Bow and Arrow

Chapter 486: Chapter 484 — That One Threesome, And A Little Nightly Chat

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That One Threesome, And A Little Nightly Chat




[Vicissitudes of Life]: Type: Essence(Armament Bow), Grade: ???, Equipment Requirements: Approval and Acknowledgement from their previous Master and an extremely talented individual with unimaginable potential. Properties: Only an incomparable God can truly manage to incorporate such a being. Effect: ???, Owner: Tongqiu - Yun Beishang.

[Void Jumping Star]: Type: Essence(Armament Arrow), Grade: ???, Equipment Requirements: Approval and Acknowledgement from their previous Master and an extremely talented individual with unimaginable potential. Properties: Only an incomparable God can truly manage to incorporate such a being. Effects: ???, Owner: Tongqiu - Yun Beishang.

'Hmm.' Yun Beishang responded meekly even though there was the only and single diminutive change of there being an extra word or 'Armament' before both 'Bow' and 'Arrow'. His face calmed down and as if having just recovered and freshened up from a huge headache, because headaches are horrible after all. He, additionally, had a wide but thin smile with his lips closed together as he gazed at the pair of strong and no longer ethereal ‘boys’ but fully solid and real hovering above himself and to his front.

Slowly, the Bow and the Arrow began to shrink in size. After all, since they were such truly god-like Essential Armaments, such a small and unimportant problem such as their size would never be an actual problem. As such, the pair of newly created Essential Arsenal in Yun Beishang’s bag became as large as only 3 meters long for the Bow and almost 2 meters for the Arrow.

Soon, Yun Beishang changed their size to another few, smaller, larger, and the like; but always having a minimum thickness of 40 centimeters for the Bow and down to 25 centimeters for the Arrow. As Yun Beishang played with them, Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star glowed and made cutest tiniest of sounds nonstop, with Yun Beishang even sending them up to the air and then catching them below as if they were dumb babies. Cute, adorable but dumb ones.

“Congratulations, my big big hubby,” Katia’s ethereal and light toned voice came from his back. Yun Beishang turned his head around with his Essential Armament in hand and looked at a beauty so enchanting he lost himself for a few moments. At last, he sobered up with a few glowing and warm sensations from his ‘kids’ and spoke to her in return. “Mm, thank you, Katia. Now… why don’t you go back, eh? I’ll visit you soon after, I promise~.”

“Huh?” But Katia gave a harsh glance with her left eyebrow lifted and her ethereal left hand on her childbearing hip. “Do I need you to remind me, eh, do I need your protection? Hm, hum~!”

Sounding so coquettish and girly, besides being astounded and feeling as if he’s discovered a brand new Universal Land, Yun Beishang then turned manly but lewdly to look at her as he closed in on her and then took her waist with his left hand; his Bow already watching from behind as it followed Yun Beishang around.

Whispering sweetly into her now hot, small ears, Yun Beishang was the only one to tell such a thing as she was infinitely bonded and linked eternally to her. “What is my toughest wifey saying, ah? Maybe, this little wife is feeling neglected too? I’m such an idiotic husband, alright then, I’ll visit you every night from now on. Since you can’t play with your beloved co-wives, you will be sharing Yun Yun’s time of the night. Don’t be worrier for as she was the one to suggest it, eh, besides Naty, isn’t Yun Yun the best wife as well?”

“Uhh… mn.” Meekly and obediently nodding her head and bumping her forehead lightly against his slightly crooked nose, adorable Katia had her small face cutely charming as Yun Beishang took a lot of satisfaction from taming this wild monster of an almost being.

“Mm, let me show you the others, they’ve been with me even before these two brats did, and they’ve never let me down. Only I was the one to do so as I let them break away against that Harlofk back then. And within them, the true qualities and capabilities of a Divine Artifact are within. I’ve yet to check their information,” Yun Beishang then extended his neck and looked at the two smaller beauties behind Katia before continuing, “So why don’t we check them together?”



“Mn~.” With Rosey being the last to nod her head obediently, which she did after she saw Katia do it again and then Zyv, her cuteness never diminishing as she was then tightened of her right hand’s being gripped by Zyv’s left hand before being walked towards the duo of husband and little wife.

“Okay, here I go.” Now appearing actually nervous, Yun Beishang turned his upper body only around to face his bow and, with an extension of his left arm and its palm opening, the Bow came back to his grip as Yun Beishang then took a few steps back.

