Bow and Arrow

Chapter 489: Chapter 487 — Longing, More Tears And Naughtiness

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Longing, More Tears And Naughtiness




"H-how can this be, ah, Beishang? Bei..." Fosk Yao still had her mouth covered with her own and Yun Beishang's hands, she also tried to speak out a little while accidentally ignoring Fosk Yinlan, and when she noticed of this she tried to amend it but felt way too speechless, nonplussed, dizzy and even more so; incredulous.

“T-th-this, this cannot be, right? Brush-Master, a-are you playing a prank on me??” Since little Fosk Yao couldn’t bring herself to answer to Fosk Yinlan, she turned towards Yun Beishang and asked him in a superficial manner before adding once more, “Could it be,.that the Founding Fosk Clan has adopted me? Because of my name, is it? Or-eh, are you selling me out, Master? To be married with a member of the Fosk Clan? Is it because it was convenient for when I-...”

“Ehem, Yao Yao…” Even though his little monkey said those few words, but they were done so harmlessly and quite a bit naïvely as well, so Yun Beishang was very patient as he held her wrists with both his hands. Not that he wouldn’t be patient if it wasn’t so, but he could understand the mindset of this young girl who… has suffered so much just for the sake and wanting to find her own blood-related family, and that was before even making one of the same herself.

“A, sorry, sorryyy…” Fosk Yao’s eyes gained clarity, their cloudiness washing away by the half an instants with the coming of Yun Beishang’s voice into her ears, his touch and his warmth as she felt the same kind of gaze that would make her everyday filled with uncontainable joy as soon as she felt those eyes set on her; just as much as everyone else who is also her sister.

“Also, Mi-... Elder Yinlan,” Fosk Yao suddenly found herself caught in a great dilemma, she had started bombarding with questions left and right before any real conversation could took place, so she didn’t even know what this whole lot were to her, especially the 2 in front whom she has liked so long ago and were also innately good to her back then when her Master wanted to do a very oh so random trip to the Fosk Clan…

Gasp! Could it be…? Oh, Master…” With her heart feeling overly touched, Fosk Yao still steeled her whole self to bow towards the holoscreen, she didn’t stood with her straight back up again, as she felt awkward so she just remained in that pose with her back bent for a little while before speaking at the holoscreen herself. “I apologize for neglecting you earlier, I-I-I… I didn’t know, just didn’t know what to do, sorry…”

“...oh…” With a soft, barely audible exclamation, Fosk Yinlan turned her head to the left to look up at her husband, before looking back at the holoscreen on her side and saying with a mild tone in return. “No, ah, it’s okay, dear Little Yao’er. Um, do you mind if we call you like this, ah… we are-”

But before the overjoyed and overly worried Fosk Yinlan could say so herself, their faces were paused and stiff momentarily as Yun Beishang interrupted them. With a swing of his right hand and arm, creating some weird but awespiring gale in the small room, he loudly spoke, “She is your blood grandmother, and the man next to her on the right is your blood grandfather.”

“In the incidents of about more than a decade ago,” Yun Beishang had a mild but merciless small, and even cheeky, grin on his lips as he held his little monkey’s shoulder with his left hand and arm on her right side. He continued in the same manner as he laid ‘it’ all out, “They were the reason that made your great-great grandparents die and in which your own parents were exiled for no reason whatsoever; as scapegoats.”

“...!” Trembling excessively, Fosk Yinlan began to almost utterly break, with Fosk Deter on her left was all so pale… But Yun Beishang gave them no time to stop him, and it wasn’t like they were to do so even if they could, for as harsh and ruthlessly cruel that doing this is for Fosk Yao and to themselves; but more to themselves. It would, at least, give Fosk Yao the answers she more than fucking deserved!

