Beishang had gotten himself such a ripoff! As he collected tons of those broken things back to the Somber Tree region, when he got rid of all those friendly skelly guys, but not only that as he was now able to make some himself!

And that was all thanks to his dear cheating Unusual Space which granted him a bit of insight on the ‘past’ of such technology. Be it as ironic as it could always get, with these cliche ‘the past had better technology than the present and possibly even the future’, and be it as erroneous as it could ever sound; it was the genuine truth as of now for Yun Beishang even believed that Krayeke was the reason these existed in the first place.

Only that was the way Yun Beishang could bring himself to believe in how not even an existence could even be able to not go through this spatial barrier shield at all, even though… Yun Beishang did back then with his incomplete, harmful use of his Evil God Metamorphosis. But to this, Yun Beishang could only give it to the fact that he is the Evil God, even if he was supposedly just the ‘Evil Saint’ back then.

But going back to the real matters of the present, naturally, Yun Beishang also had a new notifications popping up in his retinas whenever he either ‘restored’ to a certain extent these overly powered beauties, or created them himself.

*PING*'ve successfully built: Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barrier, result is as follows: quantity: 7, quality: Top, difficulty: High King’s.

Though they were not of the utmost highest quality, that of peak, they could still be twinkled with after creation as he was not just an experienced Builder but a High King’s grade one. And with that, though some of them were not even Top-Peak grade, with some not even getting to the Advanced-Peak grade even, they could still reach that grade of Peak later on in the future. Anyways, Yun Beishang had a lot of time to spare from when his people would be sowing destruction in the future, yay.

“Oh, well, there is a part from the Eternal Silhouette Region and, me and my people go there from time to time. We usually go every few days, but once we conquer it, we’ll be able to get those items necessary for the still upgrading of this Castle daily. Who knows, we may even get to request for your people to work in the same manner for us. Since, you know, it is only I who can make these kinds of structures alone.” Yun Beishang said with no modesty but no arrogance neither, why would he need to?

And as other people heard his words, they internally nodded fiercely while their heads were already doing the same, unbeknownst to themselves alone. Natalia and a few others stopped their curious hearts and forced themselves to qualm their minds as they went over to Yun Beishang’s side, she particularly hugged his left arm into her almost fully flat torso and placed her head on his shoulder without caring for this lewdest show and display of affection in public.

“Hap!” With a cute noise, Yun Yun took his right side and lovely behaved like a kitten for his enjoyment, while Silha, Little Duck and some others had envious looks, all for different purposes though. Smiling, Yun Beishang could only accept it as he looked at the two of the three first Vassals-to-be of his without counting the Black Lotus League and the Imperishable Guild as well as the Eviscerate League.

“You can all take a look around, in a few days, I’ll start preparing other Inhabitants to help liven up the place. So you have all of today and a couple more days to sightsee, for the moment though, I’ll be unable to make any ‘walls’ or defensive structures of any kind, especially the last one’s type that I sent you. For one, you all still have to prove yourself, and for second and third, you all will only gain that opportunity in the future and when I am available.”

“As such,” Yun Beishang said, looking to his left and right, then stroking Yun Yun’s left side of her face with his right cheek before continuing with a comprehensive voice. “Let’s make a good effort together for what is to come, for now, I’ll take my leave now and meet you in a few days to talk about these things. Enjoy.”

Though Yun Beishang said so many words on his own, he was mentally sweating and stomping his feet inside his head as he wanted to depart from the ‘party’ already. Fortunately, his maids began decorating the place furthermore in their own ways, even placing candles and other wondrous lighting here and there in preparation for the night. Because, indeed, people were bound to spend a couple of days here just to witness the beginning of such an already incredible and beyond belief of a one-man created ‘Castle’.

Yun Beishang was about to leave and go back to the ‘main’ building, to start using the thing that he’s been studying the hardest from, it contained the methods of creating or rather, forging a real Artifact and one that was from divinity. But then, Little Duck extended out her frail hand and spoke in a timid voice.

“Ah, this, Mr Beishang… could we have a moment for ourselves…?” And right after, or rather, at the same time; Silha spoke as well with her big ol sister right behind herself. “Could we have a… urr, moment?”

Looking at each other, the girls didn’t know what to do, wasn’t it supposed to be that he already had all his women completely his? How come there was another who was still leveling up their characters to conquer the BIG BOSS, huh?!

But as they watched each other in confusion and slight rivalry, Natalia and Yun Yun both gave Yun Beishang a knowing look, speaking with their hearts a few words.

‘Go and take them, my husband.’

‘Brother, you must not go too fast, they are a bit naive and strong willed. Be careful with them and just show them around, do not be too naughty, alright? I already know what you did before…’

Yun Beishang: (゚Д゚;∬ … d(´¬`)b



V5: #3 8/10.

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