Step, step… Step-Step!

Since this was the first time he was to do it, Yun Beishang felt a bit excited but more apprehensive, what if he did something, anything; wrong? This was not due to his inexperience or lack of confidence but his simple and genuine damn care for them, not wanting to break them was natural, but thinking that such a large step for them could hard them was a bit panicky but still somewhat natural.

‘Here we go.’ Yun Beishang spoke the same again, but this time along with not just him and the Bow and Arrow but with his old pals as well. After all, his old pals were no supposedly the Mind-Sensory Divine Artifact, so the true body of the same and his old pals were now the same. In any case, the ‘old pals’ was no longer from 2 different sources but an infinite now.

That is, because the Half-Divine and Pseudo-Artifact qualities and trajectory of the previous Mind-Sensory was limited to a certain types of weapons, with the unlimited amount being only that to change their shape which was something Yun Beishang adored but felt limited about at the same time. And now, in retrospect, the true Divine Artifact that the Mind-Sensory now is, had instead the full capabilities for the big world ‘limitless’.


Yun Beishang suddenly raised his hands with his elbows bending, his hands barely standing between his shoulder and below his jaw, his Essential Bow was now held by both his hands and as his Essential Arrow never left his left hand, Vicissitudes of Life’s body and Void Jumping Star’s body were tightly ‘hugged’ against each other.

Without giving it more than 3 seconds in that very same position, however, and as a ton of endless mighty waves went out from both their bodies but at small scales. Yun Beishang’s hands that were then holding his own Essential Armament at the same time and were positioned in front of his collarbone with a distance of 40 centimeters then made a tighter grip.


As there was a sound that seemed to come from the void itself and in a very damned strong manner, bright red and spotless white emanated from the center of where Yun Beishang was holding with both his hands. His shoulders then pike up out of nowhere and made his arms arch upwards in an instant, with this one motion, his elbows were suddenly pointing to the ceiling right behind and atop his ears.

With this extreme angle, and with his fists holding a something bright red and spotless white that was becoming from the body of his Essential Armament Bow and Arrow being placed with their backs just about 4 inches in front of Yun Beishang’s eyes, he then pulled them upwards as a pair of most majestic, luxurious, divine and stainless thick and long blades came out from the quickly dissipating Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star!

A pair of such thick blades completely covered Yun Beishang’s eyes from the front view of the same, his face was stern and deadly-serious as he kept on ‘pulling out’ such blades. At the same time that he was doing so, the Essential Bow and Essential Arrow were, as if being consumed but obviously not by the motions of his body and for their transformation into a pair of blades instead.

Slowly but surely, the previous Essential Bow and Essential Arrow’s images disappeared, and what was only left was that of their colorful extremely powerful glow as they were then adhered to the pair of blades that Yun Beishang was now holding with both his arms spread to the sides and up into the air, making another but more broad arch with his tight grip on a pair of mesmerizingly imperative swords’ handles.

Yun Beishang then fully outstretched his arms to the sides, allowing each humongous sword with handles that were, at the very least, thrice the size of Yun Beishang’s hands to point at his east and west.

“Woah…” Katia immediately became self-absorbed in the moment, the strong glints and eerie fearsomeness from such masterpieces that none other but her husband created making her feel so proud.

“Wow!” Zyv was crazy and wanted to do nothing else but to jump nonstop on the spot but was held back by Little Wolfy as she now sat atop her master’s head. Meanwhile, Rosey was simply wide eyed as her huge eyes were fully dilated, looking at what she knew that—no longer wouldshould be impossible to be successful of, as not even her nor the Leader from back then were able to do. She, because she wasn’t confident, because he, the Leader, was adamant in the fact that even though Rosey wanted to learn, she couldn’t as the Leader himself also couldn’t.

“Hoh… hohoho… HOHOHOHO-kye-ugh, sorry about that, heh~.” Amidst his words, choking and even feeling as if his chest was about to rupture so suddenly, Yun Beishang then calmed down from his euphoric laughter that came out of nowhere. The girls a few meters before him hiding their giggling and teasing each other for it as Yun Beishang felt no shame, the fucker.

“Hum-hehe, my husband, let us see, ah!” Exclaiming at the end as she stepped forwards and as a description window appeared at the handles Yun Beishang was holding as he presented them to his wives and soon-to-be-wife Rosey, Katia began to read the information right away and gasped, making those behind her anxious to read through it again. “Gaaasp!!”