And they fucking knew that very well themselves…

“But, it’s not like they wanted their own parents to die,” Yun Beishang’s words had already struck Fosk Yao into a daze, and the following ones slowly made her sober up to a most solid mindset, but of also being one that made her tear up as she unwaveringly looked at the 2 on the screen only with a fixated gaze. “Instead, it was just them simply allowing others to plot their parents' death, and they did so very well; I guess it could be said.”

“Afterwards, out of shame and with the endless humiliations coming their way, they banished their son and precious daughter-in-law without remembering to themselves that… they were expecting a child. That was about 17 years ago, and with my Yao Yao already being 16 and close to 17, well…” Yun Beishang looked down to his left, showering his little monkey with a warmth that indicated that the feelings and thoughts she was having, he could understand very well from. 

“So not only did they lose their own parents who, due to their children’s mistakes, had to get into the fray and hold against 2 enemies; one from the front, beasts, and one from the back… ‘others’.” Yun Beishang resumed his cruel ‘motivational’ speech, his eyes sadistically upon both grandparents-in-law of his, “But they even lost their children to their ego and prematurely culminated the life of their one and only grandchildren, for as the mere extensive use of your parents with drugs was too much as soon as you were born. Luckily, my Little Yao’er wasn’t some ordinary human being, were it not for her bloodline… and were it not for a couple of siblings lost in the same kind of trouble… I’m afraid I could have never been with my Little Monkey at all.”

Sniff, gwuah-sniff, sniff.” Without expecting so much from just words right now, the little naïve Fosk Yao turned back to her husband’s face and had a pitiful, big eyed, puffy mouthed and with snot down her nostrils as she appeared nothing else but the most marvelous sight in this cold world to Yun Beishang.

“Master…” Fosk Yao wanted a hug, to bury her head on his chest and be lost in his embrace, but Yun Beishang pulled her up a little, somewhat comically with both her wrists up in the air before lowering her and then saying in an encouraging, but strictly educating tone. “Yao Yao, you still have matters to attend to, don’t be so childish right now, okay?”

He then closened his mouth barely any tiny amount of distance that even with Fosk Yinlan and Fosk Deter’s capabilities, they couldn’t notice thanks to the difficulty of this being a video call and only Fosk Yao was aware of it before his hushed words came directly into her brain. Eliciting an electrifying tingle and a maturity-level up kind of thingy.

“You can be on top of me, under me; all you want and as close as you want later on, so behave for now. Okay?”

“...” Uttering a noiseless ‘mn’, Fosk Yao meekly nodded her small and lightly sobbing teary head obediently. To everyone else on the other side of the video call, however, it merely looked as if Yun Beishang made a silent signal for Fosk Yao to calm down, with the latter comprehending it and doing so right after.

“Well so, now, if you got anything to say…” Yun Beishang faced the video call, his sadistic and hateful tendencies no longer visible as if he really was finally talking to his wife’s family, then finished his words with a few more seconds of the same tone. “Then do it now, we may very well take some time to return to New Earth, it really may be like so.”

“...” Wanting but not being able to, this was a most heinous feeling that both Fosk Deter and Fosk Yinlan began experiencing, and as they were silent with their head lowered, their long lost granddaughter was the one to speak out in the conversation between family members first; magnanimously. “I do not respect you, nor will forgive you for what you’ve done… when I saw my parents, though they looked awful and ugly, I wanted nothing more but to help them and feel a mother’s hug; a father’s hug as well.”

“Something I have never been able to get, and thought that I will never do so as well.” First, Fosk Yao’s face was even somewhat hateful as well, but she then had her head lowered while the rest of her body was straight up, as she then continued with a tiny voice that was yet painfully audible for anyone else on the other side of the call.

“But I wanted nothing more but to drive them away when I saw their eyes, and their intentions, and their lost minds…” Tears began falling down, nothing could stop them, the fuckers. “I gave up on finding my own family, I gave up in believing I deserved one, I even asked my Ma-now husband to give me a lot of time before we could form one-sniff, even as I was feeling envious and joyous at the same time from seeing other madams give birth to his children…”

“And now that I know who you might be, but also of what you’ve done, then…”

“...!!!” Not only were Fosk Yinlan and Fosk Deter now completely shaken and weak at heart, but those who were behind them were just the same, as they were utterly deafened by the silence that Fosk Yao had now created as she finally once again lifted her head and stared into each one of their eyes before letting her gaze stop at her own grandparents.

“...then if you want to have me instead, then…” Not saying ‘be together’ but, ‘wanting me to accept you’; Fosk Yao’s intentions couldn’t be any more clearer. Alas… her next words were jaw dropping, “...then you must start working your asses hard for it! My husband, my Master; has a lot of things to do. If you are so sorry then do what you think is best.”

Her hateful eyes returned but, after just 2 seconds of the same, Fosk Yao’s eyes then turned softer than ever possible they could ever consider themselves to be able to get from her.

“...YES!” Fosk Yinlan, taking a few seconds to respond after 6 of such went out, was only so because of her wholly unbelievable situation and development, she… couldn’t be any more gladder than this. As such, at the 7th second, she finally spoke out abruptly and quite loudly but still with a broken voice, “Whatever it is, for my dear Little Yao’er, whatever you may want, whatever!”

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Now tearing down from her eyes, even Fosk Yao, who had steeled herself to her maximum available, began tearing down in return as well; she was definitely not able to hold it. “Sniff-hua, psft, sniff-haa~!”

With only some moaned sobs, Fosk Yao slowly came into terms to finally having a blood related family. And along with the thought of her own family as well as the blood one she would be making sooner than she expected, Fosk Yao began talking with a positivity she herself did not even know where she brought it out from, with his grandparents and those behind as they were being introduced by none other by Fosk Yinlan and Fosk Deter themselves.

“...What?” Meanwhile, as the grandparents and granddaughter began chattering, first utterly slowly and politely, a pair of couple behind the 2 grandparents began to interact with one another. It wasn’t that visible, but it was obvious, as they were holoscreens’ images that were being transmitted into the room and the eyes of the young man from the young couple were haggard a bit.

Hearing him speak like this, barely noticing her glance on him, the young girl didn’t know whether to smirk sweetly at him, as always, or if to reprimand the dumbo of a fiance she now has. As such, she opened her mouth to innocently say, “Big Brother Dylan, do you really have no other intentions with Cousin Yao Yao?”

Sweating off from his retarded, to die from; mistakes. Fosk Dylan quickly held tighter his darling’s waist from where they were transmitting their holoscreen image, before then saying with a doting and pampering tone, “Of course not, my love. I was a doofus back then, okay? I’m only there for my sweetest Azak, nothing nor no one else, I swear~.”

With his eyes upturned as he lowered his stature and head enough to her shoulder level, Fosk Azak then sweetly smiled after a while with her narrowed, ‘angry’ eyes then suddenly opening normally as she said in an extremely sweet tone. “Well then! That is good, hehe, but Big Brother Dylan now has to apologize to Cousin… in-law?”

Her damn big totally black almond eyes flickering and blinking with innocence and naïvety, along with her pitch-black hair flickering as if made of water itself on her shoulders and on her fiance’s right shoulder. She didn’t notice that such scenario made the previously dumb and retarded as fuck Fosk Dylan to be lost in desire, longing and tenderness.

. . .


About that of an hour and a half later. In the same room as before and with Fosk Yao now sitting on Yun Beishang’s right thigh, showing off a slightly unnecessary but blatantly obvious domination.


“...well then, you’ve met your closest family members. Some others are just way too blood-related distant and have their own different lifestyle to live, how… how are you feeling is-... is our Little Yao’er all alright?” Fosk Yinlan, with Fosk Deter lightly placing his right hand on the right side of her tummy with his arm crossing her lower back, said as she held both her hands under her chin while still standing up.