Listening to his wife’s kinda brusque gasp and as she then blushed for 0.1 seconds before hiding it right away, Yun Beishang smirked as he also felt like such when seeing and reading it for himself, hell, his reaction was many more times more exaggerated for fuck’s sake.


Ugkooooh!” While Zyv had a face that said ‘this shit’s broken!’ and as even Little Wolfy on top of the former’s head covered her snout with her paws like Zyv was now doing, equally as cute, Rosey made a choking sound instead as if she couldn’t believe that she was bested.

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[Mind-Sensory Divine Gladius]: Type: Artifact(One-handed Gladius Sword), Grade: Mortal’s Lethal, Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu - Yun Beishang, Evil God Bloodline, Unparalleled Bloodline and Will hidden stat unlocked, Effects: All True Damage received will be either halved or completely nullified with 10% of its total value being completely converted into HP for you. Extra Effect: Can create a shadow of this weapon into a different one of any kind, shape and size, this shadow can have a play into any skill’s effect and synergy. NOTE: These effects vary in the deep bond between the master and the servant.

Naturally, Yun Beishang needed not to once again try and bond with it using Pure’s Essence, as he had already fucking done so with his Essential Bow and Essential Arrow before.

Both gladius swords were completely identical, twins, as if made for each other and to serve Yun Beishang perfectly without any possible probability of failure nor that of a ‘miss’. This, naturally, made Yun Beishang much more bitter when thinking back of the two that he had benefited the most from and had died as well, adding up to a few others already which he didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing anymore.

Pure, the other Mythical Sacred Protectors, Harlofk, the ‘contaminated’ BOSSes of some dungeons and private dungeons, the little girl which was in truth the Goddess… her father. All kinds of faces and heads—from monster-ish and beastly beings—appeared inside his head as he glanced at the two wonderful, majestic Dual Gladius Swords in his hands.

A blade with a spotless platinum-white stainless body but that had some specks of the tiniest of bright dark blood spots all around it; a length of 7 meters and a thickness of 120 centimeters with a width of 2.3 meters. It was crazy enough just to think of these things as swords, or as gladiuses swords. But they were and, in a sense, they were then just a pair of gigantic-sized gladiuses and no greatswords nor broadswords.

Their aesthetic, the same, like a short sword but that was not it, it had a thickness unlike most other types of swords and a width that could be just as special or even more as it is with its thickness.

Naturally, they were not supposed to be just that impossible to wield for Yun Beishang right now, and with just Yun Beishang’s manipulation of his Hidden Stats, they shrunk to a length of 3 meters, width of 81 centimeters and a thickness of about 40 centimeters.

As for the handles, they were so damn large, the size of the blades wasn’t even needed to be counted for them to be that extensively gigantic, and separately they had a length of 70 centimeters, a thickness of 11 centimeters to grab at and of 22 centimeters from where it connected to the blade. The handle itself had a royalty-ish, dragon-like design on it, with the body of such majestic dragons emanating a purely imperious aura that was undeniable all the same; all around the handle itself. Of a dark golden color and dark brown sparkling color as well, with the dragons having the former type of color and the latter being most of what the handle consisted of.


“Woof!” At this time, a tiny wolf cub went over to sit on top of his left shoulder, followed by a sudden piercing whistle as Rosey took Yun Beishang’s left shoulder but without harming Little Wolfy as she was then on Rosey’s lap while the latter moved her feet back and forth while ignorantly looking ahead while sometimes locking those curious and shining eyes of hers on Yun Beishang’s gladiuses.

“It’s so beautiful! Yuppi, mine next, mine neeeeext~!” Katia went over and hugged Yun Beishang’s waist while placing her head on his right shoulder, her armor making nothing to keep her touch and warmth away from him. When Zyv suddenly lunged at him from the back, making a swift and incredibly quick dash around them, playfully ‘begging’ as she would of course not want her big brother wolfy to go through that process again… for the moment.

With warmth smiles being seen like salesmen and saleswomen in a market, the five family members had a group hug which Yun Beishang couldn’t deny to, and as time passed and they were then about to leave to go back up and then log off from the game, a train of thought made the stored Divine Gladiuses inside his body to be filled with a calling.

‘I am now, naming you both, my old pals as… Undeniable Orders!’