“Mm, mn!” Fosk Yao did not neglect nor deny the ‘our Little Yao’er’ as she nodded once, her back stuck against Yun Beishang as she then lowered her head, appearing so delicate and vulnerable to her grandparents’ eyes and even more so to Yun Beishang who had a few very ‘reminiscing’ moments from this familiar sight alone.

Then, in complete shyness, she bit her lips as she muttered out her lips through her teet, “Your Little Yao’er is very well and content now, thank you, grandpa and grandma.”

“Oh, also!” Fosk Yao then looked on her back, her nose being accidentally smooched and slightly buried inside her husband’s lips as the latter had a mildly surprised reaction on his eyes as she then continued in a tender tone. “My hubby, my dear Master; has the most important business matters to talk about with you, the current heads of the Fosk Clan. Could you, eh…”

Waving her left hand as she turned back to face the holoscreen, Fosk Yao’s intentions were clear to her grandparents as they nodded and then only needed to do one thing. Fosk Yinlan turned around while Deter was still looking at the couple on the other side of the holoscreen as they fooled respectfully around a little. “Everyone, please leave us…”

Then, on the side of the Founding Fosk Clan, the holoscreens’ images disappeared one after another with a last bow and nod to the heads before waving high up their hands and arms, wildly, at Fosk Yao who barely caught on their acts.

“Sigh, phew~! Okay then, Little Yao’er, Little Shan’er, what is it that you’d like to ask. I’m all ears and willing, yes I am.” Fosk Yinlan’s soft voice was determined, as she looked at her granddaughter with eyes that were full of sincerity as she showed that she remembered and honored the words that Fosk Yao spoke earlier on at the beginning.

The one ‘Little Shan’er’, however, almost couldn't stifle his laughter before his chest let out a completely indiscernible sigh, his chest heaving down quite as memories of the only two person to ever say such to him were nowhere to be found ever since his own parents became worse than certain ‘devils’ themselves.



With Yun Beishang standing up abruptly, she suddenly felt the snake that would turn into a fully ‘Ferocious’ Dragon in but an instant, which would make all eyes, mouths and insides of all women that saw such a trick to turn whorish instantly; herself not excluded at all. It went from her thighs to her slit of love to stop at her back, whereas she felt its scalding hotness as it then slowly subsided.

“Here’s the thing, since I now respect you both, in a very light sense of it.” As Yun Beishang started to speak, his words instantly caught the attention of the two temporary heads of the Founding Fosk Clan, frowning unknowingly at the eerie feeling they were starting to get. Yun Beishang continued as he made their hearts stop for quite a few moments. “And because I now have a reason to forgive you… mildly. I’ll say it and lay it out so simply.”

Bringing both his hands above on his face level, Yun Beishang then slightly flung them forward as he bombarded their ears with those shocking words to stop their hearts with. “You have about 2 years to disband the ‘Founding’ Fosk Clan, you are all free to do whatever you wish, form smaller companies, corporations, living in a village; whatever you want. But you must get rid of the existence of such a title before I feel like doing so myself, and let me tell you, there is not that many who will get these words from me at all.”

“!!!!” Both Fosks turned almost pale in an instant but, their eyes showed some hesitation too, which was incredibly fucking rare. For people who have known the power and the importance of the Founding Fosk Clan not just as protector of humanity but in their hearts as well, as such, for them to have even the slightest traces of hesitation instead of instinctively denying it was but unseen.

“For what, and why, is it that Little Shan’er wishes to do this?” Her heart palpitating and instantly erasing all notions of questioning Yun Beishang, the Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation making billions each week, Fosk Yinlan then had some foreboding sense of greatness that finally surpassed herself in this planet as her eyes widened fully.

“...Hmmmph,” sighing from his nostrils, his chest heaving up and down slowly once, Yun Beishang then ‘confessed’ all while speaking about it so casually and carelessly as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. “In 3 years, 4 at most. There will be historic lessons of there… not being any existing Founding Clan in New Earth anymore.”



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