KATARINA-1, Yun Beishang’s bedroom, afternoon and close to the evening as the lights were soon to be globally dimmer but still bright enough to see everything clearly.


“A-au-awf! Oouuwrrllf!!” Zyv, on the main bed, which was naturally the small one of the bedroom where Yun Beishang, his sister and little sister Zyv would sleep on a daily basis. Her rack was well high up and, whenever she was to try to lower her bum to rest or to even her upper body, she would be severely punished by a hard squeeze and sudden strong, forced and erratic thrusts in and extremely slow outs.

With the bed sheets covering only her left heel and part of her left shin, her entirely naked body was on all fours at the edge of the bed on the left corner of it. While Sammy, still fully clothed and sweating as tose prominent bunnies heaved up and down and as her camel toe was being thoroughly scratched outwardly and a bit deeper in intermittently.

The poor and lithe small body of Zyv was taking a huge monster from the upper section of her behind, her back quivered nonstop and it would turn like jelly every second a couple of times, every time it did, it would want to go back down only for her whole body to be utterly filled with overly ecstatic shockwaves of pleasure that were not new but always great for her.

“Uwoooooooooooooooh~~~~~~!” Zyv’s eyes were almost to the back of her head, when the sky-blue glowing a white in her iris and pupils pair of dots in her eyeballs receded back to their center as she then said while turning her head with utmost effort—still shaking along with her always harshly trembling thighs and knees on the bed—and her voice quivering every now and then, barely able to speak with the animals inside of her being pulled out through the entire ins and outs.

“Big, Broo-hrooother, I don’t… know why, but… though I always pre-pref-pref-er-it, prefer it in my babymaking tunnel, I… whenever you, ah… inside the, oh, how did you call it? Ah! My ‘chrysanthemum’! Whenever you, eh… enter it, and play, with… it, I… always feels that this is right, EHEHEEEEHH~????~!” Zyv had a tender most silly expression on her face, and it was more so as she would constantly stuck out her tongue and from the looks of it, out of pleasure and comfort.

“That’s it…! Big Brother-Wolfy-do ah-me as, ah… dominate me, more… ugh, show Big… Sister Sammy… how you treat your wives… so that… she grows more addicted, hnnng!” Then, suddenly; Zyv began losing her mind asher body flailed down onto the bed and her kitty’s mouth quivered before engushing the Dragon’s Balls of the extremely pleased Yun Beishang who clutched her flat buttocks without abandon while her ‘chrysanthemum’ indeed began milking his Immortal Dragon like a Goddess.

“Fuuu… Big Brother?” Zyv looked relaxed and with her whole legs still spasming while also shaking altogether in their entirety, eliciting a ‘hm?’ from Yun Beishang as she then added, “It is the 20th time… how about Big Sister Sammy plays with us at last? Please?”

Facing her puppy sky-blue eyes glowing white in her iris and pupils even more as they looked at him, along with the few bites at his moistened Pearls of the Dragon by the same party. Oh, and those teasing ‘tugging’ going on at his Dragon’s Body, Yun Beishang gave in as he looked at Sammy, who in return did a drastic motion with her whole body as Yun Beishang could only helplessly think inside his head.

Kkrreeeee~! Creak! Pah!

Sammy teared apart her clothes fully, making a mess of small smithereens all over the bed, before jumping towards Zyv, not pulling out the monster raping her and then rotating the poor young girl’s body as its mouth made a ‘Kgwgukya!’ squeal before placing her own prominent figure on top of the flat young girl’s body. Then wiggling her bums to provoke a session of that same raping.

‘...Ugh, whatever. I guess I’ll be having a chat with my little monkey later at night, here we go!’


“Kruggghhhh!! Angh????????????.” Sammy gritted her teeth and opened her puckered out, twisted lips as they formed a wonderfully beautiful flower shape on her mouth, tempting the young girl below herself. Not because of pain coming into her senses right away from being plunged at where she wasn’t touching at all before, as it was in fact drenched from her kitty’s drool with the pose she was playing with it all this long; but because she felt inexplicable relief, hotter-than-lava warmth and pleasure to a level very well beyond heavenly.



Yun Beishang: |   ´ω`|φ ┗(・ω・;)┛

Zyv and Sammy: 8====D (‿ꜟ‿)(‿ꜟ‿) ( ෆдෆ)( ෆдෆ)

Let It Rain: ( ・_・)ノ